'rH 6ll A ' A i LV DIIRI[S ART STOREI and have thirframied with (ChoitieMouldings Only- the. Best French Glas3 is Used. 223 S. Maini St. - 4 C4 w -(: - %' 7 yi Ir ' f! There's Many a Slip 'Tween the Cup and the Lip, and many times you are disappointed1 in receiving your linen w-hon you most Jif need it, unless you send it to a reliable laundry. You are never disappointed wden you tend it to the 'Varsity Lain- dry. and you not only receive it on due- time, biut with a color and finish on it that is always gratifying. Varsity Laundry . . / ____________________Yes, gentlemen, the \\ f _____________________________117 S. Fourth Ave. Both Phones 928grcfluvelisinm QUARRY'SWaistcoats mean something-- QUARR'S _____ DERMlAL CREAM SOAP After Paying Your Tuition Pee mean your exact fit. and ~~The next most important thing, is to avail yourself of an oppor- [ irk QUARRY'S tunity and let us how you our various lies of merchandise select- ed with the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Everything is now DERMAL CREAM ready to be seen. Ecuiepten nWsals ait. ol i~trr iioiil ieCi rl-t TITLORS Ol e ryad~v r Flannels, Silksisand Worsteds. uohs a"m"q d oFURNISHERhrlarslt RTERSS o1 Nh nr.1 ldK e mnlr+'" ~~~~~709-711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. " , ATIQUARRIYS h nAbrSavings BankE gMy representatives are now showing 1. 0f[If~ICapital stock, $50,000. Surlus,.20010 two of my newest creations-a two button R Iesorces, U,2 0 _______________ SERVES HOT LUNCH AT A Generl BnktngBsintess Transacted Double Breasted Vest and a four button Single OhitCoaes:Cs. E. Biiscck. Pres; w. i. Breasted Vest. ust ask vn1-flo entral Ctesi_9P9P_9P_33_S._STATST._9Pp'__ Hgarrinoan, VieePres.: s. Trin... Cashier Ohi Lies e i' 353 STTE T.Lindenschmnitt Apfel & Co. TOLEDO to COLUMBUS J Parlor Cars on all Trains Hockillg Valley Ry. COIN'NC ES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will ied Four Trains Daily' ~From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depots in Toledo and Co-. Iambus S. E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. La M ega 'Ihe fiest clear H-avana 5 et. cigar in the market. -ATr MANN'S DRUG STORE 213 5. Main St. GEORGE BISCHOFF FLO R IST Cholca Cu~t Flowssa esd Ptgknesa Chapin St between Huons and S1itter Aver. Phone 505 rSave a Walk Down Town Let your Watches and Jewelry repaired at the Right Place Buy yonr U. of 11. Pins where they keep a full line at the L o wes t prices. No 9 poor stock in our store. 5 Nothing charged for O0 li ooking at our goods or ge tt in g prices on repairs,.e. Alarm clocks $1.00 and up Call at the right place. opposite Law Building. Photographer RENTS CHLER 319 E. Huron i F. J. SCHUH1 SANITARY PLUMBING WEBSTER'S I NTERNATIONAL IT IS UP TO DATE AND RELIABLE RECtNTLYi 15LARG5611 TH 25,000 New Words and Phrases Ne-weGaizetteer of the World New Biographical Dicttionary 2380 Onsets Potes. 5000illutaetions. Al]so Webster's CollrgterDictionary i1,Gnas. 1400Illuations. Regular Edition 7xlot% iches. Stbindins. DeoLuxeEditionniy4 xs'ox.0it. Printed from sa eplates, onbible ag.ir.beauctflbindings. FREE,"DtoionaryWrne." Iustrated pamphles. G. 6 C. MERRIAM CO. Pub~ithora, Springfitrld, Mans., U. S. A. GET THEi BEST J ,I UNIVERSITY NOTICES. All Olhio mieitteet at Roomo C. Utti- versiiy tall, toy, at 4:30 p. ott.. to foritiOhtioisociety. A\ imeetiigogfithde iaskethall rati- oilter nwill lbe teltd Satutrday of this week at 3I p. in. Reliablle sitdetis idesiritig to sell Clhoral Untionitickeittitay- io soi by up- plyi33g atIte oafie ofthrUniioersitv Schtiiol of Mutsic,41Mat:nari street. Tic- kersafor the coteer ipsiare itoweotn saile. Thle .Adelphi till oteet Sattrdai yrile- i't 7 :3o. AttinterestiitgItrogramt htas teent tirangedl. Etverybitdyowelcoeot. 'Thecfieat grotop oilthoc Woman's I~atite.itunder ot-e leadiershoip of Mis 1-stloeclMa-imoi, itil-entertinat Pie- tbor gymtotlis tifterntooatfroma 4 lto6. Old10fashoiioedlgamtoosoill lie played atnd light refreshmenc~ts sectved. All college andi facuilty tomenrtaare inivitei. l,IS'l'Oniicamputis. lady'a golid iwateb. e1 lied Inciii. ? - y 02.' liisl.ai- lIST -.AI" pini, rubies andc pearls. Finiderretitrnto i 302 .S. Fifth; rewarid. 2 Studetslampsg at Dootn & Co.'s, 21 S. Maiti street, $0.10 and $2.50. Best Ililitrellia geotliuii'e le, is, t t LoSe-A gentlemtan's g-oldl ignoet rint', wsitho ogramioA4. 0. J. Retutintoi- 407 S. IDivisiono. Wtchtewt ielry atod eye glass repirI ig Iby skilleid oorkmoeit 1HALtEno'S ItwztoY STEi A'laiin St. Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St' 0. V!.liartll FUNERAL j Office 209 S. 4th .Ave. Photne 98. Residence 302 S5. 5th Ao'e. Phone :114. S AMBULAN!CE 0N CALL AlLN, ~l CL~lIER MIN ~e FINE LUNCIHES ALLN, HIS CLTHERMAI etarry tti' lorniottline 'of T'i'I'Btti. "IiiiMTF O & i i Ot'ORTEii Cigaretesoild S'l'EE'l 'CSUNI~l'ClOVS."ohmestie &I. i ii teilCigars. A comtplete - ___________ - litnetif ill anoin rti cies. Ni'er oaet Satisfaetory- tailorintg at satisfactorye lii titlsoiiCfor.. iiiAC oa&t'Cit. o~sdi porices. Fuller & O'Connoisr,(tigIk.\Wil- liieiihiiitiiat O iN -iBtNS. liaoo street. tf R. E. JOLLY. Strati St. Stiots presseid, 25c; Itrosrs, oc.t D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY Fuller & O'Conntor. teSTANAD TsOM t loriDetBitt-a ilfl}sourstirtom it:15a. nioun- A fine, large crrn~tleiiurnufieefor h'ir Ypsilanti oily. 645,74, 1:1.5osatnd 1i:4 p.it. iForJatcksaon. hioriy fromSii5a. nm. on- the Wiscontsinu gameit'wtihlieve casho il 7:-15 p. thletn 0:05 rnd 1t:15 . m. piorheloacof $0.00 iir over frstoomt1-04' 0WIINiGioiiiM. t-iiscT. woo-riot' stAIN. itoil Notvetoiber 18. Wagnert & La. Stestreet. 37-42 Mtiehigana pins, lobs and soon. LHLF' >WIR r~,pai St. R Studets' lamops at Deati & Co.',2: .Mi tet S n 250.Bs 201inct. f R I H O ALLEN, THE CLOTHIER, MAIN Flat' Clasp Garters STREET. BEST VALUES IN SUITS stoke yor "coroe" easy. Made of one piee pures. ilk web, metal parts heavily nickueled. ANDI OVERCOATS. Perferctly tlot, comfortable, adjustable. 0Look _______ _for name on grerclaspandhbox 'Pry Phelps' Prfctiioi chooulatettiff- e11", .O ando chips at Cusintgas pharmiiacy. PIONEER " - SUSPENDER -Maike Tloe Atot Arbor Press (fortmorly Par C 718 Maket SiL Pofee ker & Sinyder), printlera afthteo Michigan Philadslphia .Ssfaotder Daily, Thoe Alumtnuits, Ilatnder,'toot's great hook aot football, thlochicrlul, S. C. A. hoanodbook,, etc.. etc.. arc printters 50A to the studieto dy 007 E. \Vasloir- PAIR tots strelt. ALLEN, THlE CLOTHIER, MAIN A. P. W. Ersoch Dleterle Embalmer and Funeral Director Ambulance-Calls at eade I day or night. 2i0 5. 4ith Ave.: Rersidenuce tome Phonte4000. Ann Arbor. BAILEY & EDMUNDS Sporting .oobz 121 East Liberty Street. EDISON Phonographs and Records Complete Line. SChAEBERLE & SON 114 W. Liberty St. Ass Arbor, Mieh Itoopo 11no Cty. tf LooT-A otoall, gold stick' pitn, oear oserv-atoryon 0b oulevardl. Fitnder pirate retiirinto 126 N. Division. ALI.EN, THE CLOTHIER, MAIN STREET. YOUNG'S BATS-NONE B ET1"1'R MADE.I F"c te laitest ideas ott photiigraplty tuore to Alc'uaitder & Co..,IHenima block. eodtl-f Alarmelocs at 1-ALLER'S, Malosj street.. WEAR, 1=IOSIERY AND GL.OVES FOR M\EN. Toilet Paper in stock LIIIAVE ANN ARBOR ,.,. 15th of November Call and get your Stephens Pleading and Keen's Cases on Pleading. We can save you money. General Law Books, Legal Literature, Law Quiz- zers, Etc. Carried in Stock CALLAGHAN f CO.* LAW PUBL6ISHErmS. Ch,1cag ANN ARBOR BRANCH, Stm.te St.:Optps Law Bldg. GAS STUDY LAMPS $2.50EACH- 1100 Candle Power lorl1-3 Cents per Hour. Save Eyesight, Money and Trouble ANN ARBOR GAS-.C. A yearcs supply and a fixture for $1t.00 delivered today. E. E. CALKINS 320 Sosvstl'.. State Street i ---------- 0%0% _ _. _ ..I . ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARDTHE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY- THING IN TAILORING~