-V TILE MICHIGAN DAILY Go H" Wild co. Leading MERCHANT TAILORS The largest stock in the City of exclusive styles in Woolens for Gentlemen wear. Or high-class fabrics and special style for stu- dents. G. H. Wild Co. dt 311 S. ytate St. A New Sweatecr Vest will keep out the cold so nds and at the same time look neat and trim. We offer a Spalding Vest made of fi- nest lamps' wool, good weight, ribbed at, bottom and cuffs, pray. white or blue for TtMICHIGAN DAILY. l;tee eit-.cotnd clsst maitte tthe Annt Arbortt lntntce. tltbijhed daily (Mnaystetpted) tinting tihee llege year, at t t7 lEcu IVasliigton sre.Bl phonte 592. lornie ithne 76. Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW Buainess Manager, WALTER R. HANS -. EDSITORS. Sienix.........Athtur C. Pondtt Excehange.........Chtarles E. Wist llutic ..................A. H. Ortmneyerm XWiten ..........1-ietsJ. Aremsn F7 iITORIAL STAFF'1. Iugit Alleti Franklin C. Parks flouis i_). Sticney. 1\SSOCIATS. Gteorge .\.Obonit t situ)C.bStitht tI. ti Ogle. Jr. tecice .A. lsttte- 1:. Care Oltien Fi-snk J. Clark Rtobert I1.. Clancy tietiry . .'Monitgomtery 1). F. Stetnit taltet letzeebeset RATES:"2.5o pe yeaosree$.ei paid in advances. Address: WALTER R. BANS Business manager. 236 S. 12th Si., Phone 849 L. 'lT1'5i1.\Y. (ITIIHFIZ3i. 19)-1. Editor Teoisy-HAROLD C. SMITH. CA\EN)AR. I let. jlI'.lcnrtto i Ietioti.'st-tclt- lit'-art. Y. %V. C. A. ittllowe'i citat)- it Neixltrt hall. Fotba1 ll:- Dt-lt-. -.. I ott sil-. NIv.t-Fottbltl: -07 itv.(17 mteicse. tilt it-Fotbltt-'00ltlitseV. *6te Sivit 1 Chlt1 Utu lrear-ttstal. Fa-ctltytcontect,iSchooul of \lttsic. Fruit t I'tiltl l uSo 5touitltit i-.. M N .:I--Iiltiii n S-Iiisa C'am piin ir ii ll.tuitc- ITe folloiniig hatie Ibeei ttddedto itthe le '07;JohntiF. \\nr., 'o;FliydiH. Jioes. '9 oy Stir 5!lii. 'Te effirt tlrttilltie cletpeig iif cltiss numtieri-tl ihighly ttommtilnd-i cbli. :An hoortti et o tinied it lightly Iame. Te utme itealousy wtith which sheouled le emulate:I itt the grintingt( of eitassilnumerls. 17 1 1he F)aily cnttl ite is atpprtval Ito ertai uiltggetitons- ,wichilthaietnefri r tof fii lliuce. It itotltdlible igll tttl Ittentirely ftaiili to il their itt gamre tOf the tdi- Iiitctiion tft ieeritg te cttstuereals. It-ltice i mny wi1t s.l elt tweaketitetiti. ieret-ut-itteagtitxechi lle-two tnettaIll lttttittd till irtil 1ga11 againteac lenti , the tmettti tilt,-ilf tieleorseig tiemwofltbeul- i titulartlyitt-replutertitere ied it f1 Itacittir, eitit nitha con lbgettleda rophr itreIenitintoflire cago tendit-hleiotall tutu m hilsue recoi - ered fom th effettgtitttt tylt fumt-liet- (11111 consequetlyI las nigt'sprat tilta muh sappethatil lit ofi lthren 111 l iton 11111 fauttttoif them1 t~olt theii ii it ifihenes papcs iieit ltgonei liteil' incic -t tirt 110stylilt nditt e it ore t e ftill li niti It beittropoullniey ti c-riouo-utis pon llIeofritthe ipit n 1vic atrenwtit-.lose 1caitiha tlti. l it-itrelieri-tltptar titilit-es terda ll tr 1111 iiitaigiv tttsignait ptectri gel in~g reeovredifromilli Itis ttktt hit^C7e A New Shipment of vtis Vli.t-iiltlithastso seriouly5cr illedItheil Nhoe WltrSiie ramp,1h1 ttnt. ttt I SPALDING ATIILEIC hiittoelt. Nt-vt h il sied l I It li a Se"reatcko t11/1 i1Cihs et SW EATERS trill purobaliy lhe toultir t: in a fewitit just recetved. days. Cotielotutwtileunxaskedl wiai le thtl:lil-h t fCiieceilstlent i-ed lie iwas Swellest Sweaters Sold not1 tliilltiitg of licgo yet. X-Wait till tue laIl liistt () C. c.uad ' Il~o- Als Sweater-Vestiswithmbuttons si.- lhee itte 11111versties-andtt tien Boass: o Pearl owithmot. .. titere xtill blit itte to talktStaigg. The Nirlxrtt-ttIc011 titti Itlttral ttti PRICE, FIT- AND QUALITY tilh tie cStiturai shrdi111ti tlyx-a lesi GUARANTEED. fill tile hiatiixt ltktc tormciths ott.." lt-et bes ttt 111chln i tl ltdoan- The odgenuine Spadings in tilinlg Itll 1111ittmatertil it I wasnt While, Navy Blue or Gray tl'.v tier tjtr 1111ibtedt o l thtl exrity iii 'S'tnr( itt t ami ,1111 p) i to ill '111 aitt r 1ctt .1tard, i iitt 7- lith i itpiW AHR _________________________ The Bookstore thats never Un- UNIVERSITY NOTICES.desd al .M11do.in. clubtt eti ng t x or~ 51 eltaxeihtiteaofton Iight. It ttAlll I'.tA.tusherslit ti cketll takers mus i he on l halil 111 omItlt sevein1 next 1l acommoatedby calin titLeigh. Thelt-rt txlllitrayIlassilmi eting1 wi beld at 4:1 t hi atrno .511ndntS tltt e Iof c~i i tle1111 orI se.ior tilt nit. T'tier llt h- ani mporta t S. e it -) ite l 1 1111ngittering classt itt 11111 x lii, tll cok ilro 0:. A 110 'in o l-the .11Ilac ilton c-on i ttlii -. - ,i I ,I ,Iove be i C. E. Barthell. MEDICAL LAW DENTAL BOOKS NEW AND SECOND-HAND Cnsh or Exchange for Old Books C. E. Barthell 326 S. STATE ST. Telephone 761 U $5.90 It has hietireresti-edh to Tflit-ly~t 5Q 'tha Itlt lte i lsltude tubdy i re interestedi 3 Iuin appe itgs iof theuixr colleges ihtantinl Ii g ~ f ~ it ietheiiiCit I ltihueuitg" wutill he 118111 Cow oiiteicn iithue- luire an-ossiot tht111 Students' Bookstore Ih ill lcitml. ie wy ishtreiter- bi il te titiients oithle Universilt- G~iet You r lRoom ,iliittttitltttt of, the ae t eawy Decorations Ih- . itwit ro-e t re at Thie Daltv ati PILLOWS, BANNERS, FISIINElf t)t ,ti-heti-retig>taiou ill Nteut- Etiitor WASTEPAPERL [BASKETS, ArthulrC. 1ictuuutiutxixo ..-tseen conttel- SOUVENIRS, ETC. -d ixwit hlily uiir hle pasth1wo1 eas,- .11 Fol ilu iis lt-.agiilg editoir am- I ~~Jthe. tIlander 'autcorri e-spondcenit fur DAR~LING & rMALLEAUX I I ti utsiipes os11euentiy Btoth Phoes. 224-226 IS. StateSt esfud tIpsibet5otiu og Smiling Faces are those that are made happy by the creamy, comforting lather of WILLIAMS' ST ICit-i ti gei ill iciel ki-.t-.at i " i Announcement of the Students' Lecture Association 1905'. Fifty-second Season' 1906 Ernest Thompson-S. ton . Nov. 3 lion.' Chas B. Landis - Nov. 10 - Jerome K. Jerome - Dec. 1 f acob A.. Rilas- Jan. 16 F. I i dknsoiq Smith Lo Toaft . . Jan. 31 Frederick warde - - Mar. 12 Pres. Alderman . . - iar. _- SOUSA'$,,BAND . - Mar. 30 Leland T. 'Powers . May 2 Oratorical Contest Open Number - - Ti ckets 1fo t te Enztire Course - $2.00 May be obtaed atS, . A. Office' or fromn Student Sellers, Seats reserved-SO Cents Extra-at S. L. A. -box ff ice, Main Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30 SING3LE ADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L6. A. Phos~e-32 Office Hours: 4-6 Daily (Saturday emceptec CONvOP FOOTBALL POSTCARDS Pictures of the Michigan Team in Action College Souvenirs, Flags and Banners ALL GOODS GUARANTEED PRICES LOW We sell to everybody-Members obtain large discounts. JoinI the CoO Ernoch Dieterle Embalmer and Funeral Director Amuance-Calls at eader day or night. lit S. 4thi Are :.lReuideniceusme FPhone50. AmisArbsr. PILEY & EDMUNDS SAporting3 Goos 121 East Liberty Strest. AICllICAN CENrRA "The lNiagara FallsRsnte THE ISOT LIRlE ( CHICAGO ANN ARBOR to- BUFFALO BOSTON LNEW YORK with direct connections at ('hicago for St. touis. Kansas City. St. Paul and the West. For information and through tickets call on or write to W. W CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor. Douglas Shoes Gym Shoes WAII=he Shoeman 218 SO.Main St.