' 1L MtCIIGAN P AILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY. li* 1:1. as second c ias inttr atthe :n Al"bis'Postoffice. c oo Pblished dahilts(IoindaysIexceited)iduinig 0the cllege yea, lat 17 East -W'shington streset. Bell phne 392. Idome iphosne 76. Leading Managing Editor, CLYDE L DEW Business Manager. WALTER R. HANS MERCHANT TAILORS EIIITOIZS. ,\tl.et.cs.........Cl 1arec I.1-;d. d :Nes........... ..nis I_). Stine S;eag ....... harlie 1. Winsted . . . . . . . . ............A.11. Orteve FITlili I. STAFF. 1' The largest stock in lghAln Franklin C. PI'ks the City of exclusive RI. lare O'Biteni. styles in Woolens for ASSOCIATES. Gentlemen wear. Of Georger A. tsborn Hareld C.,Smith high-Clasfabrics and J.'ar'l Ogle, Jr. George A.lBarness I cr' . Si'"' Drank J. Clark A special style for tu- Rbr 11. Clascy I iey A. .Sisxigssery Aet 1) SIis'cses JohntrF, lIitrn xx kov V . Ibull iiFloy i es + _____________ RATES: $2.30 pes yearx or$2.a0if piidi s advsance. G. H. W ild Co. Address: WALTER E. HANS nusiness 31 . tteq Manager, 236 S. 12th St. hn 849 L. U CIII I 11 5'Y. NI 1 121BCE 3. 19015 -1 New University Calendar 'las for the cover de- sign a beautiful campus view delicately colored, and in one corner, on a background of bronzce is the U. of M. Seal embossed in gold and the 'Varsity colors. Has 23 photos of the Campus, Buildings and Ferry Field. Makes an excellent souvenir to send to a friend. Price 50 Cents al1 Sheehan & Co. Students' Bookstore Money Loaned Oan Watches.,IDiamnds or other personal Ipioperty. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches &c Diamonds Office at residenice 331iE..Llberty St Ain Arboir. Tear s toe1ii:30 a. a., I ts 3:310 15(1 ;to JOSEPH C. WATTS Edinor Today-GEORGE A. BARNES. C klCNTDAR. Ny a 4--litcrary 5so7citie' (cloii 1 - aries t11chos eaes N ea.ue atiBarbourl9Y111,\V4lto 6. Nov. --Coc~ll:'offlimedics Is. 'o< 11 iicii 31) opso-ill inoenn Nov.1' 11--Mlichiganies.lli ois11 a111 1117111 Nt% >-Del a hl' ltI Mct' I illans Too strm ~ 1111oi 1ic l vit' i1111 has) m i lletilt thlilli Ill se1commI'l nt oI thetcampus.1This ~time the fresh' llawt' ou fll ticktsi n te ll d ad(Iigh 1he g11 la7() 111eir tic lithe. mos)t' I isl hopeIdill thartilt'sicI 1will beI 721 I j 1 1 c 1 t t 1 1 \iCiiCN UNION BN QUFtI'' TICKETIS (IN SALE. F1111rihunidr1711ticets 1117 11e 1.0i11 concrt wre1pt onslet' estrdaly 11e- 'l'icl et.'iret' 1113 'ill sil l i th115is Ill Ois accot of1(tll'rservaion orte Wli1sosin msica.clushall' th111' ale 1o1l' s11x51111 d1111 a'ti ilO.tikt(ls 1(1(111 fift remaining 11191( till'ets wilt'th131 pu111117 tLs tiltea111111 etlslleris(tctallstdthe 11111 te hasi 1111 ecided lith1at(1 the1 (only (i ts' 1711 ayIl i'tt' 1111 'lt t' 1.1t' i ts' Miss 1111- ' 1111171' 111il 1 thlrefore 11'ur111a11 1111'h1117culty liiga1umn'.cal leMiss 1_001111. 1111111 cat3' rethano01Itt'11115 131 l t' 13111 Itlt' w ill hold. it'ou ltltcrowding. 11111h l coIl (71 nit'i. 211ques7s(1(at eac ll 11 1117111711 in hrills ecin. fte iktt"t a e At Dartmsounltlt'e1n;ipdprmn 1(ki1 g thus1 011(771's 11171 ent'ilit'ill 1111V1 l 311 i h s ll abo9l ied atiCol-, umIa, bl'. t iti 1B1a lil l Ico ll- t is s t1111 easer ' i' t er'I' . (1(11 11 i ( 111 le . Furnilshings JAPANESE UMIBRELLAS warthli a(li~lnd iy. We1755 furnish them( I i Seerl sizes.,11r1o11thrie to six 1711 in iameter,1717 at0 30c, 50c, 75c. 90c U. OF M. BANNERS 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 $2.00, Etc. WAND'S The Bookstore that's never.Un- dersold I1 annual 7 111 1117 Ctalillt