THU; MI CHIIGAN DAILY Hocking Valley Ry. CONINLGIS 'lI CE,l'1NT Four Trains Daily" 'From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleping Cars on Night Trains Unionl 1)pots5in ToledI and (o- lursslts S. E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martis Detroit, Mic. ~pENOYOURVACATION ON THE GREAT LAKES DETROITI tCLEVELNOD A rie CLEELAND - 5.3 A. M s) slsos s55al to ' Arive DC7ERI- ._ 5.0A M NfCf1A ssS" UMMsi .& .ER DERSo DETROIT ANDCLEVELAND OLYve DTRITMaday IDLY.ad0AP.IM. AriveLEVELMNDy-&.Sl-a59.30 AM. L~eaveaysEVEThurdays1.0 P. M. LrrvDETOITondy 5.3a0urADt. M. oenethDas& FiayC.30EAM. o FourkiacPerSoo," Mareeilu, Minne rodts tasIs~, n Mi~chgnad the West". DAY TRS 3 (includ t',ing.Sunday)lbtweenstlsh DETROIT AND LEVELAND S D MAKNCVI IO -nsdaeverday .3heBig.M. Foipser nlylinet nionepth No isgrealeI tande i.Safecone.cliNAC Ask your nearest agent or write ! L. W. LANDMAN, General Agent J TOLEDO, OHIO COOK HOUSE OpenSite Oourt Doase Square FIRST=CLASS IN ALL BRANCHES $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 Strum tteat and lev ator All sight service SUNAY' vIlaNNRuce A SPECIALTY 50c Each V..enderflp 41 .Gee ne. THE BEST ARGUMENT f We can offer for your a ~ patronage iswe Stand back of everything we Sell. It is always q right if it conies from N this Store. (Give a u i rmoment's considera- tion to these figures. MEN'S SUITS, OVERCOATS AND RAINCOATS from $10, $12., $15, $18, $20, $25 and $30 REULE, CONLIN & FIEGEL 200-202 Main St. i m M) 25,00 New 0,14, K , L31 N as \1 y r.1 i s "c n NwDnrpUP T DATEn'.r +r._ 0 1. . ) ' ,N e .. ' Oebo CENsTis -o. a . ,)' i !.5 "l a NRew,"aze5.,.tteero ' ... ) sor PEhitora i, «.pr.IgiFd a ss ..yLL.D..A Gri Ed t T HE "znissoit0 ESFi:cti I NIIW. a. TAILORING --AND 11-10 PARLORS 11-12 E. Liberty St. New Dieterle Block. We sell direct to you at Wholesale Mill Prices. CALL r AND BE CONVINCED CORRECT DANCI NG TAUG HT (Granger's School for Dancing. Ground Floor on Ilaynard St. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank l I aiv i s o sa tov . ,cpu, 'O. ..) ,v A GlentralBanking IBasiness Transacted lr ( Ru E :us'Clas. F. isSCl. ,P rsy _:WI itrcnss.Vc'l'sCi.ts ) R .AND A L L 5 ^, Photographer - UNIVERSITY -NOTICES. Mus11ial club1)groulp picture will Ibe 10(100today t 10 I. Ill. aS R511a1's. ilii )1.clb tll Nill gise a 11ig smoker toig-h iatteItall osvetritti's clotlltitnf tSolicitort-. tttttcan huttstle calettil he Itlattttetsflice tisi mtornting t i I10 S(sstltlst'reel. .41 if yonusare not yartitctlar, gio to one ssrstirahr; bt tif pyon wanttte ibee cometo lexassuter R Co., H enning bslocs. cod-t 1,.51' (litamutts, ntiy's goldoswaicih, cttgrstts's i'rmt28.'51502," stt ItoW rc:!ne. Reard. 0-4l Stuntss' lamps tisi DensK Co.'s, 211. 5. .Iainstttt. $1.50 and $2.50. Besi lmsitt cite.t NN'sucis jetwelry andierglsass repir- tttg ibeysilietissoristten. iiAsIXr's j'Jet;Rere STOct., Hoist SSt. Satisfastr tisin eg at satisfalcto~ry trice'..Puller & O'N'onnlor, (tsgP. NNil- 11i1) siree't.t LENTSCHLER 39. uoPH-JOTOCRAPH-ER I'll , A i P NO ~ lidsretit ' citlttst e1cir sl ic .1 13 1IL I... 1A R D1IS N ip. IiCsslsus"..AND 1 o stilts a Nl0the: lha "Ku soviet Readin1'. 1am "M 1pesos osi New YoIrkss Cit y".1s Is it It 1 mliars.naeti. -uIPriest -T e ,o sssmtlcr S(itntioin. n s-lt 1 Dehttt- lbste , ta llcia acco me dtin, Itlea t,0 tt udes n 'stsl I lssslal discu sisn Ide-D 'i s t. O t ee n ALLEN>, 'i'.ECi5O'iiiN'R, Ni\'siu S'iRPP'ET. "P7 IN I KIP'I' iI S." .siits pressedi i'; 11 ssssei-, Io Puller & O'C'nosr t. tf 'its, , larg'i 1-c sss'(^nl r ss' I r sfo 1111th1 0 cw)oX' s ca°tr &5Co Ni icisigsspis,dobsstanS spit .NiI,PN liN, i H ClOTi E. MNI N STREP'S. BPT NINciILIS I\ SNUITS AsNDOVE'NRCOATS. Ivry Pitelps'Per tion chscoltepi '- and1 hip at cltiits 1;- larI. 0.y BOWLIN S. ROTI ENSTISIN, 707 N. Univ. AAe. I N S U R A N CE Geo. J. Halter-'en Co, 11't sisss sur ) I bsstl . I na pae IR L A L E S T A T E aoms14'21 i. Aluin. DECRIEIS ARiT STORE1 Only the Best French Glas3 is Used. 223 S. Main St. La Mega Th i s loa sIrusl a Na5et. ci ttrin thl o t I ts =Al= MANN'S D)RUG STORE 213 S. Mnin St. Campus Barber Shop Ni. A. MOE, 705 N. Uni% ersity Ave, tsp 4mngis te Adselpi pogasi--s-- tbete tis evenintat 17:305 : 'Ts' AnnsrNorsPsetc iehss oris IPar sMsc Irmet . 'st'&-& Sss ter), irisntesrs ofteMilcigan Nurn t lts) I 55 1 . Nit('.t tle'. IDai 'i Te ,Aiusns. Ittlandsier. N' "' l sssssssss N i ss t eslrs. 0great ttssssIsoss'fodI i. te t'll'', . ' hSpce1 J . is(. srsos. P. 'N. hansdbots ,ss c., e.tcS., src printis's I~hae '~sove, ih tlabosssrstttiontos'. he)site udentis's boisdy s 117 I5' \N'' '- are um~ in etaiingte clses'.h~ optn street. t N~lr. titl sss' --Denistou.n, 'sorces- t's'. \r' ''Ilts' 1'islc 's . a as' r lts Ii es ti t 1 -M'. and oi sper cs'nhIof1. as lisct Ssslst \i.'sstre.Sr'si 41 'sI,~i..' I'I: ,' IPII S R,. 11 AN S'I'. .UP-SIO-D I) iPNI)PDR- NN P NP. I IHOSIERY'NDii PS) IN S POR .\IPX There's Many a Slip 'Tween the cup and the Lip, After Paying Your Tuition Fee and mlanly tinSSes yo.uu are diapyoinitd iuu receiv'iug your Slnen when u sInsst The next moot important thingr is to avail yourtelf of an oppor- scu itunios oo ucn itto rcissle tunity and let us show you our various Lines of merchandise select- laundry. NOUa are never' disapointed wden you send it to the 'Varsity Latas. ed with the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Everything is now T ~nduy. and you not tonly receive it us dut' ready to be seen. tue, but sith a eolor and finish on it Y that isalawsays gu'atifin~g.TAILORS I HATTERS TO MiEN Hienry and yer ,JVarsity Laundry 709=711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. 117 S. Fourth Ave. Both Phones 921 WE LEAVE ANN ARBOR 15th of November Call and get your Stephens Pleading and Keen's Cases on Pleading. We can save you money. General Law Books, Legal Literature, Law Quiz- zers, Etc. Carried in Stock CALLAGHAN (Q CO. LAW PUBL1ISHERS. Chicago ANN ARBOR41 BRANCH, Stah te St. Opp. Law B1dg. GAS STUDY LAMPS $2.50 EACH 100 Candle Power tor 1-3 Cents per Hour. Save Eyesight, Money and (Trouble ANN ARBO0R GAS CO. t - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 -- - ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORIN1