'lI-l" NI CIJIG. buA 1 tV Reule, Conlin, Fi 1egel, Companyv Hocking Valley Ry. C'UNTI 10I1b7s ITs ~lfi i\T10 TRAIN AiEYITlK yoiiwill fn Four Trains IDaily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleping Cars on Night Trains Union Delotsi T ole do ansd S. F. CLARK, 32 Campus Martis Detroit, Mich. (PENDYOURVACATO ON THEGIREAT LAKES M Eri Wil Y SUMER ESOTSl~ DETROl Too CLEV LAND Ise LEELAD e - .3 A.51 Lo+'roe CLEVOLAN. dily 10.15 O P.1 Prri ®r 0. C. EAES- o I.N1IJ MiiTi o 11a.. 1 DETfROT NDCLEVELAND 001ve0D0TO T alyoot .30t s P.AGUS LrrveOLEVAN oDoi 5Slodi .30 AM. Lev Ls. E VELANIMo Dt 1rdai 0.0 P. M. Arrie DTROTs& Fio-s.30 A.M. Pe oip r Week ST EAEiRS or1h Mackinac,'"Sa o I. arquette I Ilol, os apolis , St 0aidPetokey 1Mil11kee111 i DETROIT AND CLEVELANDV.,O DALOWecetRnaIJL SOd UUTH MAKNCVI IO 'TsdascvhrdayseB0 Poor LvDt 1onys&'Sthudason.0DPot. ci n lios &0Fi~atirwtAth FourooT rins Wtkomaltnwinge r15ots A k yo rrnearest agentsor writ LOW AESMANT General Agent TOLEDO, OHIO ALWAYS LEAD IN OF QUALITY °° OVIERCl 'OATS STY LE VARIETY PRICE- TOPCOATS RAINCOATS StIITs HIABER- l)ASlHERY a a r t ^' Y An idspcclion of our extensive stock by the stoudent body is respectfully solicited. .rC.5 itl RECENTLY ENLARGED I25,000 Nw ovil Doad Phrases Ne Gzttc Io he World New iogaphcalDistonanry 2300 Qsuoro Pares. 5J50 Illosiraiions. .Lhso1Woo r' o:ei~ Dcinary * II Plii-i c I I 110uion. * Reular Ldiix. ? s: Ice. idns G. eJ RR0MCO. Puiblishers. proosofoeld, Mass.. GE-.THtE BESrT I N S UIR A N CIE Geo. J. Haller ea. Co. REA L EIAAIL tooms t- 1010 1S. 1Ma 1n - -AND-. . PARIOIRS 118-120 C. Liberty St. New Dleterle Block. We sell direct to you at Wholesale Mill Prices. CALL AND BE CONVINCED STORES: 200-202 S. MAIN ST. CORRECT DANCING TAUGHT Giranger's School for Dancing. (round Floor on Mlaynard St. Photographer RENTSCHLER 319 E. Huron l:1' I I t I 'I1111h, 1011111. lines. all & Jeltende p ithosof >t11 .110. 111uuw-.11 1c l S 11-ki 011 1l iie say thatthe ,wrier s a1 res1law1bu S I1 111-" 1,"11111nie l I 1111 11at111111 Spring ;treatI'illia' i 1 dandy-b)r11m hav t1 furnish m (l 1 ligh111 and11a11 101111Ii-A21sma.llgolstc pn1 nar01011.lok a "11 I-0101111o10 '\2;.1D11,-o p00.01, .-- Fuller & O'Connor0. 11 (,o,'1-( 111 I signetl bracelet10, set with - -- el 'oos.'ewrifx1rotrdt xioxl 60.41 Students,111lamps at Dean10,111 Co5.(l, 21-1 F, 11frm. 20 S . 0111111 l stree, $1.511 aindl$2. ol. 1.101 Fl 1dcr leave11 at 111110 .11111 011111 lce .'i (]ga 0ll 100 .111 11with 1ev111101 ;i centii 1)ll11-- 1ioilanti , txorlxbi:30 o xiM. Spix lSTDE.N'S. 11111)11 bull b l, 1111 sololxeo. 10 1A ire 1 10s1ra11e0 poli)y 011011110 $.011 -11-11ay xsave.01111$400o. Sei' '«l . 1 01 111111.l 11 lugelo and1 01100r5sandwi'chesO at 1room11200, 1111Ai'biir'Saxv1n10s bank11blocki lhe N ighlt 1110ii hCofe.Open dily atnd 11oricall tip Bill p1111111029J. tf 11110t, orders tak xoyphoe 107L. -- 3oil S0. 51t110treet, i'rs~t door 1no1rthxif Satistory101ta11lorin~g 111 oatifaco I'iglier'00 if 1pr1ces.1Fle' & IO'Connorli.1'.)(11;17 'il- _______l1iam1street. if Safety Razors ' ii 1 11111%. I Gillette, 12 bie dec. $5.00 Zm". 24 blades, $5.00 Yarxkee, $2.00 Ordli."y Re~ao"s, $1.25to $2.50 324 SO. STATE ST. J a i4iega the 111rkeoil MANN'S DRUGi STO I il S.Main'it. EDISON I honiirraorhs nl dReuordls 1 l e aefllylitt d d lested. 10.11p11t 1001 clixr 11 1 'l0 bolo1Complete Line (1,1101.111 II1,1IIR,1Man111111 101 1 iol'J ell lro Storie. 11 ' SHUI iLE & SON _ ;t14 W. .Liberty S . Anni ArbrorMichi M11 Gal1111, reaere a'n11 i each~ler o I ill;W aV oe copyof oithe ' iiol 01 iio and or111 a11 toii'y. ioac'linxg of piys0011111011')ih e e 20 'lt ptll aSpeialyl> > Mae otreet. 33101se. o'nlhli1's 1i'l11 11V ' fi\owe La nd r If 1111 are.111n1ned of axine11 1pa1 il f Watol, is oo'lr andt eve'glass '011111- 1homas owe , Proprieteor sioes oir 111111r10coll at A l' s hixog yski l ld orkmen. ( o I3206N,IFith Asve. More, is 11111111o llsteet. ool0Jt;Ox 1.1 S W,110 80110 n. 11111 So 0000 ilo 3i, 11 Bv I 1.1ne[" HOW'S THAT FOR______________ ______ A GOOD JOB? Said lot asohirt laundered i1n orfin- After Paying Your Tuition P'ee is heil fashien. The verdict of nsmrt dessersaang men is that we kniow The next most important thing, is to avail yourself of an oppor- peeople and thast 10e act in lkeeping with redtobsen II ,. 1our informatltion1. Postal bring onut iao tOiit 111'dloore. I'Phonei11011 're TAILORS - is ta urry. HATTERS TofMEN H7efl and Kyer Varsity Laundry 709=711 N. UNIVERSITY AV E. OPYiON- ! 117 S. Fourth Ave. Both Phones 921 CAI.LAGHAN & CO. LAW BOOK PRICES All NEW eund LAST Editioxms 1st YExAR.(ll vols.)=$32.00 2nsd YEAR-.(13 vols.).$42.00 3rd YEAR..(8 vols.)-$21.00 All NEW and LAST Edltlorns SECOND-HAND BOOKS CHEAPER CALLAGHAN ft CO. LAW PUBLISHERS. Chicago ANN ARBOR. BRANCH. State St. Opp. Law Bldig. GAS STUDY LAMPS $2.50 EACH 100 Candle Power for 1-3 Cents per Hour. Save Eyesight, M~loney and Trouble ANN ARBEOR GAS CO. 0. M .Martinl FUNER O)liedli0i S. -111 Ave.Uthonie l9d. Rsil 11111 1302 S. pth Axe. Phoe ; 141 AMiBULANCAE 0OR CALL ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY- THING IN TAILORING