THE MiCHIGAN DAILY %THE MICHIGAN DAILY. G e~ow ild Q I ntered as-n las satteattheA. c oo Publishesd daily (Monsdays eeted) during the oleg yar, at 117 East W~ashinagtona street. 1B1e llsne89.. HlomeIph one7. LeadingManaging Editor, CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager. WALTER R. HANS MERCHANT TAILORS EDITORS. Athletis.........Clarence H. Eldridge -Nes............Coult1). Sticknsey xeshage.....Charles E. Winstead Mussic .......... H. Ortmesyer J. Arstronsug EDITORIAL STAFF. The largest stock in I ugh Alles Frasklis C. Parks the City of exclusive R. Clare OBries. styles in Woolens for ASSOCIATES. Gentlemen wear. Of Ges-gs A. Osborss llaruld C. Smsith high-class fabrics and J. Hari Ogle, Jr. cGessgs A. Barses F easris N. Smliths FrustJ. CHusk special style for stu- Rolbest H. Classy Ihsnsy A. Mongerassy dent. . aSteenson Wulter Metzensbaums (lenn 1D Bradley Joihn F. Wurz IoytV. lull loyud If. Joness __________________ ~RATES: $2.50 pes yeas, sr $assoi paid is - advance. - G" H. Wild Co. Address: WALTER R. HANS' Business 311 S. ManageSt 236 S. 12th Sit. Phone 849 L. ® * Nl? 1)\1II.1 Y, NOVEMBEl R 5, I907. thaul Ilhis senimlen~t awill lhesecsoed by stueshland 1111alu111111aundethaul Professor FROM OTHER COLLEGES.j Trueblood~s 5suggefstioluauill ise cullried --___ - ---- Princeton Isus a5gun lub a~l Indills It 1s rumore)5d Illat 1110 C. C. C. will organlizlationIldl~~s regular shootl~sitIl sise ribniIhls ItsollheIm-embers whso 11111d15othercollesge1tea11s. tlhs runl1 to Yp~silani lSaturday ufternsoona. IKenucky luniv'ersity havlinlg dod~ged is _ s mea 15l5su lls ae o 10n11155s1tcdate for 1afgamle 11111h71icligunslld 11 M\ichliganl studens ill \pi' friendl0 Nest Virginlia uives-rsity, Ilhe ________ - luller sistituion hurallried 10o1 luolillglls I lEN'T DOESN'T LIKE a constalelswhuo laachedIlsthe Iporty NI N'VERSION OF YELL, IlfIlsthe Iuosinc iluldin~g Ills receipts ________ IIofItasir Ellie withlPMarshllcollsgse 111 'Illsth 1111111rIof ThesDulls-: theis footbll t ogs. Thls constlable ugreed 1)11elfs uo sfIlls Unliversity of Michs- 10oswithdraw ss-it11olnly 011 cond5ition1 illnwold liketso11say aifew 11rs 111aIllseKenstuckiallsplay Itse gulls readith icw ll vs~ ersionl of lbs u. shdue itlsIllsMorgantlownins11t1- osf Ms. yell. Ill Illsfirst lplacs, I sa uas 11101. haurdlyssee 1551t51w117thsebange was Fustersniltercollegiate basketll is1 mllade. 'Tlle-reultlls udvancesd were(i) someswhlatbrokenltup 11111 ysar because that~ Ilelsills ".ichliguan, Michigan"wasofIlls attemspt of Ills A. A7. U. last loo crowdleds together whssn yelled. 110d75yearIItolmove Vuls fr010 amateur115stand~- inter~ests ofI thessoice. Dismlissing t11is1h1er. Ille Williasms Rscordslim~s thatl 11111cr reasooil th11ellsgroundlltlhatua 1M11h11 111. 11511111gfof Ills intercollegiater igancrod lusWIser yet bessln51111111e111111pionsh~lip1 t1Columbllial was1due11tos to1 give solleyesll Imo~re, I will uadmlit IllatIharry1 A.6Fishers, forwardlI 1n11Colulmbllia 1111 Buit scen11s 1o lIs-anIss do1110t101 111 111.elasketbull guid~e. 1111.s i 11111 all the1-n1e15versionaawss hsuseI111l10fl-IltoIsa 15s sown grela incapaitly. Studeilts' Room' Furnishinugs JAPANESE UCIBRELLAS Geta aonseatauIra.oIlls srilillulof ylasr asouam.Thir r511is loslaag 011d charceiesic esignas impalrt an airsof warmthsaaa liety. 011111canfrnisli thaes ina sesveal slurs,fromlstharaeeIta sis fetis diameter, at0 30c, 50c, 75c. 90c U. OF M. BANNERS Old Esagisl anse Blush Letter Desigaas 75c, $1.00, $1.2c, $1.50 $2.00, Etc. The Bookstore thiat's never Un- dersold A BOOK OF UNIVE RSITY VIEWS aelave 115ust, In lilie nd pace oales a a suucllcino and suruinas. eaayaailag Thacuts are bylfarsteIstever gottn1 toete, s anadIailla tha appoiaelydecra ated c111r issa .r to1our1fiens ds. Come, isnaldlookat10e Price 50c Wathesan Iew Cr.reaare Bagan1 Watches& Diamonds te Office at residence 131 E.ibherty St Ans Arbour Hears :810o11:30Ia.m.,1101330 aand 7Is JOSEPH C. WATTS EdoaruToay-ROBERT H. CLANCY. CAL ENDAR. Nov 8-0)lw Os easgisseers. Nass a--1 ryoasalfsraI lullaltolclublacola- Nov. a s--ConagressanlLaadis, 11n1S. L. Nov tI-\ilia s. 01110 State at ecrrs hielal Novs ras N as faIIICross Countlry sos. 17-Reseaals 5meeting. S111111d annual banqu11et of PMicehigana NsovS. o 18 Wscons11 lvs.Mchaiguaa, ut J gallg 1f11111critalcismls of thae 17. of M1. Yelasrvsetere is still raooml "laics a all"laorIthe hausty .Mich-sMisla isa te forartd111nd11thllsslowiaag sap of t111 sell aaalies aitsMsre effeetise. Btla theac ceantinsg solcersinasyllables 1111 faledl as aeeta fassor ansdwilllproabllly Ise d~roppl~edl ascoasidleably tonaedl soswa. Prfso Irelsass, origintasor sal the locotl~ive sell, is asnffrssr of llavisle tlhe yellaaaclamsgeal isl far as claythilas conaerac-s. lTae Iciy Itae yell is gis-ea no ahe, "11t1islnecessury 10 change lthe rlsy sassina the assidlandua again sat thse enda, ,-aandisaisay oinsisanathae greater p aaste eectsalfIthe U. elf..swelI as lst-."i Professoar Truseblood saggesleal tha thse woarsding be changesd as slg- U. osAl 7. Huah l Ruah C. of l1. Hula!lRahs Ilasarala! I lsaorua Micheligana Huah !Rals ! Isass s-ocr.Is ias thaat thelac scet :sad alaythala lasaldlreml~laiste samse as greatesr evs-aI First, thle accelats 5111tala "[1111 s ccasion snawkswacrsd lause afteralse (riasasswolinaes los-avesaeengivena, as I scondlysthe sccentl sss the last sth s etily- absou s ilfar frosaa ale as ssaa a sieal college yell shlda sal as it polssib~ly coaaldlbe. 1Iahinak few wi l esa it. Now sasifaasybsady thsinks tatalh1111let- trhsbe writte-naamerely fssralas ale of circualaaing slv~e "sotauir,"Ise is cesal.asas baduely-oaisyatsaa indsiidua15. It is simp~lly-Uanlppal toIsthle college snat Is ak a te l daelalumn1111whso comesacake toalas-big giamses feel alsaaesd sal their cege's yellinagsleparltmseat. It sees ssesoehat strainge, 10 say thse least, tatu lhse ldl yell swas goodl enousaghaforesol- la-ge maens~ fast-yeasrs, lutstst itis nsasa tssisfssacrsy10oIllspresenat geneas- taits. BuaaaI adoalat believe511111at tis usataisfactoary tlea aapreseat genleraiona bust thaa itiIs simpl~ly ta lasad storye sa faollaowr the leaader. lTs- saly scay-to ishdaoutsa,Ihowsever, itt lau1111tIhe satlterIstolahesalle., asd ta, I sasy, let atss do at thae seItOmass Ilselasiag. If thais is sdoae, 1, Isorasase, and1 Isaknasw there are othlers, feel suare thaat thaealsdyell willlse lbrsaughat backs. Anyayu, selsiceveer wisu tIIcome5saoul. lesa notsabl laadonana ssold college land-l masrkibeflore es-erybsoady aas hua es.-ace tao slay somaethainag isa the master. "Student." STUDENT AGENTS. \Vanted to15cass-ass aaesw university Scrapl Baook. Gooagsl entls esnly swantedl. WorahltheIleaestlmas tis1m11. 637 Soauth Thayasabetesa eal1 :30 andsl4:30, Wesd- niesdtay assdelThaarsdasy. 38 TIIBI-I A\'sIC)NIU ORCHESTRA. Addlsress 1,. 1). 1Rates, manaager, 8o8 SoasuthPasFou rasenn. Phsonsss Bell, 1066s-, : IlIonac, 289-retd. tf FRESI-IMEN 01) NOT 1-101,1) TRYOUEl Thelse lleers searblers sal the freshana clas ha plane ato eel ina Usisveasily "lhall y este-rday afternooasadsassI l-p-sssfIlas itheir sasssical eac alub btfaoundalthe roaaom pre-s~sempte lay Prefessor Stianley ,andslIs svasal aspsit-illg stdentls. Ualexlaeced sisa t a willsthses-dlv--asees saf muassic comsipleters roedssthle anewsetsudsensands thsey retiresd lanasmore or less castsfssisaa Uasder the circesanclaes thsere swas sass freshaalsatryoutsansd Illse 03o11155sicsl clsbis Istsill isceeatioanloal Illsfatusri-. an all piroablility talas- ls wsill hlas el aext-eelki. 1111,MN \\llL ORENIE. A6 movsemlaent isil sssfoans ion,(;the studsentls if tI nscliese stile las forms ill Oh~iosdilsb. Is is felltlay- those bse-hinsd ithe assil--saentalls asp ressingagnt551wsill lie supliedl by Ithe forasitionsosalthe scetyese.ince Ohaios aaas ss aiyeplre- senatsives isn Isis assilversity.- Ihe irst msetinig fair the forat itsnsloIls-these ssciety srill takse plasce Fridlay ill4 :30. ina RoomsC, Un Iiversity hill. ag attenancsse adl rousinag enthsiasmas amongillthIlstsudeenslssels)hail Ifromas the "cradlle sf statesmen"a is expsecede. CORIENTANL RUG SAUB. I sdesire to call polrartniaona Is the private saile of Orientlal Rsugs whlicha is tainsg lalce at 339 Southia ina street. Thse rugssofferedl lir saile irs- Isa say 1possessiona lir lpromtaareealia ilol art oal the saluse ointem. Peices will be suachlla a soultdappeal las ass sneate Iall f,-amiliasr wills goodes of Ills character sal thaese. Gilbert Lewis, Prop. 38 ALLBN, THE CLOTHIER, MAIN STREET. "GAUNTLET GLOVES." 6 VOL YN f ON E OF T HE HUCNDED AND ODD ARROW s-QUARTER SIZE COLLARS I IIadeof f sarics sasthbefoe t- II tasgthe t Cslupeco S proass. tits 1n- slates atierfectaad Taty'tathealnstat stwatengcollas sade 15elechl; 12for fi5e Shiatsntshessworsld STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jno.- V. Sheehlan Wm. Arnsld tDr. V.C. Vaughas Jas. It. NWads E. tF. Mills N. John 1I1uarer Jnss etah trail 115S.Cart Frankl. Glaziea Charista M ati Doctors Say it is better to shoave, but don' t attempt it withoult the rech, healig 1ather of WILSLIAMS' SHAVING K Announcement of the Students' Lecture Association 1905 Fifty-second Season 1906) Ernest Thompson-Seton = Nov. 3 Hon. Chas B. Landis Nov. 10j Jerome K. Jerome - Dec. 1 Jacob A. Riis = = Jan. 16 F. Hopkinson Smith = _---- Lorado Taft . _ . Jan. 3i Frederick Warde - - Mar. i2 Pres. Alderman _ . . far. -- SOUSA'S BAND = Mar. 30 Leiand T. Powers . May 2 Oratorical Contest Open Number _- Tickets for the Entire Couirse - $2.00 j May be obtained at S. L. A. Office sr teem Student Sellers Seats reserved-50 Cents Extra-at 5. L. A. Box faca, an Corridor, University Hail, beginning October 30 SINGLE ADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Phon~e 552 Office Hoarn: 4-6 Daily (Saturday exceptec SHIRTS-"Monarch & Faultless" Brands-$1,00 to $3.50 KEISER CRAVATS=Best in the World-25c to $1.50 ARROW BRAND COLLARS===-COAT SHIRTS HANDKERCHIEFS=Domestic & Imported-10c to 50c UNDER WEAR=$1.00 to $3.50. HOSE-10c to 50c "Bradford" and "Faultless" Underwear, Shawknit Hose Standard Goods at Standard Prices, but with LIBERAL DISCOUNTS to members. Books, Stationery, Football Post Cards--Supplies AT THEF COaOP, ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 to $1.50 F-.siiy Gzaaa.,teed OsrDllar Cloeks saartes iss s fotr thae money. Fiss watcha repairing ia seialty. J. L. Chapman, 206 5. Main St. THll!FARMIERS AND MEPCHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREIETS Capital, $50,000, Surplus anal Profits, $65,0100 Dues a Geesalt Ianking Bsitness and Pay atpercenattinterestuon Time and Savtings Deposits. Snfesy Depusit Boxso reel at 002.00 and upwards R. Roars, Prss. W. C. STEENSs, Vie-Prry. FWH 11. sLSn. Cash. H. A.WILLIAMS Ass: Chicago Buffalo Boston New Yorln Thr-outh TrainsBat8.18 a. in., i140 p.roas, 9.30 p. m. 11.05 p. sm. Locals Ease-6.5ya.,in., n*, *d.05 p1.1- e8.36 p. ini Through TransWest-t.07 7.58 9.18 a.sic, 2.33p. as. 10.20 p. in. Locals West-224f a.m., *8.28 a ma., *1.O P, m., *6 10p,nm. *l(Excepst Ssatalol Connaetiuns at Chicago fur S0. Luis Kansas City and the West. W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor [LLIARVDS.'lf BILLIARDS STIMPSON & STIMPSON BI