Tis Sace -)Reserved FOR Sam Burclified Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 1E. Hurons St. Opp. Court House Jr L. CAPMAN, Jewr ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM 'CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 "Polly (,rtiteed. Watch Reroe3rl , Specialty } FOR.' photographic film and printing paper,i cameras, pure chemi-t cals and supplies of alkinds, come to this store and you will be certain of depend- able quality. We sell the , FIN which makes truer, better- balanced negatives, and Cyko Paper for deeper, softer, clearer prints. Let us show you our splendid assortment of cameras. Pure chemicals, all photographic supplies. Developing and printing doioe. Reasonable charges. ~ E. j. SCHMIDT 1THEt MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING !FACULTY MEN PROMOTED ;V ANTF D,. H 'attd-College mes to act 1as ag(e111s dutritng ssumme r. Good 1m0ney for right mnl. Calt Beli 302-L, or adtdress or call on Geo. F. Brown,6th F Ifni- versify. gotf 11't, Ill -Stude(1nts in 11 sty n 11dsap 111.7. (100 11111. 11 co1u01111 to Wor 11d1ring,4vacatioG 1d onyI lt' t wot, ll ma ke11110 111'. 011111,1)1 fdndse Archit.ect tltlro for.s lln, 'sIISwork. TheI'ita \r to r COta ., .111d. S2tte, 21 lot.,e. e f1. Ire le-lflu~rnise ot forrll111110oft 1Ist biy soner.ble are. \itt hstc tOl rofeors.aWit~ ltl eay if arvance. Addt s 1). F.lane 1,308 ofGeddes AVrllCie 310 S. u' Sthepateot.,2111 flr.tn chailr oe aketg00111t '01 ed ate. 1 10 ISCXOIlO.Jt 01"11'1 ct10 Stetnorsosee ngaved"no-gift"0110110. tosett iors' ouat mit~ atis. Zead - kiteba,310 5. State, 2 floor.2-f 01111 11111 0 1110l10 1 6-t f.ii~ 1 FRTRNTE NOtttttt f01,737.TC\0E 711f Board of Regents Also Make Several Increases in Salaries 1\ tt tmting of 111 thI'Wardoof Re- 1110e1hi1t1ory1deprttmen1t.tJunior1011 It 110111 was aisedt t o fllp1lfssIti It tot 11100esor.C a m-1 tI I.t" Was111pro111ted111rom11assisttli l ot 1100111. tte itll too ti f $0111 otto C.0H.0 git ott was at~pmlted assit lnt frssor oill 111 Slnoto Ill he aw cc p ii llt, 1Ass 1.1Pro1 llolhoolc as 1Tiade 1p o it III of1law;11 JN arbaning oursummervaction it c 11 oneaetdyLaakeItis0the0mostY1110A Great Lakes are reached regularil b ost. tt00 Lines. "Thetenllatc teamers0'ofti 1100 proellettd bypotwerflcln'att 1 comnfaotThte UniltdWi IF ;l Tiekets resoing via anyrkJ, tnftoen Cleveland are available for trno.po=caI),,0 0A direction. TtheOD. & C.Late ineoeap. Detoit' and Clevelaind, foul'r Iltand and wapo, and to 0 and waypno. AISFClelnd '4t 1 t Speeial daylight trito eoc' il1 to 'f Hrnesoe2hop-Su t rail' _I }: cle lltt.t it'ool i A II 314 S. ST A T TE St F k ' THIOMAS ROWE, ro 326 N. Fifth Ave.f New Phonett4,5711) 'I Pae4tI AT TUTTLE & CO. - - u c o m01 You cat fiod a finline of o aecloono r 3.32 S. StAll .t tr4t' PI A dc d 1110111, N0t. 2.. Aftl 'ti 111111 ).lilt ..'11 . t. 1n11 C1 -111r1111111r1... . Hi11ss'otmith,. iIt111", 0/ I-c ...l'lttt t ' schalt1 k 111.1 id it .. .. NOtoittot, fli. 411. i, ft1F> Stoittt! lTCK i ()t)ellim, ()t the gelleral IIhI tI\% f)11 :lttefll()()lls wIll not increase the tildvil', Illtich, ;ls the stacl. .tre ll()t tcl he c)pelled. Yo',socarm get tt 01.11 rr Nit 0 itt We give satisfacticor 1 11 w l I c Crof me amr)trĀ°co f' HOLE PROOF Undorea sna Unajamas GOTHAMV Undrwear WAGNER & CO. IStt Nom Washy_ . BestEst 11001 1 )1 . I ". .F tlhiVel"itX ?Nbusic 'OJH le PRESS BUILDING'. MAYNARD ST. Nex110 tdort Ui' stytcol-tttl~ of Mttttt HITS FR~OM ",Madame Sherry," ",Sky-lark," "Love Cure," " Bright Eyes" and other late operas. Excitusive Agency for GIBSON MANDOLINS ~$1nvei M USI~C ibouse EXCURSION SUNDAY JUNE 12, 1910 To DE4TROIT, 60c JACKSON - - 60C BATTLE CREEK - $1.30 KALAMAZOO - $1.65 GRAND RAPIDS - $2.00 joeittanlae81 A. 11. ,o Michigan Central A' I PA C" 0 PA 4...-' i t. 10- 19El