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October 06, 1909 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1909-10-06

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HieMichigan Daily
hN Xlilitti-i iMICH'lIA N, ~11. iftIA 1', 15hTOBIfif b, 5151). No. 2.

Vol'. X X.

Veterans Wat nes
Strong Rese
sTthdee t'ns ties'up'
up a anll ifigh ill
coidd al n troasy itest
aiful terfs e, citlrse
showed and thtnsfale It
prsmett paitg.only sr las or
tochededw aswecre snte third tendtt hew t
aftervinthe kik-p na
ltirigr m sitirraie
appitted a(Itle reser
irtyeard 's Ten Ai
lnth g lsasl betta.it
adis i mcnis ty arti
afersath e lsen tn
tadittg d h sifaild' n s ;dur
pristyu plin .POttsytt i ve lic.trs's :tt
ncedeto ssiseasureahctird ur d v
punted atdsthe lteset s (
dripkintgginthe l
sie sd. Os it sler teecleks
M- Is tile vt-sriealm ii" i
tistyyals.fisThesn s-isa
the ssgam e andsenIstsslka suibi."
Is' isis htledsl ou it s fst
Rog rs i isjsent if
s'goal -tisslins'eisss.
Ish sssihsigggi sst r is
ti-ndrusits I ts iss
isi"gs ibiegoing e iii 'Isse
trick-ascinluteen ickk,
ised ibt sate gti s ic l
T e by itscri'ssrf ti-ss'rsksy
%n av s crruying tse'baclI',
f the ioaliwas ssechd ree
tent''ar iund 'for ta Iou lle
"hn he trd u st niard.
srs h i ts'cha lk-mak.lIIls

silirsissi at c'sis
lFredi Isrtisli
li sisi aist tackles
li-ike osritlhe e
tcislsit qu isarer

;MlN XI INTR \°N lit R1C):i i I, S.LA. BiILLS MAN
;Vt oe Itredayofgraebeoe FAMED LECTURERS
ini thc Iiterarsy IDepat entlist ared
withiiitIsecisis iamsosf schustiir Wss tExplorers, Political Leaders, Au-
slit class of the schooli year laist summiser. thr Atis an Reom s
Thle frcshsian class is the reallyStastis-
hung fcalture t heltregistraionssi inte it , Will Appear.
erais lip te nt. i riciss I sist c ct -

lhe grauatcescl is sitlukecinsg f
nptil i tselray's 5sitdard of allini1 tee
f lirel- ver ss lets.
Regitrar IIall said51last nisght "\4I
art' greatly lessdiat te ists s~cin
fieLitecrryi Iets men llct Itils al an
betcretrceiiyeasr i t iissota e mrits -
First Year Eleven Awaits Coach to
Start Work.
freslimen'siwhi ss is'fiotbttaii prow.
ts will havet alc' extilts-entis'sss ilit
ts seclre eperiiencesam]sti inghtti ii
fall. lPrtisissls isai b ell tuilts efo r ilt
all-fresh footbdall leItec litis sig e
schedle an' hd lifrfssissal ica'sci
Dirtsor sshal tl it ssha ss uitsaied itsekit
Ititltt ttlalcachi t'i l huit nousli utu sit
titis Co~afeYit alTanrytpt
'ic.Ii noit prhtbas le thass tsefe
tripat'ofitewerk.clts 'it 's ntsel
to eeedadisablay to stilltiltskunti lt'
1 ic likis el y'andthkiiit5 its sittis -i
ti s ra stwirdays. lssgsts
h u gaeI hveilurey trict. 2'
'i ,he, t da iicitOcto'b'eii'2f
to t mee t ilt freshetfisticogismsil 0
'Tut sthe su I $ ntidy' isfi llrs'stlet d

ic s itt i'x l tistilti iiilist iii ra tin
'sitrir Iis )ist eslt ihsoldsithesirefts'd sFs-
55555 polar55mill andttit gtit ationsI futs
ing ttr r~ sit mi t ..T he't pver-
in ld, ti si t' , scitlois s,' ris s
iold l ls iii-s. Illit tutu 515551
it'll sit fl.(sl''l st i arstils edsiuled'' 2w
;gptri l I tutu hid tch ingtiler-i
fits k iu tttt t hit ei tsIhlutist' sit if st'c it't
ftenrr 1 I CampisCla sk shileade 'tt,'
111ismliii's n ihe 1louifso
s e r s n-ti l l l c t m i l t i c tt t a d d es's i l
cnttid "itIursy e P blc sits lit
111111 tilllapea uot hels lCouri'sei
Ilsn ic h sn t l~eit silt Stil stif
tnnIcreevditsri histsddress ;(t
hi :s Ip a aiii Iit l'itorit i all i
ti sill I iipitslarsilts ist s t lts is f
tell s Ta t, % Ills>ia s It itiwetl
it c is f itr st i l psture, gill
appar 1 ~cmhr . ic, a~t s cm ii
r lsfis : tilt d t-h otohi a i its
ll it t lben tde ' tol 555's et
tiem /'ac am s vlass"te al
sis l ls f r -l s f ter'l Ailt' It lit littIi isi
sire, Ian at' 55 1515f i'l popular51iitic
;(Pd ;ir is stif h ithe 'st ptis inel
isv tiss illssig ( A f cts' lls li-si
tituler ~ cc clitrus 1 it and 's I
firrt filsif ecntlit nc it'llpird
ft iii iiihtil litta~ c eil ll
The Ih~nad Ruilcrs ltesstifre
I tat 1t i s tpre ll itthe is s it sitfit sflt'
f s rei- inshi lls spit; irscet'ss's's' is d
a cccdcl hi." t ril ti lts' itilaslia
's~its stcitsc Ii ~l.] h
Nil 1ll1(1
Th p' pt'c s forJtil-scous e \\I sillst
sil/ 1 tilt lteripait ithe wseteksu T hlis
ill 'sit it c sti t its urcfsase$rs it tici-

li~i sf1TO 1( ihid (CAPtS.
Active's's stt sv arcit'betngtakflen tie
co lstse m st siof list clss f stssli
to coliifirin s'sot s ccli iss i d cliis lt
.11dstct sfthis "siotf5 th l -cu~
sits's';.if f'th t I casies and1 sfforts''ar'
b ing' itdcItitis I te an titlistfstil
fSudis'nt (''stil for ;ts plaist r1 ,oweltt th e
f r"111 l to i i tilt I C t Thiii lo
its'sfei t' ha isst 1, hi ouldti lwti alltumcd
lt sietsissl itft, ed e rils ;lii silt mI ci
M l is nt-i i it (cstm. Psi-
scilt'h i~ts' 1111 Ii lt e its ttiti sef t5
ut~t folt II(, ld liii he c stlilt
Ilc C tn t il hf itak stslto fcilisit
tlin t o'tI i."
Funds Are in Sight for Women
Athletic Field.
ifc si'cc'sc. c'sssss's'ss fo t, c
It' sisesi \tlstie Assoialttionit halt
lut'tilist tratfcsi tititi ite pa t f
ile silsilt iion 'Slep olo ,anou
irl ln"ls iiiiiitill lie I satilt tsr til
iit l litsoft$Sii sli
alo 555te amu M ts rgen1
turtd he ee fo th M itiells alis
le1vesitlas t srng I lh poit
ha sth liiak sa iiisi~ e tsi shuts 'raise
t fi it'ti er uliil the ~et ittt st its a
c i~y Ii tthis theailshItkistsdidfuel i
fit till 51a1gristile I tlills liini5l th 5115'
an'id --,cell'ttheill'' areinottli' 5551111riche
To ss ite k\Visciss"'sss
ifra postis' tle'i iit t'll' sits'for 'thisusssi
esiltS pendiss isng sits"tntie suiow-s
l itilt's' n hI \ ihial rld ae
.5iiiatnd i s ie i lls in Chiago itft'i' "tilnt
iothle's icl ug n, iAlts 't'ttt i s
S se t s' s'.27intts a s h, ait d assi $ 3_1litsit
more pro iscd. ( f itsis its" mo n
t';ooisfl iftlef Setit rist I iciliioi
ft1i'llt ii' th t (1 itied still il
iss lifis undhilddtuciti ar
th it I C1 fill- 'se1111 Is si ofIi N I
II iii i's' h i%('slts's thes ut, e t
i-til t hit si'll ( 'r. N il r
(soeui ts to tilts Iteld,lsd ilqfi s i
lion f crclioga cllh htitj~ lt i
_U l( iii i stillsC1.lits
test I Its itshtI ,t' IllhRSl')rVd
tt'tti Ilits' i i t'I'st''ti etttt''o si t
I itt_ ii.isid sits til l-D ul s I tilss
tehi tkin sum er tiol work sut
r C a1p I(>ard s, Attil, ing o st'dea t
t, barr itier ra ln n i ts r i d s
i-isat it s I o t6 11 t is il'-
i ls thtI e lid"d i t d p ti ii
c lita s ts I "osat's'''" (V'i batrrir
f t ias ia n sit 5f set1I tt'"tuut' So
A cou u'tt oft hestilt ilss I te ip it
' it ti lt t t e frotntur ids ni foi

First Year Men Fall in Trap
and Receive the Usual Treat-
I lesfuf e fuefacthatusthe faclsys hate
lad d ii s ironcu'ldsi i-si'sthat aly'st-
sp1dfrusts ci issitseeral fresyell
+esisut~glusisisy' si-r leuwtilgthe
ti:.jesi lv itthat'eist Inigtil usmlslde to.r
isl ' «tie swhimssof thu s usits.
fa smeisg iii he' ilcussit sas de-
-t 1 fluveal te fihat
notifyl tie fist ye'r miesI-h,
sirt's' lst t vearu ithuat hazing
iets'ousersted' Tliswis usdo5n
aftrnona itty vein tilgse
io~gllcs it taitus aitl
I ia h lse' ofi t he"rslt ut s
wa itsi frte sss t his'm SliT i
taisiji usoseureing siasfreshman
ndoftiterosusit.Tey werel
om fthel Sute otreet result
lissis 11freshmen5underg,.
Dater inthis eveninsg two Iso
rade. isi. S . Dis ivisioan
frsh itenswere us1tued.tefsr
Itfe ' cl o scisel- arsly' thr
frsetiu shmn ids1 ilitlironll c
rea ofthe lI uitshihosuse'
Diicreton was hrown sid
ee''tttt-year n'stt'us 'lull little
<eiis tohe gi venth ie fsct 'ha
slty' tutuset its fod own issu nsil1
Faculty to Discuss Questi
if bl thsh atu s i s h e 811ueIlicit
fise-thuis aftuno us. slit tecilia
usa tih ue ielio tthis S 5515 hy Il
Lsut useus thi rshtitfell uder
ofthis SacullsyS snit it wasiialliotul
ofiilsais 5 wo1ld noi st hbe
,Nr shtiltscur,1as has hben
itom it his' s's''suuu" is - sac Sucht
Iascxpis yforb lisuecn. 'T'he
CouitlusI satucetk tetsmatter
a iii 'ustuipln li"go aolih
tive hingstsets'i the timue fr I
its this aftrnoon, andtouviiIse t
si h as t l's thiesconfluict 115o1re u
his pla tus Iithbefor the
aldwslceId by Ithemupo titai
hhr t tl iehus 'This aft
('hislit tsChiaillutistod ef thin
nit suhi appeaus hedore te
to easuitits pieis iueregardig
t cash stilit li Ius It i s p isale th
theus' It ui sset ls t ls sell
Sfahlshing sut f regiu'latnilg it.
huintg tile fou15t1a115pell salea
u s t J._I. 'Skisusust ithus'prig"
Dwarins uk tesis1 tush he sldil I
wSa potsistion sui i lute'd litS
n c luteist k.111 tGrtest 111(1rt tle

Io titti i ;sI lls. 'Nois-
_11cis t ('I'tics ' 'loui.


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