'l 17 -, NICi-11 CANT DAI LY
Oa0 ge d Fltrd a s ,n clss later at the An
LeadingManaging Editor, CLYDE L. DEW
9Business Manager, WALTER R. HANS
551s . ... ... (l i s 1). ile y
Exi 1 . .I..... tCals. i stead
11iricA.ic 11. OSheyeri
Siecs . . . . \.1i. Orssseas
1)11O0I 5, 5STAFF.
The largest stock in 1n hisAllnFrlainh C. Pars
the City of 0e(1ciisive5 1. Clarit. rin
I styles In Woiilens for \SSOCTiS.
Gentiemien wear. O01 i, c A . Obor isi ~ldC. Seash
high-class fabrics andl 1. ErlOleee, Srg . Bsrne
speital style'fo St-iHbere1iiClniy liesyA . J. Ciasis r
9ets i. Sis is~l \Vatser5.Nle i e rba
______________ RATEsS: $2.5opr ieearor$2.oa if paid i
9 - adeance.
pG. H.f Wild Co. 0 Address: WALTER R. HANS Business
r) Manager, 236 S. 12th St., Phone 849 L.
0 311 S. ytate St.
U t Nl l No\Y \ '[,'\[i11"1) 4. 55115
j ,lw skicked. 'l isi
- - id ifr bothSideiis.E
(C i nued fro IPage lunt)I In tie lai sthlf gooiilgaii sitwere nude l
" iii" Nlaiticse ,555lass. %vil heins till byIi li sies.an11d1tiicsi sacimws called
Ism~ o th Gehlli as nd1'sis fi.sta s he thei all resied iii ille iiidalil ofci tli
ply aepaeh i l i10s'tIou tso he l i pose si lo ite meics.e.
Hi . Q 15Pr iitiyman, ic t.ii1 ibe on thill ea(s lined nIi:
invAy hll iend.s ProIs. cs rssTue- ssasa ~se.Ileclcs.
bloo N ll rolldy act a sslncslls''s Ississscs. ..KIt.i',. larcs'-.l''es'e
awl W E X 11. ls'<< "milla s lin~esi ssi \gdsis'ssill.s...... O do
to presies'ak.. Is..., .. .Ia mn
\N miiaturei footh ll Hedis ill hes Reyi ck .......C ...... oro
pl lle ilnlt e stage ,sssd a flssslilliw i l sunter.. . . . il'i C.Is ,. . . o i
he1 seed pan W m its'ias'sIt,55WisllsPisssss ~ r .. C I.... Sialsicm
reliti as5 'ils slls. -'Spllider" Csss' n T are-I ... I , .t1-. ssMllcssss iles'
110 1 isdel i l ltel cheer isg, I'a .s . .. . ..s. Is. . .. te ll
11111 IIii iissssnd i is h115le tattsi Da iso . i.. s..iR B.......si on
!)an \5\ illiatend. Thei resport 5s ill b - R fre Cirh m ir- 1)ttn
tocoien ro pty ii1'coc . i mei 11f1 1111l dso a n I 11111 IN'
I i11111 ce t; ad ission ,.ll be555 c dov sss Ile, il:ls ais ons si il.
Isobe is t? ' l ssk. Irom ises tssoali 111hes il
Ills 15 that1 ssssis onIsis ifathser sto lt'e
Illhs )NeaCthle fo411ngssltileigtena ecnlnlapepofo h
slip (,) whi
F ' I siri Is srr si i sr a Ii s ~l l tf-
y 1 51+ r 5555 r k isses IOw iss Is t~
B lue, White, Grey and
Blwack in Two Grades.
$2.00 & $2.50
Sheehan & Col.
Students' Bolokstore
Get Your Room
No sss34 -isi IN soieticeessisessles -
Nss . 1o4 lios e atasceis. irless
Nod- a , \lic'ssasss vs. Ilin is a lt 'ls.'s-s
t's (Cmty-yrn 'o ssi. et
lo.a NilDen h~h~ satses' la
1 11111:30 pIi ls T'. 1 ee ls 11
\v II- ni~lfl rs mnr
5 lilnareex ectd it heprseit. i
sgra ills eIc> a ll sseno icas linil estah-.11
lis1 mwIsmem ssial is om whtlisilis
io oes bstisis til a dIll o rit
thn5 h se5 sh>,, e arr hlise sto ills
T]('aonly Imslll rsed hails beie ilOwll ee
f eieve thatsi~ tisisa mreel is ills oiis'
'55 c5 i tanis sa l e counere i
c t i i o'sssllther ietalilse ii 155''t I f
it' is a deiriabilichale , liias sees. t h
isa IssnteLMass tamis
imol h~hs ilmlp syandsasi Isis
fav 111c Il an cslti I Is -
Mc1te 55 IW & tlls 51 is senis to
si i Ihi ssl 11.1elin e iss see th
>ame a Illsas 1he1huaneltering
Mc iga ilitary iAcademyiiis nIsin s
th nesh l si l eass l sllsiu'
is cii (sedsii f lae ss''Id res' lder
'isl\ II 111)
1ilY'o8 1F
Inte tclioiest ind les terestling
clists al isslaed sth s as is a si '55the lls-
tio lir'swre 171 isslii tessis. ofli t o
ise is tionhdo s w sillade iclsth
ii- Issthree Irlt's .c ll 'siplay byssee 's lls'
theInch; igt assesba lebroke
eels ug the ellg ill H s5'lice i te mid~llse
pas the mielit i l t icl i III Th1 s e
Illsdi '5mot5have' a chance tss trvifs
hal ios nhI tel roud ac lifthe
med sssss s sti lls s srp is t the 11en i s
every' s'elitesl' isl ord ii'toswill ont.5
T ilh e eltlli ssss i tcived tit,5c11f
that isssis l madselse lol I-il o
Ishired l~lers i.a i i'cal sis' (>
,\tis t slmomenti thitlS eceay d
t he i toduced inle 111p5liialle,I el
fres'hmen5go55upise hes ir tes ndI ve
sic his' aessisis havi~e ei rcin
do~n te ltii ill tract: N h ai spee
clasme sto shame. si''hre ells'dredsand
sieofthls issmer oet ls's t prese1
hisss elf th ees'selee ion it sill iihardlys'he
Nim," er, eah part has ei s sa
and wa cy. inepaty cimi s reel eies
essc eat es hadsi(ifs he Is i hy voe
he 1al 1c1it s l ll s it oflsevll e seen.
'ohn- ssid 1o1 indlee' e heel r t h iles
dats. rslether t e seiol candideats
The !)righ ticktrec mmen s itse
t al w ise s es. is-it il~e 1a seird a l
ess esiss sicketiprNsInt s arl fh nr
to he nideaton f he 08situdets
Inls c disn anilcuXIiopeiwit h 'sAl c \ese ordi
saso ilsh etW rne crs t ae
Isispast c ie s i sl l essan ees th
bywict h eiss adisd s won t'h lessees
siase forbidslThe Dsils stills1istlng
al 1h oo sbt 111theylrangefrom skil
\ih tes sp eiski olft s chlsi a il
isty stis tosesl underi15stoo .ist iessi
isu eai h i f hse podgespses slit
']hJlcil v isiiakeilace fronts s o51
toii go ac ll.rcetil.l Cliae ngeslect-i
NlersnilaresW. l?.se ie ad di
Studeits' Room
yor ioo . hir ricecloine an
wiresihisad tie y e rfle's l
sifee ndeter. st',el
30c, 50c, 75c. 90c
Old u glsh ad Mok leterI-gi
75c, $1.00, $.2F, $150
$2.00, Etc.
The Bookstore that's never Un-
List of Late PublIcations
Holt's [iseases of Children
Osler Practice of Medicine.
Butler's IDiagnosis.
Williams' Obstetrices.
Bryant's Operative Surgery.
Sahli's Diagnosis.
Nancrede's Principles of Sur
Oppenheit's Nervous Diseases.
Lippincott's Medical Diction-
ary, 1905.
Cunningham's Anatomy, 1905.
(fray's Anatomy, 105.
Rockwell's Dissectors Guide.
Evans' Crown & Bidge,7th ed.
Johnson's Principles and Prac
tice of Filling Teeth.
Black's Dental Anatomy.
Burchard's Dental Pathology
and Therapeutics.
C. B. Barthell
326 S. STATE ST.
Telephne 761
To Beard a Lion
in his den, first soften the
beard thoroughly with the
creamy lather of
D)ARLING & fIALLEAUX ii ii Siiieiei. 103 1.' '
Bath Phones. 224.226 S. SealeSi
Announcement of the
Students' Lecture Association,
1905 Fifty-second Season 1906
Ernest Thompson=Setoni . Nov. 3
Hon. Chas B. Landis . Nov. 10
Jerome K. Jerome - Dec. 1
Jacob A. Riis - _ Jan. Ifs
F. Hopkinson Smith - _ 11-
Lorado Taft . - = Jan. 31
Frederick Warde - . Mar. 12
Pres. Alderman - _. = liar..
SOUSA'S BAND = = Mar. 30
Leland T. Powers = May 2
Oratorical Contest = . .-
Open Number ----
Tiockets for the Entire Courwse - $2.00
May be obtained at S. L. A. Otfice or teom Student Sellers
Seats reserved-50 Cents Extra-ait S. L. A. Box
t v : , A tat Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30
SINGLE ADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Phot~e 552
Otffice Hours: 4-6 Daily (Saturday exceptec
Eroh itel
SH IRTS="Monarch & Faultless" Brands-$1,00 to $3.50
KEISER CRAVATS-Best in the World-25c to $1.50
H AN D KERC H I EFS=Domestic & Imported-10c to 50c
UNDERWEAR=$1.00 to $3.50. HOSE- I0c to 50c
"Bradford" and "Faultless" Underwear, Shawknit Hose
Standard Goods at Standard Prices, but with
Books, Stationery, Football Post Cards--Supplies
A'' 'THE
Embalmer and Funeral Director
Ambutlance--Calls at eade' toy or aieht.
ill0S. I4ls AveNss.ideesm
Phels404.ni Arborahe.
Sportinig oom
21 East Liberty Street.
1177p Niagara Falls Rase "
with direct connections at ('hinago for
St. Louis. Kansas City. St. Pool and
Clan West. For information and
through tiekets call on or write to W.
W CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor.
Douglas Shoes
Gym Shoes
WAHR=The Shoeman 218 So. Main St.