I' (' lAN DAILY Spring and Summer 1910 Our Spring Specials DESIGNS-Original and Exlusiveo COLORINGS-The Newest FABRICS-Dependahle RESULTS- Pleasing andl.iarnono Suitings, Vesings Trowserings Now Ready for Yor Eaminaton~ G. H. Wild Comupanly TAILORS 311; S. STATE STREET CLINTON - / The 66S LI PEASY" BUTTON HOLE MAKES THE BARKER BRIAND "C LI N TON@" BUTTON EASILY AD SIT PERFECTLY MADE OF LINEN. BARGO &Si BUNKO REGULAR AND QUARTER SIZES 155 2 f or2559 WMBARKER 02 MAKERS, Sold In Ann Arbor by WAGNER & CO. Sain Stret A. G.SPALODING & BROS. heSalding aetlar~estnll oil Trade-Mak o OFFICIALEQUIP MENT~irlitheti U~l'Nq, portand pstimes. I~ l 1I If yoare ioterooi,- !A nil in Ahleti post qO I U.9' of Ihn Spldino ('oi- r. tope. W a toooiPltei ,s nowno throughout Whats ew Sort the world an a WoaNwi pr (guara~nteeof ( nd tix et fre( oil 1 Qonoity. quet. A. G. SPALDING ea. BROS. Chieago.Detroiti visiting I Cardse.... THE M;ICHiGA'N DAILY. ltfola Ieg [du~io ,ITo o A NN 011. Buinessi z10 tzooIgei--C .1 IH.0.No 001. [tDT0 Neilo tidilor..... II ollrodTt lii Assiotaot. . .. . .... . .htart y /. t:O tz NAthletic Rotor... N. t lt crh.Towers001 Assistat..... .OAItotot'1B. Nlho 1101 ic ainodo Droaa Boot N rl . Aor lot liotoges andoI11Iles... DionotS. llirn 0 lDTOR'IMoo,0 Soyla ooi . tBryont. B. S. bashtr Vith tropl) I. lte. l Danat1'. lot 0. Arthuar J. Abotit. NIlT TlIToti'OiS - I. N. i ttototy. oN. J, 'ONototoc tttot NI tot' I Houser l ac v Pram. Penttlltt hieodt 1otttoot, llotrry (G. Motser. R>:olztl~R0t1 Ctootltso1I. (tylottotr. tMT'I.Tole Foroonk W.I Murphy~. Lril ol otot t Ilaotoo Tot N c BUSINESS STAFF C.. A. tl oiiio oma 1 111 Myes r Rubin. AN to Ditto~y Kenne10 thOsor0n0 1idess lobI000 GANti AIoo 110LY, o 0 tootolad Street. IOfioe o utrs: Mtanaootoo 1 Iotor, T-2 1). n a d I I :001 T :30 pt. mi. Dily.oot tBotintts00 lith00010mortig, is 01 de-~ ITK? 1101LIPT SUCCI.\l11T001 T L1t.I0C'i{}ly ATS 00III l\I to Thtomasto L00 ('on110,00toiltot1wr00f0t1 frr-naniilti terart class dieoo toO to - cultosis at his hotoeitn .1 orotoott. N o- gmit Saturodoy otigit. He00was to o wth t sudden o inessoshortly lo I irtheIt sprinigvacton and01011 itott it 1 I' wo t tuin too scootl. lCtrootintotoeoteote r ont the o ~it' u latoiosl eaooto 00 010o01t I0 01 00e AV" uto I iot. ,dSa ploo 1fth latest t i correct styles tot engraving Io lOittate medical 0e100ina 00ons will Ar sx (lys, une ) to2F, t o Itn lists O l 00 00 101110 101eve 11subjt'tt ,)f he11100days willhe iventioupJoto PracoiI tic i t t* 0duingt which Ot ttieitethot 1", r ly 001o g ott i "beOttn;.un 1011 willto Nl> NIfortette tolernwa 0t '0' 111ct ii1; 7 i. t c io l' 00 f thelv dearmetao- totCk 0fra'terti yto 0011001 the. ti1010 1wi to tohe 0000'sIt l t 0(1 ot toot k NI 0000 100' 'to <1111til c~II~a~g,11 0or1 11 F ( rv etti~rstudc ttll ottoc 0000000 a if t dis ,oto dc.0 I ]III 0tt t 0 0it ottol t .olt wt shal00 11is reltitohel toes lltoy or lo Cerai it tt is)' thatooellc l m imo i t he It y tngile00000 100In ltt thet important0 00 ne0000 oftit o 00100 an pro100000tes a 0 ttoak r g lm ni t hic too o f o tt 000000 lue0o00h ('oiemt. N t w - s i h ags 0" cg grd ae11ai0 n cxitl 10000 i tsubiption000 pr10c00 ogle tollar 100 000000n tttl'thich 1 i tncludes ol t" rsip l te \u il Ottototi oo tio n, 100is as t 'to 0 t.0 of0a0\- ~tto'r ot 0010class 0' 1100' 00g001 It's 00an 00 0-0000000 t decidedly oth O 011111 N III 5(VSSFM,5 0000 1111 N1L'It itItCAH NN LSS. 0 11cotoostheotrecetly-ttoiloKansasCity, I)r It'. N ti'tt't \ 00sO an0 important1100 itnetiss too' thoe'stateo Iti t' i otto exprtoor testi OIh 0 o a o te ito 10100sosen 111c o peo' oto'oto y' letbuloreo is lko 1 000 00000 Itt t t o 000000 otoor of te 'as0,' titc the) ae ple totdtoWitho- 1). to lIN '1Petersonl a(nd ' .'r11T. ~iiliic11tu o thet med~i l f - 1lv ef0 lcd ly o tr. Lois,1 1011 .t h re tc \vil atend he.Intenatooa. aketall10000000pa 1 tn t e iot lo' 0h0 )a t1wllI it(m o i o tto 0110000 l OVBRNONIBNT QEBI;IOS 0t.0\N I POSITIONS 010O 0000 ?S'II I'-1 Fore0010)y stet; ai oreo n Ito tot to NVl fifteenoo'oomt'ootoill o'cote 'i th 00urs0thi000a, Iroof. Filt R'I10otto to l(pial oo twooicethaotoon utmbero omen.otBestides'lotoe iteeOttl whoiihay cI tts \iol take00110po000011itios iorthto'0i i- 0010. Froo oot ilitico too tritoo' o - lub ia to, )llotot i 110 000ltwill Otto 0000000 0''I Itoi01 recetot itervioew, NWilliam S. Lusoh,coachbof the Y'Otto asoto ballo I 10011, picked Ihe followntg 100000a001i1 selectiont for ott oll-eastern basotbaitll 1te1am: Foowrovtds, Kiotool, Coluoombtia, 00000 Cros1b), Corntell; cnter, Fiinnessy,0 Otto guaords, 'Veeder, lPrinceton, oatoot e,o0 Columtobia. 'VToeColloge of .agricutltre of Matione gradtesa o 10111poitionsthan1001it 0000 supply1). TheMie7100"Campus" hastooptb- lisheod'01 list of s0010 of those poilo 000, owhichocall foor 11010foor ott kindof t1work. from pl1a1n0faroming lt o experimtal andt t reseoarchtoworto:olontg farmoitng-lineso. 1h1 paty' offeroed is fromo$30 a tmonth io d0 btotarod, to $t,2oo a y000. IPresidetool Hrris of .oiti 01ot s tn- oiooootmc lothat owng tlthelohoroacter of ttttoe orLeaof Clover, Ot othollge tootor- 0110 10010000i1s poublicoationt ttivotit OttIis otinued heloreafter. toonOtoe ssuel 0liil t caltldodownthOttw0001111of to' facty'o the Fouor Leaf Cloveor etlitoorsowereofol- loowiigtto leadolof "Lifo" wtoh an00i100 tro~per numboer. 0101 Choinoese nstodento of te Univer- ily of Peotntylvaonia hoavo organoizedt tn eoomoooiccoloub wiltth t-neek101metinigo. GRNNBBRS tBALICONY0. tnotirdter too avoiod oittirr'tooiit 0 000 110000nlt o visitors durtoing oassembltoieoftito desripion lTis apploies tooevtoo ' )I ing 010 100011a0 reguooilar assemies. 1%x 1000 0100hetmade. T hosei 00nlttaklingac lite 0 atorinItoproogramotareorespctfull Buins woto illtoootoe 100 10 1100000 cx cuetoo oiler ttoeNactodemtytBuildingot- 0100 ittg assemootbhu:, Ros rag 1II Youot0wi t m00004outiht, order early. otcto leave your 01 ate i t oil1lotcarts $1.25 to $3.50 100 ('J-00 I 0000 l tot 75C University Bookstore [ ONI 0)0I Clearing Sale Of10000toore at 10000:--0 oltsto- ofna 110r0allt o toc 011000 n1 0100 0c m j i th i s 00100 -010000000 00to'to I' toit '0 '1) le1. ticr ti to 0 00000 N 1;1 ooo'oo ' RAILEY & EDMUNDS E.LiEi. JO LY'Sror Mchga 308 S. S1317TEuSTREETi Lunchesi. , rnobblcco, Cigars and Cigaorettes. 0 iilr Ottoa r 00P 1 0 0 o 0 00 ooto ot tO 00000(S. o ne a aO e 1 0001> 0 cr tII i c 00100 ict ttI 00 1 ictth oI I to' II 0 i c dtot he Uni 10il . 000 0 IN00 0000 SI ' IC A IW0'X i001ut hc n 001c i PRESS BUIiLDING, MAYNARD ST. Nelt oortot Unitootitit Sctotot of .1100000c HITS FROM ",Madame Sherry," "Sky-lark,","Love Cure," ",Bright Eyes" and other late operas. Excusive Agency for GIL ON AANI)OLINS I 0 Fountainl ens SENIORS Order your Visitioog Cards 11ow Eo avoidldelay. 111at1 an~d 100 cards frornl $1.25 to $3.00. too cards from plate 75c. Sheetan & Co. STUDENTS BOOKSTORE 0t1 it 000 j: 00 000 00ur 000 tO .00i 0t 0 n-~ aty i 'A1nvev~itp fUsc ibous, s Ni,10)5 $2.135 $2075 $30.I5 $31.95 $4.75 II 001110 bONtI 00 0.000' 0' 00 0 0010 01\ to 0imlo ir 0h t o 0 otintiteito 00 o c iou I . 0'ltot 100 lt~r r. 0 m A 000. ib 00000l00 Itoen 0001c001000 .,i . tot1la ttll 00 0l. 10000h Ic trun Ann Arbor's Leadifl -o15 HETEF Dugs Thcatorium ~ ~Positively all the lates in picture prodluctioens tt t 121 waskllte to[. RANAL& PAC-W Photographers re 598