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October 27, 1909 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1909-10-27

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The MichiganDal"_,'
k\ RIIOR .\llCICA WD\\ j)\i I) \)Y OC .COil 11 27r9os ' 4-Nsa

\*V , i N N

Nearly Every Senior Law Cast
a Vote in Secod Presidential

____. _. _.__ __W .4_ _ _ _ _,______ _ .. __._

l \rSocidad EI'spanioaiswill hold is
11r: mirs-Irrirofther year this aternroon
in r'iot hllt t o'clock. 1Plaos for
actv,*xkroWll b is. N ot the
]est ot tis thJoprobabilty that such
as irt t, chirmrarsiofthreIBoaird
ofi SiOUhLoAisris sirRepuiblics, andithr
4S11ir ti AI si- l trriti stroit.0Will ssak

or Il rrth rfll rotig strngt rf tre
et~li-oontt \ t h~trtn BIG FLAG ROOTING
" I tt rr lrrrrrthrhat selbyir ;-FEATURE SATURDAY
rr'eelcsrtrallrtsRegulars Show Little improve-
11- tlt tie of las S turdaylr, tJr
iri id s rrrrrrrfrr th eer i ffrtrtotrrr nent in Tackling---Score but
,iri ihu tei psiton frrr rrlsrr a's Two Touchdowns on Scrubs.
iia efrit. Th t results wrer obltiedr
trrrilrrrrrrJ Jrrtlrrrrttthatsrever inn-
Ssu- irrstrrirrslsr freatrerofiii lrrirt-
th t<f sitirrir by i r t ha ii ty.ts- illt c i llts coli Jrr sc t f a gigntiti
Th ituu ionctrs o ill I stachIl aJg if, rr-iJis flsrootr s sctin ,ill.t
c:.r ii' iiras t.ifols:s i-ll I i-ri to IsI ers its arrrt.
ri-iO -rhug tlrrt
it o 1,1 ; i i J ti rs itsear a rsi Iiia -
\3nt fm r crcn o te licl~c elntrotill heru5etJ i th ti iih tm itssilts o
c'oters ast i::1~ti in ttitlistionstiisi slisti Jra sirr-
lli'e k r .,r r1\ft d-S r S ' ri sT e ; tc'es h ri Ie ts yl ritir
1,a S, ti- r111nd :ill h d 51 sigirbtetu"th'
S - '-Iro rsl-dst-, iii r ll :side I f tslits r r-
hiii til i.ititritisit'iti J4Ie ;ti s 5 - lr - is- iof ith ryei tasritirro
0 A'its \ I r'1 TfIrrir Sit rs tcs- I o ar etss fiigniythalt tirst
-- - t st .!-uts, tutu ii t i ld t l le ieo
si'l li 0 iw i ~ or ld till srr I t h e iir pts ;;ui s ill ltriprti s tlsitarerit .
t n iI fo ~ ri- i 5 ii i izi on f rr, rs 1:athe- sli \tsofrthe ritrriticiiass It
FrAmIi ~ric i'dl.T1o rit itti",-, c til1 t ir 55censrisiach st. is
r-itlhr s a-'Jilt- 7:1;rat -Mc ian 11:11 li i r rll he stirl ,atpp licat ion, r-
itd al is r - ear sitm atrit Irgedtoii rs t t Isat-ilirttlisirri
tsr isisbitihitititc lsoiast ii liiti -
te Jr1 !+i sidTs d ls was fr st r.t I- ask1fo' stlt sonthe1 srutir
i f . c :r t1clcc:: li:hl ,cc's stl i rs I of ithe i rer sothat ty imar
_ t ll: s totill till ilr tlIt isllir oiti
riak tit prp s l lg sties tis r -r -tJ shu ri-e t th,-trisit te o cuu I-s r Iltlii-rs-si
fo itiri r -s lts Si-titus-f t Uir
ltrll is:11iisi::i s iiss ilsirthi- ' iris siitigicellctiosFti ol shtil oro 1al v'l.1.,rIi it, ~rs tndilritoipur
1,rng th ii i siclu, asoc~tiot wth .h s0 ,a ofLsr prssiil iis rind irt or-
\I te is~~irschl Ie el y he hei rr i is t: irth lst orir in iii
DOUG11sl il-itp.mLASS tAN[SM(R lsu r yIbolthritt~rtrl
ii he ftc h ll i il de thol p t itr sioIsi t heir \JSy r iiis a etri hei
ootl lo ath la es i i -,duralng r ;llr-,tss srs itwis1 silts iii ir bi i
war-sirs. ftorurs I scorsilli bee
irist stirNTS iRE sBadetheillriitrply-. Iasmsts ritirls
I's-uba rll sCoach ilMates Tird Cal i ;)allrrs cns t he rls tril its lcriit fll i nt o
'is ill) stu n d tlrrs ths-o fir Ils ii'isisIeam. stiiii
C a 1tiiisstrs sttl titisr,!:";,i1 i10it ii slt c slwrkrrr- s t gti rty-la y-e or rerjo itsing
fisi sitrrs 'or'isste ir situ s i aldb tr rl. L w o ttc
tc~u. I ,rt cmdi~tc~s rtpum cl to el, srIpec rioiayef ctis-rin salin in-i thesr
11t trs ll 111 t e t1,irsir Is sil I m is t hrowsirs Asleric-is anditi itt d i
itt s11c u tir ys tr d i sti r ,lit-i- aniti ottt of'lii'o t how nsl'iilie tromade
S:.ch :t "tatc of iffsisirs Ii 'dilieirteni itlas -onis- ti-sr i
am ...h : 5 1th5i freshmanl eader sis lins',sd-sitet heir i or ouskr- wrg o fii
;!,i :r il tslt sic r ltshs 55 Ipr5e i sens Yot nd Rdden. iIsh rl sss
55 55 5ail',o. 'wassispci allyrI n t iltts ittle ndrs whtot
,in ftl 111 e mt o hs trs ihe tnri- susti a ir' t drs ilgthesrI y pi totiiits
itl~i hisj1sillcctti ee h ve , siets e srI oi hvi ng i ri tan it bg su p
ncc>it r ,rtii u sf: r-s o ilt- Iii Io r iso d s i s ritil erl i s o ttis, lb't
sai ht las [tght "T at s , r a ru-the Itgstirs sI so irrleditheissrmitiont
tiu:t r s ~ sih lt4a o l t sil out- irirsl 'Slitlit)ts stis r itti1il11s) rs
'1 5istcn5 to ts" irsirs i 'tstirDl'sls t g ard i p lc ryof ii tirs
tsrii} J listsbeet: itcit rts sairs stirssrI unit tkini ,vas inj rd i teo
'1mc il, f~ raic0 uucs e its a s i1dr li m si the lscr agsandlst Ir
0,.15 N n sshil e liii titi mt t' Il nl d to ir ,sre ts i -t ait y'g mi c,-i
c t:r ln -i.i ll 'sis util s bot whoml rs p sofe lllitil.
sis IInttlt aite Is iri pr s isedigheclrs tlt-iltsrg
ws r tit ii i lr e s inrthe'r'ine-upsagsis t ya
ther< il - lli1f r tttit oIir i s 'SlilaIIsrk t.on tidto ly s tsir ltiftsr'
Jh hlhgctl " ik (1 hrii tsdasillutihrlit l it.lieriil nds aitl toi' get
the Jun 'lImi ;m1:sum t ilsl i He stoifrmeirly srtr harlflic-
0on sil ettdts oris besn ' r ei's-sitasititt"real 'i'ricm trlt sownrsrbyrtevIrs isity
is irs Is iltth f'dIts eiis otrill11 ti sstin v r rit sa,- s pc~iaslrs ly irs rgrdir tsr
'-stiri-- 1, I'. I rts acSits ay. te ~ c t~m or adpass

NO BANQUET THIS WEEK! '1A("T1Y111\ 1'0 A ) '111?!
Michigaun Union Dinner Will tome
T hanksgiving Week. rsl cnes fteUiversity
There' tiii1):i tsr tr ig chittgan is is ' I~ IH titl sririii telul 1rrsrrirrg of
'1cutI r a ~lgftiss so -- !I' r lis-m rstseIsT'eahers' assotritons
1:'v ~ ttelrr-st 1l611c gnls'itr'strS yl'm I stir isa lidsilts stntiSat-
is i~trs nist iiisiittgntt)f teci rmeni'iit (Ai1 t)1 tisltt:.ttlry of
he ou c umitcc ha ilg te i-E1'c urntitrts rscairrrrwilli'rsidsa
situd satfir is cardcit ap <3e 'i s ts l eas T:,cPr o nson anid
5Jiday t d'epatrt trniit ut oml ofi s trs til r
_0dr, h li ltr 'isr rtn therdadit tt t} ;cn' crs li t rrrrrrI trrii.r
isilsri tit
,1tu lltur rtri thf tiis'irissirs tiii't )I,-I rsrr:lirs'rls 'sisttiAND in
" sit :1Ca efl- ic-ri t~ f 11"k.fir' llr t I li I l's' is I t isI'
' rtlirucs. inld s t i r rrr nsrs>ftall 1r -!
sicllns ssr' t s ir icnl si~th ~ws' lrrssrrr s stthirDiie lb cIr itsiitrot siiokeri
1sI (; lst't tt}:r Jut'r I i.t sr i si -riisi 's-i.Il,(1t~'? t Ils- ri. T . st oru t
:t~ ltt':lis 1),irdpf s :t l t; sir '.tr>'i pt r n s-sr-i-it l r 's tr.i

Director Stephens Enthusiastic
-Over Outlook for Union's Most
Successful Production.
lsrrsrlsrnrrday ar the final try-ousi
Str "iKirniialaird.r iandtsorut trisaite
iit rfsiirressful mnrrriprirtedlast
's'r'iirg sa t se irsor rehearisl.
"11-er hadtilsinet t sirf masterial this
rftrrsrr'rn s aidtr al I t 'sitl ii 5 "bete
inn evri-ardrmtoreiofiit."ii'
Histhttiuiasmir ilas contgionrs.
*Atr -its rie litv sirs 'S l.I strshow trt lri'
Ilits tala differrt.sstIt wittbea
:slsal]itilsiait stis its
ifIr trmusscsigs itl andis esirlls
Isrrcbnrrs. i T1h cleasig srill bIre.rrrr
IcirntasinitCualtre' ecasieiothersmt-
i-1 sr aatedir-i it at heli
irsstthurgr Man,'it'is siplsirrrss to
Jil," isistim' d iii S 'stphens (i IJr lts
MsistriBluebook.'ilsyouont art n -ar
fromirt hirt thrr I isatrhr ot hrosng
frimthieirpiarusseottll iiiet i i ron.orIs
wars intoiatig.
" cinasisourrrrn sinrillnds os- t
tuis ~ 5n atir hais yr rwrsill eassliron
frisn i the'ithis's. Thecostumsre
sit n adthur iilt Ibst ir t is' ug
7s?; it sihictOiii'-then'rirtrthet s riurrs
carts riish sh tr srs 5S'iy t fiedrort-t
-I ittall ostune icrc sri signditt o s
,lass. 'Slosh 1151 edtir i tr r tsitsh ig t
Ittio. ,r s o the clat ss tigw ltolln.s
sT h e ost ers-l on tsir' t i ts ro in g i tr -
_tt.iu i r ca oo uits optiin
ths hso eixpesct to tntoinrshouldgrcom-
osuticaig-ls-ariiithis'I-iit h ulct
Arothiot tll rehara t ail be hldtir-
nighsiat Scott's ;Academyit.
Dartmouth CollegeCoiifernLI t.
Up** President Emeritus.
D-Ariiuifioilrrnsfe r i rrred upon x- ns~i-
shirt rneltof IIitclthignutheioItnoraryr
dergreeof Dor ItorirorutLIws. r.I Anrgetl
hlic ts prus islr y honoredrrrtittheu
ssain utanr byto Cohlurint. rgrs,
BrorsniY'Sle, Prtlsson, Ve~rmot, is-li
consin, lIrr rd nntd Jorhinrs opkttr.-
Therrresimtn%1a, thi trnatgi ratoni in
Pnisirsmicoltis sun Dartttouth TisIr
rs rtreitsnrmpance sw it a cutomon
soeei auct ' ollegr'tte inauguratuonr
sfisrio prein it nrstfers hororri
t'odgireesupont o Iew onf theueain rg col
Is lg preidnrtstheIniountnry atdi s a
mar'iis o r tenni Isu r n rr tcolegs.
F NTII 151IS EO-If.TA5l.,
In lnrorh otetstid namelte seini'
utush jimiorr en-gneesrplayrsd an ostsr i
riant-in SoutshinFeirrr felystrrnay-af-
u-ri tr s ru'Il(-ga e ts featrdl hu
0 dtit i rins effetivtrsaklinig i-ntil a
rs scahenrr''ofristranihni footbalrl.
d hsthinomisi thie juniosranutsnirr
litnd thefrIs hisasrdtsh ilmedris sr-
r achoA Risws taling aoutiittyii
t no stuprihenadltnes. -I t"tA s wit tithad--
1mlne ss I hto f," ut sa ri n , s. wsritten
r9y aiyothoti eignten in aurnan)~itFrattis-
ecso nutwrspaperoffie. IThreowatra ilt
iltoprohoiit tsaeots altchirinkhrhs

jusithin rsoturrunls nsf ther Univerrsity rf
Califsortrini, arrsh this hill tis- ,y-nntrthnrnsnh
ru s slu 'A irctto Pinrmrti Plrstriiiot
Amntg our Studehrnts." -s

7'1/ati , - s I jn t or e 'r .' I J' c"1t g ti ' S t'1'1 'rVistc'17t.

isea ro isicardt forusieau n,; ae W ntheo r n cn il i.spe k'r"
andihirin is itt-is mtiktsti lat r' (at aled a ay erlyi.nirter Ig byJirther
feasible."rt-in tus ist iti ssute ilssr Q''u hIs fathr.t Af Kt-
.\intit g t he eve in t "riillrut' if t thh a y M c rgcr in rmano ir-u in ro-
ah turn sirt yu une th letrn rrurr us1 tr~tr ut ttic o trt h ue i. C g ntAL h cck of Ken usan-i
Uin i iteito maIkes' un- siofsitas i l's oin sis fer rra uaing,'clasun
li er thiast tny thirtat s girunir 5 5 1 cct at rhe nvrsity, nt itrts tiels
T his Iinsistsuts garrurs at su n n eaplis rirr e liii nThe sechslu wrei followedri
Novemernrrsn ostn ilssis ictigarrr's esn b o e ah daet soiesn' ;rins(
aut inn turnrirng tsr he (intter to eins ! iie s s ith truen td n nhii
fr-it clas t ermii nsit Sna 'sreceptit i W ns T s tiing this Soshutfamrilias
it te it u tSn 'co pttjhion o Si' thes hein.sit Sittilntiis ongSs ths-Mees'tirng tots clshrun'
schedule, h t.ics- I nri S ils'ten e' <r a 'tnt ! t n ;inrr l hus 'S~J us ntl tiens ne
reie sf tsirs ers o issllsratr t hat a;sO-ivngth o l. ls. Al urres-
- o5r'rtic c ish of a'iinne ga e, enu votd itttins had r in'y a ticl
- - 5 555555 n s urns rtrusts PlIns tare beng
In tPrin-irrnary wraps'5550 Ju e t's - r5i55r5its-n forall i rin rtrur ain-snd -
lii's'in o ''il s S rrnunrninr \\ irerrr u pon asi r sndatenat
tttw o lower l as55 uise s i t litutnut liiri tv e
ruinsarlyintesnirts gTherclubnts iris
hiss e f r e r hoptus I:runu r S as
tin tiii~i OuiI e othin se it .

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