'MoI2 MICHIGAN bDAitY Hockillg Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Carson Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depots in Toledo and Co- lumobus S. E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. i t 9, r° THE BEST. ARGUMENT 2 We can offer for your ' patronage is we Stand back of everything we Sell. It is always right if it comes from f this Store. Give a 4F1Cmoment's coinsidera- rtion to these figures. MEN'S SUITS, OVERCOATS AND~ RAINCOATS from $10, $12, $15, $18, $20, $25 and $30 REULE, CONLIN & FIEGEL 200-202 Main S#. W EBS TER'S5 1I ERNIATIOt4AL IT IS LIP TO DATE. AND RELIABLE RECENTLi ENLARGEDl WITH 25,000 New Words aid Phrases Noe Gazettecr of the World Noe Btographiuoal Dictionary Unie tae ommisssioner o Eucaton. 2300 Qoarto Pa o. C)00 Illustrations. .!lso Webser's CologiotoDictonary Resgolsr Editio 42s nhesso. 3bindings. De LuxorEditison5/xSs x 1o4in.Printed from san. paels, sonbible er.2beiulsbidigs.. FREE,"DiionarWikls."llstratd paphlets. 0. 0 C. ME&MKAM CO. Pob~shero, Springfield, Mans., U. S. A. ""ET THlE BEST Geo. J. Hailer ft Co, Rooms 1 141 . Mins N[WN TAILORING --AND C LOTHi1NG0 PARLORS 118-120 E. Liberty St. New Dleterle Block. We sell direct to you at Wholesale Mill Prices. CALL aAND BE CONVINCED [PENDYOURVACIO ON THE. GEATLAKE - O 5' ll DAILY4 Lao DTOIdol .1. 0M Louvo CLEVELNDCdiSl 10PM Larve DETROIT daily .30 . M. Conectig owith D. & C. STEAMERS for Makioc So, Marqott, uluth, Min. apolis, St. Pol, Ptosky, Milake, Chi- 00ao d Georgian Bay. asloewith al Ril. rodolforlpoits in Mihignoad thIWsto. DAY TRIPS (including Sunday) betwen DETROIT AND CLEVELAND DAILY excpt Monday. JLY ad AGUSIT *MACKINAC DIVISLON L.TOLEDO, Mondays &Saturdays 0.3D.A.M. *Tuesdays & Thursdays 4.00 P.. L.ETRDT,Modays &Sturdays .00 P.M. -Wdnesdays & Fridays 9.30 AM.. Four Trips Pr Wenh*ommning lne 1th Thouagh covons omaduelat MCKNAC ISLAND with anlStameros loPoit Noth andws, sd D,1.0.S. & A. and Soo Lne at 8T. SNACE. bo se 2tmp fo 111-traed Fuspls. Add,oA.A.SCH ANTZ,o..&P.T.S.,DtotMich. DETROIT AND CLEVELAND NA. CO. LOW RATES SOUTH VIA BIG FOUR -ROUTE On sale every day. The Big Four is the only line with Union Depot connections in Cincinnati, with throogh trains to all winter resorts. No disagreeable transfer Safe conecio Ask your nearest agent or write L. .LANDMAN, General Agent TOLEDO, OHIO a0 M Martin R Offie 209 . 4th Ave. Phone 98. Residence 302 1S. 5th Ave. Phone 314. AMBULANCE 011 CALL CORRECT DANCING TAUGHT Granger's School for Dancing. (irounid Floor on Mlaynard St. ... I 1 Photographer RENTS CHLER 319 E. Huron -1 t 1 i 1 i 1 teleaers iln invst~igatinlg tIlls CCii~01c hsome ilb ~in 111. Ileis agrauat psrobleslsinvsolsedsin lthle co-opeiveos nerr IlIl 115Csity in tso dlate nt111 bs sv in ofindustril orllga ti~ o n desllis- .12 litelrry and'8; lasw.} (1re1t 011n ointresting lectr te I~' 1111'subl--I jctI, "CII-opelrat~ionlill Ille U'ited111Mates,1"5 RedcedCC prices oss Chinsg Di~ss aIl besfo~re Profel5ssor Adaml~l~s' clain IIsoil MA ild Jeelry Sto~re'. If no.lis 1 Glinl, reade~sr 1111(1 echler Ii aI con~ssslideration oIII1111111-ope1ratlive or- a sIecilty.l215 S. Stallst'rCet. 3d lie gave a numberl orfllinteresting faIcts Mylly 1111i1e11as15much isfolly10111 ill regard'Ilfss theIm lotlgenelO'Oly Cklow11Michliganpinls 1)11St11111stret 1he1111 and1 cIlomented up111111 lhily history's'111111 canlgelt1a 11111tter Iass o ets oe -HaIlI lf~l psiii ies i lIaIIlmau l ich epa tepiCCC5 11 111ce' atI eXI'ld~s jewe'lr'y stlls'? II Exp1111 Illselry 0111111a1c11rsepaiing..i atI Arnl's Jewielry Store. tf I w-Ill gill. 1011)oneIcop~ly of Ilhe -ich- gallClaronllwIithI ever172j-11111 Ill- cha~se. Cashlinlgs pharmacyIl'). tf ;farm cllckICIs at I IIAI,IR' S. :Hill OpticoalIIept ,, 2rno 1 1 IlwlrySoe. 1tf lle~r & O'Connorse. If WHY DON'T YOU BUY RUBDRY TOWELS st"Cos 00\0lBo0Hto TIIA TI fos IAII 5 E. E. CALKINS ----Drvcjss--- 320 Suneuth Stat. Stsre.A Student~ls' la11ps0at Dean & .CII.'.. 21:1 wich ili~lI .X l 5. 131110sCeoCIIo ave 100 ilt I... i i 1 i i '110 prsceSCofIltIllsSudenls' Co-121 soewihis in1 1he expIICiI1ICIIIIl stage intere~st. VlsCIilltervIiewed'Iaf1111r Ile letuebyarepreCCs101tative ofThe loily. rearing tI ll slinisoe suoss.s