TIDE MICHIGAN DAILY G.H. Wild Co. M VECHAN~T TAILORS * ' The lrgest stock in th ityof exlusive- styles in Wooelens for iGentlemen wear. Ofi high- lass fabris and 6 5 siecial style 'for sui- denti.i yhi 0aC. H. Wild Co. 0 G,9 hi 0i 311 S. ytate t. 0i F? EARN THE M1ICHIGAN SONG1S in that when the crowd it the sine stats "The Yellow and Bl1r you can sing it through correcty inted of singing the Ii fr ine oa so and guesing at the reit. Gt acopyof soingsof be Yellow and Bue 50 Cents at Sheehan &Co. Students' Bookstore Money Loaned On iaons oadhe Ae=or rply JOrgi SilWaces &C Diamns b v b d Q e e 9 9 1 9 4 9 1 9 9 t ! , 1{ i '1 i . { :, 7 THE MICHIGAN DAILY. i s lssies I ovr t(the .allelic Asisoi- 1'11ii sils's icOh, ays 5 i eti i) ticiii sh e. heli mw 4)' i. 1-m isiihmi' 7C7. Managing Editor, CLYDE L DEW Business Manager. WALTER R. HANS i x-a1 .. . . . . . ....hals 1'. \illse 55.m11......... . . i ii' J. :rsi ii' .0 Lous 1). biibi is. lar isii ill iii ii ; ' -iy a d t e ha ivv iii l iiih t h c. y 1)ln '1'he c th nr~iter i , s l i ciiirest 1). b1l'. Ii. C'alc hiss .TES.Si Sisrlsi(,.lsiiili tiATEsSt :i$2.ooeryeas, 00 $2.00 if pail ie advancie. Address: WALTER R. HANS Business Manager, 236 S. 12th St., Phone 849 L. Eitcrii 'today-OBE5RT tH. CLANCY. Oc . 2 s'l0 0)11 s. 51irlgaii. liii. 5 llrsir V S ra)-C in "li VIll \ 'ii l , tt 1 i't 1 a t~ ()(-1 >f - ~ trti)la r) r (iili .li ii 1 i< itl l~lildn ald ,()il .\Slull ii is Si \~ rr.1x1 ()-,'Si lh,.all.w iloIlo tl'' i. hope t(i fu)llo\iiii teir stepsi " be ive this iilaceii aiii Ii ~ idd -i ii or it iii ' lli'siii'i' li1 I asii hiii i ii i iii i t leasure anii ratitudeiupo here was o su h iiice lir- tem, i ll ii lei.ng oom lce ie lis. is Il 1d n t e ive iiaibliiiioii-ido l lk e teiiil i sis'rssss.t'l s li li genra b)adilg laerii- lCisigis 'ha siliiiiI dom ilater . 'iiisleiingl Id l e ea- i is i erhpsi hre r four at mos. sIlb live 'ii'.. 'if Sirs. Ie onthe tiidil )ran ho c rsertgletrel- fr umi whoci re-s iiiandliedccno shelein n ro iiiil friiiii\lnto iinihothel Toich sers h e. III siu asler. iii t aliciie tthigly entert id svaiiusii is tl - es iniieid islia ii iiildfori' iieiliMliiii igs Prsident Parker ()f the I. li on feel 1e sineed ()f a sliiiliteudrtningli andi fi thei' two) sui'ldig ithcciI n us ci nive rosysoietics.te rife adtan ing itille soiltheibed l cunts firvisitinug ai mdtikei utoi iisf the pais. I blieviie tepiry' puriose if itheIUniioniz., iii a, clb. a homtue fur stiuients,.aut ani iiuii i. I beii iliveiihiti a s oiiiiii -h eff-ecd: iiit.I iso ld b srry in ee toi sibeciio urcildinsg ercird, withliithei turei did ntscontasif h aicadfn CfililiSIGNASiti'idSi("iit'L The abll-frishc wentlithiiighi ili usiual stnsls ih.compling thegirrk wit ai ' gioodulsignal ii'pracicei. .Allithe iie werei cillgosodI shiaiiiafter thei.gamei wiii i i ith siaus cciI ''viean " o f'ist" a's ilei' piisie theisti'iiig Kalamazooi/ciseam.i Tle if they caniipntiupitieiaib icle of baii lli ni helcr XciOysi ay aura ig ht. teemed si\% it nhsiain.Speiiiiil Wer trade hy Prs.'i (" . . owar, \1cci s liav idsiii, Kollig,SWa~ilker's'asid I ipl e.ii A reception ii o hfe w MIin, fore cc~vincuc iis jiii'ined lue dilii n- i Prepairiii ls asresuinsrogrel s for ,i iii soia'llf I iditl.s n d 'll i' 1511'a Uiversii siiy .of 'Ch sic i lliiii erdiSu. of t el usclsuo aniiili i is ini ihis cn - written icliiilibooks and is noted fo liii'iiil. Cowni o h mpr-raeo thl I ei''i spcia ' fortwil bemai tgietesIeaerexta I meinth FOOTBALL SUPPLIES' Sind atcctit mei icin lithe rootball Pants - - 75c tup Ileadgears - $1.50 to $5.00 Pads - - - - 2 5c up Footballs 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 $2.50, $3l.00 and $4.00 Muorill Noseguards - -. &1,50 Tihe Bookstore lChats never Un- dersold C.411'IV IIZ %l I \ 1t' 11i F, N Ill NVt QUA1'ER .SIZE COLLARHS Stiies. iiiri'ir aiii n toei nch.bTis maiiiiai 15*ceasli;11, 2 of/iu2.5t ci iii1,-isi biiiiY kii CO. STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth lii. 5'. sl usust Wili. ArnoidI Dr. 5' i. So~aci N. J. Kyci .Jiii r 1 t { v,-1v 11 isst steib lii alls' toll- )li i Sisss'ui sis sisiln 1) WthIIri hii .rot 'lb facti cuss s t o h ilihat iii lleii S;o i aiosi ass thiei'ei- tis 'fbhe rac te m itith ico feir- lho Id theloi isli ln ii' .o hesllt'iSt' hetam hi 11illa e. w r liii bsiofihe isa tib 1an ae-11 ilc a d o li~r lllel .It iwasfill-ssi is Sill 1111; slid S. is. Si. tickes i t h so N')cir isfisreic Beil eFair vd ur tl t r tli bei MsiS. I.. Si. 0siCfroi o 1cuii 2 '1. Ini and- to:; . Il. sohiriustard, S cisirsiri'cs. 543 Clhiurchins'e. 24-2ci to your face and your face wvill be fair and shavinag a pleausttre. Always use WILLIAMS' S"T C Announcement of the Students' Lecture .Association 1905 Fifty-second Season 1906 i Ernest Thotupson=.Se totn lion. Chas B. Landis Jerome K. Jerome = Jacob A. Riis F'. Hopkinson Smithit Lorado Taft - F'rederick Warde - Pres. Alderman SOUSA'S BAND Leland T. Powers Oratorical Contest = Open Number =1 Nov.3 sNov. 10 - Diec. I Jant. 1b Jan. 31 -Mar. 12 = liar._- Mar. 30 May 2 COuMvOP FOOTBALL POSTCARDS Pictures of the Michigan Team in Action College Souvenirs, Flags and Banners ALL GOODS GUARANTEED PRICES LOW We sell to everybody-Members obtain large discounts. Join the Co-O~p ALARM CLOCKS, $1.00 to $1.50 J. L. Chapman, 200 5. Mai St. 111E1 FARMERJIS AND MEUCHANICS BANK MAIN AND tHURON SiTREIETS Capital, $50,uuu, Surplus andi Profits, $65,uuO thues a GeneuraliBaningusin ssiess and lay 3 pc 'zcnt interestion Tim seanSvig D~epitisc. bifethy DepsoltsitBxso00o rit at V2.00iiandiupwar'ds Ri. linsior.Pres. W. i'. icSs'iVENS, Sis'i-Poe's Pi. H. lirson, Caii. ILA Ii tiossot. XICHIGAN CENT -117w.9Nagsara Fallssits THE SHORT LIRE CHICAGO ANN ARBOR to J BUFFALO BOSTON NEW YORK with direet cennectfios at I hicago isir St. Loais. Kdansas City. St. P'anl and the West. For information and through tiekets call on or write to W,. IW. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor. Tickets for the Entire Course - $2.00 May be obtained ai S. L. A. Office or from Student Sellers Seats reserved-50 Cexts Extra-at .S. L. A. Box of fice, Main Corridor, University Hall, beginning October 30 SINGLE ADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. Phoixe 552 0Oflice Hours: 4-6 Doily (Saiurday excepted) r ° _ _ NO0W ST IM PSON & ST IM PSO N O P EN