S PAL DING' A~THL[TIC LIBRARY NOa. 247 O FYIC I A L COLLEGIATE .ABKET BALL GUIDE' FOR 1905-6 Edated by H~ary A. Fiser~ Conan lollwo1101ial rules15to -ovlA all IA Al AI,'IAI(11'st. pi ''s Aof all [lie -.5 ege desaln,llepm-tAA renl PRICE 10 CENTS BY MAIL 5/AAAAAAAAAI'sCoaAAAAAAAAof -Iltl ieS pot h lt flAA A ll ApAAeAA A forsfil Athleloi(;Eii 11 A~l-A ~ll ?l ono,1foit r A. Co. SPAL6DING e& BROS. \ l OK IAG O DENV .tE 'lS lllA CI HUSTON BROTHERS Succesors to JA W.REED, 312S. State STATE SAVINGS BANK IV. J. Booth Tno. V. Sheehan W'o. A reold tDr. V. C. Vaughan tas. 11. Atade C1:b'. tills N. T. Kyer John I ae lea. Itoel teat. 11. IA. Carhia Frsankl.f'. Gtazir-Christan Matini GIEORGE BISCHIOFF FLORIS'T Choice Cu~t FlOw-ts gra~d Plaonts Chapin St between tHuronad !rfillerAve. _______________ I I1~MIGCHIOAIIDAILY? If loa [011/ 10to kaoii lA/al the sua rty ree iwt wear AS/ /I 1 1 t (sil seson), (ask Sla( l/c, i if-ItI (OLk^ t ~ COLEGE Z 081 LIt is a malter of spctilation among the majority of iwelt dressed men as to just what causes that '"some- thing"C in the character and appearance of our clothes so often described as 'well b" ed" an~d aristocratic.'"CThte qtuality of the fabiric is, of conrse, apparent. bnt that does tnt fulil explain their manifest stuperiority over other ready- for-wvear clothes. CIf yott knew otur clothes thor- oghly, intemately, as swc do; knew of the little details, niceties of hand-tailoring and fashioning embodied ill eacht garmaent. C 1Von wouldt know that "qtuality'' is thce secret -QUALITY all the way throtugh. C.TRUE WORTH- Merit will tell in clothes as in men. Suits $15.00 to $30.00 Overcoats and Raincoats $7.50 to $25 t t I- THE 'O6- Fratcrndy LEGE' t'I .t u ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEIAMSHIIP LINES. Reduce~rd Rcastetoal PoI.ats for.- T !HANKSGJIYIING V ACATION . T~nennLrz Gen .vAmt. Ar-baa A . SA Aou l . :.A I A . a r ( 1':AA p. ro. .J. .1. K l ill}', Al T.' I t t.', T liloAA.-. l. Ann NhSrsBi. Bid phonAeA.1A,)-:Ar Slirie i d. 9 TUTTFLE. SEIRVEOS HOT1'LUNCHI AT SF i V335 5. STATEiiST. oW oVV FINE LUNllCHES' Al a rryA tho lAAA. line of Ilti tI.I 11151 ill i:' 5 A I11'UAAA IA ~) i.aeA Al--. AIaAAAA--.ir & AAImpor A (glA'. . Al AIAIAAI llt Ain of :1,A Al .AA A nA1AAA tA isAAA,-. Al I?,(,AAtAiA s tfor 1)r lartAAA ,\,1Co l.. I' aiX., tl- . ilA. A 3AA R. E.JOLLY. StaeSt. Ohio Cat ILines Iti L"CI 111 TOLEDO to COLUMBUS Parlor Cars on alt Trains FIRST NATIONAL BANK STAPRLER & WUERTH, lohiers Ledn 0 QUARRY'S DERMIAL CREAM SOAP QUARRY'S D)ERMhAL CREIAM \,vN ie 12AA.AA ,isth m-eset alsAide by te INAAAIAI 'A IAAAA II AAIAeA -Chris-. th yAoAung lA -. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA A l d. i lus ee tig s A lorom et fveo A li er A la duAA n, A. wee AAAA i rAAAAA sA Amill Atc. o AA;p AA.and o ea t A ee t i rA I Ao A Ahe AI AAA l -Allr- Mlill A -p~lAAlsaithnelylldi-cevered Inest- haits11 of fish, whl~ichlie11 Aas shIownA Ao fulyas.compIAlicatledt 1anditerest- ing,11as thell--c i rdsA . 1111e hastla ltl Al Ill 111 of 11oloAed lantern Ald t AU e trti tee mit ais '11rearedtasy AC~ Wee fo h isconsinl garne. lie maority o Annl le ~l Allr ill' s busines t e tIf y1111are 1in1need toata ile pair of shoe or-AllIublblers' 511al)t Aprills shoe Atoe I 1111" 11111 street. ellltIf I have ;nr c tease thelelire cleto of A r llenal rAl nlA''ofl Il mel SteaAA rtll Co. "f 19t~mr , im. 1an 1I1am ellin~g t -I _,a nd ;olA PO r l e nt OffA I. alt13391;y1o111 ! t Man teellbrt 1 wi. 41 tt>'T Ig llMADEK. III' the Aithet idleals I All ra 'A'111 1 AAAlcA t~l'Al ll'11.1. AAA'A lA Ot Ann Arbor, Stich. I , I ii IA 11111 I'll'. ht ll. 11 5 AAAAAI. e,1 Alt. Alt .111 S~lal~t 81111 l~llet.S. N1AAA~fA. CalIAsots,111 letri-. 1 " Al QUARRYS Ping-Pong Photos 36 PHOTOS FOR..250%C .44Positions d( OLD MORRIS STUDbIO 11tSo5. Maln St. Asna Arbrr U. of MI BARBER SHOP Trojonowski State St. SAhREDDED WitA A CAMP compANION Wihen youl go into cam1p,1r start ott a iutimng, hilling or any otlher kind~ of a trip, {M thim~lportanceeefy ourtfoolt ., /cell c(arefuli ~p consideratot- '+ thlerwisie y o u j a t illbe ioelyte to get, Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit sh10111 go atong hy altlcleans.- It is qtuickly land easily prepared1, andf is splendidliinl com- binlation swith mtilk, cream, fruits, vegetablles anlo~its of other titings Yelu can ireet aee it iln a different way fer every mral-a wnel- rome relief frem motoeny. It twill lieyeA. lets ef geod, too. Ql It is made stoiely of thle wshtee wheat heery, andt contains tmoree strength and vigor and vitality titan atty ether food, as whole witeat is composed If all the elements whichs entee into tile ctn- struction of the homan hbtdy - mulscles, teeth, hones, tissoes at well at heat atol energy. (11.Weite for ''The Vitalh ,uestiolt Cook Book,'' free. C1. Trlacuif is a wholle witeat cracker. Better for toast titan hbread andi fitne with hbutter ant chteese. eomplact anti easily carried. THE NATURAL FOOD COMPANY Niagara Falls. N. Y. S No combination in Lamps==No advance in price. Thle r-rlin SuetAA'Lamp, Nic V ltdwt WieshadeIal-. ~l$1.50. Tiea tPerfeteAlinStudliALampA - - - - - 2.00. '-'ie . 0o yASalamp K . - a.75 P ) No 1 .25. We sell the best Lamps made and far less money than any other house in this market. ~2Su COnnn Arbo ManS.DEAN &CO Michigan .4 IT I I Ill11AIROMNKII t 0 l.AI-HllTR' .IAddress I,. 1). bates, mtaniagAer, .811 SouthillFourlthliavenuie. P'honies5 : tell, AioAA6-T A I laiie,289-reel. Af Glasses repa.-ired. lEves carefuilly fitteld anIAAtell-Al (;l1llGfItKHft IEIC, PAlainSI. I Hambull~rgers andilother sandrwicet~s at lie NAight ILunchtCalfe. Otpeni Ialy a1I Aight; oArdters takteni by phouile 1078 1. 3111 S. Statles-leet, firt tdlerlIortAll of 'algter's. ti 3Establlishedl1858. I lie.colege jewvelers. I I.Clet' l,,[trA 111Y STAAARIA1111rS 3 rmld'sttJeiwelry ;MoAre-. SI,tti N, THlE lZ',OTHFlltgAIN1 Si)YIS.R FK.1 1.1 ~o A D$llei.o() R -- - .. w w w w w w w w w- w_ w- w w- w w- w w- . 6 Ni h~i~1h r iboes3 $3.50 $4.00 For MEN and WOMEN See our Windows for the latest Styles and Patterns in Waterproof Shoes. Heavy Tar Tans or Black Leathers, double soles thoroughly viscolized, balace tongues, military heels and large eyelets for rawhide laces. ixroch Dneterle Eimbalmer and Funeral D~irector Ambuanc Callo at endrt day or night. 21S.41 AlhlA %o.IiIelAilli -All C~w IA liII 1.1.SAnn ArbrIl. PURE SILK. Flat Clasp Garters make31111'cours"i a .s'1 Atdo fn l 1111 pure1 rSil t b scr l 15p1 rtsAlaAl i ck1 I eld. forlameou arterd A c AAlaspIIbA. . 11 Registered 001e11 ar..5 SUSPENtDERI - aa' Co. 718IMarketSt.Pine Philadelphia ~- .5Suspenders 250 t a PAIR Save a Walk Down Town fyet YouAr Watches AmAi Jewelry repiaired 01 tle ,Iighot Place 111178 IAAIr U. ofIn. lins whrheI thlly keAl)1 a ll0] line at till-_Isiw est prices. No11(CA i poor stock chaigedl folr\ 5 lAooinniIat Ot IIAAAIrEeAL A I I Y }IieA o ai 5 (~1 -!CA. A Al 11111oks $1.00 aod 1il)1Call at thlA tightl 141W,>, olAsittoAIaw llButildin(;. JI F. SCREWID, S340 eSteaat Money Loaned On Watches,ADiamonltds or t ie perlsoal l~l r~ Watches 0011 .11111 ty rprd. iBarg-alns to Watcells &Dirnnd Oica t rIes'ideALi-e :1 .,II r~ Soil Arble. fltour As: llt 11:0a. I 1.1 1o :0 n 7t 11C l . n JOSEPIC. WAT'lS H A LF-T 0 N E S and IZINC ETCHINGS Lower io Prige Ask A. M. SMITH 11 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Bleach Three different styles of highcut shoes at $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00. WALKOVER SHOE CO. IR. J. HiOFFSTIIIrIIR, Mgr. Ill S. Main St - --- ---- ALEXANDER &COMPANY1 jO R R I UEIAll Kinds ofPhotographic Special Attention given to work (I Work. for Amateurs. IlIINNING BLOCK, COR. E. lURONJ& FOURTH AVE. WE ARdE NEVE R U7NDERSO14D --GO O DYEAR'S DRUG S TOR1I