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June 11, 1910 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1910-06-11

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The Michigan Dally

If welve"M"Men Expect
Next Fall Besides aU
of New Materia
the gricliroii N rriors will ai
Whitmiore Take aboiutt the
the cointtg titietiti r to tg
of minhi,; ready Miciga' ettf+
WVithlt iicit veteranis eligi
wealthi if olie(r romiinig mia
wich to si telecti there seemtIt
tht te' tourN -iip coatch wit
antt ivincetile maitcinie tht it
gilt the ot it oni (Otor 8
_ Yoist antu Riede tatd Train
eiii wiill lie on an toti ii tike
lie proliinaitry tork
Fromt thte opetning cesto
tildfo lee aurayuni
A\rliior forth inal tameu
tile follows:
ODcitoe i Mitchiga ?i
Cotl uO io
(ctbit toos) riai ce at
N. Y.
INoveti i to -iPtutisyit nii
Noetiiei iii Aliin t to
Clark: Gree.Fcni ,C
teroili. Raity i els F'tilt
toil Wailtkis. Joe Ml aixs
tutu andiol oe peri
nxt (till te rftsc o
mcine will 1~ osi toeri iii
Wit thilt wealt ofill
l,jilthiiti tr i is
foill aperooi(1 giio
excellotnt ettitiiti ii the eone
lie tarredi ati hen dotto
ont Viii elcn n
i t I ll the ti itpae
nt aw(auttedt iigia Whoit
p lii tel u it o make (ill(li'
oillie itixi ill gen wll

ted Back
I prosts~l
mtiddlle of
ii the task
ieritil fro
little dtitit
6ll deveop~
iicli litoe
ter rattzt
chttrge if
ii the teatm
to is schied-
neto tontnt
The tce-n


Michigan Union Club House Fund.
IN CONSIDIRATION thtat the samue shtall be used itt the fooid for
the new MielhigatUnono Club House, I hereby subseribe to said fuud
--- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -D ollars; to be paid itt
--- - -- - -equal iustallmets, c o uteoctng- - - - - - - - - --
years (rout eate, these Iayutteuts to ettntinue annually util completed, atnd
if desired by the executis e comtmittee I will execute atnd deliver tnon-iuteresi
bearing notes toi le used for the fud aforesaid, utpont receipt of utotice to
this effect.
Note,-Ittisiheebyageedtbttwenteiisubscribieiherentandtthttoarofoirectors oftthe
M ittianUtion, tt if the stid subsriern h-tutu pity a tsu ti ttttttng to 0fmify $St) ol lasorlt i
tutoetwithitntfitve l() yersromtthe tethm or his i rstitpttytttntt,tby regutlar tnntatita y iumeints, he

ii li

Tue icheligtatnC Utionclubl-hoiusetcati
tugun xxii ltie on tituedtinth i eor
sniio hats beei sed ixoil(tedgefomxtte 0.
hit priispective tshtkel-.
Tic seititosire xweol leasxedliwihih
Ate the- needcoil beimadetuutilecon
veitent, anItdtu o iit ttenta~ i lihtrof
spticuouistfeatuireoIf tihe1011ouet atitthle
tldge illic (5oxuccld oib btiedi
cash itere axkdtorfu. Tie life ut ie-t

have tadle tiihitwithiatinideriii (ig it seemsc a lix ii Iil

fi k I(r e

able numbr.1t1subcrit uoiiiratoer i tn when
Tho ieay depa tettl is r by ae 1slttereiandhardttiti ch
(to i4ipym ntmiksttta ii,
in the lead It liiwiut 11lx tiscito b t the 11te 11 as Gotit t es ar p ya le i
race oil h teitht.the litst.uGeneraliug i lmn ela w the(lotion to (toori l
lita titlil otiil matter, nf a nil it prieytt- SWU t hey , lihtilttt d0Ctioa t One

Agricultutral " - - - __ ________-" °-- -
N (NC ~fiI . t~ i Ctli Dli (Dii hT LIVE NUMBERS PLANNED
,iii rsitO lat FOR CA li-]iOVUCSiD:A1iNDC I~If. ')F1 D \'1)11'xK 1(FRO1 tt Ill N'._
h yrisue, iti a fetw (tin xI it Iuco(cii i wilseveu Ter e sM lachnctil haiititdentsS. L. A. Expects to Have Sousa and
coneton cithtthe D itiigat U 1110ili. till itut 11an (opportunity11 tlu seethe Robertson Players as Openers
iiin p est ot htiliug Nit. I 10111( h(ittscrt- 1 i/o ttlres ea i lt the p stlitnt heI OfIplayersit nlt a' )11( i teilt(
ii at 1 (ilt tlas maatger itf tt echub-h(tllous. Hl t tuil tuclis il nd ae maingit
intends ix il ocote i Cicekut Ii ioi tte e eI r ff(tt( r tlte 11011 1 etic 1111
at ,tutulDAr- twilttttok ututder ti tethlhknott nit 011lstruct hei i It t ~p si leit me. It isx on tttt vt1 . i alliroittilittt roliu
11111n tttittt)an . {I I 1for11111ee 1ro 111 ii y, 11111 t i~:)Cis r?1 ilt<:'t e S1t1ttlx ll
5(1001 t t 1 til.T Ue i o uI t I (tf i retu tu ors ai e t heli I "t\ o tdetilthate I iii. it t 1 il lo p e'r oi he ]],t
expectutoibPit w us hetkout ithfor(tt mai t o et ls 111111-r eete u l wl
il 1en r o,1o m il 1) er iy a lereluyutilu o t-t ititi- i tij .. iil 11111 i 0 i.t in the fall
Nil. ittixiii tut t t huux piicxx .lAtt u mb er( Ofiitt 0 111 11 ii i uttee1o 5l 1e (th uti ti ii1for th liti 11 V ict r i itliii i
o i n, Patu-.uei. ltit-kihihave ]cl Jouuto s it is yex t te-xi f thtsetwtoo)ititti 1 Itt . c11 (tilt Ii lv c
ftoie bus ines hucituig tapI earsi t (( be 1t 11111 (1111 18. Thtre uwi li tint l D tl it tlt
I of the 1910 l(111111ri it IIciig lhe opi ioof the
01111tefunl ti \\- Weld 1e-i 011spit tdt() 11\ it y
charge tDo (ifhe (selec ((DM1of if iu. trtronxCat.Iiiiutitnnlniittth
'' !i t oi'crectsl. Oihiti ~ t Iiletill(,it it itt ie im
el11i'e to utii1 tl - i i
11111ihi, t sttuttuu A it- i teuttux uf (lx tttu ut
oftthe o111111-tid crtthfortheiinteretx 1strittht0111
iii~~~~~c1i luscfulvhe u-ut nubs. tuih te-itrtntti "I
lx iltn ttt8tilt uth stiutR UIT ux. 1111s wnbyth I udntboy
1 1al l Oftt Ntil 11110 1 A S.trec (i(xilbe11ac.wih t obli
1111tt seot nDie T-ttu ips (11111 hofiuui it tth xiis tt c m us . l I- ll r se t m t t it
his li-tiyetrit hal i oshut- hsultu l te am aroi-n(i drmaicrcita itgin neittr.po
lt(11. 1 tl itut 1101 gl it i ous xI I u al tte bs ft he 11111 t Ime telt
may he tic-t\-Dicetoiit mler o il tictirll to the00
lii 1-hetet'1111tiltfettte ii- p1 iil . 'I nl wilhe t
sitml i'tt fall the ttcwh rles1111ili tl thus I d ithi 11111111 silx ia ii 0he15 t1Of1thet lent
mi tu tu e- i therus-him the to-. m( i-lull th tiltmbers i ll o 11111 the
guilta ca tsfro tobehin .I t setmtunitust u. (111th eh0'1\ciii tint heii iIst tut 1 iiie .
i itoto li euto I titt isSplatist !' (let 1111 hituuuuutultosat',

Nu. 179.
)ecember 14 to 17 is lime Set
for Big Michigan Musical
Alhhotughithet (tiure of the C)
Opterta cli ito uitteritlie sriotusly
tinc eparaOO~tionstittfor thefouttrtht Mi
gat CUtuon (Diura raptidi iroress
ben maduu e i) the lstnewt days. Genx
ChairimanotiBlock at loset contr
tit file WthDitneuuy huettre for he Id
i)uelcu 10014 itu ti t n ax eggd-
sicuhunmuandttrl toee. Kileeti to ip'
th sxy or0 soimenetidied ien ithe g
hiirintg the stmxer months te
xliii andoposuer til hae sev'
01111ferenices tithi the etache, the h'
wiill he compitd n-tdtthe mttiscol o
01111sistintg of teesomgs adint eti
11na11s(twill he composemi.NMoreoe
is hoped thaveut en011hetrhesrato
tt (I utndelr t tu before tie mornn - rd sepca te tourmo.I.,ug
devotedtoIi this detpamtmxetttof the p,
It isthe puurhmsetof te directors :
get a lne out tuxmuchiekof tie ttahi]
mautterittl (iopritcipalsiastossooileit
i hi titnext weekhut iis toyymutI 000
I, oill the ustthours he able o alance
up teit txbhettr but altoo the musietl
mitoiers wileiniutpittti uiotolocomutose
xet in songs lfoi certainicues Itt
ufit voflftthispla, a0111) hoha s tit llay
ttxspialtttion hatevtet toardl trying 0ou
01ra pinmtcipalui1par1tnext fol-tot -
sgigr acteinmg-irequeted ton10
Clitiauuirma Rch befre Junme 17.
As 110till0o(othas eeui seuredl to f
x tuetit e(ft (in irofessr Ptxsn,
fetssor DVaiiiTte twil git, ol thu,
tuesittAmericanthistory extr
It adiitioniiitocu res 14 tamdt75, ,
Itissor (tutuTyn11w10111leure it
via itory f le Uited Satex.
qizing wt ilb lon hime byInstsruct
s, iloichit-n [lure will he to :
tat who toi wliillt (toten-catrge f_
Otting ai t und-lnulstatuion iwrk -
itill b iii utuiutouter humthe udeart-
ofiiPolitialSienc.lTeotiter co-
ini DuuueioouuuHis tornytilhe rippte
hut speatkingaoutomithis rrtumuge
Prfesour Vuatutue tsaitlot tit
Ti lnixontmpratrn. Ie
o gil toithutmuttetitg f the Atue
(listotrietloitetyD ext ny0ar tutu.
lten-exiill uendeau-tutoIiseure soume'
11(11ii wi lbe tibe tou tke the uplac
Protfessor Paixsoni- Michuiganu ha
goo manii ii i PrufessoriiPaxto out
t lll ii(to etarefulinmutble seletiont f
xuucoleesi' -ir'

I A book plate with every copy sold-Those who did not recieve one during early sale call at stores below.


Thel19lO Mch igan ian

For sale by

Geo. Wahr

A. S. Lyndon L. C. Schleede

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