N L:f MICI TO' DAILY llockillg Valley Ry. {C)ONP171I1'1,S ITs [,TX1LI 'I' Y1RIlsS14>i I ill - ea a m o\t1 t ifciii r ol \vt i-to-er f S c IiffT U )FPT i S. 'it ii li i f- t -a c So i t mat ,iff Clft ft f$ if0tit if W ft0111 ft0, M l ro a-n rcaln c i ho e .1 15 ',, i . t adccf fti-c f-f. theft. frfitdochap ftetic of to ii anditf ii.- IfIttit I ftcit fits - ft to !it il- f tisi i f 1 tutu titt curetici t nh Nllts- pavtw-it-tc cias tmuchl fodisc Mifchifgcan pslit it t Sttc st ti ise t iNi l t calot atbtterts-totmtett olle-halff ft-e trile t-s it c sti Jewei-fslry st-?e' 11 LOW RATES SOUTH VIA BIG FOUR ROUTE Oin sale every day. The Big Four is the only line with Union Depot connections in Cincinnati, with troughs trains to alt winter resorts. No disagreeable transfer Safe connection Ask your nearest agent or write L. W. LANDMAN, General Agent TOLEDO, DOttO Marti HnFUNERAL 0. il L II DIRECTOR Ofillce 21f S. 4tht Ave. Pthone f98. Resfidenie 3021 S. 5th Axe. :Photos ff14. AMBULANCE ItN CALL If sitn ire ftt-in ed f i n pati i r ou-of lAtcs s mciall, gitld cslik tt, its-sc fi t ct nl .. .1 f t , : ioes tic ulstico 5fcall Sa t pi s h Awrff- ii t tcsccii onlii 1 lt i -to. Ihidertplo-tas-e tiin - loit i llfstffc 0i. re, tWcfifigtoticic. ciifilis-f rtt to ft1it0 N.iiti i tn infc ft cae it sc ar ICOPYRIQIT. HOW'S THAT FOR A GOOD JOB?> Said of a shit lauandered fit our fin- shel ftashiton. Tte verdfit ofsm ttart dressers atmong tmenl is that we ktbow how0 to wash, starcht aod iionshirts icollars nd101cultsts plecase tparti0ulfar peope and that we act fn keeping withI oult inform~tationi. lPostlcfbtinsco1u0 wasgonltoLiyourt-doofr. 'Phonve Iiftouill inl a hurys. Varsity Laundry 117 S. Fourth Ave. Both Phones 921 After Paying Your Tuition Fee The next most important thing, is to avail youarself of an oppor- tunity and let us show you our variotus lines of merchandise select- ed with the utmost care for U. of M. MEN. Everything is now ready to he seen. TAILORS HTESTO MEN Hnry and Kyer FURNISHIERS 709=711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. m CALLAGHIAN & CO. LAW BOOK PRICES All NEW enid LAST Editionks lst YEAR-.(ll vols.)=$32.0 2nd YEAR--(13 vols.).$42.00 3rd YEAR=m(8 vols.)=-$21.00 All NEW and LAST EdItlorns SECOND-HAND BOOKS CHEAPER CALLAGHAN (t CO. LAW PUBLISHERs, Chiaao ANN ARBOR]BRANCH, Stm.te St. Opp. Law Bldg. GAS STUDY LAMPS 100 Candle Power for 1-3 Cents per Hour. Save Eyesight, Money and Trouble ANN ARBO3R GAS CO. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BESTIOF EVERY- THING IN TAILORING