THlE MI CHIG AN DAILY PA LDING" AMET[LIC LIBRARY q Noi. 112 11WTO SPRINT Sy ARTHVR F. DUFFEY H o l d r f h t h o o k r 't r g toI t h t a r d , 53 3 Th etbok een publishedtha asee A. G. SPALDING eaS. jELos. STATE SAVINGS BANK Nlm. Artid Dr. V. C. \'ooghan ll. ade 1;:lF V I. MiFF N.J. K ' Fyi ,111). K ch rol' 11.S.VathtI F an 1. li er Chr ('itsltian NI,,tii, UE ORGE dBISCHTOFF FLOR IST ChicetaCu~t Fiowers ad Pia mrits Ckhapin 1St., lbetween Hurontnoanat:'lilltt' Ave. Phontie8000 H USTON BROTHERS Scesrto JAS. W.REED)312 S. State j NEW 1 d ', d a ',A m M J I' J J r J M J d J 'Ni UCCFBRAND Fcc N0( other clothes will be just like Col- lege Brand Clothes so long as other manufacturers make any other clothes than young men's clothes, It isn't possible to please old men and young men at the same time with the same garments. College Brand Clothes aren't meant to please any but young men. They are the smartest---swaggerest ready-to-wears in town. Everything about'em is extreme until you come to the price ticket. ,k y G c f U' _ . t nU£G , U I' ' '!'t f Staebler (Q WuerthI ,, ,_.,,, . . . ,.., . . . .. ._ .. 1 11l~ll W(A S ONG, S Slai strea CITY HAPPENINGS. \h\i lnF VF.111 ,ni iS ll i sc _______________________________1___new_______oci. Flil scab ha. Flxln f nies ~ ips ict FXiila i V]uler f tiii1. ilisi i l s iisii 55 S lii df by plai i I 'foii'5 l i th theiii 'r F r F i t i ne pnnir "'r11an l o n l n n~ n ,t o -Iel i,atii f ,, iic N h~ i F iF F id n \ ~l w l c o ot " c sl . s u e t ,l an 'il ii itoimta h.C o ro lc 'tr~ ur nte1liisy F FF~ ysedyafeno. l ~t- ot" tarijp" htsal. lmsil'Fcity ampsF at FDeaii & Co.'s, 214 yeI, $i',so a1nF $2.50O. Best, Fine siFli'oom 5'ii ii Fll F in hi i $.0 e Vi ~ ~ 2 -20i F I MILKI(CHOCOI ATE A~NN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSIiP 1,1E1' Redoaad Rates tall a11Po.i0tsor THANKSGIVING VACATION,.. Tnlri-sL.-.,e -A rAbor I ,n2 onr~ i i;:'oa. I ai ; d' ,.nF J . .I tliFllil , WIF ''F Fill F. it ' lm ii ii , rn \ lr i li l3 TUTTLE SSfR',ES 1HOT LUNC Al' or W . IN ' IS lii S.Wo' r'o The Ann Arbor Savings Bank t;Fr'sur , s,:K."0011f0ii A Geeral t'aI t ki,g Bainie,s ' l' t'oo itt I)oi'ioii i ' It'as. 'l'.. N ki. .1 1 W I) FINIE LUNCHEPS DO [+I'FI R I'AN AI ' i N- uN R. E JOLLY State St. Ohio CentraI Lines o1 .c 1 .NI, TOLEDO to COLUMBUS Parlor Cars on aFFl"Irain, FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Ann Arbor, Mich. PURE SILK 1F BRIGHTON Flat Clasp Garters parti si nl e, mc11.1, lii5 i' 'n.i Ir P efetly ilt, comft abie nll,' I ' I I , al site~tedt " T-1,'IFF.',iMFlirk.' PIONEER "'ti,- o .+" SUSPENDER , ' s-""' ' dra 718 Market St. F' iinee Philadelphia , p b' .mnr"r A_____5 ____ PAIR save a Walk Down lTown GobF yourfWatches and Jewelry fi'FItifF'IF at ithe Right Place prices No Poo' Slock ( OFIred F el i F Iii ii i n .L J. L SCIILLTOL, St ,SOta t. Money Loaned Bagisi atc Fsti D amondsiF' A nnAr /T AlQUARRY'S Ping-Pong Photos 36 MwHoS FOR 25c Fl Pston s OLD MORRRS STUDIO l116 So,.NI'int St. Atn SArnor U, of M. BARBER SHOP 'lrojonowski State St, SHRD )E WN ALWAYS IN 5 EASON ''oeW hoetohef 1 Wxen hersatdrcra '11 5Ff 4011.or lisa 'iz Fi i n tesngthi fF1t1 mensfo te reFaotaleiti madeIF of th eire whtea. t berry, tsic nta~is moetref~nglthn inFan oliulgnproe kti" s'nsnyoterfodee. Q[ Itopl- oftaste em oicalelementsle quo eir e tfor tenth', energy, awa s i tely becade 0can . pre ardi hndeds of s -- THh ikc e ris ee abs tUR AlwaFOODe i Cih oMdrpaNYitacod in g h ayr ecFisin" Th I - ll-- 11 .1 111 "I'll" I I I I 1\ 1" , .% I ( I I t " t 11 i 1 1 W ~ H1. LAMP'S No combination in ELamps-No advance itiprice. IF,'iFF''lle ii~i"'Fu en. 11 n, Nic lespFa11,11ihW V OFa, itah $150. 'Ile10141i~tdolO~in Ells maret.. DEAN & Co.1 1.25 * 'o .',.',t .N ..t\,t,~. l at~a '~o.,.o.,..tAo 1.\.,r5,a ,' ..,t.o.,,as k!) he t~t ent b( I y.Iir' 1: 1ii, 4 ii F'I'reet. 'lF F tF5 fFI 55 \S)I,( JAF' YF )l_, VWF I JF, AIF- 'F'FFFSf (1101',TI IsII. 1TIFFCF( ' FII i(,.'F V F 1 'F' 'I )FK'F'. [- _( lPh boee- $3.50 $4.00O F'orMEN and WOMEN ~ See our Windows for the latest Styles and Patterns in Waterproof Shoes. Heavy Tar Tans or Black Leathers. double soles thoroutjhly av iscolized, balace tongues, military heels and large ~eyelets for rawhide laces. Three different styles of highcut shoes at $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00. WALK-wOVIER SHOE CO. R. J. H )FFiTErTrEiR, Mgr. Ill S. Main St ALEXANDER & COMPANY, FOR TRAIT URE All Kinds of Photographic Special Attention given to work ~Work. for Amateurs. HENNING BLOCK, CO R. E. HURON & FOURTH AVES. H A LF-TO0NE S a nd ZINC ETCHING Lower inPtrie Better in Quality Asko A. M. SMITH 11 Ann Airbor Savings Banak Blo WEi ARJENELVLR UNDERSOLD-..-GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STORL