THE MICHIGAN DAILV Hockillg Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depots in Toledo and Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martis Detroit, Mich. 5PENOYOURVACAT1OrI ON THE GREAT LAKES Ye iP 1 i TA R Ic E .TABL p iE LeveCLVANDUMdoily SO10.15PM Larve DETROIT daily .30 . M. coancting vwiti' . & C. STEAMERS for Macinac, "Soo," Maqette, Dulth, Minne apolis, SI. Pol, Ptosey, Milauee, Chi cago and Georgian Ry aso..~al Rilvs i - roadlforvpoitiin Michigan avivite iWet. DAT TRIPS (inclding Snday) between DETROIT AND OLEVELAND DILT except Monday JLY and AUGUST MACKINAC DIVISION LvTOLEDO Modays& *Satrdys9.300.M Tuesdays & Thursdys 400 PM Lo DETROIT Mondys &Satrday 500 PM "Wednedays & Fridays 9.30 A.M For rpsPer Week -Commninglune5th Trogh ivconnetin adeI oi tIANA i t OLANv woithalta oto Pi- Nrta ndiWetan d 1&S & Sv inof STC CE. Sd2aad SpforaclltasaamOpits Add- A.Ad.SCOANT~I, cbl DETROIT AND CLEVELAND NAV. CO LOW RATES SOUTH VIA BIG FOUR ROUTE On sale every day. The Big Four is the only line with Union Depot connections in Cincinnati, with through trains to all winter resorts. No disagreeable transfer Safe connection. Ask your nearest agent or write L. W. LANDMA N, General Agent L 'TOLEDO, OHIO+ COOK HOUSE {4 Opposite Court House Square "FIRST-CLASS IN ALL BRANCHES $2.00 $2.50 $3.001 Steami Heat aod Ems-ston Allt cight ser-v-te ft]oDAY OcoNaEsosA SPECIALTYv 50CEach VKaradorip f d Cr., ;Pr-ops. THE, BEST ARGUME~NT f We can offer for your patronage is we Stand back of everything we Sell. It is always right if it conmes from this Store. Glive a Q moment's considera- tion to these figures. MEN'S SUITS, OVERCOATS AND RAINCOATS from $10, $12, $15, $18, $20, $25 and $30 REULE, CONLIN & FIEiGEL 200-202 Main St. i,: u,_.. :. : ¢ . r , J ' .,1;'. ,. a :,. r ,. ;' .# ; :'t i" ".. ; . , t 4y y 4, t .fp 9 F, ;, . Oriental Rug Sale' A 339 SOUTH MAIN TRIEET I deseto 0caliilvvoratnint h rvtesle oOintlalv RuEvgs whic iveowill take place vitlive abvi eae ivcvav legivttil Tue-sla N tova eovvler gth hvis collectione ineluodes i vvevi v cli ode specimvvnvva Tie bugs covifeced for gale ave iiiv y possessviion or hitl iirealiavtiovn of cipart livehe \avoe iilv eio. Price s wililibe suvchv as. ishouvld avppievlo ivy vvovne vitvl avvmiliavr wvith goods vollie charcter vof these, GILB3ER.T LEWIS, ]Pro®p. 50 Keya Bokhara Carpets Bluchstand Antique tram Antique Sheraz Antique Royltiflys Bokhara Rugs Antique Bergamia Antique Kzaks Antique Farham Antique Capastand linvaitee vvv to Cavil ,vvdviexaminevvv ivgod CORRECT DANCING TAUGHT Grangers School for Dancing. *(Ground Floor on Ilaynard St. } -- 0. Campus Barber Shop A. MOE, 705 N. Uni' ersity Ave. y h.C Photographer RENThCHLER 319 E. Hiuronl Tliefloing arv-- ie officers ofvihel se-ev Pi dentaiivi J. ii1F.vTalov;vivci -pr vient c R. .i \'aavaav veeseery C.\W. invv iev;itrasiurev.v.v -flilvbaeavllman- gE -r C. ,. lSmth vfootb vlvm nag,v v F.'. F viavvaavv; ivvakiv ge, iiavvvictvav vaialvi iavv W.\F G. Kvivvn viva rOvarvayiv vodardav haysidevcviei ta th i e l l te e c i ievr ibas avall im-e, wiihaebeva da iielcied l-byi anohe I ~ iiiIcviae (, v.i A alli aiiiiaii ymclsss b;cllye- til sat anol's JwlF ae, fi t liii F civi s alil, goaldl sticka pin, near Sullts ipressedci 2;c;eta ose rsvc.. c. avceevaiaae viimvbouilevard. hinderalcelasvic Fuller & Ov'Covnor. tf O aeval toi 126v N. iiliav. - Studenits' lamvps at Dcanv & Co.', 214 viii>.S. Mainlestreete.$o.,o avid $2i.0. cvei lampis lin - A111D PAR[ ORS 118-120 E. Liberty St. New IDieterle Block. We sell direct to you at Wholesale Mill Prices. CALL vAND BE CONVINCED ,.ii5 lEis1''1Xlii lI,{1st-threeia' deearl hand uvla kifae. Ii e ?ST \f \i.FiSaiIN SIa'IiSI 'AND)OVERCOAXTS. i TiiiPhelpivPefeactioniva clc lpuvafis ivil cins viCisi li-g's vharmiaacyi. illiagall pinsli fobsavandC spoons.i 1ii icvevieJiiWeaIR STOW,',a laiva St. Saisfactory tailinvglit cviatiiaiea piesc. Puller & O'Connors. 61g I'..Wii- liamuvtrccci tf V. viva .vuaaaa.caiaiiiviiiaiivvaaiieuviiaaiv :"d-AilNv TiHl>CLOTH iIR,:MA I N - SvRi:TF~~. YONGS I