T~lE MICHIGAN DAILY S PA L DNG' ATHL[TIC LIBRARY Nro. 247 O FF I C IAL COLLEGIATE BASKET BALL GUIDE FOR 1905-6 Edited by L~arry A. Fisher- Contains new official rules to go' ern all col- legiate contests. pictures of all the college teams and the season's records. For sole bynoll nenodeotero, spoetinood001 dealers oand depatenttores. PRICE 10 CENTS BY MAIL Sipalding's C'atalogue of Athletic Sports ehow' the oDdtchsl fmpltnto for oalAthletic Acenlo Scnd lins name for a frcc cope. A. 0v. SPALDING fl. SROS. NEW YOnK CHICAaO DENVER SAN FRANCIsSCO STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Boonth Jno. V. Sheehan Win. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Jas. H. Wade E F. Mitts N. J.Kye John Haarer Jno. Koch Prof. H. S. Carhart Franh P. Glazier Christian Martin GEORGE BISCHIOFF FLORIST Choiae Cu~t Flowaersaand Pls.aM*a Chapin St between Huron and Piller As'e. Phone 800 TO0B A C COS nIUSTON BROTHERS Successors to JAS. W. REED, 312 S. State QUARRY'S DERPIAL CREAM SOAP and QUARRY'S DERMAL CREAM sake a cotiitiioa uicepihts is/i s ictiiard(11O1)1soft M 1 J J e 0 n s .. . . . . . . . . . . . -& W IM"'li4lift, '', , 1 ll l :!'', I I : lift , 1:! ! 3' W-awa6ti" - 't "if -y.i t "t" axg4D CL j :ltE CtS TER GD NO D N0 other clothes will be just like Col- lege Brand Clothes so long as other manufacturers make any other clothes than young men's clothes. It isn't possible to please old men and young men at the same time with the same garments. College Brand Clothes aren't meant to please any but young men. They are the smartest---swaggerest ready-to-wears in town. Everything about'em is extreme until you come to the price ticket. S l 4EGi'-' A N 4E5s ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEA MSHIP LINES. y'Redscand Rates do all Poienta for THANKSGIVING V ACATIONs.. Tr'e.ina Leae ra a r bor- Goist o )c aS'olo Uio c.toorr. aotoslJ:3 p. Goi .1. I "oil .) a . '35 . ry.V nd :Its, "I t 1 ' so. Act ,A-s'st, Tok~o. hio AnsnsArbor, Mies. Bolp ote l33-:?r1Hor'eponte 0015 TUTITLE SERVES HOT LUNCH AT 9W oW wp3381 S. STATE ST. op or ox The Anni Arbor Savings Bank Cait looixlo. 9.0,11 0. Surpls, '00,000tt lRt'ourc e't'. ': ''0c,0oc A General Rinlg Binless Troosacted OF IE ',- oCJ~ . IC. tlit'.o'i , 'rs's.; 'W. ID. 11.aori rto. ,Virg.e.: ".011.1JlFritz, tositli's Staebler ( Wuerth I e ; t r l 1 t t i t r UNIVERSITY NOTICES. Tiscre still ibe a social sessioso of tile "Anstlers Clotb" a1 tse Cook iHouse, Sattirdoy, Noiveosler n, ot 8:30 ti. ss. Alli stdenst lks aiec invited. All arratngemtssshsvse'sbeess siadie for the 'ott li snicker ail Nichols hallSltst street.,isisNosemetihr 51. Everyoco me015 ouii to tise clotssmetitng- Friday, Norvem- lie 50,lit 4 p. Ml., Rtoss C. University salt. Bess Harris. joilntsmecting of class presidenssandt atleitic msanlagers, footiboll, basbali ansd teack, of oil classes of each deportment, 1o dicusits class athletie cueorssd otiser ittters, Vsedniesday, at 4, roomic309, itew e'nginleer'insgbuiildinsg. 'T'ickets for tse chsecrinog' sections at thc XWiscosinl-Tsichsigansgamso eilgo ot sal otd Otarat t o'clocik. Nearly 01 tousaindseals isill tbe solti toItmembersr of thocAtletcic associationo. Earschciii- ber may biuy oilt ote scat intshIls'chicr' ing secitin aindiIle'muisI t p ioduce his llellltel'sliltlickoe ts topu'chtast' his .scal. Nit latdics will lte attittedl ittthis see- lusts. Fii ENt-Nice stite roos. Fitie locatits. oppoitie campuslt ; tItOo ittt. $2.25 fttr eaicit of twot.1020 S. Uttiter- A1,111,11, 'I'llf ICI"'1 [''II IR, 111.1 "1 SI IP Cl' UE- I'S) D1.'l'I C I 'NI 113 WEA. I ICSIE.R\ XAI) 15.I'M'Fs FOlR N. Inus,-A1ol iscotuu stal wtch ltfot on tt OnSateui. cintcriurturntottlmrnut y Uiety hcoscritaltta'nttoreteiveureward sits'. 34-37 Stutdets' lanmps at Deant & Co.'s, at Estabtlishtet sf5. S. Maiti street, $1.50 tand $2.50. Best hic collcge jctvelers. lamops iss city. tf ii 0I.20'5 Jtt'WE1IIRY Setoti... 51aiutS Ctissplcelelegraphtlic repIrts if thte Stcets asp tD~t s'a A1 icliits llittt'o tste trill bc rccisvedS. Maitssrecet, $1.5ot cnd $2.5tt. UB'o oil f-utstont bros., 312 S. Stte street. atcsitiy.1 I I ALLEN. TilE M''AIR 5 IN STREET. $10.00 XAI) $ts.oo (lUIR- CC) TS--A FEXV Xl' AT2.0t0. (Glasses repaoirced. Esl".IRE ilTittIed al.lo tSI. AT QUARRY'S 11 I 11 Ping-Pong Photos 36 PHOTOS FOR 25c .14 Positions .0 OLD MORRIS STUDIO 116 So. Main St. Ann Arbor U. of M. BARBER SHOP Trojonowski State St. A CAMP COMPANION When you go into ramp, or start on a hunting, hshing S or any oilier kinsd of a trip, the imnporae of yourfoad Ssappiy should re- consideration- otherwiase y ou ._ the appetite yuu ate sure to get, Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit shisuld go along by all means' It is quickly and easily prepared, and is splendid in rom- hination with milk, cream, fruits, vegetales and lots of other things You can prepare it is a different way for every meal-a wel- come relief from monotony. It will dio you lots of good, toon.iL It is made solely of the whole wheat berry, and contains more strength and vigor and vitality than any other food, as whole wheat is composed of all the elements which enter into. the con- struction of the human body - mscsres, teeth, hones, tissues as well as heat and energy. 41. Write for "The Vital Otuestion Cook Book,' free. Ql, Triscuit is a whole wheat cracker. Better for toast than bread and fine with butter and cheese. Compart and easily carried. THE NATVRAL FOOD COMPANY Niagara Falls. N. Y. S 1 "'w"U r~wr v ^ r~w r r~r~r^ , vow- ,n, w II mg ndohrsnwihsateNighilt unchtCafe. UOpenlday5anyt LA M Sg t irdes tretblistote108. No combination in Lnnmps--No advance it price. 301'iS.i ttoc eefrtdornrho 'Te Rells Student Laop, Nichie-plated,. with lWhite Shtoate, 'sit's$1.50. __ Thle Perfection Studio Lamp, ' " " 2.50. 'TeSit. 0 Royal Lamp " " " " o.75t.ioo r s foior' ' 'The No.i l" " " " " 1.25. c 'The No ' " '"1" " ' 1.40. klotc'& 1t dcrlot tr o t he 1 I''l t' asDecorated Lamps omp tletefrom 01.010 b4.5tearls. We:sellthe beat Lamps made and for less money than any other , 'ent )oo t fot2t ,te 1el:,c house in this market. 3C'. A. lhandbltookoetocr..ire pinte 24SuhDEAN & CO. Ann Arbor totesteosttlto'I Xsli' ' t sirest.I zt 1 F I r I- Q$3.50o $4.00 For MEN and WOMEN See our Windows for the latest Styles and Patterns in 'waterproof Shoes. Heavy Tar Tans or Black Leathers, double soles thoroug~hly viscolized, balace tongues, military heels and large eyelets for rawhide laces. Three different styles of highcut shoes at $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00. WALK-wOVEDR SHOE CO. FINE ILUNCHFIES It letI t I 0hitt fl:It t't"dire ett ii R. E. JO.LLY SateSO. Ohio CentraIllines D.IRfECT LINES TOLEDO to COLUMBUS Parlor Cas oi all Tana FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Ann Aebor, 011h. 1 5 1. T 10 otto' i'es. Hlie 't s'so or , 5t S.N. C.rsso, (Cashie 'Oittts. cocoo0ooc. roe u , oos o ott ltlis. $11i,000 PURE SILK olE.,... Flat Clasp CGarters mke pou "cos uresy. A'tiscoft'on'e pe ptoeo tilk wet, rtoo oprsi otets ot 'i u'i te. P'etfctly Os, ouilto0 lsO 0'~lstaot'ile.tbooki POEER'ss ~ am SUSPENDERt 11 Marketst. a, an Philadelphia t eS silo 0 en Save a Walk Down Town Eltytot' Watches atoilJewelry rol iioatot05 ~e 1ight Place toe riotinJLiof In. Pins Octet tey Nk' keep ' ful Oine at cthe ' L o w e st prices. Nito ~ poor stock ohti rgodlotf o K' s tliItg t ii u~e ~ ettsli 'I tt in,, 115 t' o '1tit, 'O. Alottiti 'huck t a1.111 tl it Call ot tl' 7lthe ig tl t', op itt t'La.w Iildil 1g. J. [. SCWHI-E t , 340 Stht Money Loaned On abtX'at ' iami)-Iods it other Watthes and Jtewelry rpaired. 1- OttI saot rstidenc 33 I 1 I ierty St AnnAsbor flours lt I o 1:0Is t taa oanttot {JOSEPH C. WATS and iZICETCHINGS Lower in Price Belter in Qalily Askc A. M. SMITH 11An Arbor Savings Rok lok R. J. HIOFFSTETTER, Mgr. Ill S. Main StI r --- -- _._. _... _ _.__ -_--.___ i ALEXANDER & COM P A NY POR TRAIT URE All Kinds of'Photographic Special Attention given to work Work. for Amateurs. IHENNING BLOCK, COR. E. HURONJ& FOURTH AYE. i I I. .V _. v .z H EF ARE NEVER. UNDERSOLD)---GOOD FEAR'S DRUG STORLh