The Michigan Daily No. 26. Vol,. XVI. PROSPECT OF AGREE- MENT IS SLIGHT, Little Likelihood of Union and Memorial Committee Com- ing to Terms--More Faculty Opinions. it an ostce n thta s- ice. W ie lu ots uld slut ()f ally rat>i ni e Nvollld it ccll ALBION COLLEGE IN LAST MID-WEEK GAME MhI odist School Conies Today to Oppose Varsity Albion Strong Among State Colleges. Tllc la st lidwselgste )ftl 1w arn 11 ts All i m tcois-s. 's. in. Uitllodlists cst )t rtc tat o~ic"" s tyll os- ttsssttt 0~c Sl o siustlii ty ofte diretosrs IofteI mgto ot1 ti t etstrsusorisinotessnear future ott tgss s ttttsit ithes tits et s uund Ow enesntaiv m lit s oft hesi fattt lh 1 er hs wO it regrt. Th ;etlt osiths.:tctttpttsis forsimmedss- It sthesfttosdia tsttor- ann r ino twhi tthi xvh~e materhasbee coduted.It tt te s tttvtttud itdoubt tht sstent aIt it m sith aitmpr i sghe fetitngt tsssossiivmalth t te tbilditng.iuuisi e~r it I sitse \itttttthe 1ich asss TO s116, sdsts bi isustion rtt the w ole atte by pintig aitsb' I Proie;oss 1rw tr ia s inl Iitenei o ci'c'tf no fo i tilt 16 s e. t'"'ttst: ithre inede hett a; it a -at ttrctivepiciss(tsslmsssd its'y m:o nctd wttte mi WO~ldfeeldraws hc~rtle he is Its r atits i heb aue e i o Nftit oitt ttt ra iato u ceite heiid cm asa \ ( s11 it In~'tohrM rhgn w ill aIS() I)c )ttt t)f arl I\v \v il) he iVcit lircct the t('attt' )Iay Ic -atlle. (hat thc° carp- elen-i alvc; if the atrle i 2r r1 wk, the Ix);ir(I ec1 fn)i)I their- (111 H,: al tcrm)()11 S OI UIIto I N till >R'>01 i's VI'll h.Definite Announcement Ex- Pln nDetail. lltrt akot ~ r petod in a Few ays- Consside-rasl intserest has been takens itst tttsi e r. T c ol ed tei t astt t it t rgantizatiotn oas omson rt of a epce to playitictt ith lit ganstssssst sslboyto tsassume cnrlo iie ]il th suit oile when trictly stttlett affairs, since teh ue ttcdopsieIda"Scuste Smeclanngof potlitical ansd varsity social ci he hasarotrsake i its functiosnsas indlgedcr1in lay the Senate thit-ti its-littsc to gt of misttteeits ofit nste-atleitic control last 1tttst< 5 i t ito 5 sping.i Tlissbuoardi, popuilarly known as5-tiet"anis-'raft committee,'"nesi St ated'ithei 'busiss metihossof all ctst- it n)tn ithts ist s! It-ti irlge-tsntiossand inaposedt a rigid susp- esi o n oilthtieir actions-. Asa result of lwccl ha~rs. "h5guss tit>ttgg I tese Inrestigatmons, several students nc:h ,w o tal ;aeani tdy wer~e forced to leave college, and the 'Cha stden boy fet tat heyshonid hare tatsvoittt in theiisoition of stuch cases. llisr~i~~isc tu tu ttttoiphtCui Withtts tendl itsview, the o]Michigan t is Untiitnttok testatlerStp ansd have sti' s-it -i ttttitt ~t pracotsscsiiy tperetaiplns for a ecstuncil ootedsaf seniosofrotn. all depart- useuits isitihici lhave isltissate jssris- sit stssss -si 5,stro sitsctio iallsses of graft isn the meth- t t0tttitttssktt. sttiiiiti i iy d id pp s f esionosansd tte mansagemnt iof sta i unitissossgivens iy stssdesnts os Th plt isis stot shavetsscosncil coss- potseds of seosrs ass foilsows t Literary Sit t tttt tdepaortmets lit-c} ssgissserintg, fsasr; si;~tct tn al( t t t at s tiitow.r-hesaded s-o. stsi ssc esii i ittth~ka t ifsits smay, I s froms ttomotaseoastic,sdesstal asnd yotr 5 ssti e irt ists.T heii lse wtill t st usus "r 1 s '.;i. is i~ t rei no riot its"r illsassingsir fsit y ists ss i r asilt1 ida (ifss thuis r osissl nl sestl e nuite arssg'usuis lss o its its i- I c NAot \N its-i 111 I -, [Jsto1.- 1-mi -t thetCs i sl it ll ,5 i~ t 3 fi e , , ()-;: \I{ dc - it a't SlFl lt . s-il i ; c ttl s-sUi ' tl 'I t-st t -iti- V. WN.IC. -A. iiIK U. 'sit \N'rststoss'ssot stiv -ill ait) ss'tisg sof tl(' . I'. N. Ntris> wllssiits'r Istrlc 5 k to girlt; sis i'.at fit-so- - I 'sitttts tstit l. Thesis stocs'> ,v 11it Is,' l i It is exesed th lat bt'sttiseit still ibe comsedsso'i sf stihelwhowill ibe in touchs ithilscollege sentimssensts andticasn betsterpr iate the is'mstives Ibackisof sitIinmoeuuenits thnuau sstltyntsettilwir wlt viuth e Issi t sters freom lfts S liipaint. ithe oetso woul posst ssi- Isis its-isisthslistabislliosmset.if satshon- o 'stea otoou itsill tdepatmtentso, saitths extend te couni's pouuwer Ibeyoassdte unlt oiinaislly prsopoisedi. 'lisswsould '.t sights dsiralli'if Sitsrodutedstiso othe sis titttis, hltmeers'oif sts' sic~t livsts'xpre-ssed titeits-elvesas lTittnesoftsomst so rtofstudentrsor- uitito sct iuetween' thsli etsslss its siaclty Ihoisrd'swIsissevidiesst oilthe ltisteiif sitctuisng as Nietigstsisosiilibordl lsot osspints-At tlistithue sts-'whlpl anil wais ichangedi isitsshort tiutiss'atnture-- adutdto isis dissastisfsietionssofa arisge' sissisrits- if st'eiterestedssi tudtents. A tilt'senttiveiu sbuuiss- wousiilittaesail iiets inusestigatie theconuudsitios and C snvss Ste sen'timensst itt sll itterestied listii' lsI''sibefor smakig aiselisaise settle- S. miuherosthis isxicleasrly-itssil It is Ihosiedi tatthe fascssty wsethru- braesi he IsplatsalotsIgive the couithe la g-reatest ranigespssibsile. 'Thlisois a sial- Iter witoscalesso fr te test te college ihis. ItsouidhIrieeiee s-iossoesid- c) rationsitositevery ostesst andstcall ifarts Atiressistibility andu highest stasndardl of e uhuuuur whirls liarstusdents can furntishi. riii issirk of the Uniions conmmittee will Its b e i uissiwithin the text few days. 1 DIllsVi's 5HIURTZ OUT (IN T111E LINE. - tShelbtyA. Scihurtzette11r knwns as s- 'Dirty,"his cesi out for left gitarnd siOntshte'07 lit footbsall teamis.lHe weighs c' S70t tiundts stripphedi std is rrmarkably r"fast. hreis aas'ember sitthe hBrtsa 'heit Pi fratrty. rnpleted For Special Performance of "Strongheart." sosit Nisus Nsl plattss a 5rb 555oy 55 e iv us'astseat ti usnor ofti lits gir. sit ss I usIisIjtst-isis sfrietnd s uutsunardiT'hirttemlitssat I "Sr)I'dc~rt"is a pla of515050bi stis]),iheir endavo s ti ssov ite he da ab ila .D its lesit itsmsits sit ests and5 the i ti5tempits t makt heoi )c-'55 5is 555o55asit O tto is telistsi id ncssf tt srncrimtit'atig ti'ure. bc ( i1 f ts se rti t t I ndiitti sit sitl Iis liste furni5sit Si lt list o r t t of fist 5055or a tt'(tSMMI) 114toili h ss'issrace 'oshere is r. I',sit ' rc, s'oss;styihs bets Cre- s; tsi uan st-is t t 's-rlutssve stse rim)ts hils elecisisiS'Nteby I-. I laos-is wills us iots nd s-ss elsi-ss S N11h iss t ssus so-suss ltato 5 pre55sen i-ti col'-g-e sith i s thets- asit Ta iet dersived by tit he'list l t;st iof i ii s-si-iep tuisodsss he Ian r onti ngns rpe{ n clcelf. T e fis c sli[it sltd b n l stly atstctive- qaris 05 slt th otttof51totclassmti is. iThey' sru ~tes ofss feinsiity.