84'IL.'IC LIBRARY No. 247 OFFICIAL COLLEGIATE BASKET BALL GUIDE FOR 1905-6 Edited by JFmo-oy A. Fisher- Contal'stts's- titit iltrulea lgvenili el l- ao, 1, itl i Isti"fa all stheis"aleg PRICE 10 CENTS BY MAIL A. G. SPALDING ak IEBROS. 'N w 'stttt CUWtAI,() 1..VER IiSAN 1ACISCO TOBACCOS HUSTON BROTHERS SuccesorsIs, JA . W. REEDi, 312 S. Stote STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booh Jno. V Soehan Wm. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaugha Jas. it. Wads IF. 1'.Mills N. J.Ky *laJhitlaa'erCoi FranklPI Glazier Cri'stian hlatia GjEORGE BISCHOFF FLORIST Choice Cot Foo' ersad P..et. Chpin St betwen Hrenad 11i1ler,'Ae Phne 80 QUARRY'S DERMIAL CREAM SOAP andI QUARRY'S DERMAL CREAM irfoki' sasliwiili .. Iii'aiss... 1,/ t'Iiilariisl hard/sitsllts ii' Al QUARRYS Ping-Pong Photos 36 PHOTOS FOR 255 314 Pnsitins $1 OLD MORRIS STUDIO 116 So. Main St. Anc Arbr U, of My. BARBER SHOP 'rojonowski State St. S BEDDED WH~EATI A CAMP COMPAMION Wlen yos gs int cmp, r start on a sasing, hishing nr any other kindi of a trip the imporanace of yasur food - '/ cosidesraion-su ' otieisise vai I - the appett y- yos are sse to get Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit should go along by all means. It i's qisicklyI atnd easily prepared, and is spletidsiitscam- bisnation witis milk, cream, fruit's, vegetabiles ansi lass of other things Yass can preelare it ino a different sway foe every meal- a wel- comae relief from monotony. It will sfdo o lots of good, Inn.Q It I is made solely of the whole wheat berry, ansi contains mare strengtis and vigor ands vitality titan any other food, as whole wheat is composesd of all list elements which enter into thse coss struction of she human body - msuscle's, teeth, hones, tissues as well as hear ansi energy. C.I Write for "The Vital itnesiss Cook Roof," free. 411.Trlcculi is a whsole wheat cracker. Better for toast than breasd ond finse with butter ansi cheese. Compsiact and easily carried. THE NATURAL FOOD COMPANY Niagara Falls. N. Y. i ______ TIJG MICHIGAN HATLV M Y V 'N0J other clothes will be lust like Col- lege Brand Clothes so long as other manufacturers make any other clothes than young men's clothes. It isn't possible to please old men and young men at the same time with the same garments. College Brand Clothes aren't meant to please any but young men. They are the smartest---swaggerest ready-to-wears in town. Everything about'em is extreme until you come to the price ticket, t tisl Oi 5) 11F Stiele fLWuerth ANN ARBOR RAILROAD ANDI STEAMSIHIP LINES. Redsaced Raes to al I Plttfoe- THANKSGIVING VACATION . T'eIoc. LLve Arvro Aebo- CosintiN its rn, , . t uand s4:35p. i Go n- o cs,.,-'o a s. ii 1s:3liss. m. andsi7:511).n) ItsJt.K iltsa.A W.' T.ts AgLS, 'l 55ledo . 'isitsnn\rboir,NMists. Bel phone 135:r Hol55 !ol 9 T UTTL E SERVES HOT LUNCH AT or or wr338 S. STATE ST. or o r o FINE LUNKCHES N e' car's' it'is'sssst tlite'osilt' tKixtall 1)11 1 0 t'il 'iis li'1'[{:II Cigarstis's altilI ttsrstasis'& .1 lutistcisiCigars. A s'ossspls'ls lin o tii' si s ill 'iss ss, assicsli . li' srse ssas'si V fa'or ets'it V ir , t t. . ~ItItit & (!is. 'i 41:1 it 1'i fts, a lsoisfor x.vui,..7S &555 t11u' ' IJ tines. 1ot fis"W)NON. R. E. JOLLY. Stae St. Ohio Central Lines DIREL(.tINE; TOLEDO} to COLUMBUS Paeloe Cues on all Terains FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Of Ann Arbor, Rich. E. 1). ituse~ l'rs . 's II is'isssu taulh.N Ca l a i',~oo0.S it lus adV ' its ,$ ,)t 1ivoch Dieter-le Embalmer and Funeral D~irector lAmbtulance Calls altmene day oc night. '1oS. llsAssr.: iiisisli's sse Phossne'i40.1.AArss borliss. 11 3', Z-. r 'n;- a " t a m t '4' i t UNIVERSITY NOTICES. rc i I~~ AVmal gioldsisasis i, Vstikpn er Isilslis'sl tOMs. Is's at i rs's (msiii isslevards. lisssr l e slsas'e 'lihe' isllege je'selers'. si'n o) 12 N. Ill'ivisi . I us i ' JWiti'YS' .Vsiss' insiSV. Stlsiilailiss atsDalt[i & Css.'s, 2t1. Studets'ii 'lamsis at Di eats & Co.'s, 21 >. 1'saislisee, s.5s0s ssss$2.50. BOrtl. Mis reetcc, $L50 and $V.50.OBel mis i na c . t f lamsiss IIscits iytf Disrictor. Its I'sIs siis. il ~ VII.I'N. III" 'Il'l'l I 'I t.\'IV 11'-s's' - tree 'iade pel hadle' sll' n'ifei, t 5 . 17.3() A M - - I ,' 1) '. .i'i man ger, io j lii s alitt.n iii 'as gillPhon s '1lii al isO(- : 1is s us.' Ik is ' -l ti Is isis' by s il o l' i tus i ilis I IX'st Jewe'slry' isii IWatch RIrs a .iaua' Jewlry tier(, A It i\ jII I,;('loll I Pt,1A 'ili'",I'I $io.ooAs .Ni)$i.csc lERZ-l hu.' ll'A E V T Tazssia I is' -I 'icsaligans e li aslii fish, oil Sasillsaysaeil terin grsad'statssDsVleurr lili iV Iiscii i Visort's'we sits ln W sliiiigli olSae f{issuer retrntoI pha rmacys' Univsity ho spiital, is'd recjV's ,Vtr [l.iiiilsisrcs sissiother ' lisandwi's al niicii 'srsdar's takein isy pltose 10781L. No combination inoL amps==No advanc~e it. price. ''llii'Bl'i ssi s telL'.s 'ai( l-i le a. ili 5 '1 iesjm e.shsift5 5 The 'erfcit iiiion ss )L.n . ss ' ' ' ' ' 2.50. hr No. i 1"" ' .25. ' We sell thoe best I..amp. made aiod for less money than any other house inth Iis market. 214 Sossth DEAN & CO. Ann Arbor Mai SI. Michian ir S. aites sree, stt slits'oirthils of 'helirmVisbs'Press iis's (Is'smcusciiPIrs kerr & Ssirslr' pirintersioftheis siclig'a 'igreatlmmss n ls'dil. lthe' 'IcricSir toi te sudsisslibssix 117 i I taslsis tot-i stre t. t j , . i .' ; ,; r t r ;, e? i : 47 Qr frl .. f "" , ' ' 3 ; a~h~ver boc-4 For MEN and WOMEN See our Windows for the latest Styles and Patterns in Waterproof Shoes. Heavy Tar Tanis or Black Leathers, double soles thoroug~hly vscolized, balace tongues, military heels and large- eyelets for rawhide laces. Flat Clasp Garters mak 'sooc "aoisras , at' elitof one'piecs pure isiwe, mtisi rt s a i i ckeleda.ti PcrfIcily flat, comotal, adutalel. 1lii PIONEER.I1 i. Mkr SUSPENDER *Mals 718IMaretriS#. Pionee Philadeiphsia V 's end3 25~ / \ PAIR Save a Walk Down lown Ges'VyosurcWatches saisdtJewelry repastciredII I lsi' Right Place iisy yoturcU. f1.Pn line at the' L o we st prices. Nut z poor stock ti055 aurson's. ',A- Notsitn s'tsacgu.'d foir 4; tsssokio,' at $1.00 and 'sst Gall a!the[sir hlI lt liI'.e Money Loaned On Watches, DtimondastIrother I Wsalcheas and Jewi'lry celtait'ctdl IBargains in Watches . Diamottnds Ofic t .te lrside'ncs'3:31i i. Liberl ty Asi;Aqsts Three different styles of highcut shoes at $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00. WALK-vOVIER SHOE CO. R. J. HOFFSTE rTER, Mgr. III S. Main St rI ALEXANDER & COMPANY:' POR TRAIT URE All Kinds of Photographic Special Attention given to work Work. for Amateurs. HENNINU BLOCK, COR. E. HURONI& FOURTH AVE. H~ours:/S ts1 30itus., I lto .:301 nsii 1t JOSEPH C. WATTS H A LF-TO0NE S ZINC ETCHINGS Lower in Peice Bettee in Qaly Askc A. M. SMITH ni Ann Arbor Savings Baok Block WVE ARE NEVER UNDERSOL4D---GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STOB-h