Sprizvoand Summier 1910 M Our Spring Specials DESIGNS-Original and Exclusive COLORINGS-The Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-Pleasing and Harmonious -IN-_.. Suitings, Veslings Trowserings Now Ready foe Your Examination G,, H. Wild Company TAILORS 3111 SO. STATE STREET The "6S LI PEASY" BUTTON HOLE MAKES THE BARKER BRAND BUTTON EASILY AND SIT PERFECTLY MADE OF LINEN. BARCO SHRUNK REGULAR AND QUARTER SIZES 150 2 for 2551 WmBARKER C2 MAKERS. Sold In Ann Arbor by WAGNER & CO. State Street .i THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. 1 Oil , " Munaging Editor-EEcA WHITnE. i M)" l 11i. Bnaie (eaa Msies Mnager-CARLt. HO. AtAahdo 11 News Editor......._...Harold Too.th ~tuf;:Ikliti Assistant..... ....Harry Z. Fl i td ifti Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towsers qualityaiii\-11t Assistant......Arthur B. Moelmat it nhm Music and Drama...Earl V. Moore iitn Exchanges and Files.... Dion S. Birney Nittilct)sah EDITORIAL.h ate . m Lyman I. Brysons G. S lasher ii ti17a11itht Winthrop H. Lane. Dana E .1Jns sidcl ier1i Arthur J. .Abbott, ~lrse ia«a NIGHlT EITORS. H. A. Hinckley. A. J, Wohlgeisoti th f11, tt(fleii Morrts Houser. M. Mack Ryan. Frank Pennell. Fred Lasston. Pols11is0fllIti Harry G. Myser. aettelist ( REORTERS. f 'rth u i~crilt Charles H. Mylander. M. T. Tonliso. Frank W. Murphy. bores Robinsn. Vnit I psrf Harold McGee. tri h i. .1 r t BUSINESS STAFF C. A. Bowman. Noroman It.Itill. l1Ia 1 11i rc Myer Rubain. A. R. tDilley. ctur s~innt 1i Kesnnethn Osborn. __ Addreaa : MICtIGANoDAILY, Freon Bldg, "Maynard Street. I \L 1': AV Office Houtrs: Managing Editor, I-2 p. m. and tt o-i 30 p. mn. tDaily. $1 cii n ~n Business Manager, t-2, 7-8 p. innT x- cept Sunday. Both 'phones go. lchaintlii Ii ril. T~ti~ll V11Ct r I titit elicit'atlii 1Gi. \ N HA I 1Z CLASS NINES MEET TODAY;~ c( r>> tt Lila and Medics will Contest Chant- pionship this Afternoon tit' 1 1i i -1 h \'1 l(o t il t l,i 1', .1 ii IIe lit,; it d the sit r nt(is r o lieet in theit11nicilmiiin i stlt tin11(t11 tin it_ tal]01 t e I w ms il d 1)( tit w ) tin. s l iwttittied w ie 'Ii 111\ \111 t(Ic a1i ()i.. i n i ll het t ei rsi .i 11mai fati al i,'h(tlh it' ilt ( ex e i t (ii i() \ ifr 0 1e th r i t ta sit a h i a rth r Ittlilltime iii -.1 i 1 i I in iiii iti:i1e celntiihiiieltt iii " ii .\ ars thiht;ini l vc lii l :11)lit wilill ake_ th ltl l0 tel( til ast i i tl \1- t il c-a . N kit ii , il l tl l (r to a ls) (itn lih ( ii lst ."i i~ s0\n (i