THElS:MICHIGAN DAILY DEFItUlS ARTI STOREI with (honiiiiiiiiinvls Only the Best French (ilas3 is Used. 223 S. Main St. " s Indecision miay cost you deai if y0u study too long as toi wh re you'll senid sour shirts, collars1, Ceiifls etc., to be washed. Save 30111 nell ihioght.,iworry and expaonses by having us011111 Ifoe anythiiig you cvant laundered. We make no eharge for that and eeluova lie goods, t oo, Jut when and iwhlie 11(1 want,1them. Y es Il Nv ae lephone, 92,S. Var'sity Laundryt 117 S. Fourth Ave. Both Phones 9258 1 I personally request young gentlemen who appreciate omortly designed Peg Top Trousers-to ak my representative for trousers hearing my mark From the way my Trousers fit you will say that they are horn not made I. QUARRY'S t)ERfIAL CREAM SOAP and QUARRY'S I 4' After Paying Your Tuition Fee The next most important thing, in to avail yourself of an oppor- I F- , - )LKiMiAL is 1 itniyaa e s nwyouou rous.n.. li.nesof ,na1,~nesonn,-51- v~wt wi * Ied with the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Everything is now * atf nxinfln t rl ready to be seen. *I TAILORS HATTERS (TO LIEN andK e QUARRY1'S UNIVERSITY AVE. Mr AT __________________________________________ I "imperial", Model and Peg Top Trouser _____________The Ann Arbor SavingS Bank bT bear my mr-o will find them labeledu TUTTLE__________Cap__~ial istc, S50,0010. i5nepias, i,011,o0 inside of waistband, just ask Resourcmark 00you Ohio Central L ines S ERVES HIOT LUNCH AT ~ B~igB~hm rnam nesh it ipe .'..o AI Ge TT T.o r r i nerl aningBtiness11iirasaed Lione h it ralCas .II is;IApf e & C. IRC LN 3IS.SAES. f riraVePrs:A1. +tzCashirTOLEDO to COLUMBUS Prlor Cars on all Trains I F. J. SCHUH photographer REN S HLI4$ 319 E. Huron SANITARY PUBN Horikng vllevRV( as and Electric Students' Suppli .S lis COiN~'lNIli'IS 1F'XIl',Ll'NT1 You ill iiid [our Trains Daily From ToledoRR~ Carrying Parlor Carson Day Trains Steeping Cars on Nlight Trains Oioin Detpots in Tiiledii and (lu- RECENTLY ENLARGED luinhos 25,000 Now Words and Phrases 1 New'Gazottecr uf the World Nie Biograsphical Dictionary Campus Martius 2380 Quarto Paen n00luns tiriiioni. Detroit, Mich. 1tis i--. 1100 it o Ilusitration.y Regular Eivia lo s :c001 ltnins L a 34 ega G. 6 C..I ER11IAM CO. 'Iie finest 'lear Havana ,5 ct. eigar in Pb GsesSTinfBeST Mss the miarket. GET______THE______BEST_____ -AT- MANN'S DRUG STORE -________ 213 S. Main St. Envoch Dietetice GIEORGE BISCHOFF Embalmer and Funeral Director s Ambulancer-call, at rode' day or night. FLOR IST 210 i8. 4th Ave.: tResidleiieesaime Chuice Cu-t Flowrs nd .. s Mtt'iione 414. Anii Arhiir. Chopin Si briwren Huon and Cltler Ave. Phone 5054__________________ JBAILEY & EDMUNDS Ge ityour Watches anid Jewelry - - repaired at ttie Right Place 121 East Liberriy Strret. Buya your U. of Pt. Pins wheire they keep)afii~l pricea. No oiil~ poor stock u tr.Nothing chargiled a N e othking a eli rgoodslioi oeioting at Phonographs and Records prlsn iorepairs, ete. Alairmoelocks Complete Line $1.0n and li ltl1 at the rig ht plai'e. SCHAEBERLE & SON opposte Law Buildiiig. tit4W. Liberty St. Ann Arbor, Mieh. J. F. SCIIEEDE, s34te san-t. A SPECIALTY kii II(, l' C}I I (iC)I. S. 1' 1Michiigaiipins. fobs ilnd Siiini. J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington Si' l'I ' 1 1 RS Ct'l 1 l I IIEs.iia'v JiWLRYtns S'ei010i, I rin Sit. ___________________________ If repoirts are 'true. ilierei will lie iionel ft j --ljf FUNERAL of1 thei loi ' s oingiilieeii' ssin hisitiry lii'' sillsmall, gollstiek 1ipi, 111ar 0.LUM. Mar~tn DIRECTOR S. '.5.iii, years"iilsethe vy iieami lev.riinlee else_ rOlties h20l S. 4th Ave. Phone y?. I ieiii Ieiii tlii li' el i lito 126 N.IDiisjin, Residene 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 3:14 yea sc is toliiev eloIvI-livate. AMBULANCE ON CALL At he resnt iteas arg a row wecumy the lagmst liiieof ' TT't 1itst. lfroe iil acmp ity te Stiti siveisi' iavene.30 ;36(Ii l iKTiM i's Ii .tMt'Otrstt I Cigarettes and itnne iiai iepor iedCigars, A eaiipilsim elevn t, A i A borfor he ai an - - - - - -lin ofallsiiiii,li aetilees. We ore agents lilsi liii ii li ii~ii iforDhi iimiH'i' 2Clo., LUNKMAN & com.iimiitiB iiiijieti'i ISii iis s~ch ul s I t i lt"PES alsii ioreSTACY'S 2& StttAtl1titi'. tne iioelai te iN-BONS. iii'yd s tIris vei s a=lii '0n2511 at' n ld'escelrySStore. tii R. .JOLLY. State.;St. 'ii iiii iii"Ii~~ silgi i i s 0 ie hisold . .A. A. J. RAILWAY lee car as. u c< igi lar1ioin iwih every 2,y-entsipuir-iSTNA RDaTIn Ei \'I] pol~ahl he oit entre trin mad Chas. CushngmSihat-nlcamat Fo ei t ,m haifti'ho~uy s fro m :1a. un 'iv Ii ei'iili isl ' 11 ivii esels at I I I ~. S Maid o Ymisiiaomi nliiy, t1115. i:453, 10:58and 12.45 vii e o th reularcla coch tyl. Alrm locs pm. iorie kset sii.iouriy from 61<.ini. m. n- pries F ller & ' Con0n5o r.i619 I?. i I m urokeni eyeglass leinses lduiflicaedi. liiii streeti. if Optica l iep., Arinolid's Jescelry Store. if If younare illmieeid of i ht li pairiof Sulls ipressed, 2,;Civtroisers. inc. PURE S L sloes oi'r ruber s eall in Apirill's shoe Fu'nlei & O'Coinnor. tfSILI "iStudsents' lamipls i atian& ('is's,21ulI 1" i tlc l is t ides l'phlt"rapt V S iniilvs'ee, $i1.5oild $.5. Bedt IB R IG H T O N come to \lexade & C .,Il in l c i t sy. If lock ct od-if Flat Clasp Garters I still giveassay oiie vopy of the 1Nic i ake yor'"course"oeay.Mode oronerpire Try _IlPS' P fisviel tiouu hol eiifs ig ao C 1'iioii uwithi every 2"-Cnc ur i pore silk woe metal parts heavily nickeleid. a I Perfrctly flat, comfrable, adjuostablr. Lout a11 l lotc is at Cud ishii'' s lll'ii'il' ase Cus ilg's pfill sie'. tf !far name ongarter clasp and hox. Registere d = Trade.Mark NN"ileb. issewelm',- iiidlecu' class repir-v ________________________jg yslilils ivsiii.SUSPENDER °'a's Il i_ itii'e i Js~uni~w iis' SuORny. Saiii SI. CO. ot 718 MarkelSt. ® Pine - - g ° Philadelphia .Yoruederw F ace Value O'- gnl ii'godsgern; is what you value your face at. withiliuiu'ii.'is 1. .J. iRetuiviiA If you value It an you shsould, 117 1')li.isiii. __ 250 ;YO Uuse STUDENTS. PI WILLIAM S' TI C K A fire insuraise pmolicy costing $2.0-) R licsae you $4no. See I.H mti, H T D I K rmcli i20i, Aiin Arbiir Savinugsbankulsockiel, 19went ir eall iit Bell phuonie 299J. If CALLAGHAN & CO. LAWMP BOOK PRICES All NEW en~d LAST Editions 1st YEAR--(It vols.)==$32.00 2nid YEAR--(13 vols)-$42.0 3rd YEAR--(8 vols.)--$21.00 All NEW anid LASTgEditloo-s SECOND-HAND BOOKS CHEAPER CALLAGHAN (t CO. LAW PUBLISHERs. Chmcago ANN ARBOR. BRANCH, State St. Opp. Law Bldg. GAS ST'UDY LAMPS $2.50 EACH 100 Candle Power for" I-3 Cents per Hour. Save Eyesight, Money and Trouble ANN ARBOR GAS CO. CHC0' AE ia'i W ic nlit il iim'i eam TOMiAsiTimm'i.i~ims CL'M BmiTHm'm mis il UmICEiOCKAILi MOmCa liTR 1H Alira l ILK LEMONsADE F(.(.LimiiiAD Lmeadti Eu iCHOiiOiLAim CHImKEN Bs Tlliu OYSTER BROT EO E. CALKINS 320 Souath Stat. Street ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY- THING IN TAILORING