THE MICHIGAN DAILY llockillgValleyRy. Yo) will find Four Trains Daily 5From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depots in Toledo and to- lurobus S. Ei. CL ARK, 32 Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. THE BEST ARGUMENT We can offer for your patronage is we Stand back of everything we Sell1. It is always right if it conies from this Store. Give a 0 7Emoment's considera- o. rItion to these figures. MEN'S SUITS, OVERCOATS AND RAINCOATS from $10, $12, $15, $18,,$20, $25 and $30 REULE, CONLIN & FIEGIEL 200-202 Main St. N[WU..aII 6 TAILORING - - AND -- C LOTHI NG rAIIIORS 118-120 E. Liberty St. New Dieterle Block. We sell direct to you at Wholesale Mill Prices. CALL nAND BE CONVINCED RANDALL __ __ _ __ __ _ I 5pENDYOURVACATIOFI ON THE "GREAT LAKES fA9[ffc~lAC1sZANP MICHIGAN4 SUMER RESORTS TI IF 'rAi]3LJC DETROITO3CLEVELAN D Lease DETROIT, daily - 10.30 P. M. Arrive CLEVELAND - - 5.30 A. N. oaingsI'nit ttionlit lllnailroa'ds Lease CLEVELAND, daily 10.15 P.M. Arrive DETROIT - . 5.30 A. M. Cott tn , n thltD. & C. STEAMERS foe Mackitnac, o," Maquette, Dulutht, Minne- apolis, St. Pani, Peonskoy, Milwaaukee, Chi- cago and leorgian Ray. 1 i Ntt jilt Rail-t rod o iniiMihigan and te West. DAY TRIPS (inclading Sanday) beween DETROIT AND CLEVELAND DAILY exnept Monday, JULY and AUGUST a MACKINAC DIVISION Lv.TOLEDO, Mondays &*Saurdays 9.30 AM. *Tesdays & Tharsdays 4.a0 P.M. Lv.DETROIT,Mondays &*Satardays 5.0(1 P.M. *Wednesdays & Fridays 9.30 A.M. Four Trips Pen Week nCossennina lane 15thA Tirugtnnecionsmadett.tlt t'I tttNCILAtNDt wnittnal teaersttotoin t,,th and Weslt andso sennd es ,Intlfor II.t titl'. mtO t. Ad d innoA'( -Zt ;.Etl tot itt r o ittlltt . DETROIT AND CLEVELAND NAV. CO. LOW RATES SOUTH VIA BIG FOUR ROUTE On sale every day. The Big Four is the enly line with Union Depot connections in Cincinnati, with thirough trains to all winter resorts. No disagreeable transfer Safe connection e i CORRECT DANCINGI TAUGHT Giranger's School for Dnncing. (Ground Floor on flIaynard St. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Cayital iistocn, $50,00. Otsurplus, ji00 Rieniures,O$2,200,ii00 AOGeeral Banking nosiness 'Transacted (lerlesytCtias. E. iino'I.. Pres.:W, 1). HarrimantiVitoglies.: 11i. .lFri, Casitir Photographer RENTS CHLER 319 E. Huron PHOTOGRAPHER~ f F0( LEDSI f Il'l7UI M.H Nl ll t' litin '' par1iticua, anditi euper P1,11 011171 S.FA THER chnistnen1 ii. ii ( ii l t I[tct ni rodttilot lie Ii 111011 ilie o i'tl'nie otfithe young 0lady 'iobis i l t itin d te iiyeriwhei nittilei:ii it 111idg the sii lie orin ft'eitergnt- t as they appr itihed ithe hto a dets arei coigto 1111 t' 1reluctt 0cli- rogi loin'haate ole ioto eluson ,tilit it lthat"a rehm i's lfem an 00 te uotlitnd int idl epi vothe a1111111'I 111ciluie sslii e i'pon oe ofthe eIi thifllesphi arcpesteing l myi diiis 1imp1tatu iiiduta0li.lti self he this Vl ird ok tever l blak1crtrdge motimpota t I ndeelil t e sp cit teati anth n flttlitealongiiot t ill fres ith iit' hadi or Ittis 1111111e 1110 theGlitch, cryitg, c"o, 1 1 111111101 1)iqicieay mli ort e 'tludd ls' ly111101imeIllthefll hgm lsd iltg li1et cleleiaou d. tlitdrduitsin0.ig Ittc)q 00t Ani etnithi iifeshm n i e i to wards N t he of herstof]iscrtidc'tshr ir ol icysesti too thigel female s11 t tiio reUd11eacliie pi ngl 0t111r p Mso Nfte dents gave i. Ilc expitsle isoiio. t lingI frsl ti .1(11 iti U-Ne im- Sntt th oleoungldi e swi ereiiiineelssly elf h X Iiia lestI0 venI)lacIDYE cold111oIone l i hilfnol ho htiatisiieen StIoneine ermdih h rsr If yo01 arin n teed oif'a ie pil~i- o1 sote s oltrbbes cll ii Q O i ' IlieuW shnto srete t't i 0111e.00 FStiller, t Man . o N \d BILLIlARDS AND) BO0WLING S. R() TIENSTEIN.7(07 N. Univ. AAC. I N S UI R A N C Ec wit itt ot . 1 IttI in ;'ap~re R E AtL E S TA TIE W~tRIES ART STORE Only the B~est French llas3 is Used. 223 S. Main iSt. AI111;;, EN '. ilI IC tI,C'l'lIll' if. \ i S' ICICT. t0l. N'S Ii I'TS -\)Nt Suts pored,210c; lto110110 I Fillier & OCconotr.if luri as of $'itis0i o t' l [ram11 loe utu Novuell hr 1toWtNN r ' NC. Statie streel. 17- Stucentst' 'lampils at1 Deant& Co.', r S. Maintroto. $1.10 atid S25o SLi"s lamips in ily.t ALL.EN. 51111ECIUTIII 1, Ni NIM STREET. BI VALUES P\D NI)Vl1'R N).Si 'I'. j Ia 3llega S1 he lT s' lea Haana5 u. itt 101 t the arkt A'T' OMANN'S DRUG STORE 213 S. Main St. Ir- Phlpserto'lolittit cit itic iiiCampus Barber Shop atci chiipsof 1titl l rn ai %ii 1 O. A. MOF, 705 N. University Ave. i r _ There's Many a Slip 'Tween 's- the Cup and the Lip, After P'aying our Tuitio e ' and mn~y timesc you are disappointed } 4 ;in receiniog your linen when you nost The next moat important thing, is to avail yourself of an oppor- r ~need it, unless you oend it to a reliabte tunity and let us show you our various tines of merchandise select- t", launtdoy. Yotn are neve distappointed Nwden yonnnend it to the 'varsity Latin- ed with t he utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Everything is now Sy s dry. asd you nit only receive it on due ready to be seen. tinme. buti with a eolor and finish on it that is alwatys gratifying. TAILORS (TO EN H n y adK e ="'1/ Varsity Ladundry FRI ~ ~~ 709=711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. b 017 S. Fourth Ave. Boh Phones 921 Ask your nearest agent or write Il L. W. LANDMAN, I General Agent TOLEDO, OHIO j COOK HOUSE Opposite Court laoseySquare FIRST-CLASS IN ALL BRANCIES $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 Steam Iteat asd Elevator All aight service SUNDAYWtNis A SPECIoALTYrn 50c nEach Vinaderllp to .Gts.5*. Props. io WE LEAVE ANN ARBOR 15th of November Call and get your Stephens Pleading and Keen's Cases on Pleading. We can save you money. General Law Books, Legal Literature, Law Quiz- zers, Etc. Carried in Stock CALLAGHAN (& CO. LAW PUBL1ISHERS, Ch~eego ANN ARBOR. BRANCH, State St. Opp. Law Bldgl. GAS STUDY LAMPS $2.50 EACH 100 Candle Power for-1-3 Cenas per Hour. Save Eyesight, Money and Trouble ANN ARBOR GAS CO. I ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY- THING IN TAILORING