MOWN:01I~f; N it f, lFor Art and Skill in Iailoring MONEY LOANED Decorations for Students' Roooms... Cl or Watthos. trtoott. tiv-ry FURNITUREC, RUGS, CARPIIS, J)IAIERtoS, STIN,, SMOKING toi Utitaot-t oo-tric SES, OST 5, , U. OF M. SOU~VNIRS. SA04B4CH IEAs ,CON W. J. It,0 CRt 1-tuo Banners in Splendid Assortment TeRecognized F irsdTiloing Trade of the City "" t"" r tIto 4,3tt 106 EAST HUVRON STREET BusiessStritlyCnfidentia MACK & CO. SPALDING'S 1 O FFICIAL.. FOOT BALL GUIDE, F0K 1905 Edited by WALTER CAMP ctontiigttoesoeoty rettsedOFFICIAL, PLA YI NG;RITLES anttipictsres of teating tem , t-braintg ttier 2.50o0 playtrs Price toc Frsatle by ait Nowodooiro. Atitletitc Gtotti DaertiandrDeartmenit tores. A. G. SPALDING ft BROS. Now TOtu CotCAttttDENEsRoSoot tN t boo Splinitgs ototac o f atlt s thltcsot matttit-tifroo tooaty addortess. The Man who Pays $ 5.00 for a Hat when, Sell for 30 Pays for somethii~ besides a Hat. Come inn arxd see . the Youan g's then, youz will knkow what we mean ~~l\J ALLEN Main St. Is BILLIARDS AND BOW LI NO S. ROTI 'ENSTEIN, 707 N. Univ. Ave. BILLIARDS H USTON BROTHERS Stuccessoro Is JAS. W. REEDlt, 312 S. Sat Ping-Pong Photos 36 PHOTOS FOR 2 5c .44Positions A.G ST7UDIO 115 So. Mai St. Ani Arbor U. of MV. BARBER SHOP Trojonowski State St. Do you have trouble with your Cuts? Try the "1New Process" Plates of tho CHICAGO ENGRAVING CO. Sedtrial ordr throtghLI A. M. SMiTH Over Whr'o s otowne Bookstoro S EDIEDWIEAT A CAMP COMPANMON When yout go into romp 00 stool on a hitttig ishoittg Cthe iptottncof youtr food ' cooldration- B thrisuito whu i g lngb llenstsr uikl in u a ifrn afreeryma-awl lotsl ofgoodlon. byl1ea.It is ucklly o adstrngthadeand itlityiiiacoany ointeiowta hlcearwfritiscompobseo aldlotstefelemen tshigsltuenteprinte cit- tiun oifrethehanbodeveyma-amuscles toeeliefhonesoto.sIaswell sohatyan losoCook, too,"re. 41Itiscuiteis aoleo an ithe wihhattberryand ceise.Umotac atrnt ea i arri d vtlt ta n enry.a Wit~ea falls.evitlN. Y. i UNR tfTi;Flil ifITiON OfF 0110 I- if ON CHAMP~lIONS. Fouriteenctioot i Nteamttsi! ssill a thleticsotoiste collectoiont of pic- itrescm the wallos Io f HutontttBFrio.'es tals Seto Mte tiret.tot Lo th-t letictea tht has w itol atclottloto in aty the tetoamsoiinthtettllecttitn: Ftotall tttoenis ftffiIgot, 902. 0903 tutd 1904; theo 18(%oioots andi1t0o btst- 1901, 902, t 0 3 tdi1904. IItihet0-igtht years ctotl ohe ythis exibit Nli totiii has to t Ot iour teentt t otsa osittletttwent-ourichll inshltis.i ,),to ipu tititt lt oi itin an th r tay t.ihi gan0 Ni Snoti'oi>is itiliitledtto theds tat-s. NWilliei-eioots t loive Yesterday a; .Michigan's boy phenoit7- ( Anything ycnt tvattt in ("N enon, -Octy" Graham, was riding up at C ushings ()It a car, he felt a hand laid oil his -- - - --- - shotiI(Ier. I'tirtting trottng, lie A.e ,i ,,t , ichlga ot0. t thei t . DETROIT AND CLEVELAND V O GAL et Yoy UrYRoomGUS vS Tnd .DCoAtIIIONs DARLING dy&ias9.ALEAU both 0 t ar o llane.. 22m,42 . tt 1 PianorTooRen DARHN AV SCAE3EL SO 14W. Liberty S. Ann Aro, Mtch t - WADHAMS .Co. -4j Sts Overcoats and Cravenettes atof ll the Newe-ot antd til-tott k ty hitont faloutto s o-i u r fito- i ne of AlpNew Fall Hats and Calls 'rio greatst vi stiin f i Fall Furnishings vNew thionscoing in datily. Noowfall Shirts, Neckwear, Glc -; . I Underwear. 'Tito tugot midineIist showing of Men'o antiYout Trousers. Also.1t o ut va iety ittfancty veots. A large asoor, -1 .oSuit Cases at k f SEE OU R.SHOWWI