P'HE MICHIGAN DAILY G. H. Wild Co. !° THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 0GN' -\I UN I(C kllE) N. Itstered as secnd elass emate at the Atnn T the IEditor ot The Daily: Arbor Peostffice. Dui ng- the tose I have been a student lulse ailytMotays exceepted) duringo hsuiest ;venvrbree the coilege year, at 117 East \Washington the pre'i ith 1ty opilliont s asto uni- stee nell phoe32.Hatesphonee76. tersoty poitics. M present outbreak - , - - -eay therefore hreipardoned. Bct 1 was z Leading MERCHANT TAILORS The largest stoek in the City of exclusive styles in Woolens fnr Gentlemen wear. Of high-clans fabrics and special styie for stu- dents. G. H. Wild Co. 311 S. ytate St. r ' ' 3' , y ' i i Managing Editor, CLYDE L DEW Business Manager, WALTER E. HANS EDITORS. (thietc ........Claeenee E. Eldeidge News. ......... .tuit 1. Stickes Ecane....e....Chaeles IE. Winstead Aleuir ........... ... .1I. Ortmeyer Waoen ....E....1 fe J. Armsterong IEttITOtt.\t, STAFFt. Hug leklieslentraklisC. Parks 1:. lt re (r ine. ASSOCIATES. G~eorge A. Obhet Itateki C. Stmith J. Pitt1 Ogle, Jr. teore sA. tarnes Perris N. ISmitih FakJ. Clark Robket ..Cancy teey A. latntgaeey 1). F. Stevettsontt Vltet tetzeeehtts RATES $ain0tpe estr, or $lane ipaid i advnte. Address: WALTEE R. HANS' nusiness Manager, 236 S. 12th St., Phnne 849 L. 'iI IiESiiAY. Nt)V1 III-ii z. 12. )5 ldijior 'loday--etnry-A. Nllttgoti'rN. CALEINDAR. Nov' 2-3-:4-itierary socrieties'itrrelittin- arie- aoeliooselibelirs. NOsv. 2--Football: 'o6 lits vs. oV)(lits. Steeil ihorl Unineheartal. Facutyllconiert, Schiool oIf XAinc. Nat. 3-Optetimtitintg oft 'otisti Lea-telitBarb otur gyttt. 4 1to6. NoVl 3--Footll: '8Ilmedies vs. on tlumberlifvt. L.S I. eoltrse. Nov.4--\ilcil'll vs. Iiltlioisat Chant- Nov. 3-eatt Vau(ta, kai NcielMi( hall, 6:30 1i. t. tmtchilinterested i il elDaily'sitertitent edlitolatitteta"'stttm-tttriatls. 'The idea illere atlvatted-tloftlote aptproptrtate tmem- (111al initsiati oftmtan ttnittmy eitnap-i fo~r it app~eals to a11Miichigtttsptirit ttiieh sholdttriteeer abov11e lieptartmtetande clasloyllitt-e Ill wil (eI Idolot peitt 111 Ittersona1llpeise that 11tileipresielents ofI leitfIiteretisenlior classes xwilapt contjuion wist thikbiie ecomtitttees, ecan Ill lealst invsestigalte thte feasibtility- 11 the planeeropsedil.Nohgcul be f tilllas(gll5111' teiiitieit gesed oIe ~r Isome -lilmot-iatltewihtshall ll'ilellistcet <..i. theirltiipesetof Pre111ident n. ........... . Students' Room Furnishings JAPANESE UM'BRELLAS Goet hangIt ~t~ fromteilelitnIo 'caatetriticdesigns ip~art:asiestf wah anll~tdeaiety. tWecnfturntish 30c, 50c, 75c. 90c U. OF M. BANNERS Ol gi s atndxl 6 i I I Ltt si~n 75c, $1.00, $1.2 , $1.50 $2.00, Etc. WAHR'S The Bookstore that's never Un- dersold ' , C. E. BARTHELL'S List of Late PublIcations Hull's Diseases of Children Osler Practice of Medicine. Butler's Diagnosis. Williams' Obstetrices. Bryant's Operative Surgery. Sahli's Diagnosis. Nancrede's Principles of Sur- gery. Oppenheim's Nervous Diseases. Lippincott's Medical Diction. ary, 1905. Cunningham's Anatomy, 1901. Gray's Anatomy, 1901. Rockwell's Dissectors Guide. Evans' Crown & Brldge,7fh ed. Johnson's Principles and Prac. lice of Filling Teeth. Black's Dental Anatomy. Burchard's Dental Pathology and Therapeutics. C. E. Barthell 326 S. STATE ST. Telephone 711 A Man's Face has a right to health and comfort. It cannot have these unless he insists upon WILLIAmS HIN i Announcement of the Students' Lecture Association 1905 Fifty-second Season 1906 Ernest Thompson.Saton = Nov. 3 Hon. Chas B. Landis - Nov. 10 Jerome K. Jerome - - Dec. 1 Jacob A. Riils - - - Jan. I16 F. Hopknson Smith. Lorado Taft . - . Jan. 31 Frederick Warde - Mar. 12 Pros. Alderman .- liar. _-- SOUSA'S BAND = Mar. 30 Leland T. Powers = May 2 Oratorical Contest ----- Open Number Tickets for the MEntire Cou~rse- $2.00 May be obtained at S. L. A. Office or from Studeni Sellers Seats reserved-S50 Cernts Extra-at S. L A. Box ff ice, Main Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30 SIMILE ADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Phome. SS2 Office Houes: 4-6 Daily (Saurday exceptec Shirts, Tics, Underwear At the COm-OP. Our line of Shirtings, selected exclusively for college men, has JUST ARRIVED Our Underwear Is Seasonable Our prices and our goods wilt give you satisfactiont. Goods guaranteed. SBooks, Magazines, Stationery, Football Post Cards AT THE C OO Emoch Di eterle Embalmer and Funeral Director Ambulance-Calls at ende'* Say or night. 210 S. 4th Ave.:I Residetnese tll Phtnes 4114,Ans Arbtr. 1BAILEYt &n iEDMUNDS 121 East Liberty Stret. "ThZfi agara Falls Routr" THE SHORT tIRE fCHICAGO ANN ARBOR to BUFFALO BOSTON (NEW YORK with direct connections at Chicago for St. Loois. Kansas City, St. Paul and the West. For information aod through tickets call on or write to W. WV. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor. Ii,_ " I I Do~uglas Shoes Gym .Shoes WAHR=The Shoenian 218 So. Main St.