A A rule in Buying clothes When you're buying clothes spend all you can afford but be sure you're getting your money's worth. STEIN-BLOCH SMART CLOTHES represent the biggest values to e had in clothes- dom. You can find here a STIIN-BLwcH sit at the price you can afford to pay-it will e the utmost in fine tailoring, fine fit snd material to e had for that particular amount of money. We court comparisons. Lindensohiitt, Apfel & Co. Millionaires Can Buy No Better Clothes Than These Adler Rochester Clothes No handsomer patterns, finer weave or richer shades aie to be seen anywhere, so come in it posible. HABERDASHERY Our line of Neckwear for fashionahle men has never been broader or more attf'active than it is today. Reule, Conlin & Fegel TRUNKS SUIT CASES HAND BAGS The most complete lne of tiroatty relable TRAVELL[NG A00ODS In Ace Ator Tunks - $4.0 to $40.00 Sat Cases - 88c to $2.00 we are sole agents for DUGUID'S Wall Truenks Mack'; ft Co. fLNIVERSITV NOTICEuS ar well ii li_ o1lg t :t 7( Trat:l1 teatt i ctre twil1ei r :30 todaylat At etctlileIts Soph lit cla-- mtingatrotomit8, t.at tR all at 4:00 p.i t oay- I"rs1 lit B sb l e m m itt Notling"- wtill h i u at :, ~it~h in Sat-alt Fasal ~cl al ( miso ill b hrgd r W e are closing out our entire stock of Men's Furnishings and Hats. EVERYTHING GOES REGARDLESS OF COST F 79711 North Vrniverssiy Ave. Of te past. 'Il, stil I \ii in v SihUivrity m wit th ret Sl itrl it c p ia (,f ltr. - t l ov tc lti d t I I ti l I t ({ ) }c i l t I rI c itt. Carlil illth llttirl (it t11ill 111It ithe \ittc ' 11c x \ml 14. ittl I All t111 tim tit lat S 1it t~~t il a l -\ m. Itit ill ca It ald qickly 111 i lt , ok - F ItAN 11 - It ivk's i O 1 t Ii tc ' tf his I Afr ian li. tit ; lit, il tl ll -pl- ti lit) I itl c t() It-i l.-i p\- 1C V- le lge ittt-t-- li i ii W 0 dayll c 111)11 ito i tc - 1 ' -till i c1i1 t lcs ;t tl Society Brand CLOTH ES',- . . -)I e2' lit iti tit t s eaonio It ' It'O t tof tt plctLt O its Yli - p t1 11. W 'w I rtIiait i rll i li1. s I W e I lt it t t lto Ititttlttt oit pII~ whA ich- for- anitlei it d t1'Sit tte. i JUEW H T NJWNE50WOROE Return of the Ever Flowule .- giILASA PN Nappy School Fvanisd I.F SEE the old Cermanri assr E the Little Hebrew Scholar--Hear " 1tls Gams of Child- hood Days"--Sonag Hits. This is the sameat sstn=ir last year i t'ai \IcI~ MEXICAN INDIAN BLANKETS Tihit NEWEST THING for year College Room, Den Libtrary or Music Roomt far Canoes, Rags, Coach coy" ers, tPortieres and Wall Decorations. GlORGEOUS COLOR EFFECTS ! BEAUITIFUIL DESIGNS ! ELECTI your FAVORITE backgrouetd COLOR: Crimona, Blue, Red, Green, White, Bltack 7tt$Sin. x Stt.10n............" 5.00 tElt. Stn. x 31t. 4te.- - -SAG..... 35 61t. 41n. xSat. Stn..- --,.5.50 Set of three (ie eof sethIif 50.00 SENT ANYWSEKEE CARRIAGE PREP~AI Order Today. Money Sck 41 Mexicant Hanud-Drawn lead Scarf? Made of tttest tore COLORISt-Whitet, Creatm, Blue, lied, BlackI. or atty special Iclor desired. Thse ontly PRlttl'I TillI Mt for Thet'atre, Optera, Datet aoranty Ee-itta tr. - -APRICE 51.0 CA'I£ TOF PRItIL. PACKING SHIPPING .En Godf rey 82. Office and Warehouse 410 Norths 4th Ave. DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Asnn Arbor medal Jackson Ltmited Cern:LEst B-ound- :t)0a.in. IS Limited Cars West Bond--:nt . i LocaltCars EastBond -i tiIllt43 In. a d e er 1111. 1tl.t ,,.t l ot ) pI i -I iatt l 5 .Illntlhl hot rt o i 1::) Lol Crs West Bound -:l')at. .l7:;ta t-tt.s-andillveryttwo hotur to 15loIn.I Money Made Easily By 5SubsceittonSeeitgfoI SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE For particularss regarding Liheratl CasCo- misin, e., addes atocedetk59, Scrib- ser's Magaztoe, 5 ifthitsAve,Ne-c York Lily Banquets, Dances, Receptions Country Clu Orchestra W. Dailey L. A. lisacket 1467 L 823 W i,' tliso ir 4 -I S It MARY YUILL aQ ~i YD prosatl i - The demand for seals mitt bte or E Box 0:1cc 1opentially san tduring the day Coming NextWekAn ra Show ..LWAR. T IlI BEST OF EVERY