THE MICHIGAN DAILY MERCITANI 'All ORS We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Snit- tajgs, Overcoats and Tron- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make Fol! Dress Suits a Specialty 311 SO. STA[E STREET G. H. Wild Company A perfect fitting collar and a favorite with critical dressers. TRADE IA:.: THlE MICHiIGAN DAILY. Mllanaging LEdtor C-LARE CER. EL.DRIDI.E Business MVanauger CARL H. 0. ADAM1I. .=ddress: MICHIGAN DAILY', Press Bldg., 1iasnard Street. COfiice Hours: Managing Editor, 8-I1 p. ii. Business Manager, i-2, 7-8 p. In. Except Snniday. Both phones. 01'l tCiticism 'ri hllt ~ l itti li the tt tIi cale rrsets 1t1heu - It iprlpartd rlite eand tar the trfi ti s It betsholdi be the lost cenjoy- tihe caletntlr. 'T'eristt. posibl m frapo caus of ts engt. Tcrc rc t ws c liete nne i tt~vs t pac ita i ititl Mliti'' it u o ah n n wil th latrrnle A resnt he r la ti ru l l t it i t .1 tcti I hut it XX te o~ f(rit 1 ht nd 1111 l iii' -th i wc m ti nlt 111 1: c Itr apat:In ii 1111liii i fra banluet , at luast, .1Itti ireis parabei I nd"' MIgh e lilalit).c I' IC1t>12L111IY lNPI.lSII)N C. S. lii itittth le pItt rapettur, xii- ilei takting a flaslighit of the Splits I Sip Itits iii frenttoef hits store ont North 'ttiversilt-saetntit'.The'chtarge' failedl to tillff ccittuatlian tias CMr. lyendlit lede oertiladjxstthecait' HistWe at I neckl ie badlys Cretde InItI lcveihtl teoaitlyiti pired. Dr'. I 1c s ii' ul ' aci 1 iii itMr. l'. hu It bittis IthaIt it iwsit noi wayi per- h n n i. ci i. r .t t EIRt'oR. N ei-s . . .. . . Nets . . . . . . .Ntllletic . . . . . \X'siteI . . . . . Multsic aittdIeDuraa F xeIltigi's .... Fred B.-IC oiti g Frieda IKleitistu~cli I Itlls S. hbaker NJ. B3..\Ic litglt I ii ., ...... - .. . 1 x'- C. 'C C qh o ^ ' tites K. Watinlis Mlerrisoni Shaftrtil Chairlesx Cod G. : S. Lasher PaletilGree'r Walter K. 'Twers I ,.e _ u tI'iritc1).A.lir' e 11. .. lik'si'Ii bree Lawt oll BUSINeSS STAFF Nra t 1ti1tI. Hill C'. .ABotsmin I NI DV,RSIT' C'.XRI, KNI). 7 Pi. Mi. 81). mi. Alld 1113 <,tu t Sl~a iti I' ~ ~lI theI Iiil f t e C illit ihtit t.r d ) i t]'"lt t tit'll lt u icr te tit a- m ium" Intli ! csil i'- iii it1~f1the Ii 1111' Ie I "- [O il no r icc and t x akciitheir1 the ii tu n l illiti c tt it 11i (,-itt1 e\'s Iifl the f >r 1}r- ~ <1 t l_ r-al ;c~ti so )g,, w re til t. NI r. hillc-n i nmv cc lii itlits' ritlrl tl ,s l iltl is i iin n en ti t ry se-ii W ihi 1n lit~f tWaitt IW hima'sse ipt~k- ci5' 1 ar t e te i th : i) Si ' the tilt'.willm th n sa a[I lc ~ e hee efreIs it'luis Kilccl' v rdit. Th n xi s t e ear'sal is T lut Pi fIt I il 11 se El iil t' FOR- 1 FOP 25~ Warranted all linen Siaic Si.,.Sign of ihe btg whie sho A. G.SPALL.) INN & BROS. The Spalding rbiIIr t fol MiLNTif tatuihletic DIG N sport' andtpuases. slitym l t in -1ts 11ffin Opset EG *ia'n 'ittinR ne t f irrl trt 1(t P Qit('iat+lrtyt. 1 chitagin etol Gyff lualill Football Outfits Running Shoes S We ate Ve fsts J er sey And all kinds ot let ic'(Goods at the lowesIpri cs. STUDE NTS lIOOK.''lO(E 1 tAllST. Sheelian &Co. has I it'l pla .t hereI i s itlch ne ha lie Ngit' litl e' iii s.1 il 11>e c t Iot onc h en111111 i i t heir tru i _ ic "At the ree ;ol AM levens. ra11111 1111 m mw tic1ght1Awnthell' Iu i n I lix lxx lrat i cons i iired GLOVES Ask for the best and see how quick they'll bring you FOW NES Fm- ale s ;tld kl(Iits I.. bIt. s 1,k111 plllt Iiii iipiiJ 'u f \al 1 11 s 11 lii i, ne listst esp sil I ii Htill inds t liii 1111 itriti I~i~ks .t th ' tdc t' iii Cxt'e. _I , it FOOT BALL GOODS froii a L'tciiig Needle worthi five cent~s teo a Spalding 0ffi cial Football worth $5.00 Gym nasiurn Clothing You can buy foi $2.50 Gymnasium Shots, Shirt, Trou- sers, anti Bike Supporter It will pay you to see what we have to offer in this line. WAIIR'S University Bookstore 316 SOUTHn STATE ST. G. [. RAW iBLI BOOKS Law Medical Denial Largest Soeki Michigan Second-Hfand Law Books Ia andiilMedieal icDltiaries ~QiizL Booksete. Comiplete ile News'andt Sec- otit-hland. Old hooks taket inii xeiatige C. E. BARTHELL, 3265S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Opi i Dept line Watch and Jeweery Reparino HALER'S JIWM[AY SlORt 216 Seneth Maten St. Letter Paper A lucky purchase enabes us to offer you 100 sheets fabric finish paper and 50 envelopes all for - - 39c E. E. CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. r .I . i I lii .111_XI ichiuiiVs. Stirai Frr lihi .111 '-"lIii' 'lt111te, lIi''ItWe and'til hei d Teel.X'iii''Iler. I hutorderltioiikeeplilt college t'aittiosss and ii su utel' tlt' 1ne1s it is isecescsr} to keIt'l tile studient bodylscon clstntlIsin he a tlet aegtaintteir viiolt tliotn. C'its ios whichishotuld be o shuse I'll Iarte'hs' ing At C Ite last mee't'inug of itse studenit 'sintcil ttetioascale iothe fati thathel 11'senfi'r hesaret liifertsiors anit o r 1lii ius lirltssnsitn Tis injuincditin shuiillit'heobservedi. :Anothler csuggestiospulringhtsg fiothetil coun11cil s is tatfreshmenl'uulit'forbtisdden iiltalilti rootdcin iisoi imany coslleges thit I'l luuigsIhut'eusd1 ts follitin helure. Iue. ritiius i ii s inteyohe'deaiuctr itsnd'in riims if itppericlassmet'tleslifi- Uhi ii'right spuirit. 'Thei'sltudestcuclii dict ucotmmanedtuinugtill fre'shmIntitwar fiting ii the susi irt eseageetr tilessaIr- scsf dug it. ItiIs sonicli ye supt he- liesecrvc'd. Thesituforucs'ime'itI of illthise' 'tlt's, lhtiteveri'shouiildiusu 1no u theamt tsr utiat' upperclassmten takc'tht'stolt' tatdits. Thifehmnthemise'lvs xstolud 'ttudIits a grea.l tittnys'sssdso, tilserve'i he glalyx. Thi' e fewleechmen who list arc-s the s atlt y tilt's ililiiringtu lgwiii'iilss sltesitsis. T11ITi' itiaenen'oft'Iiihts anntiu l lii 'ii sttiliuisi'nr huts clii' hatsc an sI ii titto hsestlaI pr'ce'd'ith whichlswill ;;sliestc ltoI.atll su's'iiig 'tents o if cshirt' sllsuicecss inthlar .'ig'esctlesurei. [a a oeo hes'fs'ituri's'witcilhi t ill 1hi t ltt .t I (slit2( tn lir cits it ;I i~rs si-th xist kIt)- i( I( i t III IkUniversity of Michigan Union's 15i" Iti Ictillt ii sitr' Club HoueBarber-Shop 1 GEO. V. STOLL, Proprietor EIlmeysowliiiw yeio uw the Milo Conetibllilee reotl is woirniniiistortmy aitd ill clear wecuthlen. lhe patetnted cetllarn eeels iso turtning up to pro- tect Soutr tltnestandsutecelest. Ni thler Oscercoat has this feoature. Mut~o Overceieis are' desigtted nmd ct ielbli expert tailors. TPhe littitng's aid eetaileed woirkare fiiiely dsniand thie te attternis aonexeltusive. The prices are sery mod~cerate. OUR HIATDI)'A REM U1NEI is as tstial full if the seasoti's letest styles. WADHAMS (ea CO. Hatterns CleotIv Fu.mishe rs 1 WaiMp ~'~?IWAs'ingtnt & P'A PbhotI( Phne SU