f~'or Art and Skill in Idilorinq Call ons SAM DU 1CHFIELD CO. The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 106 EAST HURONK STREET I do ' MEN'S AND LADIES' Neckwear and Furnishigs All the Newest Novelties in Fullest Representation may he Seen Here Now MACK (Q CO. j SPA LDING' ATHLEI~C LIBRARY Na'. 112 HOW TO SPKINT By ARTHUR F. DUFFEPY s le ftle W old 's 'tood for l6is ads Pr-ice I0 Cents The bst hootk on Serintinge that ha, ve beenpuablishe. A. G. SPALDiNGCx euBROS. NEW VtORKtCHICAO DENVR SA it".AN 515. ,p ldn Itot.w sll of all t0lticso Maledtfsretotsvades Exclusive styles and extra values in Flien's Suits and Over= coats at the above Price is our specialty. ""Allen's toi The Ct ANN ARBOR RAILROAD rr Quality" AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Redxscentd Rate~s t all Pointsa far THANKSGIVING d E NVACATION Trairixs Ltsavrttsmrx Ar'bo- fo6ht ~ (igNrhier: ; 05 K2i' rn. ad:)>. MAIN ST. GI 'lI Pass. Aen, AgrsO.F 1s. hell phone 35-A2r e n orttetis)*s. ors BILLIARDS -itri o H USTON BROTHERS CIYHPFNs Sucssottrs to JAS. W.REEiD,312 S.Slats ___________________________________ lMrsI ant olO Ping-Pong Photos c- ih IIl'- ;ah PHOTOS FOR , c fo 111 lft ml a01111 of 11 011 . A4 Positions 2 u tv°lw, dclo h td hi i) tt tOLD MORRIS STUVDIO. I it1s So. Sain St. Ann Artbor1'" 11 i 1 'l tl* ___________________ 11 s 1}11l lt iil Its. U. of M. BARBER SHOP i i m jllr s~tl '11s'' th .11 11101111 Trtjoilowxski State St. 11t 111 Hil I.Il 01 111 _ _ rec(_ 7 I'. 55' CdI tI-I H11 1 . 1rII'. 1;t11 1111 1 o >II t HIA LF-TO0N ES and ZINC ETCHINGS Lower in Price Ask A. M. SMITH it iAnn ArborSavingsBanksBlock I BILLIARDS AND) S. wROiFNSIIIN, 707 N. Univis. Ake. S REDDEDWUA IA CAMP COMPAN Wisestyout go itoecemtsor I st'rt cnoaehutingtishing' otiherwiseryOu ttse aipistes J to grt. Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit soutid go atong tsy all means. It is quickly atis rosily preparrd, atis is splendiinit cons- iination ewith itlik, cream, frsuits, vegetalsles anstis o f thrr thiitgs Yosucan iseprterit isn a differrnt way'fer rvery tneai---a sort coeselrrief front monotony. Itewilltidso you iots ef good, too. 49. tt is mesoirelcy ef tisr whsolrwhteat brrry, ansicotains otore strengttt and vigor ansi vitality tisan assy otier food, as wholr wiheat is comisedrsiof sit threirlmrnts witicit enter into tise cssss structien of te human bosiy - musces, teetit, hones, tissites as writ as seat asnd energy. 4(1.Write for "TF itsalrieso Cook Book,' free. Q11.Trlscuit is a wholse weoat cracker. Better fee toast tisan ibreasi and kfie with hotter ansichoeese. Compactr anod easily carried. THE NATVRAL FOOD COMPANY Niagara Falls. N. Y. cl 5f%.r I s itu No comhination in Lanmps==No advance itspire. l ''tsr Os lis tudet La p.N Itatd.'WfhW ite SimIc s(loe,5. i't'tsr ts's'rtissss tst~ui ~2.50. Tsr10Nto. It io 1st eLamp '' 75, I'sre Nt.1 I' 120 'til"e " N. . . . . . . t . 'eoaedL m stoil l ots -1s .00 1 '. 5o ea'111. (;lie assimp itou 0lo Ito sto ' isc. SWe sell the hest Lamps madls and for lees money thanto ssy other house in ti marlest. 214 Sot O nnss AilHo t MteiIn St.'' 5 ils' a Iri - ) tnoer1 e. F7C'',lit 1}1 11 1 ' t l t H ~ 1 Sut Cse a -SEE. ,GOero I _________/___k/_______ 121 AND 12 AllKins flPotgrahi Work.cl" lfz HNNI BOK ~t U UO OR FIRST NATIONAL BANK til e.' .11nl'.s t Dlean & Ct O.',211 OftAnnArbor, Mec. F. 51111 l trt'tt, X1.501 1111 t ..o, 1st aIts i n i ty-.5 listS.l\It'll'rsstn,.''ashier I~dteII (s C pia, 10Ft0 urlsInt 'rts' 400 1A1 F'ttsN,%ll. wIter cl' rst.Rowe's Laundry 'li{ t 's .ssl 5 l it e rived.'Iu- lTomas oweProprietor 326 N,.Fiftth Ave. Sttrcus lamps11 ;.l 'tt 1 5.1')&( 'S, 14N t 1'ionessis ' i. it3e '1s'he 5.1, 7. 51 n Srs't. $ t. tttt $.O. ' Fot ___ ___________________ la tl; 'I s ii.t I S1JRA 1.1 t ll t'ire. Ge0. J. Hallev e" Co. ] ';ticII tt 's sfitellanditete~td. allt u N I1Ir I I 's "oo'ms'Il4 lI'l( \.l tsltti.rst'rssc.. PHOTOGRAPHE ,r& l vc s rsIsIs ins o ies1h"-l j1 tills' PEaDYOURVACATICf4 t a ilt sts 1. 1.11 I 'ii s8 9 r 510 Js. it St 5. 5.Vf e P~ I1 I _____________oneo___fthAc- p 0 0O cs e.C C Ol'plalC. Iffie cpec i~vles. ptA __ _ __ _ __ _ I%.tAFO/ krriNe CLEVEL N-.' v530 k. Nt an Cr Shrsveekear ilve n LttIttltiANS" tuu 1 R5 RESfORITSo :11 1 ' i , t t nd1 'e istl-'sduts.. It'e Moo TI,'e,"Msott.DtiMnr _________________ DE°TROT ANDCLEVELAND isan C psLeve DTIT, day - 1t0d.s 30aP.M. ArrieoCEVAyN& heDays-0.0P. M. l thi rs . Leve EEonaANDodays0.00 P. M. AreDETRTAND -LEVELAND A. CO. falJSit, PcwaNlves G tounoo special A TH AVE. .ttention given to work for Amateurs. Decorations PILLOWS, BANNERS, FISHNET WASTEPAPER BASKETS, SOUVENIRS, ETC. DARLING & M1ALOLEAUX Both Phones. 224-220 5. State St WE ARE NE VER I U. ERSOLD--_GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STOR]L