'1 i1 i C( 14 4 ( THE MICHIGAN DAILY. G. i Wild Comlpally .MERCHANT TAILORS : We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- itgS, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We mnake Ful Dres Suits a Specialty CAOI eN) SEE US 311 SO. STATE STREET 6. f. Wild Comipanly A perfect fitting collar and a tfavorite with critical dressers. "'t S ~:~ MARK r "SARE-k' LINEN COLLARS & CUFFS. Tcxo.,xMe .-kQUA FC AL7, QUIP- r: Warrated all ienx atet Statest Sgn of the xigwhtttsoctex xlxxttxxsu th tttx he Spalding e'at'ieUod (T.-edi-rk f OFFCIAL.S QUIP= N oti N rt's d ire '~ i 'aohe l Dlty*at- Suitsi ilansgittg litle ('IAxENCE E. ELDRIDGE. Bdusiness Manager CARL H. C. \oAxxl Address:SxMICHItGANxI) oct-, iress Ilidtg., Mayntard Street. Office Houros: Matagintg Eitlor 8-11,t p. 111. tusintexsis Tanager, 1-2, 7-8pn; Except Suntda}. Botih phones. EIItt tOdS News ..... News ..... Athieticsx.... ~omxen ..... .Mutsic itnldiDrama.o ixchltxttes .... Fred L;. tlxtinxg JolnTs . lKenna \lbr .El ioittl I1 dlis S. Baker ..tII). \icIi gh Jamxes K. Watkints hixreixoxt Stafloll. Chxarles (Good G. S. lather ASSCITtxE EITOS. Pauli Greer )oalter K. 'itowers Lee A Wiite I)..\. I littee DionxtIirtley larry Myser If. .. ikeseli Fred lawloit Arthuxr IB. StMxeitttxxtt Rusxell IB. Jamttes Da roixi (. Titus C. . lFlxextit Franc:xx IRowtelil Chtries 11.,\la (ittee liarry Z. FPie BUSINESS STAFF Nora Htxtxt i lili C. A. Btowmtant i '1 U 1 .\Y, (11.1OIliRd28. lotn 1 __ .' t .. 7 j' ri" .. .:I .. Y . X: : .. FOOTBALL GOODS A vxtinxg xyott tmay eedi from xaILacixg Needle oworhi five centstio a Spaing 0ffi1 cal FooI tall worh $5.00 k~& lothing You can buy foe $2.50 Gymnasium Wt~es, Shirt, Trou- sers, and Bike Supporter If wilt pay you to see what we have to offer in this line. WAH R' S University Bookstore Sib SOUTH STATE ST. LY NDO N 719 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. Pictures Kodaks Photo Supplies Developing Printing Elarging The largest line Pen- nants and Banners and Lowest Prices.- BAILEY & EDMUNDS Key fxxlixg,,a dxx t x.xty 12t E. LiertSt. An Arbr Michia R. E. JOLLY' S 308 S. STATE STREET Lunches, Tobbacco, Cigars ad Cigarettes. B-B-B PIPE Pomrpeian Soap Demoristt-ation. 'lie tmakers ihave sentl a smtatllsupply ofxtisxsoap lto gxive awvaytotpurchaxersx of Pompeian Massage Cream BETTER COn'E QUICK E. E, CALKINS, Druggist 324 S. State St. i YOU CAN PAY rtwice as much for custon- tailored clothes, if you wxant I I to, hot you cannot buy more than we can give you for, say, $20 to $4O. Select your preference of lhundreds of beautiful Fall and Winter woolens, and secure the superior workmanship of E.V. Price & Co. Footballoutfits iuiig Shoes AS6deatert Vests Jerseys A al ktds sf Athletic Gaods at it lwcst prices. FlIJETS BOOKSTORE I-lATli ST. ~iccan & Co. PRESS BUILDING, MAYNARD ST. S et dlt t 'xxx' .itx r"t Mioc xtxxx tx HInnounceo tior thIs iseason ot t909 a cotuplcte stoci t ith c exitW-i ciions. iStuoies sanoi teet Imiusic. Zlwaps the latest anoI best ttt Operatic atiot Popultar Itltiextc. flanboitno, Guitars an t iicar fUcrcbaunottc Univevrsit f t rnIC 'ihou . \hk. ON .Amoerica's largest tailors of good madetg-order clothes. You have our guarantee of shape, fit, style and extra- ordinary value in clothes made just as you want them. %a .0 F. W. GROSS University of iclhigan Union's a 1 --a L ! 12 ahngton L. RANDALL & PACK P P ise Sol