THlE MICIG AN DAILY _ _ _ _._ _ i w G. H. Wild Comupally MERCHIANTF TAIL ORS : We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- 1L gs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make Ijixl Dress Susits a Specialty 311 SO. STATE STREET A t. he N(- SI i e G. IH. Wild Comipally A perfect fitting collar and a favorite with critical dressers. TRADE ,/ COLLA .jCUFF. 3 FORFO Warranted all linen WAGNER & CO. S.Si gn5. of tihe big white shoe SPALDING & BROS. e-Ma-k ofOFFIiIAIE QUIP=. MI.NT,forai tlathletic ( t4rit tf{1 h o'ttl t) > { ', ir ItS h llT!/1P III ! «, r1 cI : , WIat s ew inS port A. 0. SPA&LDING0(0% BROS. MICHIGAN DAILY. 3111111H.10.111DAM, kI, \I:.RK1I.5 liiI NlIIiCAIV,'- -fter graduIatinIg,\Miss 5111 likell- .1111 moved wih her1l111111111 Detro1 I l I I iLater she acted iii a ll lIpats d al Addrss :,ltrttcti D ILY Pres lidi., Of1111 r:Mnaig1 dt 8I . in.IsIiess -Mana~ger, 1-2, 7-8 p. Ill. EIxcilt SundalI. Bth1111 llet" 1:1) 1 l ORS. :A hti c;11 ... . . 55 II I Frei 1. (i. lii 11 Frieda l tiii~ck M.i. ii Sintlgit (111111 I ()Ol C..> S. tasiter Yat~lt~rSV Witc is. TowrsI Itxc SA 55 illtIt). .. S 1cd itt1 li1c la r y e BUSINEISS STAFF 1.1111 I Lil1111111 IlC. .itIlst IN. UNNiS IOiN r\IABSili)it ill c n hal N\) T c Ci. 7lsi hti \ugtie laysilthalt Sits \Sn llk - ('llherg has acted after1 v nISi one it '. woj~i "Il it v ) l ' iesolecuesh Ai.It Q Burt, of (Ill i 1111 otll the lli ork1 1 11111afterno n beforettll til detnltslll it Xortl ~ I I ltlliRailroa ts He1 Ii is itn alu tills1W 111iciI ll n till lilofthe I .11 I n i l called1II conduct Hm class i all cx ll Illtimllo ltat t ll 111it atual1 opeat ion, eithe fete t a D tr i -bl etrsO i lthwokf lie taiil1 ',' t mth retti in ts, f1 illt s an oranic I IIfai lroadtsII i lll Ii I, s ll it o rti lI partII ;.and11tirdly 11 i1s1elation t+, ihe111li1 °nd FridaV1at o'clock lliom liIt 1111pian hall. J i the thirdtrine Itis1 I I ll IN tilted in a hiel etho i d1111 sca1r1ing.Ill I litIsecond lame. ll ill 111111/ .11 1111 I ll i aIil ',il l1 thI y lid t It itlt 11ic cotests, "l t ink I ill IIIitatlild yoll in is Cl ices don' carr I weil.l 1c wea IIInd S1,ifhI1 11 winill oSi)11 111 f re Yil I esltI'>1111 i t.l t l t" i IT h I i s ill Illili l 1 It 111111 iai{ lsp et titt iltyear. ClhicapIll I I ll 11111 C it gt nu rallte lto i mIt t ll l n netercn ln c~q lpit Il get111a i-d cion t l l 1is lilihe it lns1 , , I FOOT BALL GOODS fro at I tcittt Needle sitirtit firl CentiN to a I 0 tiitt)Off- $05.00 Gym nasi umi Clothing You can buy tot $2050 Gymnasium Shoes, Shirt, Trou- sers, and Bike Supporter It wilt pay yoto itsee, what wt have to otter tn this lit; University Bookstore 316 SO VTH STATE ST. LYNDON/ 719 NORTHI UNIVERSITY AVE. ills .1 t 111)1l a iu>>i r la . 1 (' t) Ii. w f] J la At th Ill I Illwr tIil ,ri -1o: la1 ibrartill, mis 0dle cs lti (ds 11111 ilh llelI 11titltel as I I I VIl it iiiItY 'ld o fce> farii 111 . 111ruc icl fclt,7 (}i Z l- C' .'. ( . . t _ 1 t . 4 'Ili. 1 \' 1 1C'C' Pictures K odaks Photo Supplies Developing Printing Enlarging I'I111:I::11:\ill 1,x \ih~ illn l l~al I tlinun11 1 .a oic t 'c n1 I i 111111 W mak 1 ' ) . I Gyuliasiuff Suits Football Oultf its Rullning Shoes Sweater Vests derseys And all kinds 01' Athletic goods at the lowest prices. STUDL)NIS' ()OKSIOR Ui STAll:ST Slicliall & Co. I ' 5 i ',. ti i i t'' ii I I i I I t, ; r it I tl1111:l -TV 11111s p lrie by te men 0h ak he ttil ltothi nk. Asl I It tillpack iin1my 1own colit1 Iays,51 aIt I u Ish t I fI llI 11 t t rr III 111.11 W tii the 11 ltl side W sexIt sng The glove store that cra- ries a good line of FOWNES GLOVES is to he depended on. University of Michigan Union's Clu.b Honuse Barber Shop GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor l i~ouse t 11 IIS'Btit-tINt, MAYNARD ST. N. II 1111 rtf IIIo I Iil' i~ t ( N I It ' I I til , E1nnounce6 ifovt Iii . eo of t190~9 a Comtplet te tc ofthe best classte CCtittlsl. tlttl ;s 11Z)Shebet tf1 oC. ltlt;ltile lattot 015) bestt11 operaticle attilarlltwtittt. a t uo l pB. uitart3 ano fHmaical (Ul cvbauliiec w IThe largest line Pen- nants and Banners and Lowest Prices. [BIAILEY & EDMUONDS R. E. JOLLY'S 308S. STATE STREET Li ucha. 1 uta t 0Cigars111 1 Cigarettes B31--B PIPE I i i i Letter Paper A lucky purechase ettables uto Iiolffer yout 100 sheets fabric finish paper and 50 envelopes all for - - 39c E. E. CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. .1 'I 'Ishingion t. RAND Washloqton U.hotographers9 Per 59.8