r , _______________ - CLASSIFIED) ADVERTISING QUARRY jJeV7A'rIiecD. n Use a good Hair Brush Wrtitrduringradbours. Call in the enelin- rlati and Good Hair will stay illOn ttltgttiitwokg good. Poor Hair will leis tat, to earn frant 2 t $n a day, selling a itecessity for evcry nan~ and get better. I-oy. rite fir exclnsive territori of _________Ann__l ilcitoday. Century Sale"n Co.. At Adiat ll Ncli. 22 Drug Store inique ftrcnn Directoar'sofiie. Bartbour _________________________________ Gyiitrtttittim. Returni at once. 2 Lnit- Wcdnc-iday at '125fitfotbiall lprac- tincatin li-attireliadgearniarkedl -hIoney Loaned -IV. F~Wtitti.' tiinrl-lasetify liii S.S t.2 On W~atches, iDiamonds. Law looks., itI)iStt eryhlMidy Lt-Oorother personal property. Ls-O ot er il,1ody Watches and Jewelry repaired, greyc iweatetr vesi. datrk bunttnshubt- Barain inWathes& Datods I1lbutiioneii . IFindier pIeaee notify Barginsin~ hes Dimons t. I,. D~resser. Bell piionttc two-J. 2I Office at residence 331 E. Liberty St Ann Arbor. ItOR SALE Bours:toin11i30 a. in.. i to 4:30and ton _________________ 5pm. fc a ALL BUSINESS CONFIDNTIeAL 1 n)) A nii11yong bull lug. ~IgtIctire JOSEPH C. WATTS, iiat Ituft %illard. 22 rile sistiitha pssat tight ortler their THE FtARMERS AND MECH1ANICS BANK ialduttttrgcnu at lie S. U. Int. Ordersi MAIN AND "UPON STREETS icn lit}ltinVCri-il thphionesit. 2, ,slttt en a oun" s l 0 r_ tl .1 l~tl POLIIHSlt'I*,NLTS ll XXII 1 tifait'1 I RG t/IZTIt iN A lb o poe f fAilsp studets-ttof th cUniviersityohasbento rganiznil. Ita. mectiog IustnFriay evcning at Prof. ciiislki.. homeficrd wrechsetn ttu i tudyit iOftPli it ticttuan httist i .leils artot itt ld evr t iT t timarc ift I cn inthfinnclu fr '11c o it-mieit is tc ci iiite a-i;d t .t.u isu presient :A. Kocinsk, ri Itpr it: liint o afh f iitte lsI- tit- k itth cc- l ait- tit- reil thin - o han tei The differenlt Store of Better Clothes', College Suits1 and Overcoats rurnishi ngs, Bats, Caps, [tc. i. F. wuIRnInH COMPANY General tanking Business. 3 percent paid ott Time sid Sarings Depnsits. Safety Dn- vosit Boxes to rent. at 12.00 and upwards it.nIl i' 1-tai G. t TYMN tit II-ttcc-Pnts The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capitateett-i10.00t0 Surputi$29n.n00 Riestourcs $2,00,M) A itnenral Banklog Busitnss Transacted OricEiso Chtas. E. Hdtonch. Pros.t W. it. Harrintan, Vine Pins.Mii. J. Pritz.. Cashiter STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Bnoth Jno. V. Sheehan Wtt. Arnld Dr. V. C. Vaughan Jas. H. Wade E . 1P. BMils .Jobs Haurer Jno. Koch Irtf. H. S. Carhatr Henry W.iDnugtas Christian Mrtin lDant P. lntmtermtan FIRST NATIONAL BANK 01c-I NN ARBOR, MICH. E. 1>. ifINNE:, . I OtN ut0171. tin-. Xtce-Pres- it WiCLIOK-it, sitet Capitat, $a00o000.-atrptuanud Pronts. ¢-,00il (enilahlAmeica ,Sav ntiIarnk Cornamer *oL1 exad S.,vioea~j Coe-. Mo.an anod Ltiarty Streeats fie tddill 'oitiSParilriiiii hooksli at Itie Studts' Bookstore. Shiehatn & Coi. if flit-liiiuttng(Caf- e saf coc - iii ti-ft it the it-gulartiicc at $4.no t Id ituitt ftorgcit liee titecitl ti udttlut eti li iike t $5.5tttitt(lrememettr that on ii lit-(we l it-it ni-ir. t id c ffe t til Tcut1 tt. rm1 te It-tt hu.- I ti i inbiltitiurti at & taitnIt-n&Sti hen' I, at-. Iithe s. tieve. tf I mmciii tg therin t h 'Mandoinine exibIition&t I ii. l & o'sNuic field ititrimit aft iriron IThc'Setioir tCounciil if Stracitic ['Iii iia i iathl tilotss-l Inmi t hKi n tha eit()i a i lr ho na s nvt~a itie. clii -itfm i--il F.C. l~iogn:;w ti. mitt1.. I l tyi. 2 if r IIIrlyh 1,10 Na Ihl; . sar v lr flitil- with sif t'.I- at all si--it-. lt-, h i ct tl 1 w d k a e 310 Sooth I t tie lc tut 2:_' --iito(It. pliat tiaaiiiin X Ze !'ri i &LaIii StateStreet tiFORtila mitt vveWi1 4 1 -01 Tj~~tiiilinct tChinese Cliop-Sey Restaurant 314 S. STATE STREETI AT TUTTLE: & CO. You ct in d it finelitte of Conetionery Ci 2Rowe 's Laundry THOMAS idOWEF Prop. jy 326 N. iftll.Ase. ... % IMOE'S BARBER SHOP NlIe mt-aan-dtilI-ialt cii t n it ticr I t 705 North nt lirsity Ax r. ii iltyO.A.MOF. Michiga~npi* i is esh envidliced it fotbll gam s---Taii ' ke a baii lto the -amec--Aftnwitrifit nwill dciiitevouer tdclit LOVELL'%,S I,5 tituicrs oili c ,i etitltt 7,ctiw c ;.a S -tai tS Yo can--uhlimt-a tKIMt cleanu esI d i tmotte for the askingii. Ili a n 4 C . tl streti., , I,}AV S It I W ivmutt li~ hndntrc n fn ilo i li i t ill g-if a xlhton a lie Miaudf billiardu Prlt o-i-;.N StatiiSNi, Wednday and ' iotI tutu i-I-i uinui I (ct >7andit_8.-1 1,. C. StmtitTypettw-riter'I Sit- /i-c tutki iii nritit-I in 1cciiren ii t au1It &Itt111-,tutu S. Siati. ht nWrit.i. ~rIn-t tnt it ulii. t i iIndividuanlity in a Dress Su~it isohat weoall admire.Nottevery tailoris *y c'"'apabet ofneting or nedsttaonogthis l ine. The cumber of orders we are takin ferFull Dress, Tuxede and Prince Albert anitsegones to s howe that disriminating peopte al-n quick to apprecaote fin work. We ore well eqipieod to serele *yeu. Atl garmenteore made ilouonwshops. pWAG NE R & CO.S beerkogToilers 1 _--- . .± t \ i FIFTY-SIXTII SEiASON SIUDENIS' LECIUR[ ASSOCIAIION The Pr-emtier Lecture Cou~rse of Arnerica. LIEUT. ERNEST H. SHIACKLETON Whto bas rnachedt fartheut South HON. ROBERT M. LAFOLLETTEi U. S. Senator ftintsWconin MAUID BALLINGTON BOOTH Sociologist, tReformter, and Orator (ERALD STANLEY LEE Eitntnt Editor, IEsayist, and Lecturer HON. CHAMP CLARK Leadero Minority inCongross IORADO TAFT Thenforemost Sculptor ot the Wool -SEUMAS MacMANUS Irelands foremost Poert. Author andLecturerr ChOral Union an6 f1Iaxr Jfestival TEN STAR NUMBERS ONLY $3.00 -iihtiuantt-Heitnk, Yotuanda Mert-.tC(i1"n - I it itu, Kuei el t,I tttt t it Fritz Iurciotnu, ' I h o UnonIbitutI (110o ft-oies, n - Flit- I uuiO rcfht- tram University School of Music MAYNARD ST. LAW BOOKS r DETROIT UNITED LINES Betwene etrit. Antn Arbor usnd .Jacksono Liamited tCare EastO Biuttndt ---:.-i Limited Core Wrsttlnistl .:' t -iin.. ':,i lnrt. )i - ::11) n.~ tttt t i LocauCar itat i-miun I-i u it - umiti. -u-i, ii.ttmiic itt icm mi ii o 1: )17 l. i-mitt - itit1%ti -it titii-.iTo LoalCoresiWrst Bounad .)15 .-t., iii.. tii- t u ytwo mi- iii tt() 1 m1.m.ifi 40tts ysar DICTIONARIES Irs QUIZ BOOKS Ann ~At-bor LEGAL MISCELLANY 4051 yar Arzs Arbor J FRATERNITIES Silver Links Scarf Pins Fobs Rings Pice. i it iiit WIM. ARNOLD, JEEE 2211 South MoinStreet. Callaghan (Q Co. CHICAGO Anues Arborn- Beaesois.Status Str-eat. OppienutoLaw iBIdiE. Wotch for the Prospectus Season Ticket,.I nSate $2.50 --- i- h ________________________a MW cTrrn TO ..- - '. -7 rr ,.Q I-Iiirn~