Ti sl lIa C 1)Nt G. H. WILD° Leading MERCHANT TAILORS Thte largest stok in the City of excuite S styei Wooles for ( ltetlemen wear. Of S high-lace farics'nd 95 spec ial tle for t- SG. H. WILD & CO. 00 311 S. State St. B ARG0A IN S IN BOOKS i Youwould sav emoney hy yourt' boks atthe Students' Bookstore 320 State St. Boleks for al l D eparteents of te I itereil. THOUSANDS OF SECOND-HAND BOOKS AT HALF PRICE Medical Books Chemical Boks engineering Books Latin; Grek, French and German Books HEADQUARTERS FOR Drawing Instruments and Enginer ing Supplies. Sheehan & Co. Money 'Loaned Ona Watehes, DIiamonds or other personat tleoerty. sWathes and ewelry repared. IBagainssis Watches fY Ilamondo 00o a eside c 1i:Si,. iberty 55 Ass Are. Hours: SW I 1:: 1 ., 1 W : e md ;' to I AI,1 1'11 1.O IETA JOSEPH1 C. WATTS TI-HEi.lM ICIGANi D.4 )AILYA. tatI'tl-CIreeltlsni Neg Ilantent-St ettinscl 1I R~IIil \ 'ITik \ ()t'ii 1 5 18115 at all tintge; ttl thew.-tyeandexc111 r ntre assc dcls matra th n 11f liehigatt. Clileh 1"1111' e \,Le111lr115e v1 1 Fauel Stnttttttostt. Itt VMt) n e attc reo St bl strrltd hn Aniyfve huk Pttttetlted daly INliTf'2y reetedt) punn t' accepltte'resiglat11iti l te 1venerable Cadi dat111les. 'e 11.r1l1very ri ~ m-1101) teliet' yeur. at 1t7t]r. etineltet street. stiecaLt-ar. 'lie tesignation of I)li-. ,- skn r Itt w re citl'il it - ttto h tsrace tit]e itet Ph xeel92Hsttte Phttttr 7t eli hael leeresceiv t e ttvrwlea le1,ythe-bill; I rtimll tel 1111. t. Ililt a -t - p bic'calamtile tltya d te aItion of t he- ii-, . 1bck fy11 ia i, stb., Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEWt tgete lettgt:55I Iitt It,1111t 1 " ;ete l Business Manager, WALTER R. HANS firie'ttt ofeti.litlgigan edcto ,It s-etlttttl.t" ,m, ho5'aredonthlell is tletthe en tstelel tf tile Ilile, tht h> 1 t i cl l I1g1 c a po s i Attt tie- . O aSlitE.l 1m iter t l ong cof - e t o11 direc1 t te lttlic lem ,f 11< crr h d u trll ;;.7 ALties------- AtNEnoF . PoL t sit of ourtstudents thaatthe'srto deweds111tte1te' se'5111e' illt. C.lS.thalft aiteimpresse tIugit Alltn Frantlintt C. Stals T~yi ) %i fv nsgell'heii. ,awiie r W1i1gal Drawing InlstrumlentIs ENGINEERS Ke-uffel 41 Esser Guartateedset. at $14.00, $18.00, $20.00 $22.00 Arad $28.00 ".ern. Superior Tii aewe impt iret feromllSwte rlanttd. Ttte intstru- bty tirect imtatettioett. iri- $18.00 an-d $22.00 rAddress: WALTER R. HANS' Business rManeger, 236S. 12th St., Pthone 849 L. r tetyJ INCO~I li WENSASPEBR2,10 Set.2r ~ eetttt Eei tt tiset Se-p 30 tet -.III OtI Net yJtt If e tit I 3 f Seitf 1 Nltelt t pt ti t sity IImi111Iat Niewberry htit elt.30-laiele l a s li Aely I t l Ft. ry liel dt t . .CIte ltl. -re It- 'fts s3e--tiAll-FrshsitlttYposii lor- l l t s silahitlei. e Ite'eest Illt tite t iIe nl t iglsl' addressi ao .lt std nti sitive it t hll.t gtet.Ie - s- B. 'llinsss atdress tits tt- vtet rs it metttt m il ertttall et Oc.I c itte titilise z~ attgtets O t -Aihtl tVSIt eltsetttFe fettt. The Iecord of resi en ttt tneltit lplthapseithotprallaonemr ia tlll'0 fits. tAIsit ti he giii lilthistt eathIt1 ter1 ,pont hettttttt 111Nlit- grete1 dgr1 tanerbefoelthe1111 - isiti tttand itt el et titte'stetsheetd fac- ( Cotinutted frottl pa~tge 1.) eelss leostrutiontwi'le,' te eondist Pro11fesstot'McLaugltin.tt recetly-1r1 - I tuetd frto NasingtytnI). C..,stwhert til a ee rtes-plstt' two1lteaIs-Its ite ti -Iof teIllrt au1o1 researclit te Carn5e g' ite Is' tie ttetlie itllp oh tby ll' w Plr11o'Ifestr Van 'T~el t111111 line thetl esil it il ItAte e Coure ftrl t he etetttst la rtiteds t ilest Cs1111estr incttte lltts ttitelwil eItle n t er11111 stevein- P Ife I is Isle T e 111 spec't' iall ec itlTtIsiltc fsltheIorseeortalseiiott'ndieniorttt. lles tatdll a teI ew co ts 4 wl " It se bd"lelsie it ithateet 11.1Nhud la ehil ti tisitt Iw ithoti tal'k Iis'oledg e o te itoy fhi 1oe Illtrys Tis ist en t 11esean 7 iMclt yti ll lT h f't i st tuesl-I- - l{-t 1 wi'l ''no t h i n t sitntull c 1 ,phut i1 held-tett ie 'clck o ttih a, It lkins i th etate11 te etidrugisthas villi1wasIthe wa55tithwt rd. 1l11 1<1Ct1111 111C11 1tl it tl e It wi s a \lit -lic At1111re t d1 - " etl1Lt li lilt tlld Iill. thelballt pllt; llte UNIVERSITY NOTICES. 7 11 I ll l 1d I~ 11 lie l i>ttlae l acr fo 11 lit - l t leMIt' liiic l lir~t~ tr 1ick 1.1151 l> j ii t ii> .O111 a I t pp111111 TA l ti PIt-Il sr c . t i < (1--..1 c>r-.11.-i. ic c1117 : -at ~li>t ila II'S' 11111ir -II lilt> Richter Instruments $20.00 Larget andtFinst Stuck of Draught= ine Suppies in tn City WAH R'S 3160S.State St 03105 NMaiS. Quarter Size COLLARS It i i.. n tIane tosecr It II-I t titdi ttlt h na1,s the I Qturter ie Clar _Z:- Clue!t c,51r, st~it5 Arrow Ii I III 1 1 I t I fIor Ite o ty te,, lisinth qu lt (.Iiatt, IPeabody & ("o \1 5 rs ofII t tttd Monartelitst The Ann Arbor Savings Bank 1111itltct,00,000 Strt ,at201e0 A tienera Bnking Bsiness Trnacted A Necessity for right shiaving, and a heal. ing balmn every tinde you apply it to your f ace- WILLIAMS' SHTVINK AARM CLOCKS AL.0 to $1.50 Fully 0--atned titDole Cock re 1te')ttoest mtafe ~ le cyne. FittI wnth epiilt J.L thapan 206 S. Main St. THE F ARMERIS AND MCHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREEiTS Capital, $0n00, Surplus and Pfit, $56,00 t)tles a General Baninetg usitess a11d Pay ::1tc ett' nt eret111'sltilln 'htland ltSa-lng Det alis.Sefity Ietlr it fillest-srSntl rut S0 andftupwa.' T2.filEmtr.ret. W C.SeTEs-iCVicet-Prets F. ti..)% stit Cash. 0.A. SILtLtAtiiAst. "The Niagara Pails Route" THE SHORT LIlE CHICAGO ANN ARBOR to 1BUFL BOSTON ~NEW YORK with direct cnnetionns at Chiago for St. Louis. Kansas City. St. Puof and the West. Foe information and through tickets call on or write to W. W. CASE, Agent Ann Aror. is ii t le, Ilt. i1 t>l'. ci tillI'it Nepi l ,11 .1 liii i at I It COmOP UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Co = Operative Store SOUTH STATE STREET Ei. F. KIIRRIGAN, '08 Law, Superintendent S. P. WEAVER, '07 Law, Asst Supt. The Co-operative plan; for members of the University exclu- sively, secures the lowest prices. BOOKS For All DEPARTMENTS Stationery, Supplies 5 per cent. to 25 per cent. Discount on all Lines to M'enmbers Tickets may be secured from agenis or at the store. Gall and ask for our dis- counts. CALLAGHAN & CO. LAW BOOK PRICES All NEW eu-id LAST EditOMS Ist YEAR--(ii vols. --$32.00 2nd YEAR--(13 vole.)--$42.00 3rd YEAR--(8 vols.)--$21.00 All NEW and LAST' Editios SECOND-HAND BOOKS CHEAPER CALLAGHAN ft CO. LAW PVBLISHERS, Chisigo ANN ARBOR. BRANCH, Sta .te St. Opp. Law Bldgf. GAS STUDY LAMPS $2.0 EC 100 Candle Power f or 1-3 Cents per Hour. - Save Eyesight, Money and Trnuble ANN ARBOR GAS CO. 1i Douglas Shoes WAHR=The Shoeman 118 So. Main St.