IVIOl I4GAN JAtLY . _-v -_ G. He 'Wild Conipany MERCHANT TAILORS We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- ings, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make Fiull Dress Suits a Specialty CALL AND SUR US 311 SO. STATE STREET At the New Store H, wild Gomlpany ARKER OELLARS rranted all linen, Clade in 1.4 suzes THE MICHIGAN DAILY. MaonagingLEdit Business Manager CARL 1-1. 0. ADAM. Nets ........ Fred E. Gosoding New et ......... JuonT.Keniny :athletics.... \V ilbur D.KElitt Women F.. rieda Klinistiiek -Mlusic and Dramas...Hollis C. Baker Edxchainge....... M.. B. MicHugh LUIT ORtALS. Jayne s K. Watkins Morrisn Shafroih Charles Loud G. S. Lasher ASOIAT IOSet' lt.0i5 Paul Greer Lee A. White Dins iritey 1-1. A. Msikesell I). ..H inckley W~alier K. Totters lDaita 1. Joites Harry Myser Fred Lawiton S. WV. David AGNER&CO, STATE ST. AHW s Heradquarters far Text-Books ew and Second Hand, for all Departments. t rawing Instruments and Engineers' Supplies Shop Tools, Laboratory Aprons and Microscopical Laboratory Supplies Note Books of every descrip- tion and FOUNTAIN PENS 'tliei Wait s 'Seial Peit is easily the F a het Penin tine caakt $1.00 WAHR'S University Bookstore 316 SOVTH STATIC ST. Carriage and Baggage eaeh ionpie to and fomt parties. 12oelock $.50, after i :o'cloch agn hto ofroo door, te 25 Ceats. If carried to I rs, the price will b ired to collect cash t gage service. ti il:- Atddress: tlicfiA DIssx LY -PressBislg.. Mlaviartl Street. Offhice IHtours: Matta gitgilEditr,",-it ~~z p it. l usitis slantager, i-2. 7-8 ii. . ijsepisiSutitday. Botilphlies. \VEI)NKSl)AY, OCTOBER 6, ss. fdtTosd'tsa)- \Vtt.''s.tt K. littnts. \\Ns'rt t:t Pairttitighi td toitor- row,' light frttsittitighi. As the-psitncitalmitumifsi r lth le ex piressionsot tsuleitopitiontitthe lDaily tishles tsocall Else attenttioni of all fresh- steti to the tnecessity tf atbidliing ty the old cosiout of swearitng freshimait capts. For yeatrs this hstbIeentosesrved iby theI incotinsg classes titil i ist s itectmese ascatterinig letsettf the grity'calts havie ap t i sinthe campulss.ut use great Mas f fresltt-start-inioterinthemois. lisi cusitmis itnitt ly a ttllege'-trasi- titn, btut is ast a grteat factotr in ecialiluit the jest ayear mtentit to ecoesttacquaitsed antt -irgattizesi. ites-oonier'it isob serse iitesittrer v'aluiale-it iwill ihe. Thoutghi ts- great smtajority of tht ensterinigeclass are alwastvsgladl ts accetde to itsis as ts all usher camipusts cusssoms, yet frequtetly there are thoise woi seems in feel ithesselves slbice the isajority if their s-kssststessaiid1ldelinto iw ear die Capss. 'Ili(- viricsis - '-niiatiossi-.aroudtosil-i le-ge' sirs'urg'ds'sl it it seseing ts it tht sucs sisessare sri-tght tsote. Poissily the nioust effectivi'et'eme'dy, hossvetr, for sidintheslit'stsgidedl sies, twtusldi fiets 'sts rsitd's'all li'tsltstitts lteadge'ar, sthesr tan te' regtulatisotscap,. tics ts conftis catissitbisvall site ssi'of teCtniv'ersity. It is iprssbabletat' it e tissdSsslslCouncil will stake' ai decre- intsissmsatter at its. frtes mestiesnssg. Its thi- itstittie the EXCURSION SUNDAY OCT. 10, 1909 (Returning same day) TO DETROIT 00C Special train ieavcs 6:57 A. M. for pariicuar~,saonsiltTicket Agent freshmani cas cis culdsholiwssits seriti sit etter siu'ayitn tby iiself ifrit ngisst sind alsbiig ithle cusstt. Is sll te "rcsdisse'is inte preset systeimiof regserig rests necessary'y Msighitnst changes le isstie liat 15isll greatly imprsv ie s clsieth s-dteniwi s.' TPhese arc qesionssk sedu lit y tu sensit setingtigei 'ni'esisav. Te irs isin itscsera' iistanice- very i-s tilititsll aswiesreid "Nuto' le scondl is.lmstissss withosut s-excetionssweis sred initsesit - irttatis's.. I liie-.seemtstssr sstssisltls that severail htuts u-stssssle sess perched o nsefoosanstihs1ue-sthslithslr Iefore the sdsosrs astissitso f tstitlis are eingaged inthtis-ftiices of th nti ttons. The task sif regiseiritg situen- rollitig cpsldi le madsec h t'esassier foral concserned if a lsarger lires'fiist ats swere tusediit inte osiceusera lelt says t this seasosns. "Tis 'aret'' lsssslseds of sisisensiwiihis iwou li e eryss' glto get the oportunitiy t sedl fw- a st thatwssrk. itti iris-ii' numb'rs were gvntot itsslthos l eg-iito isfers asin hethey' smight gois aysits se hi i tte ts far greaser avtilatssge. I sa sose applroplriate i-it isere'funit he ltreas- urers office istssould not le snecessrI, descendsthe ussteurt'wissl of liiibuldsinisg afler haviinsg'sapss'sred-feeli'silst thrsit-si of pssters li. I i is pedilit som o thest- propossedl chsnges sall hiaei'c tisse heftie-nthersyear-r s elsep suscip tsi setion -shveibenes-i ls 20 liss'ever, every iffoisti eisg mslito s coessswstithesits ciisie-asing cicultiin. Extra cesi w sill lhe'sobstinable th' mossrniig inthle principas Iliuiligst it the camspus. ATIllVICIC ssiCI.CiiiN IS NOW\\ COCRPORATsit.IOuN. At siasmeeting iofthuiBisardi of Dir eet srs f ue Cths-ti .ssociastionTssd ight the astsociatiows ts issss lls i- corpotratedtIits acrdancisee switt'w of the' state f PMichigan. This stpltlst tions raiinuug ii iiis Jutiltmeit'ing, The wosrk las ightcnsi ste ofisi i ig- lng the sarticles f ssiicorporation use nishsed-sblipthe scretry iofslts. hits incolrpotratos'cosississdiosit hesshoardi of irsctorss, f ishis-h IsRa~lh I.Siss ir oldE, IGafllup, la rnisisEI Ilitsgs'. Charles E.Go. Roel, I). \\atsons \. IO. Coschlant sis1 Dirctor ofithlCis P. G. Blarielmet.are mmes liere issiaipossiiliy itisiatse sfll Isisnis turnamtienti ss ts l e shdl itts st ar tllls- wsr k hsss ensonin i this diretiont. Iflits's-tsibeist stlt itc tits'etstis mttesr"sitlIDietosr 1'.(. flautslui-Mondaysasteslsrnoonsi, 'ut Ittis. t its aile tot tackle'itiniiitue sine istre At pre'sent Istis ubtoit mak'is sssilitaiss Catasin iPfricec, ytsesitnd Shlss'stshso last yer's isaml, are bactk ittolee If you would save m books~ Stud ents' Second Hand Booki College Text Engineer Medic D ALL RETAILED AT W We Purchased the Co.Op 51t those books a greatly reduced prik Drawing Instru Enginee Agents for K. E. and all other SEE OUR $1.00 Sheehal STATE ABOUTilSfIORTfIANl) Cse yo titesrested its Shutrthaitdastu Typewrss itinig.'IfIIsit. andsiyouswoutd ilke to knowui' mthlcing sout or' cste onlsy titesffered il the city', is'uldieleased-to hae yousscall a dwt Schoolisiof Shorstands, 71 i N. CUn' t-eesispCi Thutrsday, Oct. 7 7 :30 . L,. 'iim il sibtintfll ptiicsiiars. Cre youii preairing for iprofessinsal 1)"ivoitt int eutotteh' \rvi'on itn~slg inlt hbusies' If s s suitstnshill e itieresedsi Susi i ths. itry'suseis, aisuiespys sits's(vsi-tsenir.if le iiteids, tfi Ilte "ridteiisto1takte Lillswork ali anyio thelins t tesiitisici tb's, siot' isseestigatie tisismister toulsunghly.I hreri ito eeassopptutsuy ts esli te subjsect flly toItsi hissehos tire' tertd iil mies-itall suhstiser te School o sf Shosrihaindhocrithe b ileniltieti ihensutIsasll le gadtto sill thio subj et thorosughily- aidss expilatin every feature of te itotrse i as i' alliluestsinis which say-hlis; abiut situ1ndexlinhowluti wudakiag oeey st'de i t uts st.sai Shorestand. If y'udosthisif isis ilsitabost hss oitrtaasn titti sis ihe ito leten somethiniig asisut t a jest orifenssfro estsire curt car iclarnusosmsehiigatlu -'tidIsmdYutshavse nsit ilitt pessisi. Ri-stetihirethe date, lies. 7suitnd the pace, ti Slithandsll 711 N. Esisersity. ShitjiY A. PIDEC' Drl rin#;istghet righss kinsl ShsehantiL&Ci. four college tstore' ks S ooks: nd are offering truments. Co. ARIH[EL IOKSI Grand Billiard Parlor BILLIARDS AND POOL 30c Per tovur ..N.in -htINt C c's't£ Tr'cT- No. 26J Fast Evenhl TRAIN" TO DEiTROI' Via Michigan Cent heaves, 6:52 P. M. A Detroit, 7:45 P. M. every day. except StI lIt amuphe timie for a 1 S Theatre or Business Fr