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November 03, 1905 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1905-11-03

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iilh MibICIGAN DAIfS Y- __
for Art anod Skill in TailorinqgNMON[Y [OANED Student Room Decorations
5)5 a! ~ His sOA Fine Collection of
Calnd ansst iHI t Glass eCO Ito Stens, Smokeinif Sets, V. of M. Souvenirs In Pyro-
ad o( eal s l t. jraphic Work, Pictures, Posters, Phxoto
SAM URC FIE D & COW.. J LORIMNets, Japanese Vmbrelas,
SA1UR H IE D &4O 4tIth As's. 0ppo(star lom ose Dishkes
The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 01r tttio s 0 -i 1::Ws : Jzt°Now on display in sr Basment Bazaar
106 EAST URON STREET Bsiness Strctly Confidnta MACK Q L Co.
'- No. 247 / Reduceod Rates to all Ponts for
41Edited by Hary A. Fisher L L E N VACATION L
Cnts ne otsssfi a< Itto oern l "l t t iTains Leavse AnnArbn
r s aer osltie- ndsers h rt+ Ir / {]urr. xclusive styles and extra values in lien's suits and Over- T eClo hi r oss Ostio ..Is I,, n.S<"a1irr
PRICE 10 CENTS BY MAIL coats at the above Price is our specialty, MAIN ST. G, n IlPass. \ ", A nss
C../ siIssssssit sssi ti s (osssstloi nesisssiio i/iso ssss lsiss 'slss0i
Into laissssssessssessjsyssl fse fossisOf An Arbor, Mih
BILLIARDS UNIVERSITY NOTICES. teCIslel gsieilsissssls gisiceis ssi sssIsoe oy:of thciii Fh:: :0I: H-ss~
HUSTON BROTHE~RS lsi, ifor Ireosssmsss"Icee cl will ls-_ cla elwthf is o w e'
to---W tllD t2.5ot RisowiielssssC Issroi si.IsilesLaundry
frm ,4 isis o/iesssssss. ' iiilkN A>l /0NlN. lssssis ssii~e ss Vsssgsi, Thomas Rowe, Proprietor
Ping-Pong Photos Iise ss ett lina cItssiss iisi-tss isii sehaisiiisssss-) 326 N, tith Ae.
hIIs It' S>liss dit ng foers hirelwilliss UllrCteil h/oitspitl ani rci . st rewords~ssiss.
PHOTOS FOR b25c nl p it ssilxsilsOidiun t s' si>~ i-o it sil s's Iis eli/ S sisse, litst SiNePoe J. i ler,1 'n -J.
.~ 4Positions F ol 5555tiistu issis ist~ O atslolili lis -' e st.81NStRANGE
OLD NORRIS STUDIOr lce ll cdm,30,1 1 yae ~h olg eees rl (r KT I . ',0
116 So. Miet . AssnArbor h orli /iss ii ' lt) ass mill hld s tre.ililcassno owl 333 lwiVSil, al t G e .J a le rs O
:tt]rtGl sh:ataomilis RooGit/C 'ivC C e1tsitS i oe ae-ospr i . r go ci nyS tudits) Ss s l aps as t IDeani & CO.S, 2itaiR E A L tE S T A T I
U. of M. BARBER SHOP h Rilooms 1-iss4 sississ :s1-8si si S.ii-Is-t S Osissiet $50 'Mt 2'n.i~s
Trojonowski State St. iani10)Oh 're o lex sndcr5&Coii. i estsin msso i nissi a ts et.i
A .FT O NE S (/11-isstiiss //55na5at 71Glasssrepared._1_'_ _L_1-
dc o5 l at 'he Sol Moisis byi 1,1-l e i so v aytos wisss sisic a s n hfoe your t -byes careflly list utedd tsted.
sod i, Killse. o i nt iiere st inisecstss ur iitgi i is onStat'lies01stre et.s(you i)ORGII Ii .,1,11WAlasts S. P H O0T1O 0R A P HE~R
Z I C E C I G i cii s hnii I ldsi- f ls-iii are5ii i oticia r ab ttrrassirtett itnssrhall -
Zie I, N 1 I Gn-i rsi iiis t iat Otis isi jewseryy tire.' t I amburisgers-aadthesiriadwticesoat GET A VIB ,ASSAGE
iso- Night Ii isseisCafe. Hiss's say adas t te
Lower in Price isigisi seters takeni iy ilhoneo1078 I1,. AMPUS SHOP 7115NLUniversity
Better in Qoality r ^v v iv"i"i ^ is vwh^ ' r r fS. State sreet list dooriorthsue - ----sit
Ask A. M. SMITH L A M P S Wager's .- _._-- .._ ft 5pNEiOURVACATION
11 Ann Arbor Savngs Benk Block No combination in Lamps-No advance in price''lieAnnAror rs oi ees-s ]);It ON THE GREAT LAKES
'IsBi' tt udS NLa p slc lctdi tWi e i l l rdeto- i is aus$1.0. 1eri/ & Snydie) ines o c is's it t'iii-sglss
1____._0_It__________t_________ 'i/sotpsO2.50,I/ailT At s, IlneYsi t 's sis A
td4o0 5 I-itINE---'---
B IL IArii oat-iI-iss.'isii-ofit / to/So sss iss i o'u ab 1,5 51'a ol nfoh 1 h chrc ; i 1 ;. j C
AND We sell the best Loops made and for less money than any other loll stetItf
house in this marketG
M~~~~~~ DEN C.AA ro
1V 1 ,,c z_ o1
Suits, Overcoats and Cravenettes" M/CH/CANs SUMMER' RESORTS
Al this Nwest ad 0 -atTII sL l AII.il
- lssiC 't its o sorimetnloe o DETROIT CLEVELAND
- ~New Fal Hats and Caps Leave DETROIT daily- 1030 P. M.
SH D E I -E h raot vreyi] h iy Arrie CLEVELAND -5311 Aii-
ALWAYS IN SEASONy f ; Fall Furnishings Leae CLEVELANDs/aily 1015 P. M.
Thoe wo e New tfinami i nti odais Nesw fsit Shirts, Neckwear, (Gloves and Arrive DETROIT- - - 530 A M.
jo saes-s~ to the rlir -isCsssnetinsg sit . AIC- STAMER f1r
etent the ssports and rrocrr l iUnderwear I [is largest andsi esho w siitng ofat Mirs a i m. Nn i 05 -s a cknc o, asisi.Oss~s /~
issso otoo hsriaisTrousers Also a linevarity of fanyss- s A atg ' i e at apols al PtPotskyMiiakeo. thi-
stsr importaneofo r o prea Suit Cses at is f cago std Certtn Iay . l O .1 5.1 ,
ath i eentfrtod iat SEE OUR. SHOW WINDOWS DAsoTRIS (incudin Sundy beten
satisfy andst trengthnts fel. _____________________________________ DETROIT AND CLEVELAND
Shredded IODILY exeptstMonday, J1L15IAUGU S
Woe-WA D H A M S L. 0LDSc odas Sudas 900M.
Wlh~~LoODLEID MonedaysTbrday .0AM

* The I rLvIETIDI,Mondys &"Satrdays 5.00 PM,
Bisc lit C*rIWe~~ ews lthes ~dnedays A Fidays 9.0A.M
prcsl1il teerqie 1 2 1 A N D 1 2 3 s . M A I N s [ Fur Trps PerWeot*Commnciogonotbtts
meu tersi e o ntis atictis reoiss-Thr -gl i s a , i s -otis
ma oftenire aot sb/sryjsty, el isadxosi- -ila SS O s] G i i. f
whicca n~smirst-riOrenthen- 55.4std w t isis' xa 50/55/i/S:.
ihag anoth oy odQItdio doayadO A. tt 5i'tttti05' '005 ,eo i/i. i
[ia/sssrs tceicaet s r e - DETROIT AND CLEVELAND NA. CO.
gmrsed fr strength, energy
auscboesad tisuesItis A E A D R & C M A /
padi n nres o way bo s IIisY (j t o r s Sryi'
s-isosiAk,crao, fruits ,s r L X A DRe O M ANeet o r
tabls, ec. Qa tae itDecorations
hOc -tiesedlro --- PILLOWS, BANNERS, FISHNET
af brea ss.Triscuit, the
fsas r bett r t bresrsOs6ad oe toast. All Kinds of.Photographic Special Attention given to work WATPPR BASKETS,
It is ody-cs and easilycasrried. I Work, ETy ose rsut n for Amateurs. SOUVENIRS, ETC.
~e s sre isoi" iOat.
Niwgara Falls. N. Y. Bth Phes. 24-2rSaaeS

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