THV MICHIGAN DAILY __________ Co. Leading MERCHANT TAILORS The largest stock in the City of exclusive styles in Woolens for Gentlemen wear. Of high-class fabrics and special style for stu- dents. G. H. Wild Co. 311 S. ytate St. Why Wear A Jersey? Because it eayto hislip on it ~i youri-cc aa hni o IWarmi i v biscit iho,IT"ti i ((iotail~l(bl of aino 5)iiii"t iiol ya) oe. to i ii li/ Shatpe of hrul odsoft (I iil l3-- tic adiall ciiilose isiha( Blue, White, Grey and Black in Two Grades. $2.00 & $2.50 Sheehan & Co. Students' Bookstore Get Your Room Decorations PILLOWS, BANNERS, FISHNET WASTEPAPER BASKETS, SOUVENIRS, ETC. at. DARLING & CIALLEAUX Bth Phes. 224-226 S. Stat 5t 'THE1 MIiCH-IGAN DAI LY'. seniors there piy an assessmentif atioui $10 ald iiputmp lhandsomninc ccioriali. ntre a sconiid nlassm-attert h nnn Sri -lx ihei- premier ciass in Amecrica's Arbor Piictnfic. -rcatei- uniiversity wviilnot fail in ilicir (lily in alma niatcr for the sake of aii f f theiconllege year, at i17 Eact Wasingtonii snreet. Belphone 892. tHnmesphonei76. Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW Business Massager. WALTER R. HANS EDITORS. Athletic..-.......ClarseneE. Eldridge Newc ............Lois 1I. Stickiiey Eaxctacgec-.......Charles E. Wiastead Music- - --.......... I..S. Ortmesyer Womea..-.........Effie Jt. Aramstrang EDITORIAL STAFF. Hlugh Alten Franklin C. Pacts R Clace OBuien. ASSOCIATES. Gorce A. Osbocsn lHarold C. Smith Jt. Earl Ogle, Jr. George A. Barnes Ferris N. Samih Pcank J. Clack Robecrt I1. Clancy Ilciccy A. Montgocmecy D.- F. Stecnscnu Waltec Mceecbaaca Gflenni D- Bradlcy JonF. Wurz l Roy V . bittl IFloyd 15. Joncs RATES: $2.5o per year, cr $.os it paid is advan ce. Address: WALTER R. BANS Business Manager, 236 S. 12ith Si., Phone 849 L. T1ESI)AY. NOVEMBER 7, 1905. Eitiior noday-GLENN D. BRAiDLEY. CALENDAR. NOV. 7-ii7 liits v.oh06ngineers, Niirthi li-riyhcid, 4:15 ii. mi. Choral CUnsa1rehecarsal, 7 P. in.- Niii. S-nh liws w5.. '08 cginecni-. Nov. o-'lcryiiuft for I amicliollclib con- Noi.i - iCiingrcsiiitandaiisi-oin S. L.. A. Ccur-e. N. 11-Slcliig-a11i--i--OhitiState at Nit. j1-Annal fall CroiistjC ott Novw. 17-Rcgent'inctillg. Second i noal liticitcct of -Miciiatt Novi. 8-Viicon iilivs. lichiigaii, at Fcrri ielid. It is to lic hoped that thic joint scitioc memoitiriail iea, suggested by Thtc l)tily, w ill nit-ieicpetrmiittccd to cic ofinianitioni. Intcrviicwnifromi taritaitmcen promiiinent in colle-gc itt-c showncthat ncarly till realize the utnsiatisftactory cituditioni tf tttiig- at liresunt, yct thecre iiit mch diiuibt extireied astoiiiwhetthcr thec joint funds w ccill tic sufficicettiii ercct asuint- tile memria~l. Tetcominedti memtttirtihip of itic -Senir cla-ocs this yeis i-ovci tight hutntited. Athi$1.205iaiteaclthec sint of $t ti-nouildl lit raised. IThis wccotildl ti enoug to payI ii fir a itiitoriali thtat i-ouild reatiltbtic cret ito thteccacat. Ail -i-it i- ttitOf i-1.50 ccotildlinccrae.this tit $i2on Thereis inoittood rceaiion whiy itoh6 icnnt collecctnchlc inmounit. It1 fe-wc largunivic t ieis t thccsentinr ta solaat 11lid-gni Prmaceton it toiuy Siout a thtirdi at large, yel thc ext ra iquarter cdollaror i-it i-r captita. Anyoneiwhoihas tooid atIthe door lit-c bicn itrutcka mithie exceedingly in- adeqtitttfitcilitici- ftorcgrcss fron theb tl iiiiit hiAt ttes the congcstioni on theitairs- andiat theccltoors is ogrcat tht it insit reicactuallytprcccited fronm ta-semlingitt oci timic. Twco rctmedics tat cbeen isruggecstedi. Oceicsiiin cidei thc stairfromthe l-dfoor to the landing atiti ii- ide it ii half by a rail-our siide fori"upi theltchetr for "down." The li- econidischecic istoInbuild iron srwa leiac--dcinug clots-thiicoutside from thace latdiitgto ti-c groiud. Wh iatever pianmay lit adotdct, it is plain that somtuingtti shoutld ticdour an-fdontc Preidet Roosi-i--ct souldnotlwatte-mt his utieinattempttintg i tirove cfoot- ial t cc titldlibetittmu chbttci if tic traiut ishetisciin iiecFeciy ticldtlcceirs. \WithiCharlcy Batiid onttheicOlymianiti "allitiest iiiuiiti-ct.stall look to i-cc Paitel :Mcieri cotvcring itic rcervcd FENCERS' CLCI. PROSPECTS, Iliact thcrcire gooidl trotspcctsfor thc \Michiigani iFenciing clibidevcloinito thec clatss if to ttunielceast-rnuivrr siiii ti-itasuindictedriat thtc etccing hldc i-ondayfi i-night lby-the uncec-andtioldl ttcit- utillatftieliiieWisconiinc gtnme-in ordeir that ttieiothicrtictivitinieof tietunivcrs-ity, it iterftreccitt thyewoticktof thy clib. cttratceiprcedictionsi-fur thic cub. riccordc- in to Hatrryttradilc, tprcidcnt, tplans cresetiagrceat extnttthimptoirtace tif the clib. It is- hoipcei that thisyciar succt-i-ifultaraingmntsu iitwic- e ian -, tiletid ftir participtiothinithibic tiotutr- iiien oct f tic catern uittircsitiei-. Notingapptarcently standsi-inthc waty cxcctthiicqcu i-scecccof tierathltic asocaio adte1 board5of con~troli. Anhietr plani citilercrtmctplationits thc h uitngif ani-insitruictoiri-cteral tithcs taticcir. It is ainticipttct that thtc tres- tinceiofIan insitructoiriill icead in a vail iii-priovcinctinttccth witkof itic fet- ccci-. Alrcnady ievenctnyiciwrmenbers ti-i-cJ oinedi thy clibtutu ais soon as' cct titit ciaceces ai-cry lrgep Thtc Daily ccishecitoi totrecitatncerroir ini transiss-ion-iitwctit rcfcrec t ontic fuicltiigai- Illiitoii gametcSaiturtday. Tomn Himmn wa giiventi aatp--ucrcdit for Itic first tuicilirt lcchrat lciiiiyClarkttiade bnit- thecffri-iatid sni-id tochdbowns-. FROM OTHER COLLEGES. CUionc collg, of Schi-cnectady, Ncw corstru atlcn p reisectcdiwith $oo,occ lyAu-crcw Carnegic to bieusted in 1tcc ciiittctionic if aicngne-rng btildiig. Ainothe-r $10,000 i to li-c suscribd by'. altmi.iii Woirk ott the gymcniaiium at Llatd Siatiford uniiversity i- progrcsing rap- idly li-t i wiii probably be September' text befre lie butildng in ready for occtupation. Thincwiii be lie largest gynnasiumccitheUnciited Sac, acd with- the exceptioct of Berlic, the largei inc the cword. The iotal floor area onj the first floor i 39,748 quare feet. Thereciiili-c act ictertiational exhii- ti-n cxi yar ini- Milacn, Italy, in which- stuidcns fromci-all oitrt-chie wvorlt, froii- t1cc cantincunt Amecrica atd Autralia. ucicvite to atndcclacd to joint icact intcrnainaitl convet-ccion of niirity itdtsdui. Th imauuof t1cc itdcntstitf 1Al aniccai u nig ull iviatiotsitoiuh uivcersity stuts ot fte wordisto citrcingthtic bcciodclthtun it thilcgrcatt fraterniy f lckers.- Oncc f 11ccsincg cococd for uc ccc t1cc bleatichriatCacmpaigcc Sucrauy i-cill nowic ti relgaicl ted cte t"ha cben. Ti-if songtpranccasi-folliows, ig toi thi tuncfcifvte- My Rcgarcs Io lroat- way Givec our rgardtt Augll. Rcitccm-ber cci-to "HutrryIUp" Yoil; 'fclltll iccelbtys at old AcnniAno Tiht itsiur ti-it-noi-itou i-anti. Tell to thitragiigHuro Thic Bocncytrd oerflow wit joy; Tcllihothe 1ccbi-y-i frmic toor li JMic- iganc Gotstinccg atiIllintoii. Thecfirt ncubi-r f 11e Uniriitc f Mlichtiganc Ncws-Letcrfr ithc Yar igc5-o6 comeic out tday. G. Wiliatn Banrcnt, '05,i editr -indl t-cehA-c Actior Pcis,tpuisherscc. McGUGINS TEAM CINCHES SOUTIIERN CHAMPiONSHiP Suitutay afterntton cVandrbilt ccci Auutrnicolececonithiiigridironc icctcc nioit critical at-ccMcGctgicc n cch ate tic ftr eccuntecrdl on tir scedule. hulaurn clcg ccwcut dowin ccIfa in tl-c tue f 54 too, ad iwithc it AIc- Etigic'o tcamcvirtualy cicchdthe11chacmt-u pionshtip thei-ciout. If you arc not paricar, go Io nav tphotographi-r;butciif youc iantl 11ccbliri- cocci-iti Alxandr & Co., Henninig block. cod-f Forthunlatestideaitinccpotography icmc ts Aexadr & Co, Hningci- block. ccl-f If you are i need of a fie pair of csoes or ruhaers call at Apriln sI-e stor, Washingon stree. ed-f ALLEN, THE CLOTHIER, MAIN STREET. 'GAUNTLET GLOVES." Students' Room Furnishing~ JAPANESE Un'BRELLAS GOnta hang ramtheceiling of youraoom. Ticeir ick clring and charactersisticc cesgns impart an air of warmcctlcand giety. We- can furnishc thum isveral szs, fram thecstc six fee in diamter at 30c, 50c, 75c 90c U. OF M. BANNERS Old rngtish and Blck Lete Dsgn 75c, $1.00, $.2 , $1.50 $2.00, Etc. WAHR'S The Bookstore tha's never Un- dersold C. E. BARTHELL'S List of Late PubIcations Holt's Diseses of Children Oser Practice of Medicine. Butler's Diagnosis. Williams' Obstetrices. Bryant's Operative Surgery. Sahli's Diagnosis. Nancrede's Principles of Sur- gery. Oppenheim's Nervous Diseases. Lippincot's Medical Diction- ary, 1905. Cunningham's Anatomy, 1905. Gray's Anatomy, 1905. Rockwell's Dissectors Guide. Evans' Crown- & Bridge7th ed. Johnson's Principles and Prac- tice of Filling Teeth. Black's Dental Anatomy. Burchard's Dental Pathology and Therapeutics. C. E. Barthell 326 S. STATE ST. Telephone 761 Winning Faces win friends. You can have a winning face, and a comfort- able face, by using WILLIAMS'SHVIN I Announcement of the Stud~ents' Lecture Association -1905 Fifty-second Season 1906~ Ernest Thompson-Seton = Nov. 3 Hon. Chas B. Landis Nov. 10 Jerome K. Jerome = - Dec. 1 Jacob A. Riis = = Jan. 16 F. Hopkinson Smith - ---- Lorado Taft _ Jan. 31 Frederick Warde - - Mar. 12 Pres. Alderman . .liar. - SOUSA'S BAND = Mar. 30 Leland T. Powers = May 2 Oratorical Contest ----- Open Number Tickets for the Entire Course - $2.00 May be obtained at S. L. A. Office or from Student Sellers Seats reserved-50 Cer~ts Extra-at S. L. A. Box flicta, Main Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30 SINGLE ADMISSION~S $1.00 S. L. A. Phortea 552 Office Hours: 4-6 Daily (Saturday exceptec ii SlIIRTS="Monarch & Faultless" Brands-$1,00 to $3.50 KEISER CRAVATS=Best in the World-25c to $1.50 ARROW BRAND COLLARS= ==COAT SHIRTS HANDKERCHIEFS =Domestic & Imported-10c to 50c UNDERWEAR-$1.00 to $3.50. HiOSE-l0c to 50c aaBradford"~ and "Faultless" Underwear, Shawknit Hose Standard Goods at Standard Prices, but with LIBERAL DISCOUNTS to members. Books, Stationery, Football Post Cards--Supplies AT TR comop Enkoch Dieterle Embalmer and Funeral Director Anbulance-Calls at enate: day or night. 21OO. 4th Ave.:uesidence same Phone 404, Ann Arbor. PAILEY &EDU S fportiun Goods 121 East Liherty Street. LdHI GAN CE~NRA "The Niagara Foils Poues Chicago Buiffalo Bostlon New Yorki Through Trains East-8.18 a. in,, 2.40 p. mc,. 4.55 p. m., 9oats.M.l11.05p. m Lscals East-6.05 a. in., all.10 am., *405 p~nm.. * p. cc Thrsagh Trains West-2l.07 am~,7.58 a,.in., 9.18a. im., 2.3 pts. 0.20 top.m. Locals West-224 ami., 55,55 a. in., 55.45 p. a (Accept Sunday.) Connections at Chicago fur St. Luia, Kansas City and the West W. Wi. CASE, Agent. Ann Arhor Douglas Shoes Gym Shoes WAHRj=The Shoeman 218 So. Main St.