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October 29, 1909 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1909-10-29

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The I ia al

Vol'. XX.

ANN ARIS(I<, MICHIGAN, FR13) vV, O{"1,O1;F'IZ > ).

Several Shifts in Lineup for the
Syracuse (ame-Kicking lDuel

Fea11 1111 c 111re lnlr t)M
))ll i ha illed I i ga fth sev"
))f10c ii\ hefli' the Marue t it ite
th \arit\' was 'un iven imyscrimma'ge
\-)kT ird, ccit h;.Ilt i i nii \~
I~rl~a d Ar lse iinii Syracsei i
rq Mars~ i the Nill s f)-na i i ii
Acrytllhg tht Oach cd~m sawinl

11 I h)N I ' "t 1, 141) O\
T SiRiCii I
reto ofi i a ti cs shckii.
for a s°\ (ltv ell l" , ()Id
lillttillt a cc "il] \; ch t i
1 )' lt11:t1 11 . I h
ii) o r c ! l as ] n l .

(CIt is

No. a2
Editorial in Yesterday's Daily
Causes Much Discussion by
Faculty and Undergraduates.
1 decided djit'ci''ice i f opiniion has
ti u icr ci' hicior Sciieties to which
:tstld'it lcii)eolg. ahitold the
(T~m~l tha a ma toielonig tomanhonor
sii ymuthv ccompilished. some-
lll] ] ()1('til 1?()r b lnc es of st"-
ii i ii lii mheefrehisiienttitld
()1 iiic h iiandirieintenlition is
heldi Illss 'iacerta(in oie r cliq uiuetill
cI s 'i arc Iiiii s leced forihei s cities
ki1w c ci iii- iti k thervte
i l'r~teical lilt 'teti 1 c fcu ilty an
tuu 1 1 i i ic ho s th atI c ceetailt tittita-
.um, smdd bcmade- 'Theile aons ao-
..c1cd ,m , c l it ctil ire ti-i-fold:
tlectan h elii lydeservcts, tmerely
1cr11 ii Itiieihappens iito ave influential
fred, Io~dy, b ledillig a nan ti,,

Regents Will Be Asked for
Assistance in Building Apart
ments for Wonmen Students.
t' t' ii t f t1 ! 1 t 11 fi ll i t 1
;siii " foilsilllil rct[111 i
M i s1 l 11 c w l(r h t w 11;3l i.
cd c alm l ' I lli tc ti
l l iiiu k ail i )r1t1 as ut
"'It )1 1 t lit ip i l i ll (, 11 i"t l % t
w~p.-l ~ ut Is lcv)td itt it, Ilf
: iii "l tItll I t it 111 1 tt l. it l '1- 11
s liii c h 'il ts i a t'1 tl.c+1'11~ ip
iit 1 ICCtt , '1~~ '':til tiI r t1{

H. Y()s

ill 7 l i r u ; it

Uiniona Onls Numbers Half La'tt
Year's Ienrollmnent. ;1

Kirlllc"\, Val \'1 it t i .
i Ck c°>> 1)t i1t I; ; >>>it ; , 1. c hair-
Iwilut"tt. (r. I'. .Aildcr-om.
i i c" i , -11<ll, I l.i l:i i;. cl .tirn ui .
\ I in l<t>>;t;t< I?, \ !. I c°I sIc\'. I)t)II
I'l iI. l<>>isl.cri1. I i:1rr\' t'wrllaltsc"r,
t lilt a-, will"'I" Spic,., laic fc r. 11. I'.
13 1., '1).
ctt l?\ -.11. sl .t1r,.111. ch;til-Ilmil, Jc>II11
I)c>>i t il. C. M. Crilta(-, SI m O)v
Mn ON 1to> Mul.
12 c'>> ,- lxvi (ill crt ,z , cll.iii-mall ,
F- C. W. Goll-
.; c11..r \I, tari c I"'.. ()tti>>i . 1 ;tz>ttlc
I, "is l\tlllkt'ril,
I;.vv C. K. M(II)3I, F. I>. Kt-cfc'.
i l;i\\ - T. Mc l Kilt., W . K. (rii>>-
f t';tlc'. \I. 1 McHugh, (act;r c

ilwtctth m ;l, itil us a icsult wilt
1111 l i c l dutes th tfll iii Ph tt fat'
l he 1c~d vii ti e s IR, of the oitti -
itn'D ne: "Tlii attity atitrove
{,t heIc tinria iusays Daile,
"-i, lmitshold e ixedii regrding shoul
'.c 1'11,m c t( jiii. Ialstitik tt itthe
grit ts Misicc intrsts (ir activities
th~t tITiin ta es artIII shl d btt e lim-
it c. Thrc rc am ter of examptles
wherea stncnt'sjuni iiandsenior
tielieaye c patiealutrunted tae
cas etidtiiiitertihe too much.
Rciii cci n eah atie's should he
1r~lta1tn n 1 thinit that the stu-,
tit silslitli Itlke thein'ititivie, either
tr) -ti soieties themstelves or
t'ti ?as ilt breels --"Idio not
11 tI' lc httee.icIt,;itm-eaistoitfor oak-
Illt",c ieesiricti lnlta tstuggtesteit hy the
'It)i Ill i Tiursda uts 'il t. The ien 1
'halike lilhoer soiteties are the
()ys wo 1,1c dmet intis. ttseems
tha tc cr eititret to alt the,
ci'll- h, licatte cai get.
Ici cit 0 Red:-It has heen
ilw 1,lice -tf tiellitecraryidipatmuent
111111 1 tipat tt'' i' es to regnute the
111 1111 5IcsinIt~ick a -istdienit enigages. If
t in' olslcitstilt ticmust give up
liswtc intrsis. As far as limit-
mgthe mi iit emIiiier fnrsticieties ama
la-1t« iltitt tik it tpossihle to
ci ithi. Such tctio twuld ecenssarily
rti l)I tile studeitsitthetmselv'es"
liii I Itill : tit'"heugeuertlidea ex-'
1111ssed Il iiiheDilt's iditoialtssas a
i~tc )w,''eeis Ilouti hit ntthat
11w ~ m~cis ist>\r-oganzed I ardly
think it 1 ibl itetitta imtanifromn
jti I1114ii 1111 11"rey tWI tiitiltue itf societies.
Itcw 115 bb 'iirt iit tist tpresenut
1114 litluucilfIsl c tie i 111itecamutits.
Tlh - nie 4 t'ihc s hld liytoaustudeiit
e nt ineet iii coll eg ''ctivities.'
1'htttis, th lstud t 'ie 's tcthote do
utitt Ill't1 'il t lit Asa osequence,
there ilricllttioiti)piitiont for
Ite 11111{}"-tiocities. The1 ii ti encti whto
d n rs hiselves ge ttllof the
'cctiii"iiiiiit' a a iteti equally
'' ~ t~iI oItget reccogituon suit
11 liecttI ttle t()Wit lget'iiout and
.\ ,;ntd(",lcege iii Nete York City
th girs of t e feshtman class have
'Ii cldiiiIlii thire"eats" lipthit ordheeof
ililt ilhttiltlilt



1ill e

1 1111,01
"f'hcI II I
i;1 ; rir,11 C<
w<1 clcc i lc
the Y ar- wl
11e. I'rot.
clrli, cF atl
1)erell]l cr-
hliree _vi
courses pit:

7 t i gh cl1,11 e that Cas
titeit t 11111 .i.n e. n as1l1rsh tan n n>tit }uI cliii li
ilwil illc ha may 1111~ f )
chi;I e2(l ~,\t i il i'' Tii 11111lit Iiilddteirllltil' 11
Ranki iri iii;t tilln lilt
1111111 II' lilt II'' '11111111'll

ii 14
,t 1'11 ilt

MI slcl(

,[Ik 1

Icts (I'. l )
(, tiuilt>, ' i Ii.lctll
II,- rI ciu'1 4 I' . l it

rlii'. I')\Itiilait 13i1

I,,, ("

1 Nc\\ i?{'rr
illil'i?1 + 11'll
(-w ,(l)d In-
;( 11f)Od
611 he ex-


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