The ihiga \NN 'SllOK SMICHIG AN, FIDAY.i n\ O' I 'SBER ;ussc \. Of. XX. NO LET UP IN AST ORi STUDNTS UST HOLD STAG MASS MEETING RR RRIRALTlH I RR No Women Allowed in University HONORARY SOCIETY TWO NEW COURSES ELECTS MEMBERS,1 IN CURRICULUM 113.% 113.1PLl/ I itlult I Yost Keeps Men Hustling in Senate Committee Recommends Preparation for Saturday's Rules for Prevention of Infec- Game. tious Diseases. 'Michignot %sill ntave' ''tit opos itionS in thi ga e tiNt re )'tttts' ispit te'oas't orSis t ha ti havebeei scomin ironefet l' thseruo rso do m i'nknss as had' tan Coatchisi Yost nas Satttrnitni. Coach Longmanil makteverieffor poshe to tttlt ttomtn \iiti onitSt *'saa tti oachs it ost linu s t h t i ll,,I iarthittis rcony at o is la to r i's ie s ntthe \ t-Si tttt tt tea c -oni-tI ttt. 1~tl n s roti 5515it5 nS itsh tnth thn il its sto a ete a i s Si sit oftela t tttitsn t's oSt dNt ots itt te m a its . ntit et t tt cc h hi nt sSitce raso l ifsti ze'St N tre it Stil BtirtitusCSaiho ic sthneti ct W r-m reva sit Nitr Da its t ii som oSnh m S IShd Iei S il 'Stnt, stsl iSi m n St hsha o S 'S i'hll 'S'S'SSS n 'S s a roach in" adsdits tin to ti\SSSS e hs hd umittac Y sit, h ahoisaeilmtcalncr lte itnrgi tttttiit st nbility t,>t]vii by atismalSSSSmargit ShniftheIS iia i tram g its rii tssi Smc lth sn f l rr u t Thtei ItargeitnmISS tilt fisi i u 5 s55oi5tits Yot o eo ositttit'. 't StlntS SSSS- iti sthre n'dSi'tiiitis Sira ntical e taits i t isttii Sil a mt toi llpayssis h lah lc :s ]ccitn it 1St i n tS isis titherl' Csic oSi Conk in cl str h gats'C aSS i ittttake. itochi S 1SSha' s no givntu a 'Sho 'sfituc'55 tii ts it 'idtoi tplayt iiin tse tpSa stuo s ''''sttls tii s i ots i ujrsittsI cs SIesti stoti 5cart 5t tu oc o s a ss t tt itr itit. i hsn's' nit ioninitt e s c i :t e th coc is xe t ig i to p~Sia} -vlil t b tith u hth ii nSSSS icr nt k t is ht'tit iby Siil e ma eit ilst itin-ip l ths tr of Sauray' m ne hil s lit Stilts-tl tintsth t il t S i it aStilt til!o i s is lstsr riii iSllw iiandl t.-ii Thetisin larsiai dmisn flit en tint lsthinge t sirtheg in.w ichI iii ig th ini r'it rtt in osit e s it t a tsctcttnpsis tand n th si" m inidmittatlne a et t itirsi)ltioI itn tS h m r v m n A mu tints1 cttisitt 5 ls at sit the tnmtitmi This 5c 551 tt555 iii .inpi5tili slit sits in C01(lti(ns :Inl cc~ulc'u astls li ru le s a Sd i tg' 0) sntuden5555t's a ni 4 it in set it hti le t Itilt lwl-its i It i ts li.,4 sc t i i le (u n it e t a Spitin ouca utsu lssep;()'uid Hall't'onight. "its itall i itit 'lcti tn55555tit t htilt in ali masl in ~til 'Snu tntf 'ithe s lsti ;ifs t Sis'it tine tirn s of5' ti ts' i it ill I c'tt gin \\ ust 'otil is n't til Isi ir tiii1 nl ii Its.With ithei-ailic ntifalitOSlit(slt'. NI, r iii >ii iii to hliii mi i it iill vltttt i D t ite ii tn t nts he isin ifor the chitrs ntlltesresn ormaii I . t ilt i \ t Ins NIi alt ect ii iii yi c11 in it orise s t on e for it- predicionsiclli1instill, REETSFRNS SITE FR DORM Gamma Chapter of Tau Beta Adds to its Membership-An Engineering Society. Ic S il' 1 it r 1 i l 1a o w 1 l(St i)5' F,. iard tigts1 t1 1" Sti silts1) h li i ii Sli11 r1> it' I t i is Sill ( ( i ts' t' i 11.11cr 1 i li t w s II1 It ti i l 'lllt. I \\ 'n is Il;l l 1551 ills Regents Met Yesterday and 'Transacted Important Busi- ness. '1'\\(t n(,\\- 'o s es5 lieisding inn digress ll's r Inst mis'"tntcIsti th sisuntiversisty, tinere csit iniihe ar of Rn'' stilts 5a5tin it nu n t int sting iheid )'is- sts '. O t o 'se nsesn'sto in bei S t\II I-i Soitl thenl iteryni ! Ii 1n'm'tu nts'ssmtg tii'S tilitiitn lit sic~dr trI nlndscape dtigns ng '!'e fistdc-ecinthstltter cursis' [55555555 liri~ l iii tint insit nt- vsN ]a'e Mchnsllc is i 'tissnt'saongi Sitrin th '5con 't'5tic St of i140 ho istof ;i. Waskw raned itndertso i~co1w +fs i m stin t i-i ninittit Sits itl 4 i ts' t'siit hi + 'is aui..5'ti..i.s' , 1;t-:nt c ~ s inst'i<~cl Ih )II titl Ist' S tins'sin 'lst tt~til a t it us it'r X7tin t ld llsIIc\ Il di t, l ic s'. It snis ctt ''i lt th ' t 5 tit5 'slcc illsI 1_ tl all i ttlr." ,( n t t ills' u's1555m \\siu tecitvis thit d it il sil rstintysind itsn tir-i sian ci (wts's 'orki 'of dc iii i'_ n tin'izingi'ihe ih. : d te nowil' trgeits )nIll sit nitt ot d5lii n 1515c tits iicttmrs's cs's sth'etnt iist t's'si i t >t (if tt'e e p nil- sxto cried i$3iiotlsfote en- 'i stttt'itiia lt'ssIis of nlit tis 5 1'3 ? 1 1 i " li W I t N c it's it is f ,5i'S' tc i ts'7> i h Isi i 's l''s l tlits'sI mtt ii 1 s tht its iw ' t]ih IIIns' ftutu is ftr t'iii sit' ttISc'1nthsts c'll)l' 1 %it s il I pr(, ilt' ti's I ttitis 'Cs' ti his >> ii } 1 l i; t III 'il ?tl vt i iit in i ltedsits t ttlt tin isN te ardcoud i t V -ta '5d n~-lesthait liss o ni i "i ilil: he irk had l-c ll xpe till ins tilte t ts.r itic n ts inthe hainsi.'sti d t \ (II'titisti it . "~n ha \rl' Spil Carf ill Lae pAinn A hro rli\ id-ila ilor nng.el cr tiltis .ti l stitni itc siwihos did t c :a k el i scuill 'm ustnts f't he nn- ' t c ti nt tisiits iwiltav it ii its' f ithe itli tit it ncsssrySit ndistttt it' ille c-sid nlial halls stlli r idaytilt ng. tin t iee tl h t t\ nt s iesi n , il in sihgn tt ns deide nto sc th io lt hel l t r :Sl 'II;iit moss ' n > litshota'ensist 'isis g,,'()r p n mnus tos ' i I iit I C~ fom 'sssa'tcis'iiis lst stthe loii in's' mitt~M i' lii ino lieu ni A eicanpunivs' itt shltl '. lnc' lide '.l+ Iic' thri l .l "i'f multiil fracion 4, lo n' ehihlciii iii ii m tin Imodc" b the 1)recnt suits Ipc' Icrsuit Is n)\ lctu ing t e s it u ivs itiesr tanltints'sall'n''m'nm Slit' i nto's' "iin'glhs'ii' I 'Air. l' ul: iss'Y Ms S ('ii ti es idet o thissuititiltslamlls tilts sitsh5stitl sit :ul<1 tis doule recolnmc~nlEto~i, it h stis stoimu ~aoli tl lt