Il FOR Sam Burclifield 8z Co. Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS L106 E. Huron St. Opi. Court House J. L. CAPM AN, Jeweler ALARM GLOCkS 79c ALARM GLOGIS $1.00 ALARM CLOCCS $1.50 ALARM CLC(GS' $1.75 Pelly Ileanntte'i FOR, photgraphic film and pritting paper,i cameras, pure chemi- a cais and supptcs of allikinds, come to this ;tore and you will be certani of depend- able quality. Ve seli the which maps truer, better- balanced iegatives, and Cyko Papr for deeper, softer, clense prints. Let us show you our splendid s soert me nt of camcras. 'ure chemicals, all photogaphic supplies. *Develoing and printing &on ..Reesinable charges., B. J. SCHMIDT 3' . . ti a ':t S a kS 'xy I l', d I, g u t . x gad- as agents durill sI]Nn mer ;"Money for right mdh, 1'I3elI " ;;tLddress or, call -on Geo. F. Brown, 61g L;. Ulli- Xs F, gotf , titS zt P0, Tstry _ 1 r 3ttt.s et z.r , co Y SI: t ttic 0ci mollev tti lhosc, who c:tn nlttlcc good. Writc or apply r t (ncr. \V. \\. I ;;sig X 0)., I,hic, lob S. Ingalls. tic)-So. : "(111fed-Student to take care of vand durillg si-mil1er Ill rettlrtl for rm)lll' rent. apply 83L 1 ". University. ' l8o. LE Gr Sul--l)e 36e;CrltllplCtcly fur- l-ishecl, oc fine o n)orttult s ty for yaltl 121t Sell less than valnc of fl .' tkPi ing from prac- tice. 111veSf 1 chance. Resort towel. Dn 0wb He fflllttn, S t ga- tuck. I" ,r , crle- t e r t ry practice- lnlti- olle odl0# ill 9 t7--just the place fc>r c ttng TeI s rc°ascnl able. Act s F ilL C'c ] )., 11),LEM If' s ! ;14 r ::;:f-- ?ll'et" : ]1I1 2'<1111 e)tl h<1:'l:. k [,thrral re Church St. 1S:a. ,c -On f e ' . xzn St.. Thursday' aftf t nr re pelt with brass orn It Finder is asked l:inctly t to N13rth State ()l- Cal 18o. 1, ; st- '-fib , iia 'i ' ,ocl "1'cchnc>1)<_<_}", llcal cot t Fi zch and lIill. gender plc< e t t - 4 car lcavc al _,].j S. LN. 1 hayerA 5; ; Barru, IS:). t R n .LANFIOUS FR ?ES NOTICE We ark b ql' rters for all kinds of fraternit t 6 Y - We have in stock .. , stationer ; dumber of frater- nities. 14.2 $ty it in stock we can get it. 4 } we : iti of all fraternities. 7_EWjATa.$,j j AND L.1ti?1?, tf. $uIte St., 211d floor. Y L ,:x +1[xC YGA DAILY w 1 4 MUSIC AND DRAMA s _ r LAST t\ FF'K oF MA.Jl I s This tiyill he the last yecl: of the yan- dcyille e t5on It t11e :\Ta .,tic_ theater-1 acrd the nlar1aIcmcnt has secured a shop- 1 " 01,11 gill 6, a littins climax to a "uccess- 'ttil tiea5otr SO far as merit is c(micel'1:ec1_ rive hi r acts come tornorr-mv, he'rded' 1 the famous [,eon :tlorris troupe of r trained ponies, nrcinl'- hc+tlncls, ctc. A" a special c\tra aura;'- , lion the 1 enlpest and Sunshine Trio (if irl singers and (lancers will he here and the management i" authority- for dic statenicnt that this will he one c d the hest "')ii-F, act" of the car. [n tact, the nlenihc r s ()f the act iityc ni,1n, friends ill \nn .,vrhor ar-d they will re cciye a rova1 lvelcome. The past seast)rl l at tilt 1ccal vaudeville halts( ha" hceri a . Success in every sense of the word arci .0'he conrrn0- 1 c1tsort Xy111 conrnicnce It the 1 "co-inning of file school rear in septenl-; :C 1 11111 "Ii ll 'LCll t \t'('s ii, titai !1 111c ci ps . A - it'' tiec r clw e. TNtarranfing yeursumer acnion bInu h-t~t paet of it, ttrlast, is spent on the Gret La.t slttemotplesiant adn enomicettrip inAme- icandlynuwitt eny evryincte.Alltheportant portsof the GratLken era chted rglryb xelett ervcetof thD 6'CLak Lines. The ten lr& teamersnfthislftlet arofmodrn tecnsltruchin, propel~ledby poerfu11111 ine and hav.ltttthequalties ofspeed, sfety and comlfort. TtheUnitcd Wic'stsTlegrph S evineusd abnard. Tickets reading via way rno t tice btweensDetroit anal 0ffaoa Detroit and Clevclcnd are available tsr Ira sportatioa on D. & t.Lie Steamersi either direction. TheD. & .GLke ines oeyaedailytpbetweenDetrotandaBffalo, Detroitand Clevelad, fornipsweeklbetweinToedo, Detroit, Mackinac Ilndadndway pertsad two tritl ec"lybetien Detroit, Bay CitySagina ad wypnrts. AClventonMan spcia teamer wi epatdfro June 25 tnSpemer a0,'leng Clevland directinerMackiac, stapping ata Detnoit ente nteytipnd at'ndtiln. Ont., eveyaothertrip. Special daylihi trips betee0Dtroi it ta(levelad durtng July and August. s Send2-cet tamp fnr iltt pahetandy Gyeatd aktskmap,. AddrssL.G. L.EWtax, G . A., DETROtT P. H. MCi ILAN, PRS. A. A. S -HANTZ, GEN. MGR. t GF01l 1C Yi111et ti''llilCI:C Z l111 'auski & Lane StateS Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant 1 w ill sellyou a Tpewtriter, Athic ncfrst lladis.'1 'e " 1 . tperitigcifor peer Cleanetlichen in111All'. Scirl 5,114 S. STATE '2 1.1 THOMAS ROWE, Prop.- 326 N. Fifth Avesal AT TUTTLE & CO. aHR.p Liun2ch Room Iz , '" So a fn ine tine of Confec'tonrc h~r snd"I rtiity tio g~et332 S. STATE ST., UPSTAI illii 11Ill 11'l t 11111'~ii , 4-i ea~i l ]' eI lila- r rI 11 the sellc 1,, -i lIilr tiocs of a cciii. 'F'ie110 I ltldcc dillnthi fI'N]111iI 4-N i. 1.411 l1e 1 clec atc l1r auc1 i 11.1 W liii ate 27 Sellnir'c'al'lin~g carlds. YNu'ccd cil' Card to cc ~lIc i' With1 IC ouriinil itailtiol S. 1t'- 11.11vce1an excletlity io chooe irom Also . s1c eecolil '' cards. Cards 11r'ead litf1117days 11f1om Ilordei. .cwadd &ctct'i7.1c lane, 3m0S. State, 2nd1 11111r. 126-t L acIII .'ct cII l'.ill'i'IIII n Milt clliIlc lliilicitcn . c rac111 ll1 pu 11111 w c arc 4-11 Arblr :-ic. I71) i. Senliirs-scc ng'ravetdt"IC-gift' carids ti & ba. 10 ti S. Stcitt, cnl floor. 126-tf. t'. o Ilir .111'l l '.dyd Ac."tii' 6 e s C' tri tc. we give satisf' etions ome and see u~ undaraina PRESS SUi ,N G, MAYNARO ST. c Hr ITS FRO) - it - Washableu 4.7.4-Neckwear . HIAM stata Si. Negligee Sirts I .i 10"$C yve Cure," )eras. 4 DOLINS lit Eyes" and ot aAgency for GIB: DETROIT UNITED LINES Benween Detroin, Ann Arbor and Jaekson Limited Cars East aceud-7 50 .7inn l., 1:50 Limitet Cars West Bound-92e ns . 12:24 Local Cars East Bound -'I oleitl, 5:45 a Wl., and evIery Iheurltol10ci.5. 111 I 'llT Ypi-' Locat Cars West Bounad-545 a.. 7:15'. 'Money Made Easily By SbscrpinpeaSeekiag fer SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE Fer particlarsreardinagLibaral CashCone- amissins et., addreat nendesk 59, ib- ner'at azin eItSPFith ACe.,New Yerk City Banquets, Dances, Receptions Country Club Orchestra W. D~aitey L. A. Hohacket 1467 L 823 I h Ndl1 a1i 11.1,Sldfa tor-tll*i o NO MORE MEN WANTED foll' the 'ilillil 'I' I 101o1 xcept 1.thoseI'.' 1111 111111 t en' the f 1111hati' Ill li ' Itolilb i 1a 1 II ll'l''l l es- 111l llll'll-'rine the' C 11111 '1' of 191 1 YOU WILtL REMEMBSER tol Ill sIC' 711111' i 'I 1111e 1ark III Ithe~ . Aluminum Cooking Utvensil Ci t'tT''SIURUi, PA. ELMER P. URIERSON, Student Manager-t376 J. ¢1 _ 11 Zit' ~I 1 P Pk It Z;) t !~ %Wf "46Y .W MAIL _> j