THE MICHIGAN DAILY G. H. Wild§ Co. Leading MERCHANT TAILORS The largest stock in the City of exclusive styles in Woolens for Gentlemen wear. Of high-class fabrics and S special style for sin- dents. .I G. H. Wild Co. [EARN MICHIGAN SONGS so that when She crowd at She ganme starts 'The Yellow and Blue" you can sing it through correctly instead of singing the lirst line or so and guessing at She rest. Get a copy of songs of T'he Yellow and Blue, 50 Cents at Sheehan & Co. Students' Bookstore THE MICHIGAN DAILY. tssisttti as tseond lasi tteri-sat the SAst A'rorPostioe snlsid disit' ('ii ottisis e cpteii duintg the colerest-st, at rii7 iastt Slatintioi Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager, WALTER R. HANS Atis ..... Clarencet-:,. Fildtidge News.............Athisr'C. iPounsd I~xhane ..........Ciasos ErC.Winsttead tIi . .. ... .. ... .. ...A. II. i itst r 55t5 - - - - -l........?fie 1. Armssttrongs iugsh ASlt-st iranksinstC. Pars LoisiD.itSticknery. if cro- f I i i u C 4. t9 5, hv-'I t he i flslsowtissisestry 'SMr. Colt-. Sping fot r ist- comns itteetiic frt- he boardii ststofitirtorsinftsslt- uletisassocIitis'npt-inc ls e s to theCisis- thc sttbject'iiididnt affciithsCAtleti-ic is-soctu onia-ntl 5a sidiscssion fislisiscii. jutdge' rtane i thi ire ileitshatl -i t try -rilatsis siply-ito ite squetionst oftsrsipol r i t ite, htherithethlet IHIrbetiNN. Cit-Is. UNIVERSITY NOTICES. Islinis ilub s m kerst Sit. da ig t PllliIet. 2-, 1IhaIIMcCC I CR'seS ilLr o'lot-isslaftirnoion. sst I, S i S [), 12 I S [I P fssr Sitler, of the disartmeisi of mi tilts' iii tutu it ittits addrelis thC Appl iiisrclied st-ssss iirk- i stis Ill opeti sti nd ll intrsedsstu- A New Shipment of SPALDING AIIILE IC SWEATERS just received. Swellest Sweaters Sold Also Swtr- Vest swith buttons Brais or Pear or witout.. .. PRICE, FIT AND QUALITY GUARANTEED. The old, genuine Spaldings in While, Navy Blue or Gray $5.00 WAHR'S The Bookstore thats never Ull- dersold' C. E. Barthell AStS IAi'.SLS. George. ttssiots iaroldiiC' Stitiths ICctiinued Insistprtcerdinugipag.) I. ciil olei, Jr. Geosrgei..Barns R. Cilareit'Brit r anikstJ. 'tarts iie centtterfromithe Itritsc-yact-silittiliy Robert 1-1.Clacy r y A '..Miottgoett-ryi \ llsin~t. St-stilt-dvancsit c ttthes 1).. i Stevescnst Walster Mrtzrobati tiC'e tiresultedil itt Clsititititi ii C't eer i RATE~S:$2.s0perryror, or $2ees it paid in advace. Address: WALTER R. HANS' Business Manager, 236 S. 12th St., Phone 149 L. Ediior Todayc-J. CLARE O'BRIEN. CA LEND AR. Octi. 27-1 -siebrtlA. Spiage int 'Rip Vcii Wilkls-" sit Fist Bapists Octi. 27-Ia thu sitsoiasl, Pitticltt itos cills-ch, 8i:it; P. Ill. lOct. 27- I'ilsttiitslpt-ogt-aittoMicih- ist llBuiilding attiLonu s ciaicisi at Ncr sit r still. liii. 27-\Ilisit C tu nstigittgmitt- liii. 28-Ct-ss Cittiss t- tub sit-c aii Ocit. 28-osithiall.lit-kiecvs.uMichiugans. ci Ft-rrv fit-hI. Oct. 29 -clof.C.CI. Busrit, UCivetitsity of Cicaisgoit. i NiiillssilishallI6:1 p. isit Ntis .2-St-condislfsacultonertiti, Schsools of Ilisc. Nio'.3--rnst iThomsonst-Scists>its Ntis. 4 .icIt- Itiviit.5 I litissis sit Chintt COi)A\ .\INICATICIN. (CositiltisedifIsoiiipreceding page., I Juisit a st the itit'rs csiate o tothsild Slit linetps Curis... ...t .. L. T ...c usCcii thills at r~tic . .. ..sttts ' .. .. Ie tn tilt i ohli Icrio is stsss, o e .I I...s RW, _I Icnimon , F B .. l---giih---- ..__ .1 - 11 tnicvBlitss * --- int i l... ollaus . V 1sl . (Ice -.. . .~ v Grtahaisi 3, 1Ii stisittitil?2.Curit';, \cg fiiltove ('itt-Cutic in. 'iiesr osi dance-Smal. ttit it-.-it-ccn CIi Sc-CIIICRERS lIEN TOl TRY0 LI I' CCIIICI1 iCALD Th itryiotsitlousrnamet iiof liii'Chss iaind Checkericic luhwi1lbstgist Fridayi ancontss insuet- iss s iiitt-lekbeot-e'Thanks- Alt men' 6 st sints heiunivesr sitir' ishesthteri cmembertsiofithe cish or sit,. sit- elicillifot-rt-e t. Thcourssst-its meintt is'tchs athetti two istt-in ceck it-s Nv itlibet-knstinChicssgo tsot-v so-is cluis itilleliiMarcoonsistea. LIsct yearit-Chicago pinsyeidlitri. lT- itt-rd lot-ticus-mteiriali Icisistc itipt-ttaistl all cut-ssindclict-i piayerc ct-c urtgiesitoicoict-out. 'T-e pt-e ilts- ait- con t-ct ctill itse uhi s-si-is-Fidaysi ini liiiiiisiss stll. Thest- pess wt'c xiii bei mtiithrough citduct cduedction ofl suit- of shlist-itmit membsnic-. SIll 1 IOTA SORORITY' HODS lilNQC"1;' T1heitth ird annual15banquet ofitheusSig- ms Iostasority-tooi:isi acshut i t-eCiii itigcf isla sst vening. MissccLe-iisaCur- itt actit-il sc toastitrestics idtu sts torrt-'t-esondedito blit- lict Csmbel Nit. IHotwla,-iisa tnd isses 1 sit, Wilt- er, Culeltn T aboriis. I 1st- ec'su Or the co i syer ar veryiti'go siT het s ociest y- ha t h l argest'i it is expectedsiithatiitis sitsbsit ipis will i'achitt-it l ii a i- es. lTh Imis-tit sip isis is o e olaiadin lsten itkicgetincs in si u bjetsIn The Socti ety nows, intisa ro sithet n sill n erig 1ildn tillr a its' readngtesis kp is uppls ied with all he echncal illsasti l l boardi e ted byth scity isisnowsti isket- it s itsofits l mesit sit wht o have sftil tsiet yc siwhile ts stlss ipioi it t il oditsana srcp in -itrtmst beisN.ft efclt n th eleli '' . I~ it Vast-sip Iwof th itol ]lose, ttiis one oithe r o h buisins's me n ofi 5 ititt uissus ti come ltsh sitne o h ast ad -Manager tRo tis' itsreciptofte fi o he P of AInuu5555.I see by I c lisjoedtshei ts ittl-isicoe vn i tlas I L t MEIDICAL LAW DEiNTAL BOOKS NEW AND SECOND-HAND Cash or Exchange for Old Books C. E. Barthell 326 S. STATE ST. Telephone 761 atits tThit Prof.Cisil lnis periit-sonual integsrtity itwcshovutspicutcionuu. Theuscquit- titon Imsuit i it -sraise' ccsis cimply oust- ii buisplcy.I prooudly regre1' t-gnto sin sti aicsnstructiont PI1LLOWS, BANNERS, FISHNET rgit- ngiiit t-e lustdscldlby te 1bstud i)f crattlist t' u -tlt- e ild I reliesd uponu WASTEPAPER BASKETS, m' k-iit-t-uo oftvarliusctiittrstruiitt SOUVENIRS, ETC. ushit-lu1 hadisiu shliiut-uit-irmersmembers inqu i t-luw ith'. Colitmasuitst he iu DARLING +&IMALLEAUX dire c-,laistsrisu n iRlat ivets Ihis Bosth Phonrs. 224=226 S. Statre1Sitttsurcthis minutescoflthut-boanrd \V. k. Valldel-111)." liii u ;fotbls-u t-isldc"; a re 0cut-si a- ay at theu Susc lt<, 1_tutu. us-i i- tolofciltheii' ill cuuussi. it's-s si schedsusl st'fatilt'lssselt-ts. - d Face G& S Fortune Your face is your fortune. Protect it from all irritationl by usIing WILLIAMS' TI'K I e Announcement of the Students' Lecture Association 1905 Fifty-second Season 1906 lErngst Thompson-Setott lHon.,Chas B. Landis Jerome K. Jerome - Jacob A. Riis = F. Hopkinson Stmith= Lorado Taft a Frederick Warde - Pres. Alderman - SOUSA'S BAND - Leland T. Powers Oratorical Contest = Open Number = =Nov. 3 =Nov. 10 - Dec. 1 =Jan. 16 =Jan. 31 -Mar. 12 =Ilar. _- =Mar. 30 May 2 COOP FOOTBALL POSTCARDS Pictures of the Michigan Team in Action College Souvenirs, Flags and Banners ALL GOODS GUARANTEED PRICES LOW We sell to everybody-Members obtain 'uarge discounts. Join the Co-O~p En~och Dieter-le Embalmer and Funeral Director Anmbulance tCatts at eadert day or aight.t 210Sas401Ave-utl-tlResiee ;ide Ph utotIS40. Anus Arbotr. PAILEY & EDMUNDS ZportiflO (300b 121 East Ltberty Street. \\JCHIGAN (iE NT T1st- 1iagara Falls ffsst THE SHIRT LIKE fCHICAGO ANN ARJ3OR to BUFFALO BOSTON (NEW YORK with direct connections at. Chicago icr St. Louis. Kansas City, St. Paul anl the. West. For information and through tickets call on or write to W. W. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor. Tickets for, the Entire Couirse $2.00 May be obtained at S. L. A. Office or from Studenat Sellers Seats reserved-5O Cents Extra-at S. L. A. Box Office, Main Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30 SINGLE ADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Phone. 552 Office Hours: 4-6 Daily (Saturday excepted) (1cin3 1'r WAHR=The Shoernan 218 So. Main St.