d i.a ..____ __ -. Extr .. csality Bags arnd Medicine Cases AT { Q UA RRY'S Hotel Whitney The best piace in the City to dine Service A La Carte Sunday Dinners a Specialty T. C. CAPEN, Mgr. THE F'ARMERS AND MECHANICS BANS MAIN ANO tiURON STREEOTS Cap8iit $50,000 aurplut and Proits $10,000 G~eneraltBanking tBusiness. a percent paid on Time snd Savins Deposits. Safety De- posit Boxes to rent at 53.00 and upwarda ft. iettee. Itres. I. (G. Pry 'c ttINAs. Vice-Pres. If. A. W1Ltt.ttrI Cashier F. T. STOWF, Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capieal cteo(:o ,0111 Surpls $290,000 l"'Sc es $'', 0),000 A (Inneral Banking Busainss Transacted Urritettit Chas. Ei. iHiscockt, Pres.; W. D. Harrtman, Vice Pres. M. J. Fritz.Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK Wi. t3outI Otto. V. Shtteehan Wtin. Nrus I(I Dr. V. C. Vaughan cc1,. 11, W~ade tE . F. utll tOittc tiatter to. K~och Petitf. 11S Carhar H ienry W. Douglas Chrstia 1 c Muin Dan F. ZLimmernman FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF:\r itr? AROn, MICR. E3. it. lcNiN't. tIAitiON SODULE Pre's. Vice-Pres. S. IV. {iLAIKcON, Cashier. Capital, 4,10i,00. Suriplus antd Profits. $00,000. THE MICHItGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WANTED. MUSIC AND DRAMA Wanted-College mlenti Ict at cigentsc duritig soummer. Goodlmoney for 'SENI O IN ISTie iil.i I iIV. liC IAL, rightth1001. Colt Boll 302-L, or addifre ss it 11.1 reeIl" concert lwill hl i veni or call ott Gee. F. Blrown, i 1g(lt)Ui i e c t1o Auile thisevliening by versity. golf !c nh f t1e e t501I.r lclases ln seth (flit r Smtilliof 1lisler, Ilotted-i e e ntu for lir e s sa lclli 111,1Melon lliillof ('ie'i I' Protposilt in iii est. S e WcS N . ,n ell I.SI li\cl clii, 433 C.Unies ty, .:)0t1;(c1 I)lai iy. Al th e f t1e(151 111 cll1 1283-L between liii h urs.17L.3 'adio hav bIn-fqentl, ic1' I on11 the eltlcd 1 6161 t I litiiti ii to sel ,I ll.i' o te upls1rcial lii1 luitilil cliiplue tel cc uk ltr agiet. i11 te Ii 111 ;In( part iularsemiedb onlee i pt )) 7: ( (ii'- ill 1 41111111 ..1lTie t cteittiu ilc t. Gliersel l ac$l e r tip n Aleg11111 1 1. ittii . .111 cii Bay111C iy, iche. uf 1 1 75-6 . liii ill I itfit lielic out1 tc 14 tli flt if 1t1.Smithi . Leaiksebes ie indli 111 1111111 furcadena y Rinek No 1c claiii gii htooksitiorI'insuraneii' 11111cc.in Htih r ade, i legtmin ell l ie r nat 1 scuo tive R epllitiet s Ionly ffrom cla(-i t ll,*r) ' 1,1l :P es) P ittt ae, e111 ito. 1 ' 17111 5lli N- f1aned -tdn Foes 1r 51a.nd ' 1cn 1111 ire hid thfIee IC ill FOndNDape Architecture coursettif flee.drmC vaIIIonIN 1.1m n1.. 1 hre plasa t hafoim ite-gafi elicts Soitsre coliog corls 7ii leli & 5iiil 1the1ai111111 ild famteil ia tlecs aptittto, e W AV3h10 S Co. Sa foo t I & 1 1 31 SF lairTil l eher. tn Wendsae itea iet tors fo nl ettl e l l>ld .. ire. l i sie o 101e fratrlily salioiory S~ has6 ii slIe lulr-dlav ifseieni tteli3111m euneli:11s ctie . I ns0trauc t ir A IN1 O \'111 ill" Cirl gonIt ,Woe a e o rk.sFill frntace r-o il tiy fii 1i55 fot rlr tI. 3ithS.1Slab St Coastfeell2111tfleet tafiaif JN arranging your eamn 10 11 icara a tiyou lwill ejo . ,,. Cilis. The ten hlae 11111 no propelled byfowerul c ,Ic uift comfort, The Unitedllt Ticets readi niq 0ii aspa, tolitte_)I Clneeand diare ahh mi I fr " "p-trialrection. The D. & C. LacDinee oe I 1; Detreit and Cleeland, liu teete.; , 'ftt , Island anduway porI tsado. lilyfi l ChnseayCortsu ev eslanrT", C ut ~e I 25iceoIet c , I I i . Ds r i e t o it n r o te eve "r 'p p e ci l d a lig h Stiehnd ilceii sItairs Ii P1 . H I~STLAT . c ffil i.' Rowe'sLa1 320 N. FPuth Ave. New Phone451 Blli d cr t' .l AT TUTTL E& CO. L nhRo You can find a hine line ef Coi tulot Cteo ! p ? foateelo rce ItI:!aInit ~ Fain i2> hal {t 1 (;, . '11. s"> 0 o byN t a l i t, nl d P i t .1 )t ~CiujamAecitn ins Bank ICorxmx-ercia.1 ms.nd Ss.vlnags Car. Mew-itari. eud lbatvStnests Blue SergeS are now in season. We have a good assortment $28.00 and np---coat and troutsers. agtter r&rCu0, __ _ __ / Walk-Over's for Spring HURRY (Get n pair before they're gone. You'll like the style- You will appreciate the Snug-fit heel and no Gap ankle fit, and the wear will bring you back for more Walk-Over's. Ladies look in our windows for the new swell Pumps. E'XPEJRT REPAIRS WILE YOU WAIT Walk-OverCopn Compan I1 DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson Limitted Cars East Bound- '5 . in.,I1:t 4:50 p. i111. 7:50tp. tot. Limited Cars West Bound-9104 a. itt., 3130 Local Cars East Bound-'l) Detoit 55 mi., atdtil eryttottrt1.0 0:45p.tt. ToYps~i- III , o:15a. i.tadtalf toutlyt11th1) u al1:151l a. it., 12:30 a. itn . 1°0 a. in..T Salinei, ettatuon at VYpsilatei. LocalCars West Bound--it4ia.tti., 7:111a0 itt., and everuy tohourtileo 11:15p.in I FRATERNITIES Silver Links Rings Fobs Scarf Pins M. AR l..D COLLEGE WM. ANLJEW ELER 220 Souih Maia Streei. 21 Carriage and Bga $2.00. Foreah ruk o r ' tot pricer 01 l be25C ents, Cf I Ii or freom ull-sttairi, t iii te 50 Cents. Dror s a r equ 11 i e t o ii. i 0;1 fo 1cr .51t-an iffi ese ite 15 .JII. c c(). MOE'S BARBE S"1R a 705 North Universiiy Avg' O. A. M O.. ST. JAMES HOTEL BII ffff GOppost l(-triroWailfilc' CHARLIE S' BAI{BLI( SHO Under l'lu..ton iltimrd Iar: (I+'rnr 1 iii Ili if tue .1.1 tli cs N I y" lA' :,f; y _ , i Portrait Studio - 319 £