Tflit MICHIGAN DAILY Go.No Wild Leading SMERCHANT TAILORS 0 The largest stock is iS the City of exclusive styles int Woolens for (lestleroen wear. Of hiigh-class fabrics and is special stylIs for stu- dlents. G. H. Wild Co. 311 S. ytate St. $ BALL SUITS We are showing a fine line of Football Clothing of Spading make at the following prices: P ANTS Canvas $1.00 to $2.50 Moleskin $3.00 to $5.00 JACKETS Canvas, Sleeveless 75c to $1.25 SHIN-GUARDS Reed and Felt Padded 35c to $1.75 SHOES Calfskin, goad quality, strongly sewed $3.50 per pr. Before you buy tome in and look over our stock, we'll gladly show you. Sheehan &Co. Students' Bookstore t r r r r r i r r r i i I THE MICHIGAN DAILY. F ttaeil as secondl satssnatter at the SArm S.aroits tatce. t Ittttisbed'dlaity t(Mondlays excited)rat) inga the college year, at 11y lat N Waslintoi Managing Editor. CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager. WALTER R. HANS It Isas. . I rRS.sI.ttaa tI sttange ....... taars t;. 'Winastead .\I atls............5A. 11. Otee 15'oact...........tF l)ie J. 5Arms tr'ong ltttgh lenisrrtaankltntC.Sas testis 1). Stickney. Georg liAa. IOsborn tt,'sld C. iSmitha t.lsarl Ogles. I Geoslge .5. Baanes tk. slate'B itrien 'anaklaJ. Clattk Ilialac It. Clancy t trss. M ttsitmaaai D. F tevson sia Salter tSlctssolaaaa RATES $2.50 per yeae, or $a.00 it potd to odvanse. Adtdress: WALTER R. HANS nosiness Manager, 236 S. 12th Si.. Phone 849 L. 'Il' I. Cii I . CO11lER 24., 1507. Edtors Today-Di. F. STEVENSON. CAL ENDAR. Oc1t. 24-tittial C titusrearlsssal.,aiciiil of Mil Sic. Oct. 2;---Footiball, Aliona vs. Maichtigana. lict. 27- 1crrstI . Spague'aaill -Rip Vaa 'tWintkle'!" as First Bait Oclt. 27-1 1tillaisnsotscital, Pra'slb'yteian Oct. a7- ltica lioat Ip riagraatafat I isi- ia iiila1i~itaa attatdLsanaa \ssocall at1 Newberrvi itall. lict. 2-shah tnrvlbhairseail list. 28llFooaall.i Drake 5vs. Misiian. aitIFstay ftatd l)st. 2a--Prfatal. 1). ButtonatUCivtiersits ofiCliciaoat Alii Sillaathall, 0.; l)1111 aov. 2-Ssa.'.aaaaat taslts cncet,iScahota ofi litisis. Notv.3--1?msit sI' i msl ii o in opnl(nlast it. S. L. 'A. courise. 'Niat. -I Saiasa a . Illinouis tat Chitatat CaaaaslI Sal lties atylalst sseatrlastratnsformainthe lir itp- tptldaMichiganlas ito11 ii'itthecamion iaiofithe wes. Waith more maaaatr'ial tao it iifIro111this tsar. Ills prspets tiaV1" rihttiitst~ t'x W E IA I, 11l511'.amRuassell Lloy.d, ar helaity fatther in (aitliat, Ill.. Saialtaal iii'q, as tat ig an at lWthitore IaL~a li(t tse lath Mr. Lloydat t ered saaitatlitearyi'a' etpatI mt f t he li u iverisity ini thei fall of 11111 atauanI 1111.eive is \11. degrlit l ittlaw courseinIl too,;.s 1tlin isi t uiver-i sity carer he ~-a apr ie t ill mtil- its :0t lieitimeta1.tmemteraof tatIlesDaila hoar ofcontol nd lte tbsinsas s staffil ofhaTh ula aivOrlt ydwa tato10 anilsecreayi o tat tat tllaeicsta s s uiat tl. Il v s a ilamberto'f the l arr is- fraternaity.ts i I\t tetitme tathils ala t lie' ita'. tltott to ente1r itoil partnesi p with i lSt ns a lill ll11..\is atstudtlt, . n laoyd h ail a ats- taut aiti it t ofsfrien s. Isle uad a talltr. 1' no imiaawaas tolitke 1111im, tnd i sta detshlii s sillil grtte Ih l ii ng communaalt icataa ationaahats just C attin Ill., hat.201.-- I tl tiht ta KA ic n s a d witli n t colle. 5 1 aim) W ishl toiexpress 11y ttankstol l\es~.1 .Ctinac,IHail Weeks, C. G.R e d. is il 'I . Clia. Ntiata s ani expres'sto . of teirtttatmpaty a tle 1111 sitite d t the la Stal s . 'ttlt As rs.lIleay ]aloud llana a' nnotilt dsit e ollowing otbllsced lefo hitclass. t is:it FriayiOat. Na2,-a-Sat ttI.a'7 .n 1i7 NIt alay. N t. 3 0\i at ch 11l. 1. '06ass Tsa y, 3I t--atchyIi NA Iti)si t si it'dsa N i Sattia- N- alat tsV, '07 is is. almit. cs1.8 iara . Sait 11T11h u s a, 4: Is. s-iatchss t . '06atits4 vs.tti'ta Nil.aIwt. isa at i a Sail Is.hattchta's1i11 Saitiho T'uailat otat7 SaMatcI X i. l\'itser orAlth s iatter iaf1.M atI t . 11111n1sIayis Novtlt's8-M ah X. Nin itr ofit \litch\'is. Ni 'lar o iiih 1 ThNil.a' ,11 P satoR abilletik pin 'iii' tll'toitlits. lis ts oliWW books ofstheIvr' i J ii iltss tt:ace s is iitiii: Irniati a tte . Co pee lrs \I oll Clsasset s llSai osrts an1111 ( s ti lss oft 'hell. C ( asir tiar \\a\- lrat wk,1 CharlI s I Bert. The Sto.1 Cente. DawsttW 1 Oursa a N sli 111' 1.i llcns. -1 ) In-1111 O a 1stei lab rs To is. Diii orst, I ath iii 1 1Par11 ,11A1 It Is.a l)aassitta1 1 lstar i a n n~i~ P'itznllitc --Kely, sJame. 'Cerva tesi Slatatasti , Ia.5Co1ntmspotayta ne Voli. I. siitt ia .T hera adysuits amNuit I l t . iFswd. taan t ariat' R ss't'. st ivlzain titai tti . lim n .cos Miltch'elatl.i. ir.JL'ttle S tis 1 . P l t slsh lii l'iiiThelitll' it I s 'tt a s'ikinJohn. leiteJdiby O11 itit , 'F. It ii l 1 Bu(apest. The Real Latin Quarter Ita . andD niti 51).c~ilWhst 'lii1'W IC S TI I,,Csll 111 111114elec 1i n c Niltt3 ()f tiei '" FOOTBALL SUPPLIES i tatit tsto u' hilest sti~titt 15 I al~tthl' weau'st picI n 'sltheii rootbatl Ptnts - . 75c up leadgears $1.50 to $5.00 Pads - - - - 25c up Footbals 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 $2.50, $3.00 aid $4.00 Moril Noseuards -. &,5 The Boksore thas never Un- dersold C. E. Barthell MEDICAL. LAW D)FNTrAL BOO KS NEW AND SECOND- HANI) .55.5.51 Cash tor Exchlange for old Books 015555 C. E. Barthell 326 S. STATE ST. Telephone 71 A Merciful Man is m~erciflul to) his face. He keeps is smnooh anid free fromt irritation by using WILLIAMS' SHAING Get Your Room i Decorations P11LLOWS, BANNERS, FISHNET; WASTEPAPER BASKETS, - -- __ luost -_4iihigatt Daily carrisrs' list ott SO3UVENIRS, ETC. Statestsretibetwreen Motnrse andP ask at. andl xtreets, 0o' sassPackarsd. l'indelr DARLING & M.1ALLEAUX plase a'sitve 11ataly office, 117 E. Wash-' intnsiretl, aor telephonte 592. If Both P~hones. 224-226 S. State St 1 ttitlissa ]ntli'hti1 oll I ' tle ite haeld III ilaitt C, C'. I I.,atay .51to tutu. Ill. 'IThe'objctl t ftll' IM is to1 perfet thtill'1155.'ii/ittitl . ail f rc eti 1 1t1 Ilf , 1' t >( 41 iritigatitpittlul u als, f und soon. 1'0ii IN'a xS C IIItth mlte:' 1 1111 ii .ltFi.511 1.IWIi'[,R 7'uu iay' M11111St. 5i111''115cc'.. s54i Cl tasst'.reet. 2 Announcement of the Students' Lecture .Association 1905 Fifty-second Season 1906 Enest Thompson-Seton - Nov. 3 Hion. Chas B. Landis - Nov. 10 Jerome K. Jerome - - Dec. 1 Jacob A. Riis . -. e Jan. 16 F. Hiopkinson Smith Lorado Taft . - - Jan. 31 Frederick Warde - - Mar. 12 Pres. Alderman >. -. .rlar.- SOUSA'S BAND - Mar. 30 Leland T. Powers - May 2 Oratorical Contest Open Number - - ----- Tickets for- the Erntire Couarse - $2.00 May be obtained at S. L. A. Office or from Student Sellers Seats reserved-50 Cents Extra-at S. L. A. Box office, Main Corridor, University Nall, beginning October 30 SINGLE ADMISSIONS $1.00 S. L. A. PKOMSe 552 Office Hours: 4-6 Daily (Saturday excepted) C00uvOP FOOTBALL POSTCARDS Pictures of the Michigan Team in Action College Souvenirs, Flags and Banners ALL GOODS GUARANTEED PRICES LOWI We sell to everybody-Members obtain large discounts. Join, the CowOp 1 tll 1 ; Cj 'tl ( , r I r Ernoch Dieterle Embalmer and Funeral Director Ambulancer-Salts at eade l day or nicht. 210S. ,11Alt l1teusidiesmm, Prone 404tuAnnArbora. PAILEY & EDMUNDS i21 East Libety Street. 'AX1CHIGAN CNT "The uMagara Fals0eoe THE SHtRT LINlE CHICAGO ANNARBR t 1BUFFALO ANN RBO toBOSTON NEW YORK with direct connections at Chicago ftas St. Louts. Kansas City, St. Pool ansd the West. For infformation anud through tickets call on or write to W. W. (ASC, Agent, Ann Arhor. a r DouglasShoes Gym Shoes WAHR=The Shoeman 218 So. Main St.