THE MICHIGAN tDAILY ,.. -....._..5.. .,. Y, ,. .w.. .,....... I This Space Reserved FOR Sam Burchfiedd "" Co~# . "" Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 Pully Guaantts-.(. Watata R~pr. cirA ยข w Speca1lty T"I FARME~RS AND MECHIANICS 8ANI( ,'LtAiN AND) HURON STREETS Capital $:)0.000 Surplus and Proftss10OOil Gesnrasllnankin.- luosispprs. 3 psesen paid in e a sI Saias-so-ss Derpossis. :safetly ie- sa)Sin Boxespo to 5t lOt)d ansd upwsarcts l;. lorssrs. l's. -. l'nr sis)Is s. Vic(- li-s. ll. A. 4ViisrIiosss. o-hopr i+" 3' rpppp. r'-s The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Caitaluo-l~ssl sto , io0O;) Srpluos$;290.000 0-?so 5 Iso0 .000~ A (inesnun Bankingp Bsiness Tn-ransated c rlI~I p cis. I;.. Idisypo Pi ires.; W. f). Ii urrlsosas. Vice- Ires.; A. J. Fritz,(lashr- STATE SAVINGS BANK in. Arp-pp Dri15. V. C. VaUghao Pts EJ.\Vade Es F. ils Prf if. Pt rho 5 Iftss y W. Douaglas FIRST NATIONAL BANK l- 1 v N . 01O1, MItCHp. Prss. sos-r S. \t.i!L 11PSllh N,(cshiers. Ciapitul. 1100,000si. 5Sop is an PrIs-slis. hiAhll0l. Comrxtnercunn.I u..nxd 3 .rung~ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING_ I s rr~c 1rit. 324 S. Sitate, capl1s is ________________ ______ ll' icc i eogr-apher ansd type- u rit-rsldurinlg oddlo urs.555 Callit hels oo ~is i is Sici-s sr cast 0 i l oe00 tht alestio .i poilsi 5 55ollll co hs - Ocs soos ssiss It;, io- - I 11 "!Il d - C ss . Stlissii tira-sde. (, 1d cpooll i s ,o oSiead sir, Call Fi ss N sIon 1 Iassli Ilsg., 2l sli.p Po 20lo 11 c (ip Ihistlin g si ient sworinsg hi~s \ a , to arl)5 fl-( Ill1 ?-toIs o as sdily, til5 PIl;csst . o 55 lr~n all an 1 r . \Vrtc forex lsivc tIserritosry iof Al 1 Arlr s-ssissentrs Sasso s.. 1511, 1Rh11. 22 /,l"'0 b prge starspdCisosotbroh t iils-spocsu ish. id r rtri-Itsips I As. I. I. %' ii HsiteratCakis o rs drIi sor. I: -sossop. 205 watchssosoid. POt. 20,(ordppper- for tis aoi. 20 FO1 Pd 1 Is Si S S sp--A isog bi hllhis,. lispirs- -it1 luosh illardp. aaS.a n IIpI p11 lois o f osi Spij i tysp Is s-oh-s ot IlSp tud ts'il- it oklsio-. Shl ialls & li. if Ith to i P o hCsfis- as a15fcills choic op 110s leftl :t- th lies gularss piceof- s $4.050 ly liss I slisf Ilit d i secial sudenst smeas ipc c at -p .sot :111s(1spo l rsps-pslisp ithait swi Ce st < l fssspt andsi lisosi )d11 osisse llt tI 1.1. if 55 5555 $t otippltin ,loss Si si ns~lps~ I-sIlits- iit o-L st kwscr. if 0Sos p tii , pfloew is i h .\Mids i l ine. lisp- p scllsrso IsileoTwinsoMno is5 ssis- lo s i -.- tils- pthiip'- osfor l ols k;ss oI ( il i > Slhalle lp& SonsipsM\ussic I opppp-s ops1 (IS.)liS t 8. tf I I 7 dyl (P N s lio .'t!I II_ t l I: I lI up-iol-ru sliP ills-ate ders il i,1s da- Is N5 slo il , sole sp se ispcall- hisosispl ildaslateiosIcain so si joolih l i P- v i s hipona soIle ipso-s ssls tredinosoosI )i5011 calldi-ko -sIsi ( lso s osi lls l-ollr A os -I5 lossm pd itopmical som d Npl osl oisisan s mr ta-md go oloMa slirp-serILSo S-soune - il s pWit p lrge and 11apahle sopany51 td trtlip- Ois lin kei r wihPi l+;r lipsetmintisise t olsv Isris ewe, o the o Il o- e i so ' f\inso-to is ;ii ing a ilspeial ci o i isooin CisI P:r issid: atdtthc' si-s i Hoslo isill i- o rii u OisOWell -sii i I o Gss the sp i ne lp articleils.lii -s I hea. sInsisted, the1c1astos ana2e o irea thepsiaprlsoli"QV isis 3 p551 so discussss s I (sb losh (-rilos i hla rs. Moo r e15 s lsl sptsCars o fall fra- tho- up oiso Suppis anscr iis. lissis- NAY Feshsi ruishsipioser ths elb tI of\per ls-i Mcsou ?z 10W y i15PostillCarlip. at sall stre. 20 i Th if r n of Better Clothes _ CoIlege suits:, :r andt } ..w overcoats r 7c.., J-L. [e WI H hinese Lhop--Sucy Restaurant 1iz il i r: oss I . sOpopis Osso (plpop c~r; 514 S. .TATE. _SWRF-T In the "BFLMONT" i AT TUTTLE & CO. 'the "'AR A-NOTCH " 1.111 k ii does away with the 1 You can find a fiar linse of Coufestioncery buttonhole that bothers. -_______ Rowe's Lau nd r lIIOMAS ROWVE.IProp- 320 N. ihtlsAve. jk R W IN~ 1in 5 l 11om OLLARS . i IO'S BARBER SHOP 11e nsch, 2 ftsr's5s. hi,Piss o dy-ls SitCo. 705Noth UneinrtyAve f ARROWs C 'It;.:";. oasPaQ OP. . i, { I II rtp 55 th1101 - ilt i -nds at l guI i"s 51FS' 1 lld'll PS~Tld. trso o. tl too Silli t"Ipi ostds p Por ia csooossoi tsiisiopslo- lo. I.. f.II. e ttolf1 5 ho.0O5ior. B"It to il,,r. ("~ ic teig~kn prt is isestidt isi nopsiAi foopt~tball r liso - Tak-e1' a b:, o I I (Iortoo he Haleo -S ftlos so-i i t i,il2 l ro isipl iiiir-soel. THEl -2 Ill-hi iihliTMl I,"NT ST LOVEL LS 1Ill' P 01100 10 l I ~ t p0lai C, (~1O0 C. h -32 5 Slaite St )I i '; t5s o 110 poliO a5lo -bcai i ng M t-trilAlsosi. 124 iS. Si-tssIs, isill st) o ur h i ,, 05I( . ti. ls. ill 05 ils p. ar tP e i3 ii005lio5 liis. U Csar. Matdan grid Libert.y Streets dWhich do you prefer, At last Silopi u N11 i ils soniiii'at thip sies an1 nth te stioutni sS *o t(Hsr irNi r ptito hkrKt Hand Sewed Imported Gloves T h he misnut$4se) ltl esawes Sae Ki-$1.50 WAGNER & CO. State St. Sgn o the bg whts shoe~ WAGNER & CO., State St. Sn ofx the bg whie shnn' r Ir FIFlY=SIXItH SEASON SIUDENIS' L[CIUR[ ASSOCIATION The Pre rrxier Lectuire Cousrse of Amrie.-ie I.IESIIT. ERNEST H. SHACKLETON lION. ROBERT M. LAFOILETTE. U.-S. SenansstorsronWiscossein MAUD) BALLINGTON BOOTH Socsiiogistefotsrmer, aod Otr r (ERALD S'TANLEY LEE tmnenett Edtto sntayistond Lect unner lON. CHAMP CLARK Leastir ot Minnssity in Csegnss - lORAI)O TAFT iThesotsremonst Sculptosr at the Weut SEUMAS MacMANUS Irtelnssfosremost PotA uthorss adecurr- Choral Uiuon alb (IMar _Ifestivat TEN STAR, NUMBERS ONLY $3.00 .chut tllleitp rstln Aslunda Sissy 5 HoilI ussniso-, lonci-slQat 11 t 110 sritesKrislerT he ,h orp istalUinis (30111 oilspo- lsp''iiloslios Stnp> osiI-i (601 piece'd), (ti lso o srks, - Odye-4oisiu<-5 "Ncwo I iiss5 Far1-i- 11irtsl ", 1'l~ehss may 1s, pass4lsosssifsontoo 55555p0 any0510 a:00 a University School of Music MAYNARD ST. LAW BOOKS 40th yoc DICTIONARIES 40VA year 1ns QVIZ 1BOOKS Im. Anose.Arbho.- LEGAL MISCELLANY Ann sAr-bor- Callaghan CBS Co. - CHIICAGO Arim .As-bor- fS-ro~oh. State StOs oatpposite Loa'wSe ldg. Detroit United Line hUn is hisoslso sol s-s' iotoopi lein t (issioli t o- H n. S'poilooi. otit, p-if se eto-pil l'ito'pl lisio s -stils-sr.s ot Sarsiiyor- ,t si~a i io ofsh Hiss ~nno i Dsoco.l oil 5t5he calmcipi of h rhsilo-s l 5sppp e iopsihsoi Arbsor extra cars and extra service will be promptly supplied. FRATERNITIES Silver Linlks Scarf Pins Fobs Rings l'iel's WM. ARNOLEE 220 South Maion Streeti. Watch for the Pirospectus Season Tickets on Sole $2.501 It. ST UDIO- ' 2z4East HroII trt