THE MICHIGAN DAILY Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes WHRY? We want you to wear Stein Bloch Clothes. They will fit you better, wear you better and give you more style than any other clothes you have ever tried on. We sell them and are proud of it, because we are convinced that our reputa- tion as capable clothiers and good judges of which our trade want will be greatly increased by our association with these clothes. Try them on before your own eyes. Lilldellschmfitt, Apfel & Co. UBASKET , , dent teams Ir is splendidly made, perfect in a'shape, and standard in size. Must be used Made in eight it all match games. sections ofithe fit Seectio of tpriaimi- ported leater., Basket Balls are put up complete with a special bladder, pump for inflating, lacing needle and leather lace. THE REACH GUARANTEE-The Reach Trade Mark guarantees perfect goods. Should defects appear, we will replace any article as- lutely without cst (except Vase Balls and Sats retailing under $1.00). THE REACH BASE ALL is the oicial Base Bali of the Ameria League. "RO~ I shauid always be used by Calee teams is match and practice games. A. J. REACH CO., 1727 Tulp St., Philadelphia, Pa. "That Somnething"' Mercher-M Tailoring ts Apparait in our Garments Exclusive Woolens in for Fall, SUITINGS, VESTINGS, OVERCOATINGS. W. E. DIETERLE V eralty Tailor 117 E. Lbrty t. -EXTRA - Carriage and Baggage For echi Couple to and frost parties, NEXT FRIDAY - After- before i20oclok $1.0, ater 2o'etsk nlooni2 to 5 P. M.,ard usual $200 Shows-Mo v N G For eci T'runk t or fromooder, tiar Night SosMoVING prierill las 25 cents. f ared to PICT'URE~S WOsaisn'S SEsES or frost up-stairs. the prierill be BASEBALL GAattcS - Admis- Drivers are reauireto ct ollet cast sttnAftrnoo Otly . for WALKER'S LVERIY Majestic : W. H. STARKCO Chang~e of bill Mon. and Thuars., Oct. 24-27 ENOSCIO VIRGINIO - - Baton Swinging THE LOWES - - - - Lasso Experts Motion Pictusres UNIVERSITY NOICESf kitI lasteir lit Candidars mut be s- amined alat dtie gyma beforerthe gamet0 i- lyi t 3i :30 \ittlicft. Seior egilers foovtball lratic, Southtt Paera ieltd, I. it. J ttr engieerrfootlaltlratie Southv erry fchl, 3,o. All ot i. C ilid Phyicaltamma atinot thrsO seirlit foitallt gitie ilthtaheldtin l g f raila 12:0 a It aclcto a.) I Iitoyl. tiinir lairhata eott ~ o Pahysia aaaniaaai. 1 3. Sroggi. VariojandailmeirtlattMcttillanaa ll at t 7 o'click. Souiiir. -I~anlad."ful ehetaral \ralaar- day, f; P. .. li at iac i-t's aacaemiiy alit lahigsadraug sore,Stateatiretr. Fv- ithotii fal. \I11.1,11S 1.tS btNt.T -ItIE.\tIE FO114si PPliiI 41NC AnlI:lEI-S 'tate new W billiams ia.- -.rlla-aaaa-aa atllcic ill labe-taatceawth itehres-t liiiiiai.h'l'l l iamaagr .o rsliepo t i tll laropo taio aa tax ao ah a de 187 erct -at hislil oma Ia t ta. liiaT ta\ s re uced it t. cas ittp la -n i-a ia-aoftheahera li 1 ubscrip0 ton o allao L it Imadto schlrsip menacrlaaalso $ majorspurs ofwhichhe11ay1hppen t be a la taab b 11Me 1s aro ilgIin fat - ! rnt h ues sall p t onit hlas 1111 t at l io a tIl ifa c to-raaaaatitagi ta t t eaa iall askdfrea-haagsi-r.tilela Th lay cho-senalb-.tePintnartaaalair - :u gc clb fo thi i), aspoditaacltinaiaat ao111 1"I i lonort-he thair l oila rit ten laheseir 1mech anics11at Pttuelhav- at ld wiskersa. a mark oat lt Half a taozeniofttill fotballaitt hull:it Syoraual-re lata id pinhehopial I'l enir grls 11 rattU isersity af Kentucaaky arl toar ae srar -kirt his ye. -Nxta! tour Ihundard icoeditosahae Jinetiheita bXoa aaa' Atbiletia- a ~ii.aati mat ittael potan e1narolataten at tOctober7, 1(3ev tf ,82 stdetstOir ae i-a;f 241 overr last year. Des-pttricalteir a-laraice exaamiatins IHflrtat.fote lilrt tieitatfivyeayr, sows i oa irar saealragsraatita - PRx TIheoloigical attatitiaranda Rw Eiciffeii Collgt he to iv talisto 1.1114 agantl3 ,125 at coan i raati t lea it-a tagr i Foundlataio s atretnowa eingl air fott r a ia riuml1for the tar olatta al d - piiartmet oalainceu atonaUaiersity.tor ai btn algr nWl bera idtaut in oi - netiton1111ithi ar alsoo ya genhous fm alate aa ius. heha artaiacu la tails- larval tlhe l h la I a ity Ifama tampi eos-tanias, Iabout t tit which there at1e11litleaccaut-l aco t as f tthlesir 1111ah ita b iiingoteltal- Whes cosmplitedvalts aillb h lirtea af t, kindaa in lti ouri alathoauagthia University atf4Chicago s a faaikig plnst firat atsimtilarir ldingiti. II ia-eia o at ififere-acea-ill hit- .b atrdtailalso.bWlasti 1o11 tlay a,. onait Brumtick- ask i yu11 kno itsthel hlst.lWbiavei noiiolther ita Li f Eutaont IlOS. ia 13 New Whitney Theatre i SATURDAY, OCT. 30 MONDAY, NOV. 1 The Cohan and Harris Comedians in 4 The Famous Musical Novelty THE THE PLACE AND THE GIRL By HOUCH, ADAMS and HOWARD As seen for 465 performances in Chicago Geo. Ebner as Happy Johnny Hicks And Embracing Fifty Prices: 35-50-75-$1.00-$1.50 Seat Sale Thursday Morning eo. M . C ohansSpenediest COO EV. Musical THE IDEA TRIXIE FRICANZA And a Host of Comedianm, Singers and Dancers 75- A COMPANY OF -75 music COHlAN J DANCES Thie matot talkse1daoutulae most Ifaitoulo l iroI i'titral NMusical Play, tat recetlyeatrs. Prices :35-50-75-$1-$1.50 SEAT SeALE FRIDAY ENGINEERS' DRAFTING LIGHT No shadows Perfectly steady Easy on the eyes Perfectly illumination of the Drawing Board All engineers are specially invited to call and examine this light at our office. Ann Arbor Gas Company The ome ol 10o(1Clothes MAKE A NOTE Every effort has been made by us to gain your patronage. No store carries a more complete stock of clothing and furnishings. Knox Hats Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats Spalding Sweaters 7 Perrin and Dent's Gloves r And all the latest styles in Neckwear, and we allow no one to undersell us. Reule, C onAlin Fiege 200-202 South Main Street. M pen's Neckwear In Newest Swagger Styles largest asaortment in the city now on adisplay MAC K & CO. You tin's Have you~ heard that sinsger at the Theatoriumi Setter to-arry. She's Srea.t!I ii F ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILAR , ETAILOR TilE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING