cTI iE M T C Hi GAN DA IL' This Spa Reserv. LASSIFI1)D ADVERTISING anted-Tenor 0an(d has oloists for Pocittpoitins. \pply a )ic1 at X12Soutth Diviiont St. It i eti14icouted-For one to twtu-hour pooter it ork coarlyclchi mourning. \lou ill setters for otternoolteem 0 Otto. 312 S. StitSt f vcl-iv ti deon t tiernChra For paticutlarsocall atifficof0 1 ii c roic Schititi of 11i11ut-C, Xi'it-ito r Rent-Finetsiteicfor tio). ie dl- jirs. Neiciy fitritisittilet ot Ic~ t2nd flouriOr 3t2 S.SttS. f !1" iii -A itarge- suitiei c~fr is tit- iihcir r--titir s. Ai 727 l~ ircot :Xic jie. it fro; I. 1 i luuutSt. 2-4 I ICHIiiNS l~I il M?;I 51 liresilet Of t he i i tuiic iii utiti tiact ofi tIi a I iii 1i ii ii tt liift Suit Xiibor Ati t e i, i tittiur tit I f 1).i : Itt till itittii1 fti e ii - - i(IIofCo- lcoc 1rc idrtsht~h t h hed a ("Ii- I~ri~ e. hc n i-11r t i()n C rc itiiie ,gil WC111)- t ree (1 i-s, T uc (I , I-- IiilCi- to lt-i t lti, l - - Here is Your Fall Suit or Overcoat It will prove a great sat. s isfaction to you to choose your Fall Suit or Overcoat from this xnmarvelous assortment, where 5 nothing but the very newest acid best styles and fabrics are shorn and where there's not- .b Nai6the slighest chance of getting anything but Highest Quality. FULL HATS, FALL CAPS, FALL SHIRTS, FALL GLOVES, { FALL NECKWEAR, SPALDING SWEATERS Aluui s fti{- iif/iftfi/ng at f/hf YYN c i t ltie. COYRGT 90.';- W adhaffs& O.s BUFFALO12 1-123 S. MAIN ST. Gas Specialties for Students CGAS STUI)I~i N'F LAMPS equipped with the most efficient fGa s Burners only. GAS HE-ATIING BURNERS for hIthwater and tor chaf- fitg dishes. GAS HEALTED)FEAT IRONS to do yotir own pressing. We selilconly the Welohach btrand of Gas Lamps and Man- ties. Titis ibrand aiways stanids for quality. Ann Arbor Gas Company At MA C K'S LABORATORY COATS $1.004 Made of good strong Corset Cloth, extra long, in all sizes MACK &CO. 1t. A. WititrAMi, ( outer 1.. ii ciiitint iti v rec itm llii siii - -) tic isuie. Ni-hioet.acmttihetat. The Ann ArborSa all tittiern iitiiiccciicis. Situ . CapitalStuck t,ooo Sc tlUiiccroit Acc. 'ltiiiic0-121,. 2-4 Rtesouries $2,;100, A General Banking Busin.es- 1MS\Iil UrriEess Chas. E. Hiscec Harriman, Vice Pres.: T. M .tiorSitale--Oe freshmatniDeItiatioutfi ___________ . C. \XttSv.131i F.til. STATE SAVINGS BANK cciv st. --It DIRECJTORS:t ForicSati-Cases t it1 Eti-itic rii)ti~ts W. T. Booth Jn. V. Siteehan Vlim. Arnolid Or. V. C. Vaughan J. C. Shoto 331I"i.ibhcrty Si. Iit 'as. H. Wade E. tF. Mitts John Haarer Jno. KohgoerIt.cStl--First ccos iactio.itotctt- PriT. H. S. Carharti enry W. Dongiat-- Otritian Martin Timmerman cil.tihaif cultic. J. C.- XX Iii s. 331 i. FIRST N OF CotliegitaniClottti c fr Ctiiicgi- Sicnit .liteu's Clotheis Sit iii.Mo\int S. t E. . if NNie.----__- S. %V.GitA. "le~ttiiihi & I o.a Ske ill iii ccii Calital,$0ssist. So' a tcpcw critc-c, ct-tt yiouat iv ii cer-c l dov -,t '-it-u-citig fur iati - er t\ 'i :4'd; c Stittt a t vitospc itity. ii Commrie.I d BIrinini ia ll ikiids if Cii-c-il7 Savings 1bottikscat ilic Stitlciic iit toi tic -or Co. Me-ln a~adLibety Stres.Sheticltit &Cit. -tf ;1k, Cal lialIIN" T], j c;ld( r tolit ti NT.'.i Xh ' i l 'lly X linf or$0 t1- it-ito :.ttc -trccti i ii cnrciir, cA ca.1 es r adCi vc; ii The Fine Tailoring Trade is demandin~g g are radically different from tihe styles so finely illustrated in many of the leading magazines. WAGNER +& CO. imporning Tailors State Street sIUD[N1s The Pre DR. F LI EUT. HON. MAUD GjERAL HION. Chi iA)RADO SEUMAS DIVERSITY ORA ROBERTS Wtich tor the Prospecti lru !.' Choral VUnion Concerts TEN STAR NUMBERS ONLY $3.00 A Bursice ofi tercitalinentsawtichtill sttidi-tso uldoit heart. If yo i ht o ei iiiatrn aaonotfticket iby selling tititri University School of Music MAYNARD ST. LAW BIfOOKS 40th ysa. DICTIONARIES 40t1. year- len QUIZ BOOKS lT% Aran Ar-bor- LEGAL MISCELLANY Arm Arbor Callaghan t Co. CHICAGO Armn Arbor- tBrac. Statea Ste-asS, Oppositj.aor.i Detroit United Lirn On iniformtatioto Diviiuon Suo ton-ent Allen, Ypsilaniof the De leftoild lites hy otlit-crsof i arsit tomicationa of the tiovemtett h tue c-apatity iii the cr.0-i itr servi4 city gruitit of stucdents to or from'i Aohro extra cars and extra seo will be promptly supplied. lowe 's Laundi THOMAS ROWE, Prop. 324 N. Filth Ave.. Non Phone 457 Beii Phacon MOE'S BARBER S 755 North University Ave. 0. A. MOE. University of Michigan U use M~ s Brbe.- E