'1'. XX C l5ICII ISA N I)A , Y SPALDING'S aFFICIAL .. FOOT BALL GUIDE FOR. 1905 - Edited by WALTER CAM$P p AYNG t I;I. ~v ad pI".ur in' ia emebain vr 0 iacsPrie lOc 1'or sole' by all New, .XI ewr. A1(1111 Goad A. G. SPALDING ra BROS. (iEORUiE BSCHOFF' FLORIST Chio1ieCu~t Flowers .-eced Paiet Chpin St., ietweeIiHurn ad iter Ae. Phn 009. STATE SAVNGS BANK WV. .1. Roth ,Ig. ''.V. SI XXX' WVn. Arnold - I Xe. V. C. Vagha. Ja.II. XX XXXIX C. 7i Mills N. .l.Kyl Jl I lw 1rul '. G a1 'hI stI X l1X ( I BILLIARDS HUSTON BROTHERS Scesor'. to JAS. W.It t, 312 5S. ttet STUDENTS REGISTER Where theII'Postman, theXI l'IspX C'IIXXXIXXa ld yXXX fIX IIlIIX' C'XXI'Stae & \ n.iveiXty XA. QUARRY'S PRU(A STORE U. of M. BARBER SHOP Trojoiiowski State St. Ping-Pong Photos 36 PHOTOS FOR 25 c OC4 Posiions .4 OppositeOLD MORRIS STVDIO 115 S. sain St. An Abor' S REDDED WH9EA A CAMP COMPANION When y'out go XXiXocmXI o Shred e WhotleWhal Bterisuito shoXulX go along by all mean'.. It is quicky and easily preplareXd, anXd is s.plendlidIinl com- bination with milk, creamO, frXXits, vegetables and ltstofXXIother things 'hoXXcan prepare it in a Xdifferent way lor every oral-a twel-' come reliet tramm ontotony. It twill d0 yoXu lotn ot good, too. Q11.It i ad~Xe solely at the whole whteat berry, andlcontains tmore teengtht and vigor andX vitality than any other 10011, as whole twheat is composedl at all te elemsents whichitntere ino the coo- straction ot the htoman bodty - musIcle, teethl, booms, tisnues as well atsIleat OaXd energy. 411 Write toe "The Vital 94eooion Cook Book," tree. (,1 Triscuit is a whtole wheat cracker. Eetter tar toastthIlan breaXd and ftne witht hotter and ctheese. Cotmpact and easily arriedt. THlE NATVRAL FOOD COMPANY NIiigara& Fally. N. Y. _ _ _ _ _ _I r . a v. v ' pJ M1n taw L y d 4 J A !b j1 4r, ZV Students' Headquarters FOR TOPCOATS AND RAINCOATS Fa~ll Sttita $7.50 to $3000. BXath 1Robes $3.50 toX $15.110. ( vmnsiattl and Lab. SIuits. 0.1 Walters (Coats and !Aprla.onXX', 111. Fall Shirts in al GrXeat VarXietXy S50c to $1.511. it on-X atch, ClXntt and 'S;gle btratnds. Spaullding's Athletic Jerseys3 Xad Sweater. We av~ee0 atompleteX lineeof 'Xlii IHata whih weCX'would like ltIhave yea enspect. IRIESHMAN CAPS 50c. Staebler & W2u1SOUTH MAIN STRE T __ _ _ _ _.. __ __ * FTUTTLE Ur-RvI:S HOT) LUNCH AT T1l1F FARtRES AND MElCHANICS BANK MAtN ANtD HURON05STR1011ETS Capitat, $00,000, Surplus and Profiles,ooo,00 I', XX":it. Pe y. WXX C. y rIA rv. XXX i ccA 1OA' .X COOK HOUSE FtIRSTCLASS IN AL1XBRANCHEttS $2.00 $2.50 $5.00 S17INIIlAYXXDI.II..A IrIX: r lY lI IPac Varerlip(C& Ge..e, Prosee. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital yI '.1 -'4400. iCX 1)11 , X 2100', 000IOXXX A tieneratltoBaittg Bustinees''rasaectedt C 'XXI~t ha. . XX X '.'..kPre".;. W. 1). llXiXHri't .III Vce Xres.I LIX i tzI Casier FINELUNCHES XXX i ry. the p X1X XX'X'X XX Citru ro XI''t 1, I)Cb lfI ' 1 XIII .'X I I ('11111 , A 'IIIIXIa'XI line (, all XIII . 1 aric. ' We areXXXIII' fol.II I 11111111&XXI., LXXXX,aI "ICo'.1 nd.IIIXt fie I.w )aC M)1-NS1 . R. E.JOLLY. Stae St. SCH Llilil)1'S Tempery Loose Leaf Bin- der for Note Taking. PaprII~ '1.1111' l-'ll s ound, XXI XX I'. XX XIX '.1.1111: XXI' XXII CALL!, ON U S F. J. SCHILEED) 241) 3. State St S'Ill' I XN ''ROAKIA i'iCULIN- X0 IX I XII Xii 1appeared1inthe XII X IXXXIX' '11I1 N 1 XXXD I NI> 11co1d1 ofISIeXIII berIX>XI c'p X ini '111111' XXXIC 11 X 1111 X111 ''XXX I XXIXIXXII. XoIal1111 Xic 1 XX 11111 el nXXI whi ch'IX peXrX- hasmg tb IX XI' XIXreto '-0 a ''XXI' haiX e'XlI IId'?1"XXXXI'XXX~. i. 111.11'. XXXX XX'XX XXXXX vantage. In parXt.'XXX XXI1 X eads XX as 1111 IX 1111 "t XX' lobe eachI otherXi.. -XIPX i n or eaio'XXXc~gauaea "Two hearts that heat l s one..XtX'IXIX be guidedIbyXnatura incina in. These andX I 'il ar cXr' 'isXXtarlXXCX he andIXIXI XX alXdeciXforXXIXselXX a 1.hack. XX' 111111 the' X IX X iXXXX IX CXItral XXXo haitig bie n gomXn m riage ofXI hale elillg Sith. XI'o,11111 nalX' rahe Xmn a p 1111c.1;p 1' I XXX XXX d no tXX lt it.i iX XXXi X XoXyiX 11111. I'l .111111 XXit, XXe'.1 XtoXtheXXXI i c XXX iIX'' T()X ac A te hs mid'll' w1 the t vw11 ct' I'l th XXI d-c e ') i i s'.' XXIX'11' XXXIlao 'XX11 111vocal XX'. XXXiX 111111 1 ' baud hooks for.XXXall departments, ofI'll the XXfiXX''siXI'. SheXX'hanIX&e CX., P'CXXXI IX Nt (XI' III S AlXXI halan shlXXXXX 111 IX.'XXX l l'. XXXs il XXin 1111111a XIMAMIXIIBXros''.,. 1312 AS. 8111 XXIXIreeXt. li' 1-0 ll XXI XI~tpXXXIthe XXXI 11.1111NXcoals.XXin strXXee II"' XXItII'.' 11111' wanXt'in Crypt', supplie001 to dra atXIII ti onl tol XXtXhe coupIe.' Iillill. '.tre.- XXhe aic Oftecr iage. Ch' resI' . X.SI.. ingeI 0')., ei t ;ll l Ill I'XXIcd g~ e lll X'XI XXXlldIII XII--X--'''1-1.' his1 lin (f llok- Il l is Xstatin d atiXXXX n XIXa l~ittn a bls L Xs XIII XXX'.he bidIXe Is. a memb~lXer ofXII IXIX'. XX3' S. M tXXtXII.flor theI KappaI IKapXXIXpa (an1 sororitX XXX. 1111 wed in XXXII X a quite ,C IXffail', XonlyX'tXIX BIyXs'. X tlniXXIgX asIX I ttd, II XXint .iaeie0111111'. theX ri de II and.' X roomXX'X dupicate.1 OptXical Department, Ar- '11 XXXll p1r1s1 t.'.foldXXII's. elXXXIII e.Stf 1011111 XXXXIX Ilee__.. _ 1 M oney Loaned Watces Jee'.X 1Ilry1 repaireXd. at XXIX SXXIXIX'II'. IXXIXX'.IXIX' Sleh'1.11 I ..13 AXimXArIXIr 1111':'1' 1 ' I., I111o11:W1a"'I'll XX XI ul 1, $112 andXX 1$15 't.11'.. t X-XX I. I XIX" Weer & Co., XIX .1and1I I 17F1s1JOSEPH C. WATl'S 1~ LA M PS yNo combination in Lamps==No advance in price. The R0151111 LtidetiL -t1.11 'ilCX 1 XII 1 I w~l,3kith Wh iteS XX ,eah$1.5a. Tie Nop 0Rt a l Lei ~amp ,X7tIX25 We selte IetLampsilmade and for lest money than ary other huein this market. 2t4 SotllsN C O.A trb Mcaii St. DEAN &C. atlMihigac 0.v. 'L ..r . 5M n~~alvLl.r , . ,, . r/v1,- GAS STUDY LAMPS $2.50 EACH 100 Candle Power toe 1-3 Cents pee Hour. Save Eyesight, Money and Trouble ANN ARBOR GAS CO. After Paying Your Tuition Fee The next most important thing, in to avail yourseIf of an oppor- ttonity and let tin show you our variouis linen of merchandtse select- ed with the utmost came for U. of M. MEN. Everything is now ready to be neen. TAILOR HATrTERS '709 EN enry an d K er FURNISHERSy 70-71N. UNIVI RSI'IY AVE. E GYPTIAN RTn R8atter Turkish CORK TIPS OR PLAIN Cigarette can be made Loosk fees-Sidi~a'.esti, of S. AN AR.OYROS ALEIXANDER & 'COMPANY .PORTR A ITURF Highest Quality Amateur Finishing HENNING BLOCK COR. U. HURON & FOURTH AVE o you have trouble with your Cuts? Trry the "N ew Pr-ocess" Plat~es CHICAGiO ENGRAVING CO. Sentd I 1tritrerth rouighls A. M. SMITH Oeer Wals' tcttt'sDontontookstome WE ARE1 NEVER UNDERSOLD---GOOD YEAR'S DRUG S TORLh