11. MI; (A ,AY. Your Vac'&, 111 OF cu'sc you'll need a Homespun or eecol Serge 0n Yo0u' trip, week end rni onth end. You'll appreciate your net ST 5'e-BT.OC'5 when yore at the si cne r esorts. S'Vj,:N-I3LOCH ex_ perts hr v, stucied the styles at famsous sea- shore restr's the wrorld as sied. :- ~ Cornpare the cot. sty le drape. hang, and design of your cult iwithi the best dressers'- you'11 come hotme muore tihan ever a STEIN- Be sat-i enthuniast. All the star- t fijil) eic hand tailored and and ready. Straw Hats, al the nec shapes frcmn . $1.00 to $111.00. illdellSCtsfL ih fl&Co. lJ liona i'es' Cari Buy No Better Clothes "Than Adler ,Rochester Clot lie's o handomer p it eric ines weaci; or aicit ar shsadeu are to he seen cer, so c0ome in ii po;:u sile. 11 3EiRD S1-IERY eJOr lineef Nact ', i ,e far lul shislle n :en las nerer heen hroader ore attractive thasns it is lsdtsc' UNIVERSI'TY NOT'ICES Elecetionus fi cers atIAipha'Nuasisecat- tug Satusrday eight 7 p. ra Staph i hasebali teautm wIisae pie- ttetuaaenat ias cc " ticsaternints 13'relouar gymasiumc, it sats. Imcpicantuslmeaetinag ciffetch lit bust- bail iteama st Tap1a1 sail as so.oti IsICHIIANFENSI IA121D1TORS CHIOSE.N BY JU'NIQII 1.5 The junaisor litsa 'ecterudcy citessoc a c'secsi IdiAhur1.Ctnis, ii 'seesG. Msi seead aasse O Seuthsaieelandisal a co- Ifter liarrepscrtcsaofsite 'smmit'tires is. beei seacd te trecaserareported Itsnc oaesf osess-cates cisslars. Tihe sciailtacosammitesansi tiss'cits ecaicesswe"' atende aa te o Iak adtechlealiohprlayct3eater stdi se afitec It adart Is lo\ a tl e s a aaactr fti a ta s . cii \\rr il c saed 5t~csie 1,: ci ~ ar I Siec~TAR Itch c1 Y iet . sac s iltaitSc 'c t . :e1 c NOTICE _ Tpclose out balance of our Men's Furnishings we have made a second cut of 25%C/ below cost. Lots of good clean Merchandise left. 1 709-a711 North Vixiversity Ave. Reduced Fares for thse round trip to j ccount DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Janckson Limited Cars East round-::'i0a a. i,15C5 Limited Cars West Bouned-9la. m.. 2ace p.tn)., '5:24 sip."a'.1.i Local Cars East Bound- 5' tDetroiit,>:45 a, Ma., 11t(1ieaurya1-tao1t0a:4.5 . M.Tat Ypi lasits. sal. a Isaachalf tuivtt tt s. as.. alo .: "5a.t . 2:30 t. ins. iL: 50ta. cat. To' Satiate,ctistae'at Yptilantti. Locat Cars West nound --;45 as. ., 'ti5a. eat., an(]ii eryt'tsstw ihorcsa to1:15p. tat. .. A. R. Encampment Gt' ,n-' litta'20). i21andl 22 returning'tat test a ~sit 2al >canting pilt not later sa ia clesrig-lit c 1 1Jsne 2Is, 19111. Foar psarticuarseonslt aents Money Made Easily Br SaubsriptonSeeking for SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE 2ec as t?? cte'S 1" ,, Fcr particutlarsrgari cng Libeala Cash Carn- -I-VI icfliQafl Central amissiaas, eic., addessatnoncdek 19,.crb Sic &zJoltasaHoins zner cne's Mgazine155FifthAv.NeYokCt e s ceslferred iae degreo F t f 'ihilt scabs' cat lrtl-ec s w etsi th Isassachusetcts cage :4 ' ouat ci a posclei'i .' a The FPreslis atc \'icccnstst ihac csaccas sthirs 'Iei's" iby ad-pt's' t reesl Ias. sI Ittt.s'ti t'(i sIsIt'tiE s Is e a c stat' aiths lothisag 55 ' sle'1iteiipliiest 'eats as a sa I 1::-theyjitare bsaseds at ti~c lr rii leesalf aira' ii;t nas aStor esoilpostiliy snast's as .,'attaleffot te ais as'its Paii'tro-. Iteas ai 's 'i/atsslt5 ":c:.ii . TRUNKS SUIl CASES IHAND BAGS '5in5' t)Arbor iraat Tlll -$4.50 to $40.00 s ut ayiec - 9$to $2S.00 AVID'S Wall naek Mack ft. CO. CAN INDI A LA' iE S SILK SCARFS 1'lii C Iliacs'B55AUc' 11'ic . 55 and N t t 'atis tiarf'sasi5 ofactinea st as c'i.R: Nlit.C e m Vysasr "XXccit'I. stat._w~ 0,0asat t: M 555 iet tet ac r asy neon. liatt'. teat. 0ratn as v. 35t't .ta '5 ise saon l assacc' eta i' ces\ itn. x 3tt.10int..... . ........aSets00c tr 'isctics. Opesr ailDace, i0. x 3ft. 41n.- ...... '4.e5s stealy'e s: elaesater. ia. x 2ft. in. .......... it5 at three {one at each sixze.1no0l9 PRICE $10te00 'NT ANYWHERE, CARE I AGOE PAID, ON RECEtPT OF PRICE. Order Taotay. M jley arychnlit You Want tt. ,AN BLANKW--T CC.. AGOJASCALB1ENTES. ME IXICO. 33'2 S. STATE- ST., UPSTAIRS canis'stamters eCasse ilist at Is''ttpeosac 5 es 'eotie fancyts' aeator-i iltgi-Itt'7 canedi Yats' Fail altcdi'cadl'ga' i a team iDotroft) I tiIgcila, N1 ct tt'a'i. l ieIas cw OnS te5' rst etc. As's teeieasaidk c (',leatneti Si adest ass11al O. mhsiiti sl ls' ofaaa' ahtillcaihear seslsgcs Nc'it i 'g' c sail.tth-'. cltii sta ses'' s ,t5 5toccels ;Iye satlafacilon. Conac arnd ace us a I foeastoas 1ccpiThmsnof h T! s .5 r~h a i.< ,i ci.'oia 1 asia W es's' tire tt aIils' 't y la{l~a tfor war p ss rtstse e- cci pas wichs t t'afod