THE MICHIGAN DAILY. _______Indeci sion BRING Yoc RUNFRAMI-N)PICeuT(IST 10 nxitq cost you dear if t u -tudy too long OITRI[S ART :STOR[ gx 4 is a to wh re Yo,1111 end your ohlirts, cel ars, cuffe. etc., to ic washed. Save and haverhem fraorie~d oar-Self thouglht. worex and expense with Chonice Mesldings by having isscaill cr xxnything you the est ( sant laundete d. \We iiake no chaar-e Only teBs French Glas3 is fr ha and cclxrnIi he goods, too, jest Used. ;owhr nand xshererca cwant them. 223 S. Main St. ,/,, F Yes wso have a ieltiphone, 928. Varsity Laundry w _ R 517 S. Forth Ave. Both Phones 928 QUARRY'S ______________________ DERfIAL CREAM SOAP and After Paying Your Tuition Fee QUARRY'SThe next most important thing, is to avail yourself of an oppor- DERMAL CREAM ttnity and let us nhow you our various lines of merchandise select- imakiecicominhition s tcl~ ed with the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Everything is now iiiiijiii~id reay to be seen. w.5henxx ris lird ( softsiea 'wtr ATR~S PTO nN n Vand K"Je __________ FURNISHERS S lLN H n y \rT 709=711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. Al QUARRY'S __ _ _ _ _ _ ~ WT ~ The Ann Arbor SavingS Bank ___________________________ t F j .. Capitai steck~,00. Sarpiss, $0,0 OhioCenralline SEVESHOT UNC AT AGeneral Banking Business Transacted OhoC urILns SRE O UC T OFFICES:t Chaus. E. tiscoct. Pies,; W. D. DIRECT LINE ~s338 S. STATE ST. 9Pnew Harrim an, Nice Ptrs.: tAt. 3.1 istz.Lastuiet TOLED~O to C(OLUIMBUTS An well try to smoke a pipe -=,, f' without tobacco on to try to 1 spend a comfortable even' tog home without an "R & WV" Smoking Jacket or Loungingt Robe Until you have enoyd n of my House Coats or Lounging Robes you don't know what comfort really means My representative -can show yon a coat just suited to your taste; colorings and fabrics as quiet as you like or in others as bright and warm as a July morning. lust ask .Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co. ParlrCasonallrain F. J. SCHUH Photographer RN TS CHLIER 319 E. Huron SANITARY PLUMBING Gas and Electric Students' Supplies Hookillg Valley Ry. A SPECIALTY -Sis pressed, a5; trousers, loc. J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St' CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT UNIVERSITY NOTICES. Fller & O'Connor. tf _____________ TRAIN SERVICE A fine, large chrysathemximxofee for l'atil FUNERAL i11t enigiiees ielxl0o10lttooltldurin the Wiscosinigamxe with eer s 0rMob,11 inlt DIRECTOR You will find *. .. 1 .1 lPrhase of $.00 or rier fromnoos p~iithe g oileitweenithe li 'o0.engieers Office 200) S. 4th Ae. Phon 93. _ xxt1 ttexi selere x.ta 3e7&C, Residence 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 14 ForTan al There a ess goodx reserved sets left _ 72ABLNC 5CL Four Trains Daily . I li~~~~~~fre the S. L. A. exurse, which cix le____________________ JFroni Toledo . - sx .s .A.ofcex Students' lanps at Dean & Co.s, 20 I erxyhlroxy x6p.t., anPa S. Main sret, $.o ard $.o. Bes FINE LUNCHES lamps us city. f il's ay the lirgo-r iv he o 't'i'tE ii. cocyx atxrrxx. Jxlii lxsiarl 'Irer.S~io 4, 1 li'tT~i iarrtis aix CarryingcParlortCarson DaynTrainst_____Treas._Doi CarringParlr-Crs o Da Trans ominestic & IptniedxiCigars. A rnpete T'icketes for ite Choxral Unionx cox- luse al ,xini ; aic rices. Re are agetts Sleeping Cars on Night Trains " oi r us i at xis Shor iALT~rN, THIE CLOTHIER, MAIN tr it o Lrob& ii0,LINEMAN & r o. ad aIt tYt1 5 as ifor - A(vi.'. & CIt .s lie E's Muisic. Stdients dieirixig in sell tickes STREET. BST VALUES N SUITS tiehcar te vl-toxi. UnonDeot i Tleo ndCo ECrETL WTH ENLARGED hudse e. ibrlcmmsinAND OVERCOATS. R. E. JOLLY. Stt St. lumbus 1NGNv t' [ \J V ccS aid lPhrases swi1l e alowsed. Charles A. Sixk, Se- Ncvs OC1 'ecf the World reary', School oxf Music. Try Phelps' Perfection chocolae puffs D. Y. A. A. J. RAIL.WAY ic : Iue" nhsiselDitionaryadchpatCsigspamy.,AcDxTM, hci 17ii le x ,r,t.n.. Joirixt ieetitg of class presidenxs axand clisatU sxig' pixrcxyststa ii ie S. E. CLARK, 32 unr c c~,iii tsi. Ox cmaaerftl, basbal andPeFr Detreititltxhory fr sr5a. n. si- Ca puasotus 23 0 '- u r P- 0s ra lstranitions. .iti.iiiiaes iiih, aehiias ii 61 p n. ; n. 13titi, 8:15.8:4, 414,t:13p. in. Campus Martius C to C.oay trac ,of all classes f each departmecit, Michigatn pins, fobs and spons. Fo'e r sitxtiontl,.6:15, 7:45r10:ra1 td5 ~ I h.r i s n. i lseiscas txelc lrr xd iir Hstttn'o J EtRYORo.i, Mai St.'i, PerJt isirtu, ory Irmuts i. s. - Detroit, Mich.71.," odo e lssahei oosadohrtit : or :6ipn.; tieti iri rd 1l:p1) ox. __________________________ D . r. a50.i.1',0 c xtes, Wedniesday, at :4. roormxx309. ATN OM UO T ETO A V_ iesw engieerixg builitg. Saisfactorv taloring a satisfacory '7 eaa P ___________ prices. Fuller & OCotnr. Ely . Wil- j Mea : ""_1C ORIENTA~L RUG SALE. lion street. tf~ulse Srn:c~ as The finest clear Havana 5 t. cigar in r '5IIE nTsvl' " ~ WVV the markct. G I rdesire to call yor atentixn inote ALLEN, THE CLOTHIER, MIAN IPURE S ILK AT. private sale f tOriental Rugs which is STREET. YOUNG'S IIATS-NONE MANN'S DRUG STORE !akinxiplrce ax 33.00 Ixixtii laix sreet. BETTER MADE. - 213 . Main St. EnrrOCh Dieerie [ie iugs rofferedl for salc are in my - ____- B R I H TO UBEORGE BISCHOFF Emalmer and Funeral Director possessioni for promptlx realiziaionc of iart Prof. Less Shaw, chamipioix faicy sot B I H O IM RIT Amulance-Cals at ende' day or night. f xthr Value ixx xthixx Prices will hec billiard acd pot player of theiorld, Flat Clasp Garters 1100.5thAv. ttsicne smesuchisxshori ldeal i t isny oieaitall will give exhiitiioinsarxt hisOriexttl Par- 210 . 4t Ave: Reidene sae sake yr "oaur"ay. Made o one piece C oc C t lo eaa dPlsn t Phase 404, Ann Arbor. Ifamilirrrwihliods xoftie charxcer of lor, 22 SoutiSae sreeTusdy pre sitk wrb, nmeta parts heaviy nikeed. thhnS ewe uonadiilrAe lese. Gilert Leswis, Prop. 31 aid Wednesday eenixixgs. Everybody Prfety flat, cmfortatte, adustable. rLcst Chpn3 ewe uonad lte v.I froename ongatercap an ocx. Poe551 LOST-A small, gold stick pit, near ixisitexl. 3-31 Stgtnt Save a Walk Down Town BAILEY & EDMUNDS observatory onixboxlevard. Elnder please Hidreh's genuine velvet kisses at PIONEER - Get your Watches and Jewelry I portlin¢ CWrlxxr7110M26rNeiciSson.®Cshiti's.r repaired at the Right Place 121 East Liberty StreeL. Sudetis' lanps at Dean & Co.'s, 2t4 Lss-A genlema's gold sinet ritg ie aepia Buy___your__U.__of_11.__Pins_ S. Haiti stree, $1.50 and $.o. Best with tootogranm M. . J. Reurn to where they keep a full l amsinx city. tf 417 S. Division. huhe at the L ow e s t _ __________ _A prices. No . il's poor stock ] I SO N I- PAIR inorsoe a ohn 30 REWARD. Watch, jeselry and eye glass repair- inarurdstor. l othking It)I-$3.00-- iig by skilled workmen. our goods or g e tt i n g adRcrsLs-he ld er adekie A.E' ~ TRMi t prices on repairs, etc. Alarm clocks Phonographs adRcrs Ls-tie ld er ttdekxf. Htr' goiySrtg anS $.00 and up Call at the right place, Complete Line in chaixos case. $300 reward for its - . A. P. "I oppoSite Law Building. SCHAEBERLE & SON returnx10 H. A. Colvin, 702 . Univer- Alarm clocks at HALLER'S, Mai J. . SCNlED[, 340 t8ou.thtrt 114 W. Liberty St. Ann Arbor. Mieh ite. 373 t~reeL. Toilet Paper istoc WELAEANABRGAS STUDY LAMPS A years supply 15th of November Call and get your S ephens Pleading and Keen's Cases on Pleading. A n u and a fixture for We can save you money. $2 kI0 'LE EUH1a. deird General Law Books, Legal Literature, Law Quiz- L. U LI IItdy zers, Etc. Carried in Stock t00 Candle Power oe' -3 Cents per Hour. CALLAGHAN ft CO. Save Eyesight, Money and Trouble E" E. CALKINS LAW PUBLISHERS. Chicago A N A B R G SC .DXg ANN ARB$OR. BRANCH, State St. Opp. Law 8111NN A OASC. 320 South. Stat. Stet ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWARD,'* THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY- THING IN TAILORING~