THE MICHIGAN DAILY Co. Leading MERCHANT TAILORS The largest stock in the City of exclusive styles in Woolens for Gentlemen wear. Of highclass fabrics and as' speial style for st- ii dents. e5. G. H. Wild Co. 311 S. ytate St. L[ARN THE MICHIGAN SONGS s that when he crowd at the gam e stats "T he Yellow and Blue you can sing it through orrecly instead of siging the lorst line or so and guessing at the rest Get a copy of sngs of The Yellow and Ble 50 Cents at Sheehan & Co. Students' Bookstore Get Your hRoom'j Decorations PILLOWS, BANNERS, FISH1NET WASTEPAPER BASKETS, SOUVENIRS, ETC. DARLING & n1ALLEAUX Both Phoners. 224-226 S. Stte S THE MICHIGAN DAILY. h~tr..;.scm lssssittsr ath Ame 'nblshh daiiiy (Mondaysiexepted deist lie coliege eer, at 17 .ast Viashigo sriet. ifel phee89x.i.]Sto ii hoe 7. Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager, WALTER R. HANS Ath eis..........Caece 5.Eldidge 'cs ..............Artiue C. tPond .iing ........C ales S;. OW istead ' .......A. I. iiitoiryst \\'o en ........ ..... tEifie J. Aees senn Ilugh :MenFrakinstiC.Prksi ], 1S..Stickoey. ASSOICA'TES. l.tereeA. tilsho Sisisd C. Smith hid (is Ole jr. iGere eA. Strese R. Clasr O'ilieo 'ash J. ClurS Robert II.Clancy' lien"sA. iMesgoey U. 1. hiss esiss Walte hietseohau RATE~S$,5oupprryer, or $.oo it pid in Address WALTER . HANS' Business Manager, 236 S. 12th St., Phone 849 L. SV \''t'Dl) i. lCIIISICIK 28 15). EdiiitorTdy-FRANK J. CLARK. Oi.2-F~hll rae s.SMishigaii, Oct. 2s1 Isisf.1?,I1).Iiiui, tUiv'esiy sficagoss atX McSillssn hll, 6i:15 Nov. sa-- isd f isulii i'ssii'i'i', Selsiusu Nor. 3-isesi lllsoiilsii-Ss'ls ini opeing number1 of iiiS. L.. A. course5.. Novl. 4-Michs iig s.Illinosi .isOmis- Th 'Dilys'feels hisst ilhe eriicismc I~ ~ iht', ii ss uses'ihg swas esirele' un ale1 or i aieh sisat llti e dosisisi' l sllisislin it i s es iso hels teii' t sin:i hIsisdevotsiedi cslums'osi .,,palitositsrjcsacrifsilcig lie ises forethat purpoie. I slissilsi le rememe- beredithatiTheii Ilsledesiosi'ars sil like Maid sisoele s 'oncitylpaes: the are dossig is lrie sasmountslof lhards worke sills isisewardiexcsieeptithecensisni ess ilatsths ar'servsin'ig ithes'ir liia siisee. In i te o11'sf this.utee sis nstilt mais il ii lie sasff'iso Isis notssllchseefill evotedii's histintisso' istlinilg arices i ntisinsselii Nossil sist isliig 1sill isi tle.Prsts', Isis 'l an a 'iee slssiwhssic iiei- eerit hlslIsios'oeloliniig, sdelieael' im iii 'on iThe )sil an,'siss i iieit i in a's masnnser wicuh isces'srilyiwoll ofsthe (suent'sbodyiwesee anygn' incin to te le. Prer s'i'iuisly. W'se annot I helps sntifeel ta itlecrit livsm byi\-. Parkerlssi ntirsiely a e- 111n11iimatter. Xiofai-mindisied esn iso Isis ill edlsthile poliy iof 'Ihe IDasily' eill lblieve iiwoldl undse ansireumiistainees publliihlany'inlig tht isilil iasiy isyusniure tie cs'eusse iof she 'giiitilrojees wichsis a itasliiimat le itos's eeystsdentiioilllet'Unesiy' \I . Parkereesetli gineiew iis'oxThe Dslai 'il l''ly rihth eist sohat i epu- lishedls'ss'ex'act 'lyiasihalwitens i. Its a pape the ize ofThe Dilss ce5s va'luasblle . silsd i55was fissssI neessary is cutsdown te ilteelvie. Isene. se Pak i poeeddt vnes''l'S his ''im~liisel befe he u'mss meeilng lst nigst. 'T'his s'e'arit ha, beesnllithe'cosstanst sefotelof iiTill' "aiis'irepresentth belesv'stShai Ise suentssibodysls,'pprieites the'sefforti 'andithasi ioinssg tht MSi' setsi'er cas say will iinj 's' th'sler. Buii the' facetIthatilhe'hasi5ussedsiIsishigh officets mn e riisisi 11 5lli51sol g'udgteimusti neessarsiily ijure itie' tlieligs ion' lss. Thais t he most Ireget'iasbls' fe s'eof l(XCIXCR,, RS SWAM\ P 'TIMtLAW'SS 'Ths'eijis'niorliwsleSsdefesst lsnisgt ini aisi'o iss-'sis cntsti t he ils' nslsof ilhs sohomliore e''n".giiser's y'tills coe' of sitoso. Thespreail ill oiiniibe-' ls'.'iiteam simpi~ly'wisleilof s i ihil them. Kelri. I )assii asndlSuesi wers ie siare for(te Ilengine'e.sseh simak ingisisioalrus. lPut le whlole s'ng'iiieeig teamsidi IliIguodl woret and 5'iiilelll'7' ot lsss'dl tue las, wshccii On( ouons'lsiewliai s'u s ae i his'fis sha lf d isoiin te seesoins, Ks'lesaeS Iss.'s insig sll lthe l'RIl~l I NA~fSh O iPENEDi 'The' Chess sandlCess'ses lsibsbegn itie iestiofca seres'sofpieeliasry tiur- nasmiens in Iii'selillanisbsll eeseeday afteron Thessis ' mem'bis'iileshlips of Ithelib hsiceeso'sirt-fivee le, f whloms twentsy-si'x meni1ase liui fii te eames. Aflee ech man5511a15111ayesdlfoursie ls' the scn perils eliminarysi will legiii. Shle wile f le isil Ibeiig matchi'led agaiins echi iother.'T'his ply willl bei sontineilunills'e sestron isigesiismsi ares lel, cloi will imakes'' lp the temil to ply' Chiieago, ''hsanksgisinigsday CL.AS85S SOIKSRS AGAIN. T eclass smoksleras asscssisslIfeatures iii.. lib e is-sabllisdii theuiveris'iiiy Yester'dayss'afte''rnsoon tsisop is lvotsise to hosldi ines'of ithelseinctionsii i is' neareluturles. Ben Harsreis ws formalllly instaslled slissidentisl and iitheilSaniniig suisnlg ysea. Th selss asio ivostedi toi lre- setietrig'pesidentl Mc''andle'ss ihs a sisilhls'e'eogiioinof Ihis liti-se- hiss Ris's lres'feot eroomithisl ssuble sniary esoiIfurie eatlis nd bathil. Newi'housiss'.woiiblocsetiromiialli ipis. Sib Oalandillass'enue. 9 LUNIVERSITY NOTICES) All S.5.1... \t icesust es turnsieds in tisiays'.Nos scommiiissioini will bisal lowedsIsillitsise epots' slllngier'. Iiwill le inithiS 1,' A.\ofsices'.mcis sll.Uni-i 31 toidsy. Josnus tardiesTr'eeas. ']h r iheit sils g the11 i ng- of,' Ililiisgmitll'' illth hal ovis-i s ' All1 Ilinoiis men1 i'' a sre siIinvite s'o h 5pres (OF Si 'I I AX CI. (Conisnu iiedl feroms Page lies' consideribleis ldsliiiispontme hst Wil- liie's111 hotoeralis sllsthrownissiuponiitlis Of es'piesialieesitoieveryo'es'ss s il islies' i s i 'r serkale fec'sion'i kale lifs'andloyaclltyiof li's finiiis5 thiss fe'ices'iiai bsi is f esuiisiy sasi goodiilfellosipilislsof le uislosi Vauess in promost'' itilesirit," hisesid I am oi dentshatheu Unonoul nos' il t hveal imlrinfuec''ee Pr'ifes'sori il'Mcsaughli followed sith541 isehlbief Ibutill!olf enthluusismu forie s uhu51 s, the tUiinsandthle un1'is'rsits. Is serted thtsich'liigni iss-essttiess a's deocis yrid mgi ille nueessity' of lies'ses lg teeee mtis Osi throughcl sllis'he 'scoming yearls. Prsesidents1Parkeri iswhisnuslie tachis Th Msis'higaniuDaily' iiru''lege'" isrept''re'- sentston I isias sfltixyiats haii tl this wai ees'ssuus scaclyagrco siscknoil- e'ugemtus'os f ThlilyXi'' ''s'ege'ti'c wo'rk inl stiring'luplpro-51is ItIlls suggessdshaIi t "W lhenMih- igtsiRips 'isitU5211 ai"'libleouiustteud fr'im ifuturues'hassl aidtileachermeeling oli accouniiit if its prfitiy.iuc' Shis ro soi thiat it is likely' us' rslliking chouss wsh i s e s'e de'es'sl lsy subhi eusl hts'es'ift Proif. Stanuley'an'thetis'hndsledIslslt singinig sindiLlyndonsushandsuldlthi se 'Ts'e.1ournsult Iubisiof Se blsyude partentss m 11ees toinight at 8 suclciuss.l 2.omp 'Unierssity hlsl. 'The filuciug progrmustswi le ges: Bosistay 'o5'tges'ss_. Str.sPllick. Slusiltiissi ous1 Celluilsar' S susset li'-'- Prei. N.ecombushe. DSLtsieiitsof it.'tiicl XNews. IHasuruigerssl ohe sadwlsices at the Nights LimcshuCsfe. Opens iay arud ight; orerles tkeis by phoe 078 1,. 301i S. Susaiestreet,lifirs oenothiso Wa'gner 's ..- A New Shipment of SPALDING ATHLEIIC SWEATERS just received. Swelest Sweaters Sold Aso Sweate-Vet with buottess Bass oerle or withot.. .. PRICE, FIT AND QUAITY GUARANTEED. The old, genuine Spaldings in White, Navy Blue or Gray $5.00 WAHR'S The Booksore thas never Un- dersold C. B. Barthell MEDICAL. LAW- DENTAL BOOKS NEW AND SECOND-HAND Cash or Exchange fr Old Books C. E. Barthell 326 5. STATE ST. Telephoine 761 Well Lathered is half shaved. No ian cant be well lathered without the rich, thick lather of WILLIAMS' sr N Announcement c Students' Lecture 1905 Fifty-second Sea Ernest Thompson.Seton lion. Chas B. Landis Jerome K. Jerome Jacob A. Riis F. Hiopkinson Smith Lorado Tnft . Frederick Warde - Pres. Alderman. SOUSA'S BAND Leland T. Powers Oratorical Contest- Open Number Tickets for the ]Eriti-ec May be obtained at S. L. A. Office or Seats reserved-S0 Cen~ts I Cifice, Main Corridor, University Hal SINGLE ADMISSIONS $1.00 - Office Hours: Douglas Shoes Gym Shoes of the Enoch Dietelrle Association Embale adFuneal iector Amulance-talls at eanie day or aieht. 1906 FOOTBALL POSTCARDS Nv. 3 Nov. t0 Pictures o1 the Michigan Team in Action ____________ Dec.l FAILEY & EDMUNDS =Jan. 161 College Souvenirs, Flags and Banners pti oo = Jan. 31 _______________ Goobo___ M'ar. 12 121 East Liberty Street. MMay 2 ALLGOD GUARANTEED PRICES LOW :LXIH ICAN CENTRAL "Th7e Niagara Falls Route ],arse $2.00 THE SHORT LINE frmSuetSlesWe sell to everybody-Members obtain large CHICAGO fxrom a Stuen SLrsBo discounts. ANN ARBOR to BUFFALO Extr-atS. U A.BoxBOSTON l,. beginning October 30 ~NEW YORK S. L A. hone832with direct connections at t'hicago fuse S. L A. hor~ 552~ ~St. Louis. Kansas City. St. Paul and 4-6 Daily (Saturday excepted) Jo11ftIt' " oswop the West. For information and - through tickets call on or write to W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arhor. WAHR=he Sheman218 So.Mai n St.'