lip XTICHIIGAN DAILY [or Art and Skill in Tailoring MON[Y [OAND Call Oi On Xatches. an 11i -h lat issChtte SA DUCH FI ELD & W. J. LOURIM A 0l11 Ave Otppoost(tI0), ii it Co rt , XI I The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 3 ssFHu"-.0 1:30 1 t 106 EAST HURON STREET Business Stitl Confidenti Student Room Decorations A Fine Collection of Steins, Smroklisg Sets, V. of M. Soizveimlrs len Pyro- grmphic Work, Pictures, Posters, Photo Inets, Jakpanese Vembrellas, Clocks, Chafeg Dishes Now on display in onr Basement Bazaar MACK %69 LC"O.l S ALI NGBAR ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AIUI IIAY"Allen's for Quality"} AND SEAMSIP LINS. No. 247f Redteed Rates to all Pints far OFIILCLEIAE -__THANKSGIVING BASKET BALL GUIDE FOR 105-6 it j . NVCTO Edtdby Harry A. Fisher lTrains Le essAn-n, Abr ( tei to. i t ttto tt I S tg is - itirIts tonSo rd oo.t Exclusive styles and extra values in lien's Suits and Over -Th Cl hi rHt otS0I t t itt d Ott rtoto ctt to,0 .tt o/tt)t.t. Isltilt. \ t"I VII L tottotttotttto t to coats at the above Price is our specialty M AIN ST tot tia,.0 etsoont PRICE 100pCENTS nY MAIL osAtt tpoltttott tostoot t1foo t i I 1ttooot "1otto 7 lt t otshi n Ai tttt o 159H A. G. SPALDINO a>. aos.FISNAOALBK ~ 5 ~ 110 ioH0of An Arbor, Mih. B IL L I A R D S F U M O HR COL E ES Ith.1D.Stout ItN11toofle lVoiso (eo oss stootV. Ping-P ngaPho os t t ol: NhtoltwotoStretches willt. 110 i-lt le, otoo-red.Itfr hms owPoreo HUST O SBR OTHERS I i tt itodtttt rity in oolsooootoheld i e o ko n Nis o ve mberti oootslitoiotsa stooitstossi Ntoltt24,ttlt 0 otooOo IISuce os t SI . R Ann, Arbor. S t t h it o rclt u c e1 t eitiiti f t il l Iot \ilLti itito oot otii -Micho tiga sar wt chl. fob,11111010I t s U. (f1I A B R S O tat itt tlt st lit.-S iturday -1either i ,1ndstand st St ItA IXi pr'nwo i Sat tThomtas1111t tttti tt Ro1weNoi polrotitprietorotto it llo ooltihtso _____________________________ P i g P n h t s It ilt itt-itand wltit ti ttols t t I 1lof te Miiihigantooistti he1 itor bItwnt hereods and. W tngtinas a n dt a e 1 iir e u r o p h r a cPO T S F l t tii m o iit tlt t nut i tl . sc n i t oo t ai-o it ] (] t o - tt i n in a wi,-i -t o a oNow P onstoF itr s I i P o n 5 7 T -- ZINCvETCINGS tospititttiitntsrPIIOTOveRAreward. L :nOa leaied f4 rKd cus o miat ion in r L ampsdoe adan--i-- Ipric- ----t$oG;ORGEI sILLH $2050in t eoot r yu ut ia(1 lpr JsoooitotiWAolsis Trojonows i \StateS TaWenIebna[thde ble estumsdee n o esmyta ny other(r fdSits lois J andtoySotersnwce t Cr 1" SHA L iF-N T O 77N ES cmltdoeya' tr ngo l tt eedls vnnngt restknb hn 08L Univ AAO -A IA.. h lo ed t ereeti ft ff401 s 5 It ntlto igt StS.Stt sret irt o rtoth o an tll-te inttton t hch sch ' lostre isar prIormtil1sol h*t4rried ntA CISLA'stJO ZINC E CHING r1Suits, Overcoatsadlesand aCravaenettesine.MIC-IP A]MMT O R EA O h 7E ii atiso ied 11 1t las il TRE Lj{et\\r0owetotiQtalityttI ott Ito Onto isno ttiiDETRTORE?,oMaLEVEtA New Fall ITHst nd Cn laps atLeala&Ct.s,21tNTE T ~iy- 03 .M Nosocombinaoitntins nIX itsNtiadvasty Arrprice.t 6tA - 53A . 5 Main stret, $t0so0an $zsoilBast 0i~t-6ottA SHAn rEDDEDnsBakBoc 'e elIntdnlLm i Nole p tewtlWite otgshade, a Neo0, faminh ity. k ea,( tvsanf ALW YheN NAoO 0i0RFllyurnshigsmpon.C7VELND Eta toP.M0 The NA.r1o1.2tTOF. T ' 5.0 OA. M Undewearo 1lat0nt nd xpot rt Jewtootsylantd toatch 0epArt'. SitOGO a r boltPertit[1.spistts antiwelotoesisa t r0 o u ersh. 1 001 stag o 0 I 0 M osssssNi (rie stliO~ tottit ol pop l J Wetsell heobest Latsomtde tnoforlessannto thot Itoothet. SEE ousVin hiSHOWkt.I1NDOWS 001 hIPS inolsing SottAyNbR eC Main__ ______RITl,_____ ___ _AND __ ___ DETR IT ND LEV LAN DE OL rl M , rlI t EY ttU Whoe * LvO.tOMonys SIs ay5.3a . i~tit, mgmost yts &iTplrsofaAsC500 PM Wh- tCevr"J AT e e es l th i ees. anLu-o-ot tEeT1OI,sdnyA S1s-Iyb M BewFslcuit ad Cpsne sDTOTay 10to . 30OP. M 121 A N D 123 S. AIN ST. FArlp~renEVELAN no- 5.30A.loM. 010010Tetr at s v r et n h C t m atsk tig 100000^ t Jts ng e tto-t10 t It i l o aIt Ittooi Toelwhopenjoy toet o qU dew ar T elagstan ins-sownto ensonl-s M n' ,c ti l it ,& .STEAMERSi-oil s tsis ols tghnsso l: DETROIT AND LEVELAND bt toofst 5otooiDILteceotM ndyollgYandAUUS AShreAded MAC&C O M P A N YDeIVo SIONm is soilS, ondasoo-Strdystonti.M Otti ric u it tiWtonAllaKi n d sFAtt e n ti o n3t oAwo r 1it2o 1toaONOto 01st203WoS . forA mateurS T orrp~rekCmocnlnt atfrteraLso OD ENNNt LOC , C R. .1) RO f&.OURS.AE.A .RdIoo I NO & Is'1'.liALOE AU Naeo f niag rewalls.eNry, B doS~ Ph o lhara. 224o2lt S tarS WE ARE NE VE R UNDERSOLD ---GOOD YEAR'S DRUG S TORLJ